I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 85: Evil things


It was a dark, windy day with heavy rain.

Lu Ying squatted under the courtyard wall, biting her hand, her whole body was wet, and she couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears on her face, and she was shivering.


The sound of the door opening echoed in the rain, chilling and chilling.

Lu Ying suddenly stood up and turned around, staggering against the wall, and saw Jiang Yuebai standing under the eaves with a pale face, holding a straw doll in his hand.

Lu Ying stepped back in fear, her mouth slightly open and her chin trembling, and it took a long time before she squeezed out a sound from her throat.

"Who are you?"

Jiang Yuebai curled his lips weakly, "I am Xiaobai who went down to the river to catch fish and went up to the mountain to hunt birds with you."

The straw doll was thrown at her feet. Lu Ying collapsed to her knees, her shoulders shaking violently, and she could no longer hold back her tears.

"noob… "

All the suppressed pain, fear and helplessness of the past five years were released at this moment, under this heavy rain.

Jiang Yuebai stepped into the rain, staggered to Lu Ying, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"It's all over. It's okay. Nothing will happen again..."

Lu Ying also hugged Jiang Yuebai tightly, crying and murmuring.

"I'm sorry, I'm an asshole, I'm sorry..."

The doves are singing outside the forest and the spring rain has stopped. The apricot blossoms are blooming above the house at dawn.

In Tao Fengnian's old house, Jiang Yuebai covered Lu Ying with a quilt, tiptoed out, closed the door, and sat alone at the stone table in the yard.

After taking the antidote, the remaining poison in his body was cleared. Jiang Yuebai recalled the previous situation, and the wrinkles between his brows deepened.

Little Green flew out from the sea of consciousness, moving left and right, and finally stopped in front of him.

[Don't worry]

Jiang Yuebai smiled bitterly, "I'm not worried. Even if you weren't there to protect me in my sea of consciousness, since the incident with Ye Shiming, I have been engraving the 'Soul-Solidifying' rune with my consciousness every day, so it's not that easy for Song Pei'er's soul to take over my body."

"I just feel sorry for Lu Ying. She has had a much harder life than I have these years. Every bit of progress she has made is not a joy but a death warrant. No wonder she cried so helplessly when we met again."

"And Song Pei'er, I really never thought she was such a vicious and greedy person before. You know, she was the first person in Huaxi Valley who treated me well. At that time, my grandfather ignored me with a dark face, but she gave me red cherry fruit because I said, 'Fairy sister,'"

"That's why I always thought she was a good person. Even though Grandpa was distant with her, I never took it to heart. I'm wondering now, what does this path to immortality give us? Is it a glimmer of hope for longevity, or is it the extinction of humanity in order to survive?"

Phosphorescent lights flickered all over Xiaolu's body, and the words on the lantern changed.

[don't know]

Jiang Yuebai lowered his eyes and murmured, "I don't understand either... I just can't help but wonder, if there was no pressure from the life span, would Song Pei'er still be the same as before? It's wrong for her to hurt others in order to survive, but I can't help but think, if Grandpa could be like her at that time and take over someone's body, as long as it wasn't me, but Jia Wei or another evil person, I would be happy."

"After all, when something happens to someone else, I can judge right and wrong at will and use justice to pressure others. But if it happens to me, I can't be upright and incorruptible. I also have selfish and vicious thoughts."

"Don't think about it anymore. These questions will never have answers. There's no point in thinking about them. I just need to remember to never let myself fall into Song Pei'er's situation. Never have preconceived ideas again. It's better to be able to judge people clearly."

Xiaolu shook himself and returned to his sea of consciousness.

Jiang Yuebai took out the two storage bags he found on Song Pei'er. Her soul had never merged with his own soul and was directly swallowed by Xiaolu, so he did not have Song Pei'er's memory, and could not inherit anything like Ye Shiming did at that time.

She had already informed Hong Tao about Song Pei'er's death and asked him to help deal with it.

Song Pei'er had been seriously injured for a long time and her death was approaching. Guo Zhen could testify to all this, so it was sufficient to record her death as a normal result.

"I haven't repaid the favor yet, and now I have to trouble Master Hong again."

Jiang Yuebai sighed and opened the storage bag that Song Pei'er hung on her waist. There were more than a hundred low-grade spirit stones, a dozen talismans and pills and other things needed for daily practice, as well as two farming tools and a jade slip of farming spells.

Jiang Yuebai picked up another storage bag, which was hidden in Song Pei'er's lapel. She poured all the things on the table and the first thing she saw was a token made of black crystal with three blood-stained words written on it.

"Three Element Religion?"

There weren't many things in the storage bag, just a token, two jade slips, a black banner with an evil aura, and three blood-stained iron nails.

Jiang Yuebai checked the jade slips, one of which contained the methods for refining two items.

The black flag is called the 'Seven Evils Banner', which can imprison seven evil ghosts. It uses the energy of the evil spirits to refine them and eat human souls. When fighting, the seven evil ghosts will come out with the energy of the evil spirits, with great momentum and ferociousness that is unstoppable.

