I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 858: Encounter


Deep in the mountains and old forests, ancient trees are towering, blocking out the clouds and the sun. The dense pine forest is like a giant umbrella supporting the sky, with mottled light and shadows leaking through the overlapping branches and leaves.

After leaving the village, Jiang Yuebai asked Yan Miao to lead the way. The two walked into the forest. The sound of crushing dead leaves disturbed the insects, and the huge centipede also fled away with a rustling sound.

Jiang Yuebai raised her hand and sucked the colorful centipede that was thicker than her leg in front of her. She glanced at it and threw it away. She didn't eat everything.

Now they have to find Jixiang first, and then go to Zhangwei Mountain together. If they use Poyunchong to speed up the journey, they estimate that they will arrive in three to five days.

After knowing the truth about the Great Wilderness, Jiang Yuebai felt that everything around him was false.

In the Great Wilderness, apart from the natural treasures and secret relics transformed from the items on the bodies of those Mahayana monks back then, which were real, everything else was actually just the energy dissipated from the bodies of those Mahayana monks, which turned into myriad things in the Great Wilderness under the blessing of their primordial spirits and memories.

Jiang Yuebai casually dug out a magical medicine covered with scarlet fruits from under the grass. No matter how real its shape, smell, or even taste was, it was still fake after all.

What she ate and absorbed were all Mahayana cultivations.

"I originally wanted to pick some spiritual plants that have become extinct in the upper realm, plant them in the Lotus Platform World and bring them back, but now it seems that there is no hope."

Jiang Yuebai sighed silently and held the elixir in his palm to absorb it.

Things from the Great Wilderness cannot be taken away, but the knowledge in the Mahayana’s memory can be collected through tribes and cities in various places.

I don’t know how long the 365 days in the outside world will last in the Great Wilderness. The Demon Abyss will be closed after the normal 365 days.

Jiang Yuebai carefully recalled the memories that Tao Xian had shown her. Although the processes of the eight previous destructions of the Great Wilderness were slightly different, in the end, they all ended with a war between the four tribes, with the sky collapsing and the earth breaking apart.

The total time taken was about three hundred years. This time was estimated based on the time of the local people in Dahuang, not based on the time that outsiders like them traveled through at will.

"Is one day outside equal to one year in the wilderness?"

Jiang Yuebai speculated and analyzed with her two divine thoughts. If so, she could find a local to accompany her and practice for three hundred years in this ancient era with abundant spiritual energy. She would be able to at least advance to the Void Refining Stage.

By the time she gets out of the Demonic Abyss, only a year will have passed outside and she will have become the ancestor of the Tianyan Sect, hahaha!

If you think about it carefully, it’s quite exciting!

But the consumption of lifespan is another problem. Should it be calculated according to the time of the outside world or the time of the Great Wilderness

Jiang Yuebai had a headache, her head was full of questions, and no one could help her answer them.

Jiang Yuebai glanced around and said to Yan Miao, "There are still some spiritual medicine residues here, which means my spiritual pet is not here. Let's change direction."

Where auspiciousness has passed, no grass grows. How could there be such a large magical medicine for her to pick up

This guy ran a little far this time, out of the range of her spiritual perception.

Yan Miao held a crudely made long knife and walked in front with a bag on his back, cutting the vines and weeds that blocked the way and clearing a path.

Jiang Yuebai discovered that the witches of this era, even though their physical strength and power had reached the Nascent Soul or even the God Transformation level, still did not have the ability to fly and hide underground.

You have to rely on your feet to travel and carry your belongings on your back.

The Wu Clan is relatively primitive in all aspects, but judging from Yan Miao's practice in the past few days, even though she is the weakest in the village, she has a strong resistance to the dragon flame stimulated by the fire dragon's blood.

The young men in the village were only knocked away when they were hit by the Dragon Flame Ring, but the young men of the same age in the upper realm would be burned to ashes directly.

Jiang Yuebai has not seen the human race of this era yet, and can only guess based on the records in ancient books that the human race must not be physically strong, but they have the ability to control the power of heaven and earth and turn it into magic.

The same goes for the demons and monsters, each has its own unique advantages.

The Great Wilderness is a complete continent, divided into four large areas by four tribes: the Witch Tribe in the northwest, the Demon Tribe in the northeast, the Human Tribe in the southwest, and the Monster Tribe in the southeast.

