I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1013: Bet once


Taoist temple in the mountains.

Looking at the handsome, resolute black-clad swordsman in front of him, who was as tall as a pine tree, Lu Xingyun raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"It seems that the power of the Heavenly Dao is really weakening, and the people in the Immortal Realm can't be controlled and released. Since you don't even dare to reveal your true face, you might as well not come if you want to borrow someone else's body."

Lu Xingyun had been keeping an eye on Jiang Yuebai, so he could naturally recognize at a glance that the person standing in the weeds was Zhuo Qingfeng, but his eyes showed that there was someone else inside.

Lin Feng, which means chasing the wind.

Lu Xingyun used his sleeves to sweep away the dust and fallen leaves on the stone bench in the yard and sat down confidently.

"Are you here to give me a ride, or are you here to kill me?"

A cool breeze blew from Zhufeng's body, and when he took a step forward, he no longer looked like Zhuo Qingfeng, but had his own eyebrows and eyes, which were not handsome but clean and sharp.

He looked at Lu Xingyun with complicated eyes. He had already learned everything that happened in the world of cultivation through the old blind man from the Mermaid Country.

"Why don't you enter the fairyland? It's not that I can't help you!"


Lu Xingyun sneered, "What's the point of the Immortal Realm? Earthly Immortal, Heavenly Immortal, Mysterious Immortal, Golden Immortal, Daluo Golden Immortal, and then to the Immortal Emperor level. Tell me, what's the difference between this and the Qi training, foundation building, golden elixir, and then to Mahayana in the world of cultivation?"

"It's just that I've adjusted all the parameters a little higher for you, and put you in a new circle. You still practice from the bottom to the top, and I'm using the so-called God Realm to lure you. You still have to take away immortal herbs to make immortal medicine, and explore immortal palaces to find immortal treasures. Apart from the different names, what's the difference between this and the cultivation world?"

“What’s more, all of you who have been able to pass through that immortal gate have been ‘tamed’ by the Heavenly Dao. You have completely accepted the rules arranged by the Heavenly Dao, abandoned your physical bodies, and sought the eternal existence of your souls, the unity of heaven and man, and no longer have the desire to resist or seek the truth.

"Also, you have spent your entire life and risked your life to become immortals. The sunk cost is too high. I am not sure I can convince you immortals to help me with the way of heaven. If I go to the immortal world to cause trouble, that would be courting death!"

In Lu Xingyun's opinion, people in the world of cultivation are like newborn babies, whose values have not yet been formed, but who are full of curiosity about the world and have infinite possibilities.

And embarking on the path of cultivating immortals is actually a process of being tamed little by little according to the rules of heaven.

Just like the adults in her world, no matter what earth-shaking things they wanted to do when they were young, 99% of them became office workers when they grew up, working day and night to move bricks.

You have to make money, buy a house, get married and have children. After the children grow up, you continue to make money, buy a house, get married and have children, in an endless cycle.

Helpless and sad, she even suspected that her world was also controlled by some advanced AI, causing humans to survive in this repetitive cycle.

In the world of cultivation, cultivators who have passed the immortal gate are like social animals who have found jobs. They identify and accept the survival rules of society and proceed step by step.

Practice, look for resources, kill people and steal treasures, continue to practice, continue to look for resources, continue to kill people and steal treasures, then go back to practice again, keep climbing up until you enter the next cycle, which is the so-called realm of gods.

They think they have become immortals and can destroy the world of cultivation with one punch. But who would destroy the world of cultivation every day for no reason and look for a sense of accomplishment in low places

Just like in real life, normal adults don’t go to kindergarten to fight every day.

Their passion and original dreams have been worn away by training and survival, and even more so, their courage to break everything and change everything has been worn away.

This is also why she chose to do scientific research and explore the unknown.

Zhufeng disagreed with what Lu Xingyun said. The reason why cultivators cultivate immortality is not just for immortality because they are forced to do so and can only keep moving forward repeatedly. It is also about exploring the relationship between man and the universe. Cultivation is not without merit.

But Zhufeng didn't want to say anything. With different backgrounds, experiences, and opinions, there were already too many differences between him and her.

Instead of refuting the nature of becoming an immortal through cultivation, he suddenly realized something. He had been following her footsteps, making elaborate plans to stop her from destroying the world of cultivation, but in the end, he was not in her game at all.

She even deliberately tricked him into the fairyland and locked him up!

