I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 32: Wanfa Hall News


On Qingyun Ridge, under the gate archway of Tianyan Sect.

Tao Fengnian handed the two people's tokens to the disciple guarding the mountain gate for inspection.

"Old Tao, you look good. Did you gain anything big on this trip?"

"Yes, you look rosy and energetic. What good thing happened to you?"

"There's nothing good about it. It's still the same as before." Tao Fengnian took the token with a smile.

Jiang Yuebai tilted his head and looked around, thinking that Mo Baichun's healing medicine was really good. Grandpa's complexion had been better in the past two days, and he didn't cough as much.

After entering the mountain gate, Jiang Yuebai looked at the towering Tiankui Peak, the main peak of the Tianyan Sect, and said, "Grandpa, you go back first. I want to go to the Wanfa Hall to find Elder Li and give him the gift I prepared."

Tao Fengnian hesitated for a moment, and seeing that it was approaching noon, he could not help but hold the wooden box tightly in his arms.

"Okay, Grandpa, go back to Huaxi Valley first to deal with the corpses of the monsters. Come back directly after leaving Wanfa Hall. If there is anything, use a paper crane to send a message. The main peak is an important place for the sect, so don't run around."

Jiang Yuebai smiled and said, "Well, I know my limits."

After saying that, Jiang Yuebai used the Star-Chasing Steps and disappeared on the mountain path in a flash.

Wanfa Hall is an important place in the sect. It is located in Hulu Valley at the foot of the main peak. There is a large formation guarding the entrance of the valley, and there is also a white tiger with a demon core guarding it.

Li Jiuchuan was also very concerned about the construction of the Five Elements Rotating Bridge, so he gave Jiang Yuebai the token early on and asked Jiang Yuebai to find him after he succeeded.

"Please allow me to enter the valley, Tiger Lord."

Jiang Yuebai presented the token with both hands. The lazy white tiger yawned and shook its head, then walked in front of Jiang Yuebai with an elegant cat step.

The wet nose sniffed Jiang Yuebai's body and gently touched him with the tip of the nose.


Jiang Yuebai sat down on the ground with his cheeks puffed up.

There was a sly smile in Baihu's eyes, his ears moved slightly, and a gap opened in the barrier at the entrance of the valley.

Jiang Yuebai got up, dusted off the dust on his body, cursed him in his heart as a stinky tiger, bowed and left.

Walking through the bamboo forest path, the view in front of you suddenly opens up, as if it were another strange world.

The clouds are billowing, the green mountains are looming, the waterfalls are roaring like silver dragons, and there are thousands of waves.

In the misty water, floating islands and buildings are scattered high and low, and there are Xuanxiao Danque and cranes flying around, just like a fairy palace fallen into the mortal world.

Butterflies fluttered around him, and Jiang Yuebai walked slowly among them, craning his neck to look around.

I saw monks flying with swords, spiritual beasts fighting and tumbling, and a boy in white with a red mole on his forehead hurriedly walking with a gourd in his arms.

"Don't run away. Uncle Shi has worked so hard to raise you. If you run away, Uncle Shi's year-end evaluation will be ruined."

A green shadow came over, and Jiang Yuebai stopped in a hurry. She saw a ginseng baby with green tassels running past her. It noticed that she was looking at it, so it stopped and angrily kicked some dirt at her.


Jiang Yuebai was pushed away by a gust of wind, and the light hit the ground, creating a scene of fireworks and silver flowers, which was extremely beautiful.

"This spell has been improved thousands of times, how come it's still not good enough?"

Jindan Zhenren stepped away on his sword, sighing.

"We at Wanfa Hall need to innovate. The Cloud and Mist Array is already outdated!"

"It's outdated and you can't carve a dragon-elephant formation. Dragon boats are for transportation, not for hitting people!"

"Come on, come on, you don't accept me, and I don't accept you, let's see who's the winner."

In the distance, two slovenly monks stood under a half-built dragon boat, rolled up their sleeves and unleashed their magical swords to start a fight.

Jiang Yuebai swallowed his saliva, feeling that this place was dangerous, and hurriedly quickened his pace and stepped into the small courtyard in front.

After passing through the cave gate and walking past the water pavilion, the winged koi in the lotus pond splashed water all over her for no reason. Jiang Yuebai was very angry, but she couldn't find anyone to ask where Li Jiuchuan was.

After walking like a headless fly for a while, Jiang Yuebai heard voices.

"Brother Du, where are you going in such a hurry?"

"It's about the snowstorm a few days ago. The disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall have found the Ice Beetle King in various valleys. I have some clues here, and I am about to ask the Law Enforcement Hall to verify the situation on that day."

"That matter is not over yet. It will end when I become Master Fuyi and reverse the situation."

"It's Li Jiuchuan. He still wants to repair his broken life magic weapon and asked me for the weapon refining book. I went to deliver it to him, but he's not here yet. I went there in vain. This is too much!"

