I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 4: What did the immortal give me?


"I won't teach you, you take her away!"

In the dim room, Jiang Yuebai looked up at Hong Tao. Is this the kind person you mentioned

Hong Tao looked at the old man sitting cross-legged on the bed smoking quietly, "Mr. Tao, the Internal Affairs Hall has issued an order that you must train a spiritual farming apprentice within a year. If you don't accept her today, another servant will be sent to you tomorrow."

Hong Tao received the task, which was to persuade Master Tao to accept an apprentice. Before he started looking for someone, he met Jiang Yuebai. Perhaps this was her fate with Master Tao.

"Although this child has five spiritual roots, his performance in the path of self-examination is no less than that of the outer disciples. He is also extremely smart and clever. You should teach him first. Who knows, there might be a surprise."


Tao Fengnian slammed his pipe on the table and said, "What surprise is there? The surprise is that you all wish me dead. Get lost. I won't accept you!"

Jiang Yuebai was so scared that he shrank behind Hong Tao. As the disciple in charge of the Internal Affairs Hall, Hong Tao had a temper.

"I've left her here. If you don't want to take her, take her to the Internal Affairs Hall to find the elders yourself!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Yuebai was pushed out, Hong Tao turned around and left, slamming the door.

Jiang Yuebai stood there at a loss, shrinking his neck and smiling awkwardly at Tao Fengnian.

"Grandpa, I..."

“Get out!”

Jiang Yuebai trembled all over, and ran to the yard quickly with his bag on his back, and the door of the house was hit by a gust of wind.

Hong Tao said it well, and she came over with full of hope. What kindness? What loyalty? It was a lie!


The moonlit night was chilly. Jiang Yuebai was cold, hungry and tired. Her body was covered with wounds and bleeding. She couldn't run anymore. Moreover, she didn't know the way, and she didn't know where to go in such a huge immortal gate.

When I entered the valley just now, I saw a toad as big as a house soaking in the pool at the entrance of the valley, puffing out smoke, looking very majestic.

Hong Tao said that it was a guarding toad, a spiritual beast in the late stage of foundation building, and anyone who wandered into Huaxi Valley would be eaten by it.

Jiang Yuebai shuddered. Life is the most important thing in the world, so he might as well stay here tonight.

She didn't care whether the old man agreed or not, she ran to the kitchen in the courtyard following the smell and found half a bowl of still warm rice in the big pot.

"What kind of rice is this? It smells so good."

Coo coo

The rice grains in the bowl were plump and distinct, with a faint, moist glow like white jade and exuding the original fragrance of rice, which made her swallow her saliva.

Even if the old man wanted to kill her tomorrow, she would die a full death.

Jiang Yuebai sat under the stove and started eating with chopsticks.

After eating half a bowl of rice, Jiang Yuebai licked his lips with satisfaction. He felt not full, but his stomach was warm, and all the fatigue was gone. He felt energetic.

The courtyard is not big, with three rooms facing north and south. Tao Fengnian lives in the main room on the north. The small room on the east is the kitchen. The small room on the west is filled with some farm tools and sundries, but there is an empty bed and new bedding in the closet.

Jiang Yuebai went in and lit the lamp, moved the hoe, sickle and other things aside, and then carried a wooden basin to the water tank in the yard to fetch some water. He was busy going in and out.

The moonlight was dim and cool. After working for most of an hour, Jiang Yuebai finally cleaned up the house. He wiped the sweat from his head and breathed a sigh of relief.

Under the warm yellow light, farm tools were neatly placed in the corner of the house, the blue bricks on the ground were swept clean, the wooden table with a missing corner was polished to a shine, and the bed was covered with soft cotton quilts, which looked very comfortable.

At this moment, Jiang Yuebai finally felt a little real about the fact that he had arrived at the Immortal Gate, but the pressure of being driven away at any time still remained.

Jiang Yuebai climbed onto the wooden stool beside the table, knelt on it and untied the bag that Hong Tao had given her. Inside was a small gray purse the size of a palm. She couldn't open the seal, and there was nothing inside when she pinched it. She didn't know what to use it for.

There was also a small cloth bag containing ten walnut-sized crystals. Once they were poured out, they overwhelmed the light of the oil lamp, making the whole room colorful and shining.

"Wow, is this a spiritual stone? I thought the Beihai Night Pearl on Madam Lin's head was the most beautiful in the world."

Jiang Yuebai hurriedly put away the ten spirit stones. These were all hers, and she must not let anyone snatch them away again.

She just didn't know what she could buy with ten spirit stones. Could she buy a sword that could fly in the sky? That was what she wanted most.

After some anticipation, Jiang Yuebai picked up a black iron token. On one side was the word "Miscellaneous Services", and on the other side was "Tian something". She didn't recognize the second word, but it should be the word "Yan" of Tian Yan Sect.

Next to the token there was a yellow paper map folded into a book shape, and a blue booklet with the three words "Qi Yin Jue" inscribed on it.

Finally, there was a medicine bottle, a box of ointment, and a set of gray cloth clothes and cloth shoes.

There are six brown pills in the medicine bottle. They should be the Qi-inducing pills that Hong Tao mentioned. What about the ointment

"Golden healing medicine?"

Jiang Yuebai looked at the scars on his body, smiled slightly, quickly fetched water to wipe his whole body, and carefully applied ointment on the wounds.

After putting on the grey clothes in the bag, which were as wide as a costume, Jiang Yuebai started to think about how to tailor it to fit her. The grey clothes actually began to shrink on their own, and finally fit her height and figure perfectly, including the shoes on her feet.

"How amazing! Will this dress get bigger as I grow taller?"

