I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1004: Kunpeng Eyes


Jiang Yuebai sat on the top of one of the peaks of the circular mountain range outside Qingyun Realm. The night wind was cold and the fallen leaves were rustling.

She stared intently at the chaotic energy gathered in her palm, which continued to expand and contract, but no matter how hard she tried, she could not turn it into a light bulb.

The gas shield outside the Qingyun Realm must be Lu Xingyun's system, which was set up through disguise and borrowing the rules and power of the Heavenly Dao. Because in the world of cultivation, the system must also act according to the rules of the world of cultivation.

Since the rules and power of the cultivation world cannot break the gas shield, what about outside the cultivation world

Lu Xingyun said that he wanted to use the creation light bulb to prove that the world of cultivation was fake. In fact, there was another deeper meaning in this, which Jiang Yuebai realized only at this moment.

Lu Xingyun wanted her to explore and master the power to break the inherent rules of the cultivation world by making light bulbs.

It is to let her learn to create new rules, rules that are beyond the knowledge and control of the Heavenly Dao, and use her new rules that belong to her alone to destroy the Heavenly Dao.

Chaos has its own particularity. Jiang Yuebai feels that chaos should be controlled by intelligent creatures like humans from the beginning, so that with the help of humans' boundless thoughts and creativity, the greatest effect of chaotic creation can be brought into play.

But now, chaos is in the hands of heaven, and has become a tool to rebuild the world of cultivation every time chaos destroys the world.

Jiang Yuebai could clearly feel the restrictions of heaven on her at this moment. In this world, she had never been free.

But the body can be imprisoned, but the mind, definitely not!

Jiang Yuebai faced the challenges head-on like a stubborn bull and tried stubbornly over and over again.

At the same time, she had three other consciousnesses that transformed into her own appearance and sat under a tree in the depths of her sea of consciousness, in the realm of enlightenment.

The three heads gathered together, staring at the mirror that appeared in front of them, which contained all the memories of her contact with Lu Xingyun.

Jiang Yuebai imitated the movie, placed it in the mirror, played it over and over again, and tried to figure out every word Lu Xingyun said.

After reading it for the tenth time, Jiang Jiabai folded his arms and frowned, "It's useless to read these now. Even if we can break the air shield and wake everyone up, I'm afraid we can't avoid the system's death. The Heavenly Dao must format it and kill all living beings along with Lu Xingyun's virus."

"Creating death" is a new word that Jiang Yuebai learned in Lu Xingyun's field. It feels more vivid than "killing" and "destroying to death".

Jiang Yibai said slowly, "The Way of Heaven is a collection of rules, and rules are the weapons of the Way of Heaven. Can we take away the rules of the Way of Heaven and use this to stop the system and the Way of Heaven?"

Jiang Jiabai and Jiang Bingbai looked over at the same time, "Seizing the road?"

Jiang Yibai nodded, "Once a cultivator's Dao Fruit is taken away, his cultivation will be greatly reduced. This will prevent them from overcoming the tribulation, and also prevent the Heavenly Dao from sending down the thunder tribulation."

"Besides, now the system has pushed the Heavenly Dao to its limit. The Heavenly Dao can only send down the calamity according to the rules. If it causes the destruction of the world, it can only destroy everything and then rebuild it. So as long as everyone does not go through the calamity, the Heavenly Dao should be able to stop."

Jiang Bingbai nodded, "This is indeed a solution. The Chaos Dao Fruit can just devour and dominate other Dao Fruits. But speaking of this, I suddenly thought of Fu Zhang."

The three Jiang Yuebais looked at each other, and Jiang Jiabai said, "Yes, Fu Zhang pointed it out to us at the beginning, saying that Chaos can dominate other Dao Fruits. Could it be that Fu Zhang is also Lu Xingyun's man?"

Jiang Yibai rolled his eyes, "Most of those trapped in the Qingyun Realm were chosen by Lu Xingyun, and Fu Zhang was among them. The answer is self-evident."


The three Jiang Yuebai exclaimed in unison. If the whole thing hadn't broken out suddenly, she might not have been able to figure out how many pawns Lu Xingyun had planted in the world of cultivation.

"Continuing with our previous discussion, seizing the road is one method. In case of failure, do you have any backup plan?" Jiang Jiabai asked.

Jiang Yibai rested his chin on his hand and thought, while Jiang Bingbai expressed his opinion, "Retracing, is it possible?"

Just like before in the Demonic Abyss, everyone died, but she found Mayfly and turned back time to a time before anything happened.

If it is feasible, can we try it over and over again until we find the real way out

However, the mayfly and the river of time are also under the control of the Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao is determined to format them and will probably not allow her to go back.

"After all, the Heavenly Dao still needs human consciousness to create it. If that's the case, then even if everyone dies at this moment, it doesn't seem to be a big deal. As long as the Chaos Dao Fruit is still in our hands, we can recreate all these people."

Jiang Yibai asked, "It's OK to create a body, but what about the memory and the soul? How can we ensure that the newly created person is still the same person? Even if a person who looks like my master stands in front of me, if he doesn't recognize me and doesn't remember what happened between us, then he is not my master!"

Compared to a body, memories and emotions are the most important core.

The three Jiang Yuebai fell into a long silence again. It seemed that there was no optimal solution at the moment.

After a moment, the three Jiang Yuebai looked up and decided to start preparing according to their own ideas.

Jiang Jiabai continued to follow the main consciousness and tried to find a way to break the gas shield.

Jiang Yibai proposed to seize the road and began to formulate a plan to seize the road.

Jiang Bingbai suggested going back to the ancient times and looking for Kunpeng at the bottom of the sea in the Liantai small world to see if he could see the mayfly again.

The three Jiang Yuebai disappeared together in the realm of enlightenment, and an incarnation of Jiang Yuebai's consciousness appeared in the sea of the lotus platform small world.

In the past, Jiang Yuebai needed Yu Chen's help to find the spirit of Kunpeng deep in the sea. But now, after she advanced to the fusion stage, the spirit of Kunpeng has become powerful and solid, merging with the lotus platform and becoming the spirit of the lotus platform.

Jiang Yuebai easily found Kunpeng and still stayed in front of Kunpeng's huge eye filled with stars.

"Kunpeng, can you take me to see Mayfly again?"


Kunpeng made a low humming sound, and the sea water around Jiang Yuebai vibrated slightly. She received the divine thoughts of Kunpeng's spirit.


Because the long river of time has been closed by the way of heaven and has lost contact.

Jiang Yuebai's heart sank. There was no way back. Perhaps Heaven had anticipated that she would do this, and therefore blocked the river of time in advance.

Jiang Yuebai looked up at Kunpeng's huge eyeball, and suddenly, she had an idea and raised her palm to press the eyeball. The moment her palm touched the eyeball, her whole consciousness suddenly saw a vast universe.

The nebula is vast and the light is shining, and every star seems to be looking up at the world in the void.

(Internet picture, for reference only)

Jiang Yuebai withdrew her hand and regained consciousness. Everything seemed normal before her eyes, but she suddenly realized something and stared at Kunpeng's star-filled eyes with some disbelief.

"Since I can't see the mayfly, I'll have to trouble you to help me keep my memories of this life."

Jiang Yuebai slowly reached out his hand to the Eye of Kunpeng again, copied out all the memories of his life, and left them in the Eye of Kunpeng.

Be prepared for whatever is coming your way.

At the same time, Jiang Yuebai, who was on the top of a mountain outside Qingyun Realm, suddenly stood up and thought of a way to open the gas shield.


(End of this chapter)