"Say less. Although True Lord Fuyi was the only one guarding the gate during the Nether Sea Tide, his contribution was not small. He even shattered his life treasure because of it. He was unable to form a baby at the last moment. He was a pitiful man. If not for this, he should have soared into the sky like our ancestor Lu Xingyun."

"Master Fuyi said he had made contributions, so you really believed he had. If Master Fuyi hadn't insisted on keeping him in Wanfa Hall, he should have been sent out to guard the secret realm of the mine and wait for death. He is just a pretty boy who relies on his looks to please others."

"Walls have ears. You said Li Jiuchuan is fine, but if some of your words get to Master Fuyi, that would be bad. Besides, it seems like they have no connection..."

The two walked past Jiang Yuebai. In the eyes of Jindan Zhenren, she was just a servant like an ant. They didn't care about her and couldn't see her existence at all.

Jiang Yuebai waited until the two Jindan Zhenren walked away before he straightened up with a frown.

The shattering of one's life magic weapon is a fatal matter. It turns out that Elder Li has no hope of forming a baby because of this.

Looking up, Jiang Yuebai suddenly saw a person under a winter plum tree in the distance. The petals were falling like rain, covering his body. The young man in green was tall and graceful, as beautiful as a painting.

(Picture from book friend [Yu Bu Wen])

Jiang Yuebai's heart twitched, not because of the beauty of the scene, but because he didn't know how long Li Jiuchuan had been standing there, and whether he had heard what the two people had just said.

Li Jiuchuan brushed off the flower petals on his shoulders and walked slowly towards him with a faint smile on his face, making people feel like they were in the spring breeze.

"The mountain king sent a message to me, so I came out to look for you. You walk fast, so follow me."

Jiang Yuebai took a breath, raised a big smile and followed, "Is Shanjun the name of Taniguchi Tiger Lord?"

Li Jiuchuan said, "No, Shanjun is a respectful name for the tiger monster. It is called Qionglin Shanjun."

"It sounds nice. When I reach the elixir stage, I will also have a nice and impressive name. So, what is your name, Elder Li?"

"Me? I haven't chosen a Taoist name yet. They call me Jiuchuan Zhenren."

After many twists and turns, Li Jiuchuan brought Jiang Yuebai to the deepest part, a separate courtyard with its back against the cliff.

The courtyard is quiet, with winter plum blossoms in full bloom and bamboo curtains half-rolled up. Smoke is curling from the incense burner next to the guqin in the corridor, and scrolls and books are scattered on the ground, creating a unique scent of books amid the chaos.

Li Jiuchuan waved his hand lightly, and the breeze blew, and the scrolls and books flew up and returned to the bookshelf in the house.

Jiang Yuebai followed the direction and saw that the room was full of books.

Li Jiuchuan took Jiang Yuebai to sit in the corridor and personally poured her a cup of hot tea.

Except during class, Li Jiuchuan treated the sect's disciples with no airs, nor did he judge people by their qualifications or background. He was very friendly and amiable.

Jiang Yuebai performed outstandingly in his class, so he gave her special preference.

Therefore, Jiang Yuebai was respectful and fearless towards him, and there was no need for him to suppress his temper too much when getting along with him.

"Seeing that your cultivation has improved, the Five Elements Rotating Bridge should be completed, right?" Li Jiuchuan asked with a smile as he placed the hot tea in front of Jiang Yuebai.

Jiang Yuebai nodded, and Li Jiuchuan looked happy.

"Can you let me explore a little?"

Jiang Yuebai retracted his hand and struggled a little.

"I'm just curious about what the Five Elements Rotating Bridge looks like in the Qi Refining Stage. I've been teaching in the Lecture Hall for many years and have taught many disciples with five spiritual roots. Including myself, only three people have successfully built the bridge, and all of them were in the Foundation Establishment Stage."

"Looking at your situation, it may help other disciples with five spiritual roots in the Qi Refining Stage, so I want to explore it. The Dantian is the most secretive place for cultivators, so it doesn't matter if you don't want to."

Jiang Yuebai bit her lip. If it weren't for Li Jiuchuan's guidance, she would never have been able to successfully build the bridge so quickly. After thinking it over, Jiang Yuebai stretched out her hand.

Li Jiuchuan smiled slightly, held up the wide sleeves and stretched out his hand, placed his fingers lightly on Jiang Yuebai's wrist, and a trace of spiritual consciousness probed into the meridians.

Seeing the width of Jiang Yuebai's meridians, Li Jiuchuan was slightly stunned. After further investigation, he saw the condition inside her dantian and his pupils trembled.

The five elements' cyclones rotate slowly, are of equal size, and are firmly connected to each other.

It really worked, and it was even better than what he had done before. With such potential for understanding, he will surely shine in the future.

Li Jiuchuan took back his hand. "If the sect did not forbid Jindan Zhenren to accept disciples, I would definitely accept you as my disciple. However, I do have the power to transfer menial servants. Are you willing to come to me? Study the Way of the Five Elements with me?"


Jiang Yuebai opened her mouth in shock. How come she became so popular that everyone wanted to marry her

(End of this chapter)