I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1055: Half a year


The system helped Lu Xingyun hide the fact that her foundation had been repaired. She still looked half-dead every day, flashing in front of Ma Xiangu, and then going back to sleep, but in fact she climbed out the window at the back of the house and left.

It was unknown what benefit Ma Xiangu had gained from Lu Xiaolin, but it seemed that she wanted to break through to the Golden Core Realm, so her retreat time was increasing day by day, which was convenient for Lu Xingyun.

Lu Xingyun went to the Jiuchong Mountains to hunt monsters every day. On the one hand, he became familiar with the cultivation methods and spells of the cultivation world, and on the other hand, he earned spirit stones through the materials on the monsters.

Lu Xingyun's life revolves around the Taoist temple, monster hunting, and the market.

Monotonous and dangerous, unscientific and interesting.

In the market town, Lu Xingyun met all kinds of cultivators and strange things in the world of cultivation. The information about various aspects of the world of cultivation became more and more abundant.

During this process, Lu Xingyun constantly tested the bottom line of the system in all aspects, used the spiritual cultivation techniques from the cultivation world to develop his brain, and looked for a place for the system to reside.

With her current abilities, she certainly cannot strip away the system or destroy it, but there is still hope that she can shield the system so that it cannot read her thoughts all the time.

The system is not an intelligent creature; it is more like a high-level artificial intelligence that operates according to certain rules. There must be a highest instruction within the system that guides the system to achieve a certain goal.

Lu Xingyun was unable to detect this for the time being.

But there are a few points that Lu Xingyun has figured out. The first is that the system must ensure that the host does not die.

This doesn't mean that she can act recklessly. The system will only make the slightest change to help her escape from a doomed situation when it has the energy to do so. This happened several times when she was hunting monsters.

But once the system energy is exhausted, she will be dead. The system energy mainly relies on the soul. If the energy is sufficient, the degree of fusion will be improved. If the energy consumption is too large, the degree of fusion will be reduced.

Secondly, the system is clinging to her and won't leave. This may be related to the highest instructions within the system, which cannot be detected for the time being.

In addition to these two points, Lu Xingyun also discovered that she was currently the master, and the system could only obey her orders except when it came to matters that were harmful to itself.

But Lu Xingyun suspected that as the system's integration became more integrated, she would be replaced by the system and turned into a puppet.

The last point has nothing to do with the system, but is about the laws of nature in this world.

She may have been marked by the Heaven, and the Heaven cannot kill her directly, but if she does anything that is not in line with the rules of the cultivation world, she will become unlucky, or even more directly, she will be struck by divine thunder from the sky.

Half a year passed in a flash, and as winter approached, the monsters in the mountains retreated to secluded places to prepare for the winter and were no longer easy to find.

The heavy snow fell heavily, and the whole city was covered in silver.

Lu Xingyun walked out of the headquarters of the Loose Cultivator Alliance, dressed in green and carrying a long sword on his back. His features were lazy yet sharp. He pulled the wine gourd from his waist and took a sip to drive away the winter chill.

“It’s so awful!”

After hanging the wine gourd again, Lu Xingyun shook out the paper in his hand, looked at the portrait on it again, and his eyes fell on "Bounty: One Thousand Spiritual Stones".

At this time in the spiritual world, spiritual energy is abundant, and there is no distinction between high, medium and low quality spiritual stones.

"Killing an entire family, that's enough to get you shot eight times in modern times, I'll kill you without further ado. Hey, system, why are you so lifeless lately? Can't you be like other systems and give me a 'ding—do you have a new killing order? Please check'?"

The system still didn't respond, and was even quieter than before.

"Mr. System, you have nothing to do anyway, why don't you help me calculate the value of pi? I'm curious whether this thing can be calculated to the end."

[… … …]

Lu Xingyun smiled slyly, shook his head to shake off the wind and snow, put on his hat and walked out of the market.

"If I were to create a system, I would definitely make one that allows people to make fun of others. That would be so much fun."

Lu Xingyun knew why the system was silent, it was because she was angry.

In the past six months, she used all the spirit stones she had saved to buy various spiritual cultivation techniques. Now she can shield the system very well, making it unable to read her thoughts.

In addition, she also set the system's fusion degree at 49%, and would no longer provide the system with beast souls, waiting until the fusion degree dropped in the future.

