I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1023: [Ao Juan 1] (asking for monthly ticket)


The small world of lotus platform.

After the Tianyan Sect college entrance examination was over, Jiang Yuebai called Shi Xiaowu, and took Bai Jiuyou and Ao Juan with him to step into the modern realm.


Shi Xiaowu, Bai Jiuyou, and Ao Juan stood on the busy roadside, looking up at the tall buildings. They were dressed in complicated ancient costumes, all with their mouths open, exclaiming in amazement.

Like a bumpkin who has never seen the world!

Jiang Yuebai, who was wearing a denim jacket, complained in his heart and blew a big bubble with his chewing gum, which popped and startled the three people back to their senses.

"What are you eating? And what are you wearing?" Bai Jiuyou came over and asked.

"What is that?"

Ao Juan pointed at the trash can next to him and asked, "It feels like there is a treasure in it!"

"Oh my!" Shi Xiaowu covered his eyes, not daring to look at the scantily clad women on the street, "Wearing such revealing clothes is inappropriate!"

Jiang Yuebai shook his head, "This is the charm of modern times. I'll take you there... Ao Juan! Stop rummaging through the trash cans! Second Junior Brother, put your hands down and watch the road. Come on, go change your clothes first."

Jiang Yuebai led the way in front, and the three people walked behind, looking around, curious about everything.

"This is the domain left behind by Tianyan Sect's founder Lu Xingyun. She is not from Hongmeng Heaven, but from the outer world. Everything here is completely different from the cultivation world. It is another system. I plan to slowly merge the two worlds and develop a modern cultivation world, and then..."

After crossing the road, there was no sound behind him. Jiang Yuebai turned around and saw Bai Jiuyou lifting up a car on the road to watch the wheels turn. Ao Juan still overturned the trash can. Shi Xiaowu stood with his hands behind his back like an old man, watching pedestrians scan codes to buy things at vending machines.


"Xuan Ba!"

Jiang Yuebai shouted, and a panda man descended from the sky. He was wearing a shirt, a bow tie, and a suit vest. Apart from being a little fat, he looked like a modern elite.

Over the past fifty years, Jiang Yuebai has been exploring everything in the modern field, and Xuanba has always been by his side to help. He is diligent, studious, and motivated, and he quickly became familiar with everything here.

"Take Bai Jiuyou and Shi Xiaowu to familiarize yourself with this place first. I'll take Ao Juan to the kindergarten. We'll see you at the library entrance later."

Jiang Yuebai raised her hand and snapped her fingers, and Ao Juan instantly teleported from the garbage dump to her side. His body changed to the size of a four or five-year-old child, and his clothes were changed into kindergarten uniforms.

She looked stylish in a white shirt, plaid pleated skirt, black curly hair and a small school bag.

"Ah! My butt is coming out!"

Ao Juan blushed and bent her knees in panic to press down her skirt. She felt cold because she had never worn such a short skirt before.

Jiang Yuebai smiled and said, "It's almost summer here. Isn't it hot to wear such a long skirt? And weren't you naked when you were in dragon form? You'll get used to it."

"Here, all the magic rules of the cultivation world are invalid. Even Master Lianxu has to start from kindergarten. You have to learn to be a modern kid. Let's go, I'll take you to a fun place."

Ao Juan awkwardly held Jiang Yuebai's hand and followed her to some kindergarten.

When Jiang Yuebai mentioned this kindergarten, she wanted to scold Lu Xingyun. She originally thought that kindergarten was a place to teach modern basic subjects to modern children, but when she first went there, she just cut paper, drew pictures, and made plasticine every day...

She pinched a pile of shit, and the teacher would say in a low voice, "Wow~ the poop that baby pinched is so exquisite~ the teacher smells it and sees if it stinks. Oh~ it stinks so bad~~"

Jiang Yuebai was speechless at the time. She attended the class patiently for seven days, but found that there was really nothing to learn, so she skipped directly to the elementary school part.

Bai Jiuyou has put a lot of effort into teaching Ao Juan, and Ao Juan has been through a lot over the years. It would be good for her to go to kindergarten and relax.

The education in the world of cultivation could not open up Ao Juan's stubborn mind. Perhaps modern methods could discover Ao Juan's advantages.

When Ao Juan was sent to the kindergarten gate, she saw many children wearing the same clothes as her. Her eyes lit up and she ran into the kindergarten without waiting for Jiang Yuebai to say anything.

