I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1022: [College Entrance Examination III] (asking for monthly tickets)


Shen Hui glanced to both sides and saw that the disciples of Tianyan Sect all had happy expressions on their faces and answered the questions easily, while most of the foreign cultivators like her had their eyes wide open, looking at a loss.

There were only a few who seemed to be from Ruyi Sect, and they were stumbling over and writing something on their palms.

There happened to be a disciple from Tianyan Sect writing answers on the other side of Shen Hui. Shen Hui couldn't help but stretch her neck to take a peek.

Several golden lights suddenly emerged from the stone pillar in the center of the square, falling accurately on various places in the square, and one also appeared in front of Shen Hui.

[Looking around, warning for the first time]

Shen Hui was shocked and quickly turned her head back. She saw from the corner of her eye that golden light was still shooting in all directions from the stone pillar. It seemed that many people were stumped by this question.

Shen Hui told herself to stay calm and not move on to the next question.

The further Shen Hui flipped through the pages, the more dumbfounded she became. In addition to Taoist scriptures, spells, and numerology, these test questions also involved alchemy, talismans, medicine, formations, and puppetry.

Moreover, the angles of the questions were so tricky and strange that Shen Hui had never seen before. There were not many questions she could answer. The only thing she was thankful for was that 30% of the questions required choosing A, B, C, and D, so she could still try her luck.

After taking the exam for more than half an hour, Shen Hui's face turned pale and her mind was shaken. She almost couldn't hold on.

Suddenly, a yawning sound was heard. Shen Hui bravely tilted her head slightly, and with the corner of her eye she saw a female disciple of Tianyan Sect not far away who seemed to have finished answering all the questions. She stretched her arms and stretched her body, and finally put her hands in her pockets, tilted her head, and actually began to sleep!

Is this question so easy for her

Not only Shen Hui was about to cry, but everyone else around that female disciple was also gnashing their teeth in hatred. Why was the gap between people, no, the gap between people and demons, so big

Wait, sleep? Dream? Isn't that her home ground

Shen Hui's eyes lit up, and she secretly glanced at the stone pillar in front of her, activated the dream killing technique, and sneaked into the dream of the female disciple to steal the answer.

Just as Shen Hui fell asleep, in the misty white fog, a giant black beast like a giant Buddha was squatting in it. The hard hair on its head was like a sharp knife pointing straight to the sky, with a majestic and awe-inspiring aura.

Shen Hui, who had transformed back into a little beast, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, "Mirage... Mirage Ancestor?"

The thorny man opened his eyes slightly, raised his lips to reveal his fangs, and made a threatening sound towards Shen Hui. Shen Hui was immediately hit hard and was brought back to reality.

[Peeping in the dream, warning for the second time]

Seeing the golden light flashing in front of her, Shen Hui felt a little scared.

What kind of exam is this? They actually invited the Mirage Ancestor of their Mirage Demon Clan to be the invigilator

Is the Tianyan Sect so powerful

Speaking of this Mirage Ancestor, Shen Hui didn't know when it started, but in the memories of all Mirage Demons, the ancestor of the Mirage Demon clan was a man with hard hair on his head.

To the extent that now all mirages like to lick each other's heads and use their claws to rub the hair on their heads into sharp thorns.

However, Lord Youmeng, who was beside the Ice Demon Lord, particularly disliked this. Every time he saw the hard thorns on the little mirage demon's head, he would go up and scratch it without thinking, and then the little mirage demon would cry in pain.


Suddenly there was a scream, and someone was knocked away by the golden light of the stone pillar. Then, several others were thrown out after being warned three times for cheating.

In addition to the human race, there were also disciples from the demon race who transformed into humans. They were scratched and sent flying by the cat demon in the Nascent Soul stage wearing an inspection vest.

Shen Hui quickly calmed down and dared not act rashly again.

After the written test, some were happy and some were sad. Next came the martial arts test. Shen Hui thought it was a fight in a ring and was nervous for a while. Unexpectedly, the martial arts test had so many twists.

What about running back and forth for hundreds of miles, what about using a dragnet to catch ghost lanterns...

