I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 39: Nightmare (1)


"Lin Jingyue, why did you lie to me!"

The cold voice contained endless sorrow, resounding through heaven and earth, and was icy cold to the bone.

Jiang Yuebai shuddered violently and saw the setting sun as blood-red, corpses everywhere, tattered flags dancing in the wind, and ashes all over the sky.

Even though she had seen starving people all over the ground, she was still terrified by the sight of the broken bodies and intestines scattered all over the ground.

His stomach churning, Jiang Yuebai bent over and held onto the broken axle to vomit, and saw two charred and bloodstained flags.

The totem of the Cloud Kingdom has the word "Lin" written on it.

The decoration of the Cang State has the word "Night" written on it.

Jiang Yuebai stood up, her eyes shocked. This was the battlefield between Cang Kingdom and Yun Kingdom. Why was she here

Everywhere one looked were the corpses of soldiers from both countries. Not far away, corpses were piled up like a mountain. Bloodstained spears stood still, with green lanterns hanging on them, swaying in the cold wind.

Lonely and sad.

"Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-one... Ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-two..."

Hearing the voice, Jiang Yuebai turned his head sharply and saw the silver-armored general, half of his body covered in blood and full of arrows, walking among the corpses and counting slowly.

Jiang Yuebai looked at the green palace lantern deeply, wondering whether this was a dream or an illusion.

"Excuse me, where is this? Who are you?"

Jiang Yuebai stood in the distance and asked loudly, secretly on guard.

The silver-armored general didn't even raise his head, "... ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight... ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine..."

The voice paused and he looked around blankly.

"One less... How could one less..."

The silver-armored general looked up, and Jiang Yuebai saw his face clearly.

With long eyebrows like willows and a body like a jade tree, he is an outstanding young general.

Their eyes met, and the silver-armored general's dull gaze gradually brightened, with a relieved smile at the corner of his lips.

"Found it, the last one."

Jiang Yuebai's heart trembled, oh no!

In the dark cave.

Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan surrounded Jiang Yuebai and asked her questions when they saw her closing her eyes.

"Excuse me, where is this and who are you?"

The two looked around in confusion. There was no one around, not to mention people, not even a ghost lantern. This cave was the same cave they had passed through when they came from the other end of Yinfeng Gorge.

Because they came in, the ghost lights were frightened and all ran away.

"Jiang Yuebai, wake up."

Xie Jingshan shook Jiang Yuebai's body, but there was no response.

Lu Nanzhi frowned, "She must be in a nightmare. I heard that the snowstorm a few days ago was filled with a lot of yin energy. The source may be in Yinfeng Gorge."

"What do we do now?"

Lu Nanzhi thought for a moment, "I will guard here, and you find a way to go out and find Elder Li. Xiaobai is just a chores disciple, and others will not care whether she lives or dies."

"Okay, I'll go right away."

"Wait, if you can't find Elder Li, go find the Sect Master and tell her that something happened to me."

Xie Jingshan nodded and ran out.

Nightmare battlefield.


Jiang Yuebai stepped back quickly to avoid the silver-armored general, his eyes rolling as he thought of a countermeasure.

She didn't know what was going on at the moment, but she knew that Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan would definitely find a way, and all she had to do was delay time as much as possible.

"You... You must have been here for many years. No one has ever talked to you. You must be lonely, right?"

The silver-armored general's eyes were filled with ripples, and Jiang Yuebai felt relieved.

"You can trap me here, so I can't run away. Why don't you ask me to talk to you before I die? Can you tell me what happened here and why you are here?"

"Do you... want to listen?" General Silver Armor looked at Jiang Yuebai with sad eyes.

Jiang Yuebai looked sincere and nodded vigorously, "I want to listen. I like listening to stories the most. You can tell me slowly."

The silver-armored general turned around and looked towards the setting sun in the sky.

I haven't talked to anyone in many years, so let me start with this...

"That year, the Cang Kingdom went to war with the Sixteen Tribes of Xiyun. It was my first time leading troops to fight, but we were defeated step by step and lost two passes in a row. The battle of Chunshan Pass was imminent, and my Night Wolf Army was exhausted and morale was low."

"If Chunshan Pass is lost, the Xiyun barbarians will invade the Central Plains, and the Cang Kingdom will be in danger. On the day before the war, when the setting sun was the same as it is now, a spy sneaked into our central army tent..."

The surrounding scenery changed. Jiang Yuebai looked around and found himself in the military tent.

The young general was full of vigor and vitality. He walked into the tent, dismissed his attendants, and stood in front of the sand table, thinking hard.

A black shadow attacked his face, and the two sides fought. The young general was defeated and was pressed face up on the sand table in an instant, with a dagger against his Adam's apple.

The woman in black pulled down her veil, revealing a face that was weathered, yet still bright, passionate, and unruly.

"Lin Jingyue!!"

Lin Jingyue narrowed her eyes as she pressed her finger against the young general's lips. "Don't shout loudly. I'm here to help you win the battle."

The picture froze, and the silver-armored general, covered in arrows, squatted down and looked at Lin Jingyue's bright smile with longing.