Ao Juan must still think that she is a top-level Lianxu master, so she is fearless. But in fact, here, she only has the strength of a four-year-old child.

I hope that when I pick her up from school, she won’t be bullied and cry.

When Jiang Yuebai was in kindergarten, he discovered that some of the boys there were very bad. They liked to pull the hair of pretty girls and snatch their toys.

When he arrived at the square outside the library, Jiang Yuebai saw from afar Bai Jiuyou and Shi Xiaowu who had changed their clothes.

Bai Jiuyou chose a white sweatshirt and jeans, looking youthful and beautiful, just like when he first came here, with a grilled sausage in his hand.

Shi Xiaowu chose a Zhongshan suit, which matched his face, which was in his early forties, and made him look as old as Bai Jiuyou's father.

"Are you familiar with this place?"

Jiang Yuebai walked over and asked, Bai Jiuyou nodded, and no one knew what Shi Xiaowu was thinking, he was still distracted.

Xuan Ba walked over with the milk tea and snacks that Bai Jiuyou bought, and said, "My Lord, I have lived up to your trust."

Bai Jiuyou's mouth was full of oil. "Jiang Yuebai, this place is really interesting. Can you build a place like this for my demon clan~"

"That won't work. Modern things need to penetrate the world of cultivation little by little. Don't be too hasty. You should first think about how to become a demon king. Come on, I'll take you to learn!"

Xuanba went to take care of other things, and had to pick up Ao Juan from school on time.

Jiang Yuebai brought Bai Jiuyou and Shi Xiaowu into the library and found the study area. From a distance, they saw Lu Nanzhi studying hard with her eyes fixed on the book. She raised her hand to tuck her soft black hair behind her ears. She looked quiet and gentle.

Right next to him... Xie Jingshan, wearing a sports suit, was sleeping soundly.

Shen Huaixi, wearing a white shirt and gold-rimmed glasses, looked quite modern and bookish. He walked out from between the two bookshelves with the book he had just found. When he saw Jiang Yuebai, he nodded, walked over to sit opposite Lu Nanzhi and read.

Shen Huaixi kicked Xie Jingshan under the table. Xie Jingshan sat up suddenly and wiped his saliva with sleepy eyes.

"Ah? Are you going back at the appointed time?"

Shen Huaixi gave a look, and Xie Jingshan saw Jiang Yuebai standing in the distance with her hands on her hips.

He shuddered and lost all sleepiness in an instant. He picked up the marketing book to cover his face and pretended to read it.

Xie Jingshan didn't know what was going on. He was afraid that even when he reached the Mahayana stage, he would fall asleep as soon as he read. He had been like this since childhood, so when he studied later, he used the jade slips to directly read into his brain and could not use his eyes to read.

Jiang Yuebai shook his head and pointed to the place where mathematics books were stored to Shi Xiaowu. He took Bai Jiuyou to find a copy of "The Art of Thick Black", and he took a few books on physics and computers and sat down next to Lu Nanzhi.

The library was very quiet. Several people, all dressed in modern clothes, were sitting at a long table, reading and studying something of interest.

Lu Nanzhi was reading Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Shen Huaixi was reading a historical biography, and Xie Jingshan was only slightly interested in business matters. Bai Jiuyou was flipping through a book while eating the snacks she brought, and had to be on guard against Xie Jingshan's claws that might reach out to steal some food.

Jiang Yuebai had never thought of leaving Hongmengtian alone and leaving everyone else here. She wanted to gather everyone's strength and open up a true path to ascension together, so that those who came later would also have the opportunity to leave Hongmengtian and go to higher-level areas.

However, one must eat one bite at a time and do one thing at a time. The most important thing for Lu Nanzhi and others right now is the stability and peace in the world of cultivation.

Jiang Yuebai did not interfere with them. He took the book and sat down next to Shi Xiaowu.

Although she is the omnipotent Tiandao, she still lacks a little talent in mathematics. To figure out everything behind Pangu, she needs Shi Xiaowu's assistance.

A group of people were immersed in the new knowledge. Even Xie Jingshan slowly figured out the trick after looking at it for a while. He stopped stealing food and started to flip through the book seriously.

They studied until dusk. Jiang Yuebai was about to take everyone to eat hotpot when the phone in his pocket vibrated. It was a message from Xuanba.

[Master, Ao Juan's teacher asked you to come over]


(End of this chapter)