Everything about the Immortal Gate surprised and excited Jiang Yuebai. It was full of endless novelty and also aroused her strong desire for knowledge.

"If the old man chases me away tomorrow, I won't leave even if I throw a tantrum and roll on the ground."

With wet hair, Jiang Yuebai spread out the map and found that it was so big that she covered the entire bed with it, and still half of it was not opened.

The magnificent nine-mountain range, thirty-six peaks, and eighty-one valleys were presented before her.

Seeing the small print next to it, Jiang Yuebai read it several times before he understood its meaning. He quickly cut his finger with the small dagger he carried with him and dripped a drop of blood on the map.

The blood was absorbed by the map, and a small red dot immediately appeared in the bottom corner of the map, indicating her current location.

"Is Huaxi Valley only the size of a fist on this map? But it's clearly bigger than our Jiangjia Village from the outside."

After comparing the sizes, Jiang Yuebai finally felt how vast the Tianyan Sect was. She was afraid that she would never be able to travel around such a large place in her lifetime.

Jiang Yuebai was extremely shocked. He closed the map and decided to practice quickly.

One day, she will be able to soar up to 90,000 miles and ride the wind and sword between heaven and earth.

Sitting on the bed, Jiang Yuebai opened "Qi Yin Jue" facing the oil lamp. In the front was a map of the human meridians. She had also seen it in the clinic in Yong'an City. She couldn't recognize many of the names of the acupuncture points and meridians on it, so she had to flip to the back.

Fortunately, it is written later that you don't need to practice Qigong to draw Qi into your body. You only need to sit quietly in meditation according to the diagram, feel the spiritual energy, absorb the spiritual energy, and gather enough spiritual roots to step into the first level of Qi training and officially enter the Tao.

[Sit cross-legged and calm your mind, relax and be natural, close your lips and teeth lightly, and breathe slowly]

[Gather the divine light, reach the heart of heaven, send it into Niwan, and keep it there forever]

Jiang Yuebai sat with his five hearts facing the sky for more than half an hour, but he felt nothing. His hands and feet were sore and he felt drowsy.

Is it because the root value is low that I can't feel anything

"No, no, if you have poor aptitude, you have to work harder. While others are sleeping, I will practice. This is the only way to catch up with them. Oh, right, Qi-inducing Pills."

Jiang Yuebai poured out a Qi-inducing pill from the medicine bottle and swallowed it in one gulp.


A cool breath rushed from his stomach straight to his head, and Jiang Yuebai shivered suddenly.

She closed her eyes and silently focused on the dark nothingness. Stimulated by the cool breath, she slowly saw the faint and colorful fluorescence.

It was like flying fireflies, only five or six in number, floating softly around her.

Is this aura

Jiang Yuebai got so excited that his breathing became disordered, and the ball of light was immediately scared away like a bug.

It’s so difficult to draw air!

Jiang Yuebai sighed in his heart, calmed himself down again, and his breathing created weak waves in the air, which rose and fell, pushing the light spot.

The night is long and the stars are gradually dimming.

Jiang Yuebai had long ignored the flow of time and was staring intently at the ball of blue light that was very close to her.

Come here, come here quickly!

Seeing that there was only a little distance left, the ball of green light refused to come over and hesitated, making Jiang Yuebai extremely anxious.

Her root value is low, so even the spiritual energy is disgusted with her

The breathing rhythm was disrupted and the ball of light was about to escape again. Jiang Yuebai became furious and rammed his head forward, knocking the ball of light into his forehead.

At this moment, golden light flashed across his eyes, like a fairy supporting his head.

[The Xiuxian data panel is open. This panel only has the function of displaying data. Please do not try to recharge or other meaningless behaviors.]

[Spiritual roots are determined by heaven, cultivation is up to oneself, and only diligence can change destiny]

[Name]Jiang Yuebai

[Spiritual Roots] Five Elements Spiritual Roots (Gold 4, Wood 5, Water 4, Fire 4, Earth 4)


[Exercise]Qi-inducing Technique (1/21)

[Spell] None

[Martial Arts] None

Jiang Yuebai stared blankly at the panel that appeared in her mind. Could this be what the fairy gave her

Although the symbols behind the Qi Inducing Technique were strange, Jiang Yuebai inexplicably knew that they represented numbers.

She gets 1 point for every ball of light she absorbs. If she absorbs 21 balls of light, can she enter the first level of Qi training

Jiang Yuebai, who had just had a sore back from sitting, suddenly became energetic. He originally didn't know how long he would have to finish his cultivation and was full of confusion, but now he has a clear goal and is full of energy!

[You concentrate on drawing in the Qi, but your aptitude is too poor, so your efficiency is low. Fortunately, you take drugs and persevere, and your proficiency in drawing in the Qi increases by 1]

Wow, the things given by the immortal are so interesting, keep going!

Please always remember that the heroine is a six-year-old local child (first grade of elementary school). She has a good side but also a pretentious and naughty side. She will definitely grow up better. She is not a time-travelling girl who is too smart to be a demon, and she is not an adult. This is not a story about a big man coming out to abuse everyone, but it is not a story of great cruelty and bloodbath. It will be enjoyable within the scope of logical correctness.

Some of the characters in the book are imperfect, that is, 'mortal' people with their own strengths and weaknesses. They are also imperfect strivers on the road to immortality, who need experience and growth, and are not static. There will be bonds and stories between the characters.

In addition, I personally believe that people at the bottom of society see little light, and are surrounded by darkness and shadows. Only when their strength increases and they continue to climb up, will there be more and more good people around them, just like in the entertainment industry, where only when they become famous can they have status.

Meeting is fate, I don't like to part ways amicably, I wish everyone can be happy and happy~

(End of this chapter)