"Lin Jingyue, the famous undefeated god of war of Yun Country, was only ten years old when I was born. She had already followed her father to the battlefield, commanding the central army, planning the battle situation, and winning every battle. The Night Wolf Army led by my father is a fierce army of Cang Country, but it has never gained any advantage from her."

"It is because of her that the territory of Yun Kingdom has been expanding, gradually surpassing Cang Kingdom and reaching its peak. If we were to ask who the people of Cang Kingdom hate the most, the Emperor of Yun Kingdom would be second, and Lin Jingyue would be first. But this time, she secretly sneaked into our military tent without telling the Emperor of Yun Kingdom, saying that she wanted to help me resist the Sixteen Tribes of Xiyun."

"I was convinced by her. If Chunshan Pass is lost, not only will Cang Kingdom have to face the Western Cloud Barbarians, but Yun Kingdom will also not be spared. At that time, the three parties will compete with each other, and Yun Kingdom will suffer from years of war. At that time, I didn't have much patriotism and scheming in my heart. I only knew that if I failed in my first expedition, it would make the Night Wolf Army even worse, and I would definitely be punished by Emperor Cang."

"In that battle, we defeated the enemy with fewer troops and the weaker force. We won a great victory and the morale of the entire army was boosted. They all said that I was the reincarnation of the God of War. Only I know that the real God of War is in my tent."

Jiang Yuebai listened carefully, and the scene before his eyes changed again.

The bright and handsome young general dodged the people around him and stepped into the tent, pointing his spear.

"Lin Jingyue, although I want to thank you for this battle, Chunshan Pass has been stabilized. You should leave your life here."

Lin Jingyue stood in front of the sand table with his arms folded, frowned and pointed to the valley outside Chunshan Pass.

"The morale of the Xiyun Barbarians has dropped sharply. Now is a good time to pursue the victory. If you set up an ambush here, you can capture another pass."

Perhaps it was because the spear was heavy and it was tiring to hold it up all the time, the young general's arms trembled slightly, and he finally put down the spear and looked at the sand table.

After some discussion, Lin Jingyue raised her eyebrows sharply and said, "I have been here for a few days, but I haven't asked the young general for your name yet."

"Me? My name is Ye Shiming."

"When people are idle, the sweet-scented osmanthus flowers fall, the night is quiet and the spring mountains are empty, the moon rises and startles the mountain birds, which sometimes sing in the spring stream."

Lin Jingyue laughed and Ye Shiming was stunned.

"That was the first time someone interpreted my name in this way and combined it with hers. In fact, I was given this name only because I had been a night cryer since I was a child. Perhaps it was from that time that I had feelings for her that I shouldn't have."

There are female generals hidden in military tents, and they command the battlefield.

The young man admired Ai and fell in love with her.

But the war will always end, and people will always have to say goodbye.

In the central army tent, the candlelight flickered, and the shadows became two people.

Lin Jingyue personally poured the wine and handed it to Ye Shiming. Ye Shiming was absent-minded and drank it.

"Wait, the enemy general gave you wine, and you dared to drink it without even thinking about it?"

Ye Shiming's fingers were clenched, his eyes full of affection, "It doesn't matter if it's poison you gave me."

After saying this, Ye Shiming raised his head to drink, and Lin Jingyue waved his hand to stop him.

The wine cup fell to the ground, and Lin Jingyue sighed, "That's all..."

Lin Jingyue stood up, grabbed Ye Shiming by the collar and brought him in front of her, kissing him deeply with her red lips.

Jiang Yuebai covered his eyes and turned around, only to see shadowy figures outside the tent, as if someone was lying in ambush.

"That night, the red candles were silhouetted, the spring air was lingering, and both she and I were drunk. Although I knew it was a treasonous act, I was really happy in my heart."

The next morning, Lin Jingyue put on the Ye Shiming robe, let her long hair down, and made a palace lantern with her own hands in front of the desk.

"I have seen a lot of blood, and I hate red the most. Today is the Lantern Festival, so I will make a green lantern for you."

Lin Jingyue picked up the pen, dipped it in ink, and wrote two lines of small words on the lamp.

[The moon rises and startles the mountain birds, which sometimes sing in the spring stream]

(Picture from the book friend [Delicious Roasted Corn])

"She insisted on leaving, so I avoided my father's secret guards and sent her out. If I had known that day would be our last farewell, I would never have let her go no matter what."

A valley road, lush spring grass, a horse, and two people.

Lin Jingyue jumped on the horse and Ye Shiming strode forward quickly.

"Next spring, I will come to your house with my wedding dress and ask for your hand in marriage. You must wait for me."


The horse neighed, Lin Jingyue tightened the reins, struggled for a moment, turned around and lowered his eyes.

"Marriage is out of the question!"

Ye Shiming looked unwilling, "I will never let go."

Lin Jingyue smiled proudly and said, "Okay, I will allow you to marry into the family with 100,000 soldiers from the Cang Kingdom as a gift."



"It's a deal."


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(End of this chapter)