I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 53: Survive in desperate situation



The severed arm was thrown at Jiang Yuebai's feet, splashing blood all over her. She trembled and took half a step back.

Ye Lianyi laughed and said, "This is what happens when you mess with my things!"

"Peng Laosan, what's wrong with this little girl?" asked Fan Mazi.

Peng Sanyang bowed and explained, "It is said that he is a disciple chosen by the sect's Jindan Zhenren. He was punished for being involved in something, and will be taken away in two years. The internal affairs hall's foundation-building manager personally sent him here. Manager Cui also said that he asked you..."

Peng Sanyang didn't dare to say the rest, as Fan Mazi sneered disdainfully.

Ye Lianyi walked up to Jiang Yuebai, pinched her chin and pulled her face up.

"He's quite someone with a lot of background. At such a young age, he's at the fourth level of Qi training. Is he an inner sect disciple?"

Jiang Yuebai suppressed his discomfort and tried his best to act scared.

"Sister, I didn't know this was your mine, really..."

Fan Mazi sneered, "Who cares where he comes from? Once he's down in the mine, it's my territory. I can do whatever I want with him! If Cui Sheng has the guts, come down and ask for him in person."

Fan Mazi came towards him aggressively, and Jiang Yuebai's heart tightened.

Ye Lianyi raised her hand, "She's just a little girl. Besides, we still have to go back to the sect in the future. It's better to have less trouble than more."

After saying that, Ye Lianyi stretched out her hand to Jiang Yuebai, "Hand over the storage bag on you."

Jiang Yuebai quickly held his waist and stepped back, "I... I don't have anything... nothing on me..."

"court death!"


Fan Mazi kicked Jiang Yuebai, who tried hard to resist. He was hit hard in the abdomen and flew against the cliff wall and fell to the ground. His internal organs were twisted and he groaned in pain.

Ye Lianyi smiled sarcastically, walked to Jiang Yuebai, squatted down, and pinched her face.

As his fingertips rubbed her face, his nails slowly left bloody marks. Jiang Yuebai frowned in pain and her eyes were instantly filled with tears.

"Little girl, the mine has its own rules. You can't rely on outsiders. Do you know how many people die here every day?"

Ye Lianyi snatched the storage bag from Jiang Yuebai's waist and felt her body again. She only saw a single piece of clothing and a book on body-building techniques, and nothing else. Then she wiped off Jiang Yuebai's faint spiritual mark and glanced into the storage bag, and couldn't help but raise an eyebrow.

"There are so many fasting pills, you are well prepared. Don't say that I won't let you live. I'll leave a bottle of fasting pills for you. Don't go to places you shouldn't go to, don't touch things you shouldn't touch, and don't cause trouble, okay? If you can survive long enough to go back, it's your ability. If you can't survive long enough and die here, it's also your luck."

Jiang Yuebai bit her lip and cried. Ye Lianyi stood up and told Peng Sanyang, "Take her to the mine tunnel inside and let her fend for herself."

"Alas! I was originally going to take her to that mine tunnel."

Peng Sanyang nodded and bowed, urging Jiang Yuebai to follow him.

Jiang Yuebai took the bottle of fasting pills, climbed up with difficulty according to the body-building techniques in his lapel, stared at the storage bag in Ye Lianyi's hand reluctantly, and left with tears in his eyes.

As they went deeper, Jiang Yuebai was pushed into a dark mine tunnel by Peng Sanyang. "Stay here honestly. You can go out if you want. But if you dare to go to other mine tunnels to steal ores, I'll break your legs and feed them to the monsters."

Peng Sanyang looked hard at Jiang Yuebai's frightened and helpless expression, feeling happy, he took the torch and left, leaving her alone in the darkness.

As soon as Peng Sanyang left, Jiang Yuebai's tears were still in her eyes, but the fear in her eyes disappeared instantly, and she remained calm.

She had originally prepared that storage bag for people to snatch. If she really had nothing on her, it would arouse suspicion.

Now those people must think that she is an easy bully, so they will be less wary of her, which will facilitate her next action.

Jiang Yuebai wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and face, then tightly grasped the bottle of fasting pills, lit the fire and walked into the depths of the mine.


A foul smell came along with the sound of rats. Jiang Yuebai covered his nose and held his breath. He lit a fire lighter and a dozen black rats fled deeper into the cave, leaving behind a corpse that had been gnawed open.

His stomach churned, but Jiang Yuebai forced himself to keep going. There were more and more corpses.

Complete, incomplete, rotten, and turned into bones, bodies were piled up one on top of another, and black rats the size of kittens were everywhere.

After turning a corner, Jiang Yuebai saw collapsed boulders blocking the road. There were more corpses under the rocks, and rats ran through the corpses and disappeared.

Jiang Yuebai looked around carefully. Although there was no spirit stone mine here, there were many traces of excavation, especially on both sides of the collapsed site, where there were many piles of chiseled stones.

The corpse was probably not thrown here after death. It was more likely that it was beaten like her and then forced here to fend for itself.

It is obvious that Fan Mazi is the overlord of this area. Perhaps there are other overlords in other places. The people in the mine have their own way of survival.

If she wants to survive, she must rely on them or become the new overlord.

Unfortunately, neither of these two paths is suitable for her. She is too young and no one will accept her. She also does not have the strength to become a overlord at this time, so she can only find another way.

Jiang Yuebai sat down and took a fasting pill to relieve the abdominal cramps. He looked around and something moved in his mind.

