I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1054: Repair the foundation


The woods in the mountains were in a mess, but there were still traces of fire that had not been extinguished.

Lu Xingyun sat down against a tree, panting. His hand holding the last talisman was shaking as he looked at the wild boar in front of him, which was extremely huge and covered with remnants of magic.

"You... you want souls, don't you? Come... come on, help yourself!"

[… … …]

A long string of ellipsis from the system appeared in front of Lu Xingyun's eyes.

After taking a breath, Lu Xingyun continued, "You can see that I am in such a broken body now. If I hadn't been smart and strategic, and had the experience of learning martial arts before, I would not have been able to quickly control this body. I really wouldn't be able to defeat this low-level monster."

"Just for this, I have consumed nine talismans and three spirit stones! Also, I come from a society ruled by law after all. Isn't it rude of you to ask me to kill someone right away? You should at least give me some time to prepare myself mentally, right?"

"Since you insist on clinging to me, let's work together for our common goal of survival. But I also have my temper. If you could read my past memories, you would know what extreme things I have done in order to continue my studies."

"Our Sang family has a history of mental illness, so my bottom line is that I can only provide you with animal souls. As for human souls, you can only swallow them if I agree. If I don't agree and you dare to force it, you will bear the consequences. Don't drive me crazy."

"Now, whether it's my body or the resources I have, there's no chance for you to choose a second time. Swallow the soul of this low-level monster, and then repair my foundation. Let's go hand in hand and be good friends for life!"

Lu Xingyun picked up the last talisman and tore it apart!

The last talisman was also destroyed. The sky was getting darker and beasts were roaring in the forest. It was not certain whether Lu Xingyun could return to the Taoist temple alive!

"Come on, choose!" Lu Xingyun chuckled.

If the system is not an intelligent creature, it will definitely calculate various possible probabilities based on the current situation, and then choose the one with the most favorable result and the highest probability for it.

Therefore, she just had to push herself into a desperate situation and not give the system any other chance to choose, even if the probability was only 0.01%. Given the current situation, this was the maximum probability it could choose.

If it agrees, it means that its level of intelligence has not yet reached that of humans.

If it gives up and doesn't fall into this obvious trap, it means it has human-like intelligence, which is also good. It can leave me and find another host, which means I have solved a hidden danger. As for how it can go back alive, it depends on God's will!

Now Lu Xingyun can only be sure that when it comes to life and death, the system can act independently without going through her. Is it the same in other situations

If she sets up some rules and agrees on something with the system, and the system agrees, can it bypass her and break it

Also, after the degree of integration is improved, whether it is beneficial to her or to the system, these are things she needs to figure out bit by bit.

She needs to figure out the intelligence level of the system first before proceeding.

Night gradually fell, and after a period of silence, Lu Xingyun felt a suction force coming from her forehead. Then, spots of white light floated from the wild boar's body, gathered into a stream, and all flowed into her forehead.

The system agreed!

It seems she doesn't need to dig a hole to bury herself.

[System integration degree 4%, starting to repair the host's body...]

Lu Xingyun trembled all over, and the pain and numbness from the electric shock she felt during the time travel came back again, causing her to fall straight down, with darkness all before her eyes.

Then, she vaguely saw many code-like things rising and falling in front of her eyes, and her lower abdomen felt as if it had been forcibly cut open and then sewn together again.

It hurts more than my period!!


There was a muffled thunder, dark clouds gathered again overhead, and a silver dragon roared.

Lu Xingyun suddenly had a feeling that she might be in some kind of game world, where the system could modify her body data from the bottom up to restore her foundation.

This is equivalent to being attacked by a virus, so the anti-virus software in the cultivation world can locate the system and attract lightning to destroy it

As soon as the system text flashed before his eyes, Lu Xingyun trembled all over, and used all his strength to turn over and throw himself to the side.


Almost at the same time, thunder from the sky flashed past her eyes and struck the tree she was leaning against.

The tree snapped and burst into flames.

Lu Xingyun was still in shock. As long as the system was with her, Tiandao would kill her when it got the chance. Then, if she formed the elixir next, wouldn't that be giving Tiandao a head

After calming down, Lu Xingyun checked his body and said, "See? As long as you have any abnormal behavior, the Heavenly Dao will immediately lock us in, so you'd better be sincere and don't cause trouble!"

The system is not responding, is the energy exhausted

After the dark clouds above his head dissipated, Lu Xingyun sat down again and began to practice according to the original owner's memory.

She could not feel anything before, but this time she entered a state of meditation for an instant. Her consciousness sensed that the surroundings were filled with five-colored spiritual light. As long as she thought about it, those spiritual lights immediately gathered like a tide, transformed into five torrents, and madly injected into her dantian.

As the night grew darker, Lu Xingyun's cultivation gradually recovered.


Wolves howled in the middle of the night. A group of demon wolves smelled the blood and came running from the depths of the dense forest. When they saw Lu Xingyun sitting cross-legged under a tree, defenseless, the wolf king growled and the pack of wolves attacked.

At this moment, Lu Xingyun opened his eyes wide, raised his hand and picked up a wooden stick on the ground, bursting out with sharp sword energy.

Dragon Sword!

Lu Xingyun's body was as fast as the wind, leaving a zigzag afterimage as he passed through the wolf pack and his figure remained in the distance.

The wolves behind her were still running, their heads flying up and down, their bodies falling to the ground.

Seeing this, the wolf king whimpered in fear and turned around and ran away.

The wooden stick in his hand exploded into powder, and Lu Xingyun laughed, "The power of the cultivation world is really amazing, not scientific at all!"

"Come on, Mr. System, all the beast souls are yours!"

Spots of light floated up and flew into Lu Xingyun's brow. Lu Xingyun drew the dagger from his waist and began to skin the corpses of many monsters and cut off the parts that could be sold.

Fortunately, she had seen the slaughter of New Year pigs in the countryside before, otherwise she really wouldn't know how to start.

Carrying a bundle of animal skins on his back, Lu Xingyun walked towards the nearest market according to his memory.

This world is the spiritual world. This place is the Jiuchong Mountain. At the foot of the mountain there is a Feifeng Forest. It is said that phoenixes once appeared there, attracting many monks to come and look for them, and gradually a market was formed.

You have to make money in modern times, and you have to make money in the world of cultivation. Life is really hard!

Although the Lu family did not restrict her freedom, they would not allow her to leave the Jiuchong Mountain.

Next, she had to secretly form a pill, then save up some spirit stones, and then sneak away to travel the spirit world to find out how those powerful monks had ascended to heaven.

You can also go to those secret realms to see if the entrance and exit structures of the secret realms are similar to wormholes. Maybe you can find some clues to leave the world of cultivation and return to the modern world.

With his goal determined, Lu Xingyun's heart was filled with hope, and he walked faster and faster with the animal skins on his back.

The update written in my dream is here!

See you tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)