I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1069: The end is also the beginning


The fight for the ownership of this chess piece became the focus of Lu Xingyun and Tiandao for a long time afterwards.

Unexpectedly, the little girl's will to survive and her perseverance defeated both Lu Xingyun and Tiandao at the same time, reversing her fate of becoming a chess piece and escaping from the chess game.

Tiandao lost control of the little girl, and Lu Xingyun was also cut off from the source of his power, losing most of his chess pieces.

The Heavenly Dao lost the chance to regain control of chaos and was forced into a desperate situation. It could only restart everything and make the entire Hongmeng Heaven start all over again.

At that time, both Lu Xingyun and the little girl will disappear with the restart. This is the last resort of Heaven.

Lu Xingyun decided to give it a try. Even if she couldn't go back, at least she could be buried here with the system, so that her hometown would have one less scourge.

Lu Xingyun reawakened the system and gave all his accumulated strength and remaining important chess pieces to the system, leaving only Wuweishanren.

Through Wuwei Shanren, she went to see the little girl and told her everything she knew. She also took the little girl to her modern realm to let her experience a completely different world.

Only when one's thoughts can transcend the heights of the world of cultivation and break the shackles of the world of cultivation, will it be possible to turn everything around.

This is all Lu Xingyun can do.

Under the interference of the system, the Heavenly Dao could no longer imprison her. She did what she was supposed to do and returned to the place where she woke up after traveling through time.

Restore the Taoist temple, lie on that tattered bed, take back the sealed emotions, and make your soul whole again.

Looking back on her life in the world of cultivation, Lu Xingyun does not deny that her hands are stained with blood, and does not deny that she has done many wrong things on the moral level, but she does not regret it at all.

She does not have the divinity of the Heavenly Dao that treats all things equally. Even though she has become an immortal in the world of cultivation, she is still an ordinary person who wants to go home.

She has the selfishness of an ordinary person, and the little piece of land that an ordinary person wants to protect.

As a villain, she is not qualified in terms of ideological level.

There was a noise outside. Lu Xingyun walked out and saw Lin Feng. She felt surprised but also expected.

Lin Feng was able to have a certain influence on the world of cultivation through his illusory clone, which must have been approved by heaven. After all, Lin Feng was her deepest bond in the world of cultivation.

So Lin Feng must know what is happening and that the world of cultivation is about to be destroyed.

Lu Xingyun felt a little happy that he could see Lin Feng again before he died or left.

But as a proud and straight girl, she couldn't say anything warm and could only ask Lin Feng.

"Are you here to give me a ride, or are you here to kill me?"

The ending of the story almost turned into a cliché romance, but fortunately Lu Xingyun stopped it in time and took the initiative to explain what he was thinking.

Time did not give Lu Xingyun a chance to heal Lin Feng's heart trauma. She remembered that when they were in love, Lin Feng was full of curiosity about the modern world she talked about.

He also said that he was willing to go anywhere as long as he was with her.

Lu Xingyun stretched out her hand and asked Lin Feng to follow her.

Lin Feng, as before, did not decisively shake Lu Xingyun's hand.

Just like at the beginning, he was obviously the one who fell in love with Lu Xingyun first, but he hesitated and didn't dare to take that step.

If Lu Xingyun hadn't taken the initiative, they wouldn't even have had a chance to start.

Being decisive may lead to success, but hesitation will definitely lead to failure.

The white light that annihilated everything came from the horizon. Lu Xingyun, who had known this for a long time, smiled bitterly and turned away.

The way of heaven restarted, all things disappeared, and the hidden wormhole that did not belong to Hongmeng Heaven finally appeared.

Lu Xingyun stepped in without hesitation. With the feeling of falling and the severe pain of his body being squeezed and torn apart, Lu Xingyun almost lost consciousness.

Waves of noisy sounds came from far away, including the sound of mobile phone broadcasts and the shouts of the crowd.

[According to the Huaxia Earthquake Network, at 23:59 on December 18, a magnitude 6.2 earthquake occurred in Longyuan, my country... ]

"Hurry up, there is someone here, her hands are still moving, come and save her!!"

"Hold on girl, we'll get you out right away!"

"Am I...finally...back?"

(End of extra chapter)

May all those who encounter the earthquake in the early morning be rescued safely!

There was an earthquake last night. I was in Shaanxi and lived in a high-rise building. The shaking was very strong. I was so scared that my legs went weak because there was no way I could run away.

At that moment, besides thinking about my family, I also thought that I had almost finished writing the sequel to Lu Xingyun, and I couldn’t give up at this moment!!!

Fortunately, nothing happened, and I hope everyone can be safe forever!


The story of Lu Xingyun ends here. In order not to affect the combat system and story direction of the next book, there will be no follow-up on Lu Xingyun's affairs. After all, she has died in the original world and her body has been cremated. If the story continues to develop, the main line of the next book will be deviated. After the next book has a grand finale, I may publish a special chapter with a happy ending.


There is one last chapter in the extra story, so keep writing!

(End of this chapter)