I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 1070: Later on


Please treat this chapter as a fairy tale and don’t delve into it too deeply!


[Hongmeng New Calendar Year 2333, December]

The winter sun is warm, gentle and peaceful.

After coming out of the last advanced alchemy exam room, Wei Cheng stretched his muscles and felt relaxed.

Blowing a breath and rubbing his hands, Wei Cheng prepared to go back to the dormitory to pack his luggage and go home for the New Year.

Wei Cheng is a fire demon who usually maintains the appearance of a human, with red hair and eyes, and ears that resemble volcanic rocks.

Her family was in the Mingtang Realm. She ranked first in the whole realm in the exam that year, which gave her the opportunity to go to college in the Wuyao New Realm.

Walking on the way to the dormitory, Wei Cheng was in a good mood and glanced at the best university in the entire cultivation world, the Tianyan Sect Higher Education Institute.

It snowed last night, and the sky and the earth were covered in white. The surrounding buildings were not as trendy as the skyscrapers in the city. The university still maintained its ancient appearance, with blue bricks, white walls, and flying eaves. It was simple and elegant, especially when it snowed.

Those coming and going on the road are all studying in this university. In addition to humans, there are also monsters and demons.

"Xinxin, I don't want you to go home. Otherwise, I will transform back into my original form of a caracal, and you can put me in a box and take me home."

"That won't work. My father said I can keep anything except a cat. If I do, he will cut off all ties with me."

"Then don't worry about it. Just take me back and leave the rest to me. Please, Xinxin."

A woman and a male demon were bidding farewell to each other on the roadside. Wei Cheng shook his head. It was just winter vacation, not graduation. Was it necessary to be so clingy

Speaking of graduation, Wei Cheng felt excited. In another year, she would be able to graduate.

This university has absorbed the most outstanding foundation-building cultivators from the three realms to study here. After graduation, they will be assigned to various parts of the cultivation world to continue promoting the modernization of the cultivation world.

Wei Cheng's parents were one of them. They met and fell in love in this university. After graduation, they returned to Mingtang Realm, the earliest mixed world of humans and demons, to start a family and gave birth to her.

When she graduates, she won't go back. She wants to stay in the big city and work hard in Wuyao New Territory.

When he returned to the dormitory, Wei Cheng saw two demons in the same dormitory gathering together to play a very old movie "The Legend of Wangshu" on the latest player that looked like a Bagua disk.

The movie tells the life story of Jiang Wangshu, the most famous immortal in the world of cultivation three thousand years ago.

This great man, who left the most legends in the world of cultivation, established the Five Stars New World, reformed education, and promoted peace in the three realms, is the protagonist in their history books.

Unfortunately, this immortal has already ascended to heaven and left the world of cultivation along with several of her friends, so she had no chance to see her true face.

And what’s interesting is that people in later generations have been doing research and say that the ascension of Wangshu Immortal Lord and his companions was different from that of other immortals, and that Wangshu Immortal Lord might have gone to another world.

Unfortunately, there is no evidence to prove this.

The leading actress of "Legend of Wangshu" is the first-generation film queen in the world of cultivation, Lady Ao Juan. The role of Immortal Wangshu played by her is said to have been recognized and appreciated by Immortal Wangshu himself.

Moreover, all of the more than one hundred characters in this movie were played by Lord Ao Juan alone. Wei Cheng still remembered that she didn't notice it at all when she watched it for the first time, and thought they were all different humans, monsters, and demons.

When I saw the cast list at last, and saw that it was all Ao Juan, I was stunned by his beauty.

Lady Ao Juan is worthy of the title of 'Queen of Cinema'!

Until now, no one has been able to surpass her acting skills. Unfortunately, she ascended to heaven with the Immortal Lord Wangshu, and left no disciples or acting manuals behind. As a result, current actors, apart from being good-looking, cannot match Lord Ao Juan in acting skills.

This first movie in the history of cultivation was extremely popular in the world and caused a sensation for a hundred years. These things are recorded in the old calendar of cultivation.

By the way, the new calendar for cultivation began when the new Five Stars Realm was built, and it was also ordered to be changed by the Immortal Lord Wangshu.

"Ah, Lady Ao Juan is so beautiful! Immortal Wangshu is so cool!"

One man and two monsters were screaming, and on their heads were stuck the most popular dragon horn decorations. They flashed at night and had the function of temporarily transforming into little white dragons.

Wei Cheng didn't know what was going on, but the retro style seemed to be popular in Wu Yao New Territory in recent years, so everyone dug out the old movies starring Lord Ao Juan and imitated Lord Ao Juan's appearance.

After saying goodbye to his roommates, Wei Cheng left the university campus and waited for the bus on the roadside.

In the new Wuyao realm, flying is prohibited, unregistered flying magic weapons are prohibited, and escape techniques are prohibited to break into private homes. In short, there are many rules and regulations, and laws have been enacted.

