I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1030: [Earth Spirit Realm III] (asking for monthly ticket)


Kong Wenliang and his second brother Kong Wengong looked at each other. Both of them couldn't believe what they heard. Jiang Yuebai, who had participated in the Fengyun Club with them back then, had advanced to the early stage of fusion in just five hundred years

Kong Jingyan, that extraordinary genius with a golden body of merit, has only just achieved divine enlightenment after five hundred years.

Why is the gap between people so big

As the strongest Nascent Soul cultivators of the Kong family's generation, the two brothers felt deeply frustrated. Even their usually calm hearts could not calm down at this moment.

If it was someone I didn’t know, maybe I wouldn’t be like this.

But this Jiang Yuebai had fought with them before. His cultivation was not as good as theirs back then, but he was someone they were extremely familiar with, and the blow he dealt to them was enormous!

"Brother, Brother, don't just stand there, come in and sit down."

Wen Jian invited the two of them in. As soon as the eldest brother Kong Wenliang sat down, he asked solemnly, "What is the upper realm like?"

The second brother Kong Wengong and the fourth brother Kong Wenrang also stared at Wen Jian, waiting for her to talk about things in the upper realm.

The upper realm must be superior to the earthly spiritual realm in all aspects, which is why Jiang Yuebai, Kong Jingyan and others have made such rapid progress. Even their third sister has surpassed most of the Kong family in cultivation.

They have now reached the middle and late stages of the Nascent Soul stage. Once they achieve the Spirit Transformation stage, they will be able to head to the upper realm. It would be better for them to learn about it in advance so that they can make preparations.

Wen Jian took a sip of tea, looked at the three brothers' eager eyes, and said with a smile, "Okay, then I will tell you about the advantages of the upper world, starting with the novel examinations of Tianyan Sect. When you go to the upper world, it is best to go to Tianyan Sect as soon as possible to take all the exams..."

The three brothers listened attentively. At first they found it interesting that the six arts of cultivation could be learned and graded in this way.

The more I listened, the more I felt something was wrong. Alchemists should just make elixirs. Why should they learn how to make elixirs? And why should they learn mathematics

Then I felt the urgency!

"A disciple of the Tianyan Sect has already finished learning the Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art at the age of six?"

Wen Jian nodded, "Yes, in addition to the number of Dao, the ten volumes of the Taoist Canon, the turtle shell cloud seal script, the demon script and the devil language, these are all things that must be learned during the initiation. In addition, there are also optional studies such as pharmacology, mining, and Yanjia science, etc. Those who are capable should learn more."

The three brothers were shocked!

Confucius' disciples all went to school at a young age, and were taught the six arts of a gentleman: rites, music, archery, charioteering, calligraphy, and mathematics.


Kong started his enlightenment at the age of six!

The disciples of Tianyan Sect have already learned the most important "Nine Chapters of Arithmetic" at the age of six! Why do they need to learn so many other things? !

So terrifying!

The three brothers' eyes widened and their faces turned pale. No wonder the Tianyan Sect had become the best among the many sects and families in the upper realm and was listed among the top ten sects in less than five hundred years.

Studying like this is like wasting your life! How do you manage your time

In fact, this question is also a question that the entire upper realm is curious about. Little do people know that the Tianyan Sect has a secret weapon, which is the Soul Infant Fruit and the method of dividing the soul, as well as the refreshing pills that the Tianyan Sect provides to its disciples.

Jiang Yuebai was even communicating with Lu Nanzhi, wanting to wholesale some Mirage Demons from the Demon Clan, so that everyone would have one and could learn even in their dreams. Unfortunately, Shen Mingjing disagreed and got angry and said that their Mirage Demon Clan was not a tool!

Currently, these are the sect’s internal secrets and have not yet been made public. It is impossible for other sects and families to catch up with the Tianyan Sect!

Wen Jian put down the teacup and said, "Now, most of the sects and families in the upper world have been influenced by the Tianyan Sect. Led by the ten major sects and families, they have begun to imitate the Tianyan Sect's education reform. So, big brother, second brother and third brother, I have some local specialties from the Tianyan Sect here, please accept them!"

Wen Jian placed a large box that could hold an entire head on the table. He opened the lid and saw more than a hundred sparkling jade slips neatly stacked inside.

"Here are the textbooks and test questions for various subjects of Tianyan Sect over the past fifty years. You'd better familiarize yourself with them before you become a spirit."

