I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1043: [Yuchan 2] (asking for monthly ticket)


Those who are in the middle stage of Qi training or above and have been in the sect for three years can leave the sect to carry out missions.

Ge Yuchan does not meet these two conditions, but she can wait, but Xu He may not be able to.

It's not that there is no solution. She had been planning this half a year ago.

Outside the Internal Affairs Hall, Ge Yuchan waited for most of the day, and finally her senior sister Chai Xin, who was at the seventh level of outer sect Qi training, came out to accept the task.

Chai Xin is the best-tempered and most helpful senior sister that Ge Yuchan has met in the outer sect in the past six months. She is also very popular in the outer sect.

She must have relatives outside the sect. She has to take on a mission to leave the sect once a month and return within seven days.

Occasionally, she would take new disciples to the market to see the world. With her guarantee, the gatekeeper disciples would not be surprised.

Three months ago, Chai Xin was tasked with clearing wild animals from the back mountain. She was besieged by a pack of wolves. She was a cultivator in the late Qi Refining stage, so she was not in danger of death, but was still in some danger.

At that time, Ge Yuchan had just learned a spell. She appeared in time to help Chai Xin kill the wolves, and was injured as a result.

In fact, it was Ge Yuchan who drove the wolves over.

She had learned such tactics in the Shadow Building.

She felt guilty, but for Xu He's sake, Ge Yuchan could only tell herself that she would double the compensation in the future.

Ge Yuchan stepped forward to stop Chai Xin and said bluntly that she wanted to leave the sect to save someone, a very important person to her.

Chai Xin stared at Ge Yuchan for a long time, making her feel like all her plans and concealments had been seen through. Just when she was about to give up, Chai Xin smiled.

"Have you packed everything?"


"Let's go!"

The journey to leave the sect went smoothly, and when they were about to say goodbye, Chai Xin called her.

"If you don't come back after seven days, I will tell the sect that you are dead. Do you understand?"

Ge Yuchan looked at Chai Xin and knew that Chai Xin was taking a huge risk for her. Once she defected or died, Chai Xin would definitely be held accountable by the Law Enforcement Hall.

Ge Yuchan lowered her head and took a breath. When she looked up again, her eyes were firm and honest.

"In seven days, I will return!"

Ge Yuchan turned around, took out the wind talisman that she had prepared long ago and stuck it on her body, then headed in the direction she came from, eager to return home.

The cold wind made Ge Yuchan's eyes moist and her heart couldn't help beating wildly.

Xu He, wait for me, please don't get into any trouble!

The Shadow Building where killers were trained was not far away. She took the jade pendant and escaped that day, and it only took her a dozen days to reach Feifeng Forest and see Qingyun Ridge.

At this time, with the help of the Swift Wind Talisman, seven days will be enough for a round trip.

The talismans on her body had exhausted their spiritual light and turned into ashes. Ge Yuchan immediately took out new ones and put them on. She exchanged all the spirit stones she had saved in the past six months for talismans.

After saving Xu He and when she no longer has to practice non-stop to save people, she can spare some time to learn how to draw talismans.

Ge Yuchan raised the corners of her lips slightly, looked at the sunset in the distance, and quickened her pace.


In the nameless mountain, Ge Yuchan found the cave that was once dark and gloomy.

The cave was littered with corpses and filled with cold winds. There were still traces of the fierce battle there, and Ge Yuchan's heart was sinking.

"Xu He—"

Even though she knew it was impossible to find them, she still couldn't help but shout Xu He's name, frantically searching for the bodies that had turned into bones.

From the remaining clothes, Ge Yuchan saw people from the Shadow Tower, people from the opposite house, and many young corpses.

"No... not... no..."

Ge Yuchan carefully examined each corpse. She swallowed hard, then her legs went limp and she sat on the ground.

There was no Xu He's body. Most of the bodies had waist tags, and the bodies without waist tags were not the right size.

With a glimmer of hope, Ge Yuchan did not dare to waste time. She stood up again, left the cave, and went to the nearest city according to her memory.

When she was sold from the circus troupe to the Shadow Building, the troupe owner must have had connections with the Shadow Building and he must know the new location of the Shadow Building.


A circus in the city.

It was the Mid-Autumn Festival. After a night of excitement, the troupe leader Kou Da returned to the circus troupe exhausted.

"Someone, get me a basin of water to wash my feet."

When he walked into the house, Kou Da suddenly broke out in a cold sweat because it was too quiet!

Kou Da immediately turned around and walked away quickly. A gust of cold wind blew, and the door slammed shut. The candlelight in the house flickered, illuminating a small figure sitting on the table where Kou Da was worshipping the God of Wealth.

Like a cat ready to pounce in the dark, his cold and gloomy eyes stared at Kou Da.

"Where is the new location of Shadow Tower?"

When Kou Da saw the person's appearance clearly, he was stunned at first, and then he was shocked by the aura she exuded. A chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

Although he was only seven or eight years old, he felt like he was facing the owner of Shadow Tower.

Immortal cultivator!

Kou Da fell to his knees, kowtowed and begged for mercy, pleading with tears in his eyes, and confessed everything about the Shadow Building.

"… I have a token here. With the token, you can enter the Shadow Tower. I will take it out and give it to the Immortal Master."

Kou Da took out the token from his arms tremblingly, raised his hands high, and waited for Ge Yuchan to take it.