The Wuyao New Territory is under the full control of the Tianwu Clan. They enforce the law without favoring any particular clan, and no one wants to be found by the Tianwu enforcers.

Wei Cheng was not used to these rules at first, but later she found that this was a good idea. While maintaining order, it also saved a lot of travel expenses, allowing her to stay in the alchemy laboratory for a while longer.

After all, the new world of Wuyao is very large. It has been built beyond the Hundred Rings and is still under construction.

Wei Cheng's dream is to buy a house near Baihuan and bring his parents over.

To this end, she has already submitted her resume to the Ziying Pharmaceutical Group, which is the largest pharmaceutical group in the Wuyao New Territory and was founded by Wangshu Xianjun's junior sister Jiang Ziying.

The floating bus arrived at the station. After getting on the bus, Wei Cheng saw an elementary school student who had just entered the Qi training period. He was holding a rectangular transparent crystal plate with a painful look on his face.

Wei Cheng chuckled. He only learned basic mathematics in elementary school. When he got to university, he would try to learn the advanced mathematics of the Immortal Lord Po Tian.

The vehicle suddenly braked while driving, and the cultivator did not fall down, but he was still startled.

Wei Cheng leaned out of the window and saw a sword light turning in front of the car, whizzing past and disappearing.

Two Feather Tribe aliens dressed in the uniforms of 'Heavenly Witch Law Enforcement' followed closely behind.

"Swordsman in front, you are speeding, please stop immediately and be inspected!"


The sound of electric current accompanied by lines of words suddenly appeared in front of Wei Cheng.

[We detected that you have just been in a car accident and your heart is pounding with fear. How can I help you? ]

[Call funeral one-stop service]

[I think I can still save it]

[I'm fine, leave]

[If you don’t select within 10 minutes, the first item will be used as default]

Although others could not see Wei Cheng's personal panel, she still blushed and hurriedly chose the third option.

[Your Majesty, I am very pleased to see your health. I will take my leave.]

Wei Cheng: … …

When she has money, she will immediately replace this cheap thing and buy a high-end pure version of the cultivation panel.

This thing was also invented by Master Wangshu. All cultivators, as long as they have the conditions, will be bound to one since childhood. Apart from the fact that it is annoying to complain about, the panel can display the progress of cultivation, allowing people to clearly see the progress of cultivation, which is still very good.

This little episode did not affect Wei Cheng's journey to the long-distance teleportation station. After buying the ticket, Wei Cheng entered the station and sat in the waiting hall, patting the box full of specialties and imagining how her parents would look when they saw her.

Because some things are special and cannot be stuffed into the storage bag, they can only be dragged like this.

"… You haven't experienced the past, so you don't know how good the current Wuyao New World is."

"That's not good at all. There are too many rules and no freedom at all. If it were the old calendar era, I would have directly refined that little demon who offended me into a magic weapon!"

"You're looking for death, brat!"

In the corner, a grandfather was beating his grandson. Wei Cheng glanced at him and then looked away.

Not everyone in the three realms of humans, demons and monsters supports the new world of the Five Stars and this new era. There are still many people living in other realms, leading the old life of cultivation.

But Wei Cheng likes this place very much, and likes the demons living here very much, especially after seeing what the demons have done in history.

Wei Cheng's eyes fell on the monument in the center of the waiting hall, which recorded the name of everyone who contributed to the construction of the Wuyao New Territory.

Not only Jiang Yuebai, Li Jiuchuan, Zhao Fuyi, and Xie Jingshan from the human race...

There are also Bai Jiuyou, Ao Juan, Lu Ling, Tu Shanyin from the demon clan...

As well as the Demon Lord Lu Nanzhi who led the demon clan out of the darkness, as well as the first teacher of the entire demon clan Shen Mingjing, and his later student Shen Hui, etc.

"Thank you!"

Regardless of the past, present, or future, for Wei Cheng, this moment is the best era!

"Passengers departing for Taiwei Xingmeng at 15:15, please go to Gate A6 to queue for ticket inspection..."

Wei Cheng stood up and smiled, dragged his luggage home, and started a happy vacation!

All the extra chapters have ended here. I can breathe a sigh of relief. Finally, there are no more earthquakes and I am wondering how to update.

I have already said everything that needs to be said in the final remarks, so I won’t nag about it here. I will start organizing the new book after a few days of rest. I am so diligent that I am moved myself, hahaha~


Finally, I will continue to ask for next month’s tickets, make a final sprint at the end of the year, maintain my ranking in the monthly ticket annual competition, and make 2023 a perfect end!

Double monthly tickets will be given on the 29th, 30th and 31st. Please give me the monthly tickets!


Thank you for your company and support over the past year. I love you all and see you next March~

(End of this chapter)

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