I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 33: Small stove


After Li Jiuchuan finished speaking, he laughed at himself without waiting for Jiang Yuebai to answer.

"Forget it. I'm already a poor man, so there's no future for you to follow me. If you have any doubts about your cultivation in the future, you can come to me at any time. When I still have the energy to spare, I will do my best to guide you."

Jiang Yuebai nodded sullenly, and asked bravely, "Elder Li, is it true that your life-saving magic weapon cannot be repaired?"

Li Jiuchuan did not shy away from this question. "It's difficult. My life magic weapon was designed based on scattered records in Wuweishanren's miscellaneous collection. I don't have a complete refining method. I have to figure it out on my own."

"At first, I was indeed very strong. I could defeat a Jindan in the early stage, but... I still have flaws. I think that except for Wuweishanren, no one else can help me fix it."

"Can't you just change it?"

"My life treasure is connected to my golden elixir soul. How can I exchange it? Unless..."

"Unless what?"

"Break the pill and rebuild it!"

"Ah?" Jiang Yuebai was shocked. Li Jiuchuan said it decisively and it was clear that he meant it.

"Can't we go find Wuweishanren?"

"She has traveled all over the world, so it's not easy to find it. Even if she finds it, since it concerns her life treasure, she may not be willing to reveal the refining method to me."

Jiang Yuebai lowered his head and remained silent for a moment, then took a breath and took out an exquisite wooden box from the storage bag.

"This is the Lingwu Immortal Tea I bought at Nangu Market. Thank you Elder Li for your guidance these days."

Jiang Yuebai stood up and bowed.

Li Jiuchuan opened the box and took a sip of the tea fragrance. "This is the new tea from the winter solstice this year. It's very good. I just finished all the tea here, so I don't have to buy more."

Li Jiuchuan poured out the old tea leaves in the teapot and put new tea into it. Jiang Yuebai breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Li Jiuchuan would not like her gift.

Jiang Yuebai sat down again and said, "I have another question I would like to ask Elder Li."

"But it's okay."

"It was during the snowstorm that day. I was practicing the Herb Technique in the fields, but I accidentally mobilized the water spirit energy."

Li Jiuchuan raised his eyebrows slightly, "Oh? What happened next?"

"My hands were frozen, so I was very confused. Could it be that the wood spell could produce new changes by using other attribute spiritual energy? Could other spells also have these changes? Unfortunately, I tried many times later and never succeeded."

Li Jiuchuan placed the teapot on the small red stove and asked, "In addition to the five elements transformation, have you ever learned about the three wonders?"

"Wind, Thunder and Ice? I've read some of it, but I haven't fully understood the five elements yet. I think it's too complicated."

"Let's not talk about anything else. Where do you think ice comes from? Lu Nanzhi has been thinking about this question and has been asking me all day. She has come to my courtyard many times. Now it seems that you have to understand it before her."

Jiang Yuebai became more alert and leaned forward involuntarily, his face full of curiosity.

Li Jiuchuan straightened his sleeves, exuding the serious aura he had when teaching.

"The Five Elements are the foundation of the operation of heaven and earth, but other changes can also occur within the Five Elements, such as the three extraordinary attributes of wind, thunder and ice. This still belongs to enlightenment, and it cannot be achieved by just practicing hard..."

There is a pot of tea by the red stove and a few plum branches under the corridor.

The tea boils, the fire goes out, the wind rises, the plum blossoms fall.

"I understand. Ice is also water, but it is cold in nature and cannot produce wood. It cannot nourish all things. Therefore, it will be expelled in the process of water producing wood, so ice will be left on my hands."

Jiang Yuebai's face was full of excitement, and Li Jiuchuan picked up the pot and poured tea.

She couldn't wait any longer, so she immediately turned around and chanted the Herb and Tree Technique towards Dongmei outside the corridor.

The red plum blossoms bloom slowly, and the faint fragrance floats in the air.

Jiang Yuebai opened her eyes wide in surprise and saw her hands being covered inch by inch by frost. She succeeded!

Li Jiuchuan put down the teapot. "Now that you understand how water produces ice, it is only a matter of time before you comprehend the properties of wind and thunder. However, comprehending is not enough. How to apply it to magic is what you should think about next."

"You are very smart, but I still want to remind you not to get carried away by your temporary success and rush for quick results. You need to realize that there are still many problems in the process of application. It may take you a few days, or it may take you several years or even decades to find the trick."

