I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 116: You don't deserve it


Facing Zhao Fuyi, Li Jiuchuan was no longer the man who only knew how to retreat. He was calm and composed, standing upright with his hands behind his back, meeting Zhao Fuyi's gaze.

"Senior Sister Zhao, are you going to discuss what happened back then with me?"

Their eyes met in mid-air and he retreated three steps.

Li Jiuchuan nodded to the people around him, raised his hand and set up a barrier, separating him and Zhao Fuyi. Outsiders could only see the two of them but could not hear anything.

Ling Guanghan stepped back, and the chubby True Lord Canghuo ran to Wen Miao, asking repeatedly, "What happened? Did I miss the fun? Oh, why couldn't you let me out first? I missed a good show for nothing."

Wen Miao ignored him and waved him away, "Go away, go away, you are everywhere, watching the fun all day long and not minding the trouble, go ask someone else."

True Lord Canghuo pulled Lu Yinghuai aside again, "Quick, quick, tell me what's going on. Isn't Li Jiuchuan disabled? How come he suddenly formed a new baby? And why did he slap Zhao Fuyi in the face in public today..."

Shi Zhongshan flew up from the foot of Tiangang Peak on his sword, and came to Wen Miao and sighed, "Jiuchuan Zhenjun is indeed more skilled. He and I both wanted to break the formation with force, but he got there first."

No one responded. Everyone stretched their necks and tilted their ears to want to know what Li Jiuchuan and Zhao Fuyi were talking about.

Yun Shang stood beside Jiang Yuebai and murmured, "They are like the kind of couple who used to look down on me, but now I am the center of attention and you are furious..."

As soon as she finished speaking, several gazes shot over at the same time. Yun Shang was startled and trembled, and hurriedly hid behind Jiang Yuebai.

Jiang Yuebai was also shocked. "What nonsense are you talking about? How could my master like Master Fuyi? Do you stay at home all day long and read storybooks besides training spirit beasts?"

Yun Shang smiled awkwardly, "I didn't see much, just a little bit... just a little bit..."

Jiang Yuebai frowned and looked at the two people in the sky. She didn't know if it was Yunchang's influence, but she actually saw some lingering feelings for Master Fuyi in Li Jiuchuan.

Behind the barrier.

Zhao Fuyi looked around and sneered, "Why do we have to separate them? Is there anything I can't tell everyone?"

Li Jiuchuan did not answer, but just recalled the past.

"I still remember the scene on the Wentian Island in the Dark Sea that day. The ghosts were unstoppable and the human defenses collapsed. Everyone was running for their lives and evacuating. Only you said you wanted to stay and guard the pass for the common people until reinforcements came."

Li Jiuchuan looked at Zhao Fuyi, "That day, you stood alone and proudly, shining brightly. It was at that moment that my heart was moved by you."

(Picture from book friend [Soy Sauce 0 Fatty])

Zhao Fuyi looked at Li Jiuchuan in surprise. Although there had been rumors in the sect that Li Jiuchuan loved her over the years, she had never taken it seriously.

Li Jiuchuan laughed at himself, "So I stayed to help you voluntarily, and to this day, I have never regretted it."

Zhao Fuyi moved her lips but couldn't speak.

She also remembered that day when she was alone on Wentian Island, feeling anxious and afraid, but she knew she could not retreat.

She was just in the middle stage of Nascent Soul at that time, and she risked her life to set up a large formation that could only be controlled by a peak Nascent Soul. She thought she could give it a try, but she was too arrogant. The ghost tide came, and in just half an hour, the large formation was on the verge of collapse because of excessive moisture and difficulty in balance.

"Master Fuyi, Jiuchuan is here to help you!"

That sound was like the sound of nature. She still cannot forget it to this day. Amidst the howling and wailing of hundreds of ghosts, Li Jiuchuan still had the arrogance and wildness of a teenager, and his smile was so beautiful.

Li Jiuchuan's natal magic weapon is special and can quickly transform the five elements. It is because of it that she is able to transform the excessive water aura in the sea into a balanced one and stabilize the formation.

It was also because of him that they were able to hold on for three days, but he was only in the late Jindan stage after all.

"Li Jiuchuan, you can't hold on. Go first. I'll hold on for a while."

"It's okay, just hold the formation steady, I... can still..."

"Don't you want to live? Go!"

"I… Ugh!"

"Li Jiuchuan!!"

Li Jiuchuan looked towards the distant mountains and said softly, "I have never blamed anyone for the shattering of my life treasure. After all, it was my own choice. It is also my fault that you have been angered by the Grand Elders over the years. I still owe you a thank you."

Li Jiuchuan withdrew his gaze and fell on Zhao Fuyi's face, which was trying hard to suppress her emotions.