Even if the system said that if the degree of fusion reached more than 90%, it could directly modify her body data and allow her to ascend directly, she would not believe it.

People, it is more reliable to rely on yourself. If you take shortcuts now, you will definitely lose your life in the future!

As for collecting information and data on the world of cultivation, she can learn slowly on her own without having to search people's souls.

It is enough for the system to provide her with a data panel. She does not particularly need other functions.

Now, it's her turn to tame the system!

After visiting and investigating, Lu Xingyun quickly found the person on the bounty order. This person's cultivation was not high, he was only in the middle stage of foundation building.

Back then, he slaughtered an entire family for a magic weapon, leaving only a young child behind. The child witnessed the tragedy and struggled to survive. Only today, ten years later, did he have the ability to offer this reward and ask someone to help him get revenge.

However, this murderer now lives in seclusion in a remote village with a happy family.

Lu Xingyun waited for a few days, and only followed the man when he went out alone.

After a fierce fight, the man was no match for his opponent and was defeated, crying and begging.

"Don't kill me, my children are still young. How can they live without me? Please don't kill me."

Lu Xingyun's face was stern, and he beheaded the man with his sword without hesitation.

"If your child can't survive, can other people's children survive?"

After wiping the blood off the sword, Lu Xingyun took the body back to report. This was her first time killing someone, and it seemed that she didn't have any special feelings.

Maybe she just treated this as a game.

He received the bounty and also took the storage bag that the man had been carrying. The spoils were rich, including a golden elixir that could help cultivators form a golden elixir.

After leaving the Loose Cultivator Alliance, Lu Xingyun shook the little wine in the gourd, raised his head and drank it all in one gulp.

New Year’s Eve is coming soon, and I wonder how Sang Wan and Xiao Que will spend this year.

Wearing a bamboo hat and with her hands in her pockets, Lu Xingyun walked alone on the streets decorated with lights. The laughter and the voices wishing a happy new year in her ears had nothing to do with her.

After filling a gourd of wine and buying some animal meat, Lu Xingyun returned to the Taoist temple.

The Taoist temple was still deserted, and Fairy Ma was nowhere to be found.

Leaning on the bed, Lu Xingyun shook the wine gourd habitually, his eyes gradually becoming deeper.

According to what she had gathered so far, the highest level of spiritual cultivation could reach the Spirit Transformation Stage, at which point one could ascend to heaven and escape from this world.

There are different opinions on where to go.

"Foundation building, Golden Core, Nascent Soul, and Spiritualization, it doesn't seem too far away. Moreover, the aptitude of this body is not bad. It's just that the five spiritual roots need to be cultivated in a balanced manner. The technique is very important, otherwise it will take a lot of time."

"With the Golden Core, I can start forming the Golden Core at any time, but I have to be on guard against the Heavenly Dao and the Lu family. I must wait for the right time."

Lu Xingyun has never thought about the "return of the king" drama, so she will never go back to the Lu family. After successfully forming the elixir, the mark left by the Lu family in her body will definitely be eliminated, and then she can fly freely in the sky.

Putting down the wine gourd, Lu Xingyun didn't want to practice today. If she continued to practice, she would not be able to suppress the spiritual energy in her body.

Closing his eyes and lying down, Lu Xingyun's consciousness quickly sank into the depths of his sea of consciousness and entered a modern library.

There is currently only one floor here, with ten bookshelves, all of which are filled with the books she has read and the things she has learned.

This is the ability of the system, it can read her memory, and any book she has glanced at can appear here.

In addition to modern ones, there are also those from the world of cultivation.

After finding a computer book she had read before, Lu Xingyun sat down and read it carefully. White light kept flashing around her, and as she became aware of it, it turned into strange codes.

Lu Xingyun was thinking, the runes in this world can form formations, so if she converts the code into runes, can she program it

At present, her cultivation and knowledge are not enough, but this does not prevent her from making deductions first.

Time passed quietly with repeated failures, and suddenly, bursts of muffled thunder were heard outside.

Lu Xingyun turned over and sat up from the bed, listening to the howling wind and feeling that the spiritual energy within a ten-mile radius was madly converging towards one place.

The corners of Lu Xingyun's lips curled up, the time for her to form a pill had come!

(End of this chapter)