I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1002: Split


Can’t make it!

Jiang Yuebai's heart was trembling as he looked at the ball of chaotic energy in his palm that could never take shape, his eyes widened in horror.

She had clearly figured out the composition of the light bulb in Lu Xingyun's domain, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't make the chaotic energy generate a specific light bulb in her palm.

"It's a scam! It must be a scam. Lu Xingyun deliberately made such a strange thing to deceive me. Maybe there are no light bulbs in her world. This doesn't prove anything."

"Yes, she just made up something without any basis. If it were me, I could also create something that has never existed in this world."

As she spoke, Jiang Yuebai began to use her imagination. A large amount of chaotic gray mist surged out of her body and gathered in front of her like a ball of mud. As she imagined, first a dozen different arms appeared, followed by the outlines of three heads.


There was a muffled sound of thunder above her head, and Jiang Yuebai once again felt the corrosive power of the Heavenly Dao. An indescribable great terror grew in her heart, making her shudder.

She quickly stopped and did not give life to the strange thing in front of her.

The strange thing fell into the grass like a puddle of mud, gradually melting into muddy water and seeping into the earth.

Jiang Yuebai's face was gloomy as he stared at the thing without blinking. Even though it had never appeared in the world of cultivation before, it had the characteristics of various species in the world of cultivation. He was just piecing together something, not a true creation.

At this moment, Jiang Yuebai truly felt the limitations of her own thinking. She used chaos to create things, and everything was based on her five hundred years of knowledge in the cultivation world, based on what already existed, and the experience of her predecessors.

She doesn't have any real ability to innovate, just like the machine system that Lu Xingyun mentioned.

Jiang Yuebai hung her head, feeling a little dejected, but she quickly cheered herself up.

"I've been a human, a demon, and a monster. What's the big deal about being a machine again? It's just a broken light bulb. In my Jiang Yuebai's dictionary, there is no word 'impossible'!"

The fact that she dared to break the rules and create a puppet with eight hands when she was a child shows that she is creative, but her creativity has not been fully developed yet.

Moreover, the ultimate goal of cultivating immortals is to achieve eternal soul, to break free from the constraints of the mortal body, to achieve unity of nature and man. So what does it matter if the body is trapped in mucus

Jiang Yuebai thought so and tried to comfort herself. When she was about to stand up, she suddenly shuddered. Her whole body instantly felt numb from her scalp to the soles of her feet. She fell down again with a pale face.

Are the rules and goals of cultivating immortals also traps set by heaven

Is it to eliminate their desire to resist, make them accept that their bodies are bound, make their consciousness as consistent with the Way of Heaven as possible, and use their thoughts to help the Way of Heaven evolve

It’s terrifying when you think about it!

Jiang Yuebai felt like he was about to split apart. Half of his mind was filled with Lu Xingyun's logical system, and the other half was filled with the logical system of the cultivation world.

What should she believe

Jiang Yuebai spread out his hands, and a red pill and a blue pill appeared in his palms.

"God damn it, I can't even make a capsule? It can only appear in the form of a pill? Dog God, you're going to be finished sooner or later, you know?"

"Jiang Yuebai?"

Wuweishanren's voice came from behind. Jiang Yuebai turned his head and saw her holding her head with a puzzled look on her face.

Jiang Yuebai turned around and spread his hands, "Senior, if I tell you now that the cultivation world we are in is fake, the real world is a hundred times and ten thousand times more cruel than here, and we are all kept in captivity like livestock."

"Take the red pill, and you will wake up and return to the real world, facing extreme cruelty. If you take the blue pill, you will forget everything and continue to seek immortality and eternal life in the world of cultivation you believe in. What do you choose?"

Wuwei's mind was still confused at the moment. She didn't know why she appeared in the Earth Spirit Realm. Her last memory was the moment she parted with Jiang Yuebai in the Chenxing Realm.

"Why? Aren't you afraid that you will die when you wake up? Everything you have now will disappear!"

Wuwei checked the condition of his body and said, "Cultivation is the process of eliminating the false and retaining the true. Since there is an opportunity to explore the truth, why should we continue to immerse ourselves in falsehood? Isn't this incompatible with the Tao?"

"Even if I wake up to face death, it is a sober death. If I hear the truth in the morning, I am willing to die in the evening. If there is a glimmer of hope, then I can reach the peak in the false world, and I can also reach the peak in the cruel reality. What is there to be afraid of?"

Jiang Yuebai opened his eyes and took a breath. This is what it means to have strong thinking!

She looked down at the two pills in her palm and chose...

Jiang Yuebai raised his hands, threw away two pills, and approached Wuweishanren, "Senior, how much do you remember? Do you know the whereabouts of Chongming Xianjun and the others?"

Wuwei Shanren looked at Jiang Yuebai in confusion. Jiang Yuebai sighed and quickly told Wuwei Shanren what had happened.

Wuwei Shanren was shocked after hearing this. After thinking carefully, he found that she really had double memories in her mind.

The first level was when Lu Xingyun guided her into the Tao, and the second level was when she broke through her innate ability and entered the Tao on her own.

And as her initial memories revived, she also remembered that she had expelled the immortal cultivation panel left by Lu Xingyun from her body, so why could it be restarted

"Senior, now is not the time to talk about this. The most urgent task is to quickly find the missing people. I have a very bad feeling that whether it is Lu Xingyun's system or our Tiandao, this time we have to destroy everything at the cost of a complete virus scan and restart."

Lu Xingyun also said that she would first follow the rules of the cultivation world. As for whether to break the rules in the end, she couldn't make a decision now and could only wait and see.

Jiang Yuebai suppressed the mess in his mind and said, "Senior, let's go find Shen Huaixi first, bring him back to the human race to help preside over the situation, and then look for other people together."

Wuwei nodded with a heavy face, Jiang Yuebai opened the space ripples, and the two of them stepped into the Tieyu Mountain of the Yiren Country.

At that time, Shen Huaixi was holding Ma Que's hand, preparing to leave Tieyu Mountain.

He had already received a message from the Immortal Alliance and knew that a major change had occurred in the world of cultivation. Unfortunately, a small problem had occurred in the country of foreigners.

According to the rules of the Immortal Alliance, a Divine Transformation cultivator cannot easily take action in the Earth Spirit Realm unless it is a matter of life and death for the realm.

Shen Huaixi could not care less and took direct action to pacify the entire Yiren Country. He used his medical skills to forcibly improve the cultivation of several loyal subordinates and had them manage various parts of the Yiren Country.

After doing all this, Sparrow will be free of worries and go to the upper realm with him.

Suddenly, a space ripple opened up, and Jiang Yuebai and Wuweishanren walked out and ran into Shen Huaixi and Maque head-on.

Seeing the two holding hands, Jiang Yuebai raised his eyebrows and smiled.

Ma Que blushed and tried to pull her hand back, but Shen Huaixi held it forcefully and did not let go.

"Ahem~ I won't say congratulations. The situation is urgent right now. Once this incident is over, I will personally hold a ceremony for you. Let's go back to the upper realm."

Jiang Yuebai spread the space ripples directly outside the Observatory. A group of four people came back from the Earth Spirit Realm. When the Star Alliance manager stationed in the Observatory saw Jiang Yuebai, his eyes lit up and he hurried to meet them.

"Something terrible has happened, Dao-Jun Wangshu!"

It will be honored as 4 stars tomorrow, and I will start updating tomorrow. I will take a rest today, hahaha~

See you tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)