There is also hide and seek, real hide and seek!

They hid in a forest by relying on their own abilities, and the cat demon Danggui searched for them one by one and eliminated them when he found them.

Camouflage is the mirage's strong point, and hide-and-seek became the only project in which Shen Hui got a high score.

An exam lasted for three days, and then we had to wait for another half a day before the comprehensive results came out. It was still in the original square, with a huge light curtain hanging in the air, with everyone's name and place of origin on it.

When Shen Hui pushed through the crowd and ran over to take a look, the front page was filled with people from various branches of the Tianyan Sect. The elite disciples from other sects and families were all in the middle and back.

No, there was another person from Ruyi Gate who actually made it into the top 100.

Shen Hui tried hard to look, but her name was actually the last one.

So, her master Shen Mingjing taught her with great effort for thirty or forty years, but he only taught the last one. How would she explain to her master when she returned

"Hahaha, after thirteen years of hard work, I finally got into Tianku Peak, hahaha!"

Some people cried with joy. He did not pass the exam for the 21st True Lord, nor the 85th True Lord. He just barely met the admission line of Tianku Peak and was admitted to Tianku Peak as an inner disciple.

Even so, there are still many people who are jealous and sour.

The name of each person on the screen turned into a golden light, which fell accurately into everyone's hands and turned into a long jade stone with the words:

[Take the results home and ask the elders to check and sign. If you violate this rule, you will have a crooked mouth and slanted eyes for one month.]

After seeing the words clearly, many people's mouth corners twitched, and their mouths and eyes began to crooked.

Not only does he kill someone, he also destroys the entire clan and family, how vicious!!!

Shen Hui was about to cry. She was not afraid of being scolded, but she was afraid that her master would not be able to accept this result. She was already the smartest demon in her master's school!

Shen Hui was filled with anxiety and sorrow. She took the jade stone that would fly back by itself if thrown away and returned to the Demon Realm to see her master Shen Mingjing.


After the college entrance examination, Shi Xiaoman hugged her uncle Master Danggui and returned to Tianku Peak together.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Stepping into the courtyard, Shi Xiaoman saw his father and mother sitting under the grape trellis in the yard. His father was holding a stack of letters in his hand with a gloomy look on his face.

Shi Xiaowu is now known for his evil reputation and has become a hated gang leader. He looks to be about 40 years old, has a beard, and never smiles, looking very serious.

Qi Yue has someone who loves her and a well-behaved daughter. She has been living a comfortable life these years, and her appearance and temperament have become more gentle.

"Xiao Man, can you explain to your father what is going on?"

Shi Xiaowu slammed the letter of complaint on the table. Qi Yue winked at her daughter and even whispered, "Run, go hide at your Junior Nun Ziying's place for two days."

Shi Xiaoman insisted on calling her "Master's Nun" because he thought it sounded more intimate.

Shi Xiaoman was fearless. He walked over, picked up the letters, and sneered after reading them.

"These stinking men are so shameless. They pursued me but were rejected, and they even reported it to their elders. How childish!"

Shi Xiaoman curled her lips, "Then they don't really like me, they just want the Tianyan Sect's membership! Beating me like a pig is not a light punishment."

Shi Xiaoman sat down, and Danggui in his arms nodded vigorously and waved his claws to indicate that he was not hit enough.

Shi Xiaowu raised his hand to hit, but Qi Yue quickly held down his arm.

Both the couple knew that Shi Xiaoman grew up reading "Wangshu Notes" and admiring their senior sister Jiang Yuebai, so his personality was like Jiang Yuebai and there was no love in his mind.

In addition, she has been spoiled since she was a child and has Jiang Yuebai as a strong backer. Her actions are indeed eccentric, but she is also very sensible. At most, she would embarrass her father in public and would never discredit Jiang Yuebai.

Shi Xiaowu stopped talking, but Xiaoman started to criticize his father again.

"Dad, you should stay out lately. The questions you asked this year are too difficult. Many people scold you. Fortunately, you are cultivating Taoism. If you were cultivating magic, you would be able to ascend to the magic fairyland after taking the college entrance examination."