It was written on the jade slip that seven evil ghosts could be detained, and the grade of the magic weapon could reach the upper seventh grade. At this time, there were indeed seven evil ghosts inside.

"Fortunately, I acted submissive before, so I was spared a fierce battle."

Jiang Yuebai frowned and picked up another jade slip and placed it between his eyebrows.

"Possession and... the art of shooting dolls?"

The more Jiang Yuebai read, the more frightened she became. The description of possession was extremely detailed. She read it once and her eyes were fixed on the word "soul-transferring".

The so-called possession of another's body means abandoning one's own body, devouring and merging the soul of another person and occupying the body of another person.

Taking over another's body is against the will of heaven and sooner or later, one will be punished by heaven. It is recorded throughout history that those who took over another's body did not have a good end.

But it has never been discovered, and no one knows whether the possession of another's body can last to the end, so this path is still a way of survival in desperate situations.

Since possessing another's body will merge with the original owner's soul, there will be almost no flaws after it succeeds, but hosting a soul is different.

Soul hosting is when the soul of another person resides in an ownerless empty body, and the requirements are more stringent than taking over another's body.

The corpse must be a newly dead body with a compatible fate, it must be led by a close blood relative, and half of one's lifespan must be sacrificed.

After the soul is possessed, it has no memories of the original body, and its lifespan is only half of that of the blood relative sacrificed. It also needs years of integration and adaptation before it can be reborn.

Jiang Yuebai put down the jade slip, "So now Lin Suiwan and Shen Huaixi are blood relatives, and the two of them share Shen Huaixi's lifespan equally."

No matter what Shen Huaixi's reason was, his courage to sacrifice half of his life made Jiang Yuebai shocked and admired.

The remaining part of the 'Shooting Doll Technique' in the jade slip is the method that Song Peier uses to make a straw doll to control Lu Ying. The straw doll contains Lu Ying's essence and blood from between her eyebrows, and is connected to her soul, making it equivalent to a fake body.

Any harm suffered by the fake body can be reflected on the real body, and special methods are needed to break it.

"Who is Song Pei'er?"

Jiang Yuebai looked at the token and evil magic weapon on the table and felt more and more unfamiliar with this person, as if she had never known her.

Looking back at the tightly closed door, Jiang Yuebai refined the seven evil ghosts in the Seven Evil Banners into the Eight Formation Plate. As long as they were souls, they could be transformed into soldiers in the formation, and she could even control seven of them.

With these seven formation soldiers, the maze in the Eight Formation Plate has a certain lethality.

Afterwards, she carefully put away the rest of the things. Song Pei'er and Lu Ying had a close relationship. If these things were exposed, Lu Ying would be investigated.

Maybe Guo Zhen and Shi Xiaowu will not be spared either. Huaxi Valley is in a turbulent time and cannot afford to be caught by anyone.

This time she acted more cautiously than last time. She burned Song Pei'er's body and everything in the cellar three times, leaving no trace.

From now on, she would burn the body after killing someone, and she would never let Lin Suiwan's situation happen again, which would only cause trouble.

After reviewing the game, Jiang Yuebai found nothing missing. He took the jade slip and carefully checked the "Art of Shooting Puppet".

If one could get a drop of Jia Xiuchun's blood from the center of Jia Xiuchun's eyebrows to make a shooting doll, revenge would be much easier. However, it is not possible for Lin Xiangtian because the difference in cultivation level is too great and the shooting doll is useless.

However, there is also a kind of shooting dolls. You only need to use hair to tie a straw doll, write the birth date with its blood, combine it with a special magic circle and bury it in a dirty place. It can damage people's luck and make them unlucky. The longer the time, the better the effect.

"The methods used by the cultivation world are really hard to guard against. I will never celebrate my birthday again. And this hair... The monk is really nice."

Lu Ying needs a good rest to recover, so Jiang Yuebai decides to stay here with her for the next few days, and the plan to go to Tiangang Peak to break the formation has to be postponed again.

Jiang Yuebai didn't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that he had no destiny with Tiangang Peak.

But she still had to learn the art of formations. She needed to be familiar with the art of formations to refine medicine and equipment, and she also needed to be proficient in the art of formations to explore caves. Even in this Huaxi Valley, various large formations would be indispensable in the future.

The houses on the mountainside began to be completed and the villages at the valley entrance began to be demolished.

Jiang Yuebai never leaves his house. He takes Peiyuan Dan in the courtyard every day to practice, cultivate the "Vajra Honglu Gong", learn the art of formation and the art of alchemy. In his free time, he makes skylark puppets to relax. His practice schedule is fully packed.

Since that day, Lu Ying has stayed in the house and refused to talk to Jiang Yuebai.

Every time Jiang Yuebai went to deliver food, she would lean against the window and stare at the sky in a daze.

It was not until the fifth day that Lu Ying finally came out and told Jiang Yuebai, who was fiddling with the skylark puppet in the yard, her well-thought-out plan.

"I want to leave Tianyan Sect and see a wider world."

(End of this chapter)