When his life-saving magic weapon was shattered and his life was about to end, it was Zhao Fuyi who sacrificed half of her cultivation and forced him to live. As a result, she fell to the early stage of Nascent Soul and almost lost her Nascent Soul.

So, no matter what others said over the years, he endured it. He made his own choices and bore the consequences himself.

Thinking of this, Li Jiuchuan bowed calmly.

"Jiuchuan, thank you Senior Sister Zhao for risking her life to save you!"

Zhao Fuyi turned around and burst into tears, not wanting the people around her to see her so vulnerable.

Li Jiuchuan stood up, the emotions in his eyes gradually faded, "As you said, the grudges before are over, we will discuss the future later."

Li Jiuchuan asked slowly, "May I ask Senior Sister Zhao, after the ghost tide, why is it said in the world that you were the only one guarding the gate, and I, Li Jiuchuan, had no contribution at all? You became the number one formation master in the Earth Spirit Realm, but I became a nameless waste waiting to die?"

Zhao Fuyi trembled all over, clenched his fist and explained, "I told them, I told everyone in the alliance that without your help, I would not be able to successfully defend the pass. I explained, but they didn't listen."

"Heh~" Li Jiuchuan sneered, "You did say that, but it was just a simple sentence. This time, it was Li Jiuchuan who helped me set up the formation, so I was able to guard the pass. That's all! You were so brilliant that day, everyone complimented you and praised you, and you accepted it with peace of mind, without any second explanation."

Zhao Fuyi didn't dare to look back, she just bit her lips and clenched her fists tightly.

Li Jiuchuan smiled bitterly, with a barely perceptible fragility flashing in his eyes.

"Over the years, I have suffered so much injustice, but I dare not fight for the reputation I deserve, because I have been telling myself that you have explained it, but they just don't listen or believe it! I have always told myself that it is not your fault, but that under the way of heaven, all living beings only recognize the strong and will not care about a waste who has cut off his path to immortality!"

"I told myself that you were here to protect the people, and I was willing to help you. Compared to the people, I only cared about reputation, and because of this reputation, I felt resentful. I am not as good as you, and a person with a dirty mind like me is not worthy of your love."

Zhao Fuyi's tears flowed like a spring, she bit her lips and cried silently, leaving only her cold back to Li Jiuchuan and everyone else.

Li Jiuchuan took a deep breath to calm himself down, "I have been tortured by this inner demon for many years, which has worn away my pride, my self-esteem, and my heartbeat for you. After that, I gradually cleared away the blinding desire and saw the world."

"Zhao Fuyi, forgive me for being blunt, but what you protected that day were not all the living beings in the world, but all the living beings who used your name as a strong man as an excuse to protect the common people? You can't bear it and you don't deserve it!"

"I don't!"

Zhao Fuyi turned around angrily, her face covered with tears and her eyes firm.

Li Jiuchuan looked at her steadily and asked slowly, "If not, then at Yinfeng Gorge, you clearly had enough strength to spare, so why did you only protect Lu Nanzhi and not see Jiang Yuebai who was almost dead not far from her?"

Zhao Fuyi opened her eyes wide and stumbled back. Only then did she finally remember why she felt Jiang Yuebai looked familiar. It turned out to be...

Li Jiuchuan saw her reaction and said, "Look at the earth, you only see the towering peaks and huge trees, but no gravel or rice seedlings. Look at the sky, you only see cranes and swans, but no young eagles or chicks. But you don't know that the towering peaks are built from rocks, rice seedlings can grow into trees, and cranes and swans also had childhoods."

"You only see yourself and ignore the lives of others. You only care about your own wings and never protect ordinary people from the wind and rain. You have been caught in the rain yourself, but you want to lift other people's umbrellas. People like you are not worthy of being a teacher!"

"All the grudges from the past are gone today. I will never mention them again. That's all I have to say. Take care of yourself."

Zhao Fuyi felt as if struck by lightning. She was terrified and unable to recover for a moment. She could only shake her head and mutter.

Li Jiuchuan no longer looked at her. The depression that had been in his heart for many years dissipated like the wind. He waved his hand to remove the barrier and faced the people from the Tianyan Sect behind him.

"I have disturbed all of you today because of Jiuchuan. I apologize here. Please don't blame me. Jiuchuan is very happy to have Jiang Yuebai as his disciple today. I hope you will take good care of me in the future. The Infant Formation Ceremony and the Apprenticeship Ceremony will be held on the same day. I hope you will be honored to witness it. Jiuchuan will be very grateful."

Li Jiuchuan bowed, stood up, and looked at Jiang Yuebai's face, whose eyes were bright with excitement, and smiled.

Little girl, this is all the master can do for you. From now on, it’s up to you!

I owe you 9 chapters. All the additional chapters will be updated now. The time and amount are uncertain. Please be patient!

(End of this chapter)