The three brothers felt a black screen before their eyes. Even the fourth brother Kong Wenrang, who loved studying the most, turned pale and felt a little dizzy.

There are so many things to learn. It would take a hundred years to learn them!

The three brothers were silent, crying violently in their hearts, when did cultivation become so difficult! !

The key is that others are learning, so they have to learn too. If they don’t learn, they will be eliminated by the times!

"By the way," Wen Jian said, "Brother, please take me to see the head of our Kong family. With Jingyan's return, the head of the family may have to move his position and let Jingyan take over and make things right. Otherwise, our Kong family will be finished sooner or later."

The three brothers looked at each other and had no doubt about Kong Jingyan's determination. She had already had such thoughts when she was weak.

And since she was able to come back this time and dared to let Wen Jian pass the message, it was natural that she had a backer and was fully confident, and she had even obtained the permission of the Kong family in the upper realm.


Mixianling, Wuweiguan.

Tao Nian, dressed simply, came walking in the air, hiding his cultivation of the early Nascent Soul stage. From a distance, he saw the Taoist temple in the mountains with a strong scent of incense. Using the spiritual eyes of a cultivator, he saw that the whole mountain was golden. There were many little demons in the mountain, who were practicing by taking advantage of the scent of incense in the temple.

Tao Nian looked towards the direction of Qingxi Town at the foot of the mountain. The original small town had become a big city, and he wondered whether their Tao family was still there.

It has been almost five hundred years since she left here.

Tao Nian was suddenly afraid to step into the city because she was homesick. She hesitated for a moment and decided to look for the cave in the Mixian Ridge first.

Walking in the layers of fog in Mixianling, Tao Nian couldn't help but recall the experience of going into the mountains alone.

At that time, she had been wandering in the fog for more than ten days and could not escape.

She had finished her water and the black dog beside her was nowhere to be found. She was tired and hungry and fainted on the ground.

When she woke up again, she felt a chill between her eyebrows. She tried hard to open her eyes and saw a fairy in green touching her forehead. Because she was too weak, she could not see the fairy's appearance clearly. She just remembered that she had a clear smell of alcohol on her body and a wine gourd hanging around her waist.

A golden light rushed in from her forehead and woke her up. The fairy raised her hand and pointed her in a direction, then merged with the surrounding clouds and disappeared.

Tao Nian patted her head. Actually, her memory was a little confused. Ever since she disappeared and almost encountered a disaster, she felt that there was something wrong with her memory.

In one of her memories, she met a female fairy who showed her the way, and she found the cave left by the Wuwei Mountain Man, and found the "Five Elements Return to Truth" and a storage bag, and thus embarked on the road to becoming an immortal.

Yes, the most important thing is that the golden light left by the female fairy in her mind gave her an extra thing called the Immortal Cultivation Panel, which can quantify her cultivation data.

This was her most important secret, and she told no one.

But she didn't know since when, these memories became like dreams, becoming unreal. She had never met a female fairy, nor did she have any immortal cultivation panel.

It was her uncle Tao Fengnian who came back and discovered that she had spiritual roots, so he took her to the Tianyan Sect to practice.

Tao Nian was confused about this for a long time until Wangshu Daojun told her that instead of worrying about the truth or falsehood of the past, she should cherish the present. The past could not affect her, but what she did now could determine the height of her future.

She thought about it for a long time before she completely let go of the chaotic memories of the past. However, when she returned to the spiritual world this time, she still wanted to confirm whether there was a cave here.

Finally, Tao Nian found the cave and saw the five exercises on the stone pillar. Putting them together, they became the "Five Elements Return to Truth" taught to her by her uncle Tao Fengnian.

Tao Nian was a little shocked at this moment and couldn't figure out what was going on.

But soon, she remembered what Wangshu Daojun had said and laughed it all off.

The storage bag in his memory was gone. He didn't know whether it was taken away by someone or it didn't exist at all. Tao Nian thought about it and felt that what Wuwei Shanren said was right. Mortals seeking immortality had no way to do so.

Tao Nian left a few things in the cave, leaving a glimmer of hope for those who were destined to find them in the future.

After doing all this, Tao Nian left Mixianling and took one last look at Qingxi City, but still did not go in.

No matter what the Tao family has become now, it has nothing to do with her. Going to see them will only add to her entanglement.

She should look forward, go to the Underworld Sea, and look for the Mermaid Kingdom!

(End of this chapter)