The prelude to the chaos in the wilderness began with the Witch Clan.

Jiang Yuebai took out the stone slab given to her by the witch. The slab was pitch black and there was no text on it. Her omnipotent chaotic energy had no effect on the slab this time.

"Kun Dao, come and see what happened here?"

Yan Miao in front suddenly stopped and called Jiang Yuebai in horror.

Jiang Yuebai swept his spiritual sense over and found that the forest ahead was completely barren of grass. Only bare pine trees were left. The exposed black soil was full of holes. Not only were there no insects to be seen, even the stones were gone.

Jiang Yuebai's spiritual consciousness finally sensed the auspiciousness three hundred miles away. From here to there, it was the same scene. The entire side of the forest was swept clean.

There was only a giant python that Jixiang could not defeat, coiled up on the tree alone, staring blankly at the ground full of pits and holes, looking a little dazed.

The magical medicine it was guarding was stolen by Jixiang using a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain.

Jiang Yuebai smiled and said, "Don't panic, it's my spiritual pet."

The corner of Yan Miao's mouth twitched, and he wondered what kind of spiritual pet Jiang Yuebai was raising, maybe it must be a Taotie.


Jiang Yuebai grabbed Yan Miao's arm, moved the Mi Chen Seal, and instantly appeared under the tree where the ancient giant python was.

The giant python sensed Jiang Yuebai's breath and as if facing a formidable enemy, it arched its upper body and roared angrily.

Yan Miao was so frightened that his face turned pale. Just as he was about to draw his sword to resist, he saw a black seal flying out from Jiang Yuebai's dantian at lightning speed, hitting the giant python on the head.


The giant python's head exploded instantly, its upper body still remained arched, but its head was gone.

Yan Miao widened her eyes in disbelief, watching Jiang Yuebai wave her hand and the black mark flew back into her body. The giant python's body softened and slid down from the tree.

Jiang Yuebai took out an empty storage bag, put the giant python's corpse in it and handed it to Yan Miao.

"The storage bag for these few days' rations is very simple to use. You can open it with your mind."

Yan Miao was overjoyed as if she had found a treasure and held the storage bag carefully. She had only heard of this thing but this was the first time she saw it with her own eyes.

After dealing with the giant python, Jiang Yuebai pulled Yan Miao to teleport for the second time. Jixiang, who was about to steal the food, suddenly saw Jiang Yuebai and was so scared that the spiritual fruit in his mouth fell out. The little guys rushed over and snatched it away and ate it.

Jiang Yuebai laughed and shook his head. He didn't bother with Jixiang. He took it and its cubs back to the Lotus Platform World, even its mount, the Golden-eyed Eagle. Whether he could take it out of the Wilderness depended on whether it would disappear on the day he left.

Afterwards, Jiang Yuebai released Poyunchong, found the right direction and rushed towards Zhangwei Mountain.

In Poyunchong, Jiang Yuebai's real body sat cross-legged to practice, one of his clones continued to teach Yan Miao how to refine the second fire talisman 'Flame Armor', and the remaining spiritual thoughts and clones sorted out the things that Jixiang had looted in the lotus platform small world and 'divided the spoils' among everyone.

Since these things cannot be taken away, it is better to eat them as soon as possible and turn them into your own cultivation.

There were no incidents along the way. We flew through the clouds and into the sky for two days. When we passed a high mountain, the sky and the earth suddenly became dim and dark, and all we could see was the charred earth.

This mountain was the one where she saw Zhulong and Zhu Jiuyou when she first arrived in the Great Wilderness.

There were burnt ruins everywhere, red flames were glowing in the cracks of the earth, and ferocious beasts gathered, tearing apart the corpses in the ruins.

Feeling that there was a group of things rushing out from the dark clouds ahead with great momentum, Jiang Yuebai hurriedly controlled Poyun to rush downwards to avoid their sharp edge.

After disappearing into the mountain stream, Jiang Yuebai swept his spiritual sense towards the sky and saw more than a dozen black dragons rushing out from the dark clouds.

There were a dozen fully armed witches sitting cross-legged on each dragon. Among them there was a slender man in green clothes, who was out of place with these rough witches.

When Jiang Yuebai saw the person clearly, his eyes widened. It was Shen Huaixi!

(End of this chapter)