Ge Yuchan jumped down from the table and walked in front of Kou Da. When she was about to take the token, Kou Da's eyes became fierce and three poisoned arrows shot out from his sleeves.

Ge Yuchan opened her eyes slightly, her figure moved sideways strangely, and the dagger swung out a silver light in the dark.

The poisoned arrow was nailed to the wall, and the hot blood splattered on Ge Yuchan. Kou Da's eyes were wide open in horror, his neck was cracked, and blood was oozing out.

"This strategy was also taught in Shadow Tower."

Should she be glad that she had entered the Shadow Building, or should she resent that the Shadow Building led her to a path full of blood and killing

Ge Yuchan wiped the bloody dagger on her sleeve and suddenly understood why the killer liked to wear black.

After taking the token, Ge Yuchan stepped over Kou Da's body, walked to the backyard where the apprentice was imprisoned, and threw down a bunch of keys.

"Kou Da is dead, and so are the guards in the courtyard. You can loot the property and leave on your own. Don't get caught again!"

After saying that, Ge Yuchan turned and left, disappearing into the night.

The group of children huddled together, looking at the key on the ground with fear, but did not dare to reach out to take it for a long time.


Ge Yuchan reported the matter to the authorities.

The Shadow Building also taught her a strategy: to create chaos and wait for an opportunity to strike.

Today, she returned all that she had learned in Shadow Building.

After a day of preparation, the government sent out elite detectives to besiege the Shadow Tower’s new base in the mountains.

Relying on her abilities as an immortal cultivator, Ge Yuchan secretly set several fires, making the scene even more chaotic.

In the battle of blood and fire, Ge Yuchan sneaked in. She found the place where the new seedlings were imprisoned, but still couldn't find Xu He.

She killed three coaches, and none of them knew who Xu He was.

The owner of the Shadow Building discovered her. He was indeed a cultivator, at the fourth level of Qi training.

"Where's Xu He?"

The host laughed arrogantly. After a hard battle, Ge Yuchan used up all the talismans on her body, but was still defeated.

The iron ring magic weapon tied to her body made her unable to move. She was kicked away and hit the mountain wall hard.

Ge Yuchan fell to the ground, vomiting blood and dying.

The host of the post stared greedily at the storage bag on her waist, walked over with a big laugh, and said that he could spare her life as long as she copied down all the skills and martial arts she had practiced.

Ge Yuchan was covered in blood and fell to the ground, unable to move.

The host took away her storage bag and took out the remaining spirit stones and the spirit-gathering jade pendant left by Xu He.

Also, a book that Ge Yuchan specially copied down...

Advanced skills!

"Yuchan, do you know that they say the owner of Shadow Tower is an immortal cultivator? Actually, there was an immortal cultivator in my ancestry, but unfortunately..."

The moment the poster couldn't wait to open the martial arts manual, the fire talisman hidden in it suddenly exploded.

Click! Click!

There was a sound of breaking bones, and Ge Yuchan pushed down with her shoulders to break her left arm. That tiny gap and the time it took the host to dodge the fire talisman allowed her to escape from the iron ring magic weapon that bound her.

Ge Yuchan used up her last bit of strength to stand up from the ground, riding on the neck of the building owner. A thin blade flew out from her sleeve and she raised her hand to wipe it.

Ge Yuchan had never discovered that human blood could splatter in such a beautiful way, just like the iron flowers she had seen in the few memories of her childhood, splashing in all directions and blooming with the most beautiful brilliance.

"Show the enemy your weakness and attack them when they are unprepared. This is what you taught me."

After reconnecting the dislocated left arm, Ge Yuchan uttered a word indifferently and watched the host fall to the ground, twitching and struggling until death.

After taking the storage bag from the owner of the building, Ge Yuchan dragged her injured body out of the mountain and watched the Shadow Building being destroyed in a sea of fire.

But she still didn't find Xu He.

In fact, the answer was already in her heart, but she just didn't want to accept it.

Ge Yuchan walked aimlessly. She didn't know how long she had been walking before she returned to the mountain and to the cave where she had met Xu He.

Sitting among the corpses on the ground, Ge Yuchan's ears were filled with the echo of Xu He.

"Here, only one of us can survive!"

"Did you see those dead bodies? They don't even deserve names. No one will remember them because they are not strong enough and will be abandoned!"

“If you don’t become the best, you will die.”

"Yuchan, how many times can I beat you?"

"Take this jade pendant and go away. Don't worry about me."

"Yuchan, stay alive!"

"Xu He—"

Ge Yuchan suddenly burst into tears, her shoulders shaking violently, and the grief and sadness that had been suppressed in her heart was fully released at this moment.

It turned out that Xu He had already said the farewell words, and it turned out that she should have known long ago that Xu He would not be able to wait for her to rescue him.

It turned out that she was just deceiving herself.

After crying for a long time until she had no more strength left, Ge Yuchan fell into a deep sleep among the corpses and had a dream that she didn't know whether it was good or bad.

"Xu He, if you can leave the Shadow Building, what kind of person do you want to be?"

"Be an ordinary person, live a simple and stable life, what about you, Yuchan?"

"I don't know, but no matter what, I want to live on. Even when I really can't live anymore... I still have to live on!"

"Okay, let's all try our best to survive!"


(End of this chapter)