I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1019: [Closing remarks]


[Closing Remarks]

I wrote from October 2022 to November 2023, a little over a year, and except for one long vacation, I basically worked regardless of rain or shine, and finished a book of 2.49 million words. I feel pretty good about myself.

What I dare not imagine the most is that by the time this book is finished, it will reach the honorable four stars of Qidian, with 310,000 fans and an average rating of 3517!

Let’s not compare myself with others. I’m just saying that I’m very, very, very satisfied that my first book has achieved this result.

Thank you to all the fans who have supported me all the time, whether they are from Qidian, Xiaoxiang, Qyue or Hongxiu. Without your love and support, this book would not be what it is today.

Of course, thanks to the editor who has been helping this book apply for various recommendations and promoting it vigorously.

Qingxie would like to thank everyone here!

You may not believe it, but at the beginning of this book, I intended to write a story about a person with deep hatred and vengeance, and all kinds of difficulties along the way, because I was at the lowest point in my life at that time. For a whole year in 2002, I suffered a series of setbacks at work, and was stuck in the abyss, unable to get up. At one point, I doubted that I was useless.

Finally, I simply gave up everything that happened before, put aside my utilitarianism, and calmed down. Before the Chinese New Year, I started writing this book in September 22 (in fact, I have written some mediocre things before, and writing has always been my hobby)

The result was so unexpected. In the first month after the book was put on the shelves, the royalties from the book exceeded my previous income. At that time, I really felt like a ray of light shining into the valley, and my whole body was brightened.

I once thought that no one would like this book and I was just being self-indulgent.

After that, the style of this book began to deviate, becoming more relaxed and cheerful, because I, Qingxie, stood up again!

I believe everyone can feel this point. Before Xiaobai went to the mine, the overall tone of the story was rather heavy. It was not until he came out of the mine and Xiaobi shined that Xiaobai began to soar and reach the peak of his life.

This is completely influenced by my state of mind. Some of Xiaobai's characteristics actually have some of my characteristics, such as greed.

My childhood experiences have made me like buying useless things. I don’t really need them, but I have to buy them, keep them at hand, and occupy them.

In fact, many people in the book also complained about Xiaobai’s greed, but as a real person, I can’t overcome it, so it’s normal that Xiaobai can’t overcome it.

Of course, most of Xiaobai’s qualities are what I expect but cannot achieve, and they are the result of my beautiful imagination.

Most of the cultivation novels I have read are ruthless, and the heroines always walk the path of solitude. I am a rebellious person myself, so I don’t want to cater to the market and write about a heroine who is doomed to be alone.

Regarding the whole book and the ending, I actually know that there are many places that are not handled well. After reading everyone's feedback during the writing process, I discovered many of my own shortcomings. I will try my best to correct these in the next book.

The pace of the book's later stages is indeed faster, because I am still relatively inadequate in my control over long novels. Plus, I used to give up on books before reading the later stages, and I couldn't learn from other people's experience, so the later stages were a bit rough. I will learn from these experiences and lessons and work hard to improve.

As for the ending, it was also because of my rebelliousness and not wanting to follow the crowd that I borrowed theories from The Matrix and wrote this not-so-perfect ending.

Some people may not like it, and some may be disappointed. I apologize to everyone here! I will continue to write the sequel and make up for the parts missing from the main text in the sequel.

Then I plan to take a two-day break, collect everyone's comments and opinions on the extra chapters, make a list of the extra chapters to be written, and start updating the extra chapters on Monday.

So there will be no updates on Saturdays and Sundays. Starting from next Monday, which is November 27th, the extra chapters will still be updated twice a day, and the rules for additional updates remain the same. Debts will be repaid with extra chapters until the extra chapters are finished.

Also, let me tell you first that after the main text is completed, I plan to read my book again from the beginning, and will modify the previous parts that are not so good based on everyone's complaints, especially the part before it is put on the shelves. The main plot will not be changed, only small details will be modified, and some chapters containing personal attacks and spoilers will also be deleted.

I will also put the illustrations contributed by all the big guys into the corresponding chapters of the main text. I would like to thank all the big guys here. Those who can draw are awesome!

So new readers, don't read pirated copies, because pirated copies don't have subsequent modification services and illustrations.

Finally, about the new book.

The new book has been confirmed to be about the supernatural, rule-based supernatural, and there will definitely be no CP. It may be that the modern and ancient worlds are intertwined, or there may be some changes. It cannot be completely confirmed at the moment.

In the finale, I have laid a little bit of the background of the heroine of the new book. When the extra chapter "The Legend of Xingyun" comes out, I will add a small part as a preview of the new book. Don't miss it then.

The new book will begin serialization in early March next year. After I finish writing the extra chapter, I will have a good rest during the New Year.

(End of this chapter)