Why are there more corpses at the collapsed site, and where did those rats just escape to

Jiang Yuebai stepped on the dry bones and rotten flesh and approached the collapsed site. The flame on the fire starter suddenly shook.

"Is there wind?"

Jiang Yuebai's eyes lit up and he quickly held up a fire starter to look for the source of the wind.

Jiang Yuebai stood up and performed the Dust Purification Technique, then ran outside to take a look.

After making sure that no one was passing by, Jiang Yuebai went back inside, took off his shoes, took out the jade ring, and took out the protective flags collected from his grandfather's yard and spread them out to block out detection and sound.

"Little Green, go through here slowly and let me see how deep the rat hole is."

A green lantern flew out from the sea of consciousness, and the bright green light illuminated a large area.

Xiaolu is a ghost lantern that can pass through walls. It follows Jiang Yuebai's instructions and passes through the rat hole little by little.

"It's a bit deep, but there should be a large space behind it. It could be another mine tunnel. No, the wind should lead to the outside, but this is underground."

Jiang Yuebai thought carefully and muttered to himself, "The Yinshan Mine is located at a high terrain, and the ancient thunder lake is an abyss..."

Jiang Yuebai decided to dig it up.

She did not act in a hurry, but patiently stayed in the mine for several days, meditating every day and reading "Mad Thunder Body Tempering Art" thoroughly.

This body-building technique is a combination of mental skills and boxing techniques. After each exercise and circulation of qi, the lightning force in the body will accumulate to the tolerable limit, and then it is necessary to practice this boxing to disperse the lightning force into the tendons, bones and skin to consume it before continuing to practice.

Jiang Yuebai tried several times, but the effect was weak, not as good as the tempering effect brought by "Five Elements Return to Truth". However, "Five Elements Return to Truth" cannot consume thunder energy, so this body-building technique must be learned.

Peng Sanyang would come to see her every day. After about half a month, his visits became less frequent, and Jiang Yuebai was almost done with her fasting pills.

It was not until the 23rd day that Peng Sanyang appeared again, and Jiang Yuebai tearfully begged him to take her out.

Peng Sanyang was impatient and threw a rough sheepskin map to Jiang Yuebai, telling her to get out.

Jiang Yuebai groped his way along, deliberately leaving traces of his departure.

Going to a secluded place, she took out the invisibility talisman she had prepared long ago and sneaked back to the mine, set up a protective formation, and took out Tao Fengnian's Zhenling Hoe.

The pickaxes issued by the mine are just ordinary fine iron pickaxes. It takes a lot of spiritual energy to smash a piece of stone several times, which is time-consuming and laborious.

Tao Fengnian's Zhenling Hoe was a ninth-grade magic weapon that he had made himself. With one strike of the hoe, Jiang Yuebai could shake a large piece of stone into small, even pieces.

Xiaolu was hanging nearby to provide some illumination. Jiang Yuebai rolled up his sleeves and wielded the hoe tirelessly. When his spiritual energy ran out, he used the spiritual stone to meditate beside the corpse to recover.

After digging non-stop for several days, Jiang Yuebai swung his hoe, causing rocks to collapse and a strong wind to blow in his face.

The long-lost fragrance of trees and soil, and the sound of thunder that has not been heard for a long time.

Jiang Yuebai bent down and crawled into the hole. Lightning flashed across the sky and suddenly illuminated the scene in front of him. It turned out to be a valley in the mountains.

The sky and the earth were dark and without light, and the cold wind was howling and biting.

Little Green floated in front as the pioneer, and everywhere he looked was overgrown grass and rugged rocks.

The bamboo forest was messy and dense, swaying in the cold wind, and the withered and yellow bamboo leaves fluttered like rain, covering a thick layer.

The fallen leaves are rustling, the place is desolate and cold.

Jiang Yuebai parted the weeds and strolled among the dead leaves. In the dim green light, it seemed as if he had stepped into a paradise in the underworld.

Jiang Yuebai looked up and saw the dark night and the great formation barrier, which indicated that this place was still within the great formation of the Yinshan Mine. He just didn't know how such a strange area could have been formed.

She quickly looked around. The valley was not big. It was surrounded by mountains on three sides and a cliff on one side. It was located somewhere halfway up a mountain outside Yinshan Mountain.

There was nothing valuable except some wild fruits and small animals. There were traces of fire at the entrance, which must have been because someone checked and found it to be a dead end, so they blew up the entrance and sealed it.

Who knows? Ye Lianyi and the others might also know about this place, so they are not afraid that she might do something weird in there.

Jiang Yuebai walked to the cliff, the barrier light was shining in the air, and below was the abyss of thunder.

The boundless black sea of clouds was level with the line of sight, and countless silver dragons were roaring and galloping with a tremendous force that was endless.

The sea of clouds is surging and majestic.

Jiang Yuebai was shocked. He had never seen such power of heaven and earth before. It seemed like something was churning in his heart.

If one day, she can bring about tremendous thunder with a wave of her hand, why should she fear the likes of Jia Xiuchun and Lin Xiangtian

This is a dead end. You cannot fly under the formation. The only way to get out is to go back through the mine.

She glanced at everything around her, and then she started to smile, as if she had been saved from a desperate situation.

Jiang Yuebai squatted down, dug through the rotten leaves and grabbed a handful of mud.

She is the granddaughter of the spiritual farmer and the descendant of three generations of carpenters. The rotten mud on the ground and the bamboo forest are her lifeblood.

"Xiaolu, from today on, we will stay here, bide our time and endure hardships!"

(End of this chapter)