So all these years, she just watched him jumping up and down and making a fuss in silence, without doing anything to stop him. Was it because there was no need to stop him? Was she just watching the show

This is her character and it is what she can do.

At this moment, Zhufeng felt that he was extremely ridiculous. From the beginning to the end, he had never entered the heart of this ruthless man.

But Zhufeng still couldn't let go of her, as if he was under a curse.

"Can destroying the world of cultivation really allow you to go back?" Zhu Feng asked with difficulty.

Lu Xingyun sat there and looked up at him. He thought for a moment and said, "Not necessarily. The probability of being able to go back is less than 10%."

Things like wormholes may not always remain in the same place.

Zhu Feng clenched his fist, "You dare to try with less than 10%?"

Lu Xingyun laughed, "Don't you know that I am not only an alcoholic, but also a gambler. If your last name wasn't Lin, I wouldn't have bet on you."

Zhufeng's heart felt like it was cut by a knife, but he couldn't help but ask the question that he had always cared about. He was afraid that if he didn't ask, he would never have another chance.

"Eh? Hey, stop it!"

Lu Xingyun raised his hand to interrupt Zhu Feng.

"Don't ask me. I will tell you myself. If you really say that, I can dig my toes through the world of cultivation."

Lu Xingyun suddenly lost his mind, thinking about how his sister was learning to write a domineering CEO novel, about the breakup of a man and a woman. When she saw the question about "have you ever loved?", she felt so embarrassed that her head itched.

Well, now this irritating problem has hit her head again.

Should I start with 'You are a good person'

"Hey~Zhu Feng, you and I are both adults, so can we look at things more maturely? When I am with you, it is because I truly love you that I am with you. But when I leave, it is because I really don't love you anymore. There is no hidden reason or other complicated reasons."

"I'm not the kind of person in novels who says one thing and means another, who claims to be doing good for you and says she doesn't love you even though she's in love. There's nothing to get hung up on. I understand your feelings. It's my fault for not having been more resolute and clear with you back then. It was mainly because you said you wanted a child, and I was scared."

"You want to explore my feelings because you can't let go. That's your problem and you should solve it yourself. My answer is not that important. But no matter what, I dumped you when you were deeply in love with me. I have let you down."

Lu Xingyun seemed to sense something. He stood up, looked at the sky behind Zhufeng, and walked step by step to Zhufeng.

"In this world, what goes around comes around. I am very grateful for your companionship. You also said that if you had the chance, you wanted to go to my hometown with me. Now it is your choice, whether to continue to immerse yourself here or to go with me."

"Perhaps in my world, you will discover more novel things, find that love between men and women is not a necessity in life, and find more meaningful things than love between men and women. Do you want to give up everything you have and take a gamble with me?"

Lu Xingyun stretched out his hand in front of Zhufeng.

Zhu Feng stared blankly at Lu Xingyun's unruly face, and suddenly felt that his hands weighed a thousand pounds and he couldn't lift them at all.

The wind rises and the leaves fly.

The heart chasing the wind is moving.

A blinding white light spread from the horizon. The corners of Lu Xingyun's lips curled up slightly. He smiled at Zhufeng and stepped back.

Zhu Feng's heart trembled, and he stretched out his hand to grab forward. The two figures were swallowed up by the white light...

Everyone has different opinions about whether Xiaobai is data or a real person. We can regard Lu Xingyun in the book as a real person, and we can also regard Xiaobai as a person. My opinion is that the people in the cultivation world are data in Lu Xingyun's eyes, and are living people in Jiang Yuebai's eyes.

Including the next chapter, Jiang Yuebai also said that the world can be fake, the body can be fake, but memories and feelings are always real, and this is how she determines the truth.

I also know that I am not at the level of The Matrix, so I can only borrow the concepts from it. Lu Xingyun told Jiang Yuebai that the consciousness of everyone in the cultivation world is human consciousness, and the flesh and blood body may be in another world. What it looks like specifically is still for Jiang Yuebai to explore. I may not write about this part in depth, so as to leave a suspense, or continue to string it together in the third book in the future.

We can accept soul-travelling, so why can't we accept the various states of beings in the world of cultivation established by consciousness? I am just tired of seeing all kinds of destruction of the world, so I suddenly rebelled and wanted to innovate.

If I am really bothered by the fact that Jiang Yuebai went through so much cultivation but ended up with nothing but statistics, I can't force anything. After all, they are all novels, stories, and are all fake.

I have used my limited knowledge to try my best to complete the logic in the book. If there are really loopholes, I hope you will tolerate them.

(End of this chapter)