Jiang Yuebai nodded, "Well, actually, because of the problem of water forming ice, I already have some ideas, such as whether I can use the golden spirit to activate the Cloud and Rain Art? Then the golden needles will be like rain, wouldn't it make the Cloud and Rain Art a lethal art?"

Li Jiuchuan curled his lips and smiled, "It's feasible in principle, but it takes years of practice to be able to use it like an arm. And I'm afraid only someone like you who has mastered the Five Elements Rotating Bridge can do this. It can be considered a unique secret technique."

"You have a good understanding. In fact, you are very suitable to stay in Wanfa Hall to study magic. Unfortunately, it is difficult for you to enter Wanfa Hall to study openly now. It's getting late. I will get a few books for you. Go back early and follow me in."

Li Jiuchuan stood up and walked into the room next door which was full of bookshelves, and Jiang Yuebai followed closely behind him.

Passing through rows of bookshelves, she saw two scrolls of paintings hanging at the back of the room.

One picture shows a female cultivator in green lying drunkenly on a mountain top, drinking alone under the moon, looking carefree and unrestrained.

In one, a female general in black holds a gun and rides a horse, chasing the clouds and the sun, free and unrestrained.

Jiang Yuebai fixed his gaze on the blue-clothed female cultivator in the first volume and asked in a trembling voice, "Whose portrait is this?"

Li Jiuchuan, who was taking the book, took a quick look and said, "The first one is the founder of Tianyan Sect, Lu Xingyun, and the second one is Wuwei Shanren. They are both the people I admire most in my life."

Jiang Yuebai's pupils trembled. Oh my god, the person who showed her the way to immortality that day was the founder of Tianyan Sect, Lu Xingyun!

But that doesn't make sense, isn't it said that she ascended tens of thousands of years ago? Could it be someone who looks very similar

Li Jiuchuan took out a thick stack of books and handed them to Jiang Yuebai. "These are all compiled by me. They are about the operating principles of low-level five-element spells. There is also this set of "Five Flavors Collection". These are all that can be collected in the world today. I give them to you."

Jiang Yuebai was flattered, "Thank you, Elder Li, you are really a very, very good person."

Li Jiuchuan smiled gently, "I am not as good as you think. I insisted on teaching in the Dharma Hall. In addition to imparting knowledge, I also enjoy your respectful gazes. Otherwise, I would be in a state of panic all day long."

Jiang Yuebai seemed to understand but not quite.

"Why am I telling you this? I'll take you out."

At the entrance of Huaxi Valley, it’s dusk.

"Don't run away, you daring demon! Go now, as ordered by the law!"

Jiang Yuebai was in a good mood. He jumped up and down, muttering to himself, his hands moving non-stop, as if he were a Taoist priest in the mortal world exorcising demons and monsters.

“Hahahaha, if you fall into the hands of Master Yuebai today, I will definitely turn you into ashes. Watch out! Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”



With a frog's croak, Jiang Yuebai tripped over a rock and fell to the ground, with one of his shoes flying off.

Half of a toad's head popped out of the pond, glanced at Jiang Yuebai, and then sank back down.

"Sister Jiang, what are you doing lying here?"

Jiang Yuebai looked up and saw Shi Xiaowu standing not far away, carrying a basket of wild vegetables on his back and holding a small hoe.

In addition to cultivating spiritual fields, Guo Zhen also raised some colorful pheasants in the yard. Shi Xiaowu would go out every day to dig wild vegetables to feed the chickens.

Jiang Yuebai got up and rubbed his nose. He used his spiritual sense to retrieve his shoes and put them on, then coughed twice to cover up his embarrassment.

"Well, my grandfather and I went to the Nangu Market to buy some beggar chickens, which were made from the magical birds in the Feifeng Forest. Take these two. Eat one and give the other to your master as a snack."

She remembered how Guo Zhen and Shi Xiaowu had protected her before.

Shi Xiaowu swallowed happily, "That's great, I haven't had meat for a long time, my master is so stingy."

Shi Xiaowu took the chicken, opened the oil paper, tore off a chicken leg and stuffed it to Jiang Yuebai. Jiang Yuebai refused, so he started to tear it into pieces himself, wolfing it down with his mouth full of oil.

"Eat slowly. This slingshot is also for you. Don't forget to ask me to roast the bird together after you shoot it. You are not allowed to eat it alone."

"Yes, I will definitely call you Senior Sister Jiang."

The two of them entered the valley together, and after walking a few steps, they saw Lu Ying shaking the grass and walking out in a depressed mood.

Their eyes met, Lu Ying snorted and turned away.

"Lü Ying, wait a minute!"

(End of this chapter)