Shi Xiaowu's eyes twitched. His little cotton-padded jacket was leaking air...

Qi Yue laughed and shook his head. What he said was exactly the same as Jiang Yuebai's.

"Master Potian, Taoist Master Wangshu invites you to come over."

The voice of the errand disciple reporting came from outside. Shi Xiaowu stood up and poked Shi Xiaoman on the forehead with a finger, as if to say, "I'll deal with you when I come back."


At that time, the devil's realm, the mirage sea.

In the elegant courtyard, Shen Mingjing was holding the report card handed in by Shen Hui. His face was ashen, his fingers were clenched, and the whole courtyard was shrouded in a low pressure.

Shen Hui lowered her head and twisted the corner of her clothes, not daring to breathe.

Shen Mingjing was proud of his intelligence and talent, and he had rarely suffered defeat in his life. Even Shen Huaixi, the number one strategist of the human race, would be terrified when facing him.

As a result, he taught with all his heart and soul for thirty or forty years, and this is all he got

Why is it that every time he encounters something that has something to do with Jiang Yuebai, it always makes his blood boil and he can't suppress his anger? !

Jiang Yuebai is simply his nemesis!

In his entire life, he had never had anything that made him feel heartbroken and regretful when he woke up in the middle of the night.

The only thing is that Jiang Yuebai was not killed!


"Don't call me Master, from now on you are my Master!"

Shen Hui looked up in panic, her eyes full of fear. Fire Qilin was lying beside her, sighing and shaking his head.

Shen Mingjing looked at Shen Hui's report card, which contained a pentagonal diagram corresponding to wisdom, strength, endurance, speed, and defense.

Shen Hui has decent endurance and speed, but her intelligence is the lowest!

He also named her 'Hui'!

Shen Mingjing felt that this word was like a slap in the face.

Continuing to look forward, Shen Mingjing saw a set of questions.

"Is this the test paper for your exam?"

Shen Hui took a look and nodded vigorously.

Shen Mingjing snorted coldly and threw away his sleeves. "I want to see how difficult it is that you can only get twelve points!"

The wind is whistling and the leaves are fluttering.

Shen Hui fell asleep standing there. When she woke up, she saw that her master's knuckles were white as he held the jade token, his brows were furrowed, and his face looked increasingly uglier.

Shen Hui plucked up her courage, stretched her neck and took a look at the jade token.

[This test score is 22 points]


Shen Hui couldn't believe her eyes. Her master only got 22 points, which was 10 points more than her. The full score was 100!

The jade tokens obtained by Shen Hui and other disciples from sects and families in the cultivation world were all specially made by Jiang Yuebai. They contained a set of formations, or a small program, that could be used to repeatedly answer questions and calculate scores.

The purpose is to slap the faces of those who look down on her college entrance examination system.

These questions are not that difficult, but they contain many subtle traps and misleading information. You will definitely fail if you encounter them for the first time.

The disciples of Tianyan Sect have been exposed to these questions since they were six years old. They have long seen through the routines in them, so they are not stumped.

At this moment, Shen Mingjing's face hurt so much. The glaring "two" was like two knives stabbing straight into his heart.


He didn't kill Jiang Yuebai at the beginning, why? !

Shen Mingjing put down the jade token, took a deep breath to calm himself down, and one breath wasn't enough, so he took another, and another. After taking five breaths in a row, he finally regained his sanity.

He began to reflect on why the demons lagged so far behind the human race

These questions cover a wide range of topics, and the traps in those questions are also testing insight. The martial arts test mentioned by Shen Hui is also very innovative. The pentagonal diagram that was finally obtained can clearly show Shen Hui's shortcomings.

These are all worth learning from.

"Shen Hui, tell me again about your college entrance examination process, in every detail!"

Shen Mingjing decided that he would also implement this college entrance examination system and the corresponding study plan among the demon clan!


The cold wind made Shen Hui shiver. She felt that the easy days of the demon clan were coming to an end.

Little did they know that this scene was being repeated in all the major sects and families in the world of cultivation.

The wind of involution is blowing!

Monks all over the world are crying without tears!

(End of this chapter)