I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 91: Explore Flower Valley


At the foot of Tianman Peak, there is a restaurant outside the gate.

"The portions are so generous today, are you planning to close down the restaurant because you can't make it anymore?"

"Give me another portion of the vegetarian dish."

"Today's vegetarian dishes are fresh and refreshing. Compared to this, your restaurant used to use rotten vegetable leaves, right?"

"I want another vegetarian dish, too. Monster meat is dry, and this fresh vegetarian dish is better."

A group of monks crowded around the long table where food was sold. Seeing that the vegetarian dishes in the wooden basin were about to be sold out, they scrambled to pass on their bowls.

In the past, restaurants had limited daily food supplies, and the old monk who ate the big spoon would shake his hands like he was sifting bran, and he would never give a full spoon.

But today, for some reason, the old monk's face was flushed, his hands stopped shaking, and he stopped picking, and each person got a big spoonful.

Vegetarian food is cheap and filling, so most servants and outer disciples prefer to eat vegetarian food and spiritual rice in restaurants. Occasionally, when something good happens, they will buy some monster meat and spiritual wine.

"Don't rush to grab them. These are the spiritual vegetables that Huaxi Valley harvested this morning. You can have as much as you want today. There are plenty of them."

After the old monk served the last spoonful of vegetables, he brought a large bowl of vegetables, which made the other monks very happy.

"Flower Valley?!"

Not far away, in front of a long table, Zheng Li, who had only one hand left, pricked up his ears to hear the old monk say that the spiritual vegetables were sent from Huaxi Valley, with large quantity, good quality, and extremely juicy and pleasing to the eye.

Zheng Li's first reaction was disbelief. The recruitment order for Huaxi Valley had been issued for three months, but no one had gone. They didn't even have any spiritual farmers, let alone growing difficult spiritual vegetables. They couldn't even grow easy-to-care spiritual grains.

"Shi Xiaowu, are you here to collect swill from the restaurant?"

Hearing the voice, Zheng Li turned his head and looked over again.

The troublemaker from Huaxi Valley came out from the back hall of the restaurant and was stopped by the three young men who used to be apprentices with him in Huaxi Valley.

"How is your Huaxi Valley? Is it still deserted? I don't think Senior Sister Jiang, whom you always talk about, is that very powerful, right?"

"How can you talk like that? I am an inner sect disciple after all. If I can't farm, I still have other options. I feel sorry for you, Xiao Wu. Even if you keep trying to please me, I may not take you into the inner sect."

"Shi Xiaowu, I think you are smart too. Why don't you be my errand boy? I will give you a bowl of rice every day so that you can at least have a way to survive and not starve to death in Huaxi Valley."

Zheng Li sneered from a distance. Shi Xiaowu had tried to persuade these people before in order to recruit them. He said a lot of nice things and made a lot of promises, but in the end, they fell out and returned empty-handed.

Shi Xiaowu had spoken harshly at that time, and now these people were waiting to see him make a fool of himself.

Zheng Li was very interested and thought that there would be a commotion.

Who would have thought that Shi Xiaowu, who usually acts like a firecracker and gets ignited as soon as he sees fire, would just purse his lips and smile when faced with such ridicule today, then turn around and walk away without saying a word.

Zheng Li felt something was wrong, so he finished the remaining food in two bites, wiped his mouth, and quietly followed Shi Xiaowu.

Following all the way to Huaxi Valley, Shi Xiaowu entered the valley. Zheng Li crossed his arms and looked around with a shifty look, wanting to go in.


With a frog's croak, a water ball came from the direction of the pond. Zheng Li was caught off guard and flew backwards, rolling more than ten times before stopping.

His sternum seemed to be broken, and Zheng Li climbed up spitting blood.


The huge monster slammed heavily in the middle of the road, and the water on its body flowed everywhere.

The overwhelming and house-like guardian toad drooped its eyelids and glanced at Zheng Li indifferently.

Zheng Li was horrified and backed away with his hands and feet. "Please spare my life, Lord Toad. I just wanted to go in and take a look. I had no intention of offending you."


The spirit toad guarding the valley signaled with its eyes, and Zheng Li then noticed that there was a monument on the side of the road at the entrance of the valley.

Zheng Li trembled all over, "I'm leaving now, I'm leaving now."

This road was blocked, and Zheng Li was very curious, so he took a detour and climbed up the Tianku Peak on the east side of Huaxi Valley.

Because of its ominous name, this peak has never been inhabited.

Zheng Li parted the bushes and leaned forward, squinting his eyes to look down from halfway up the mountain.

There are crisscross paths and all kinds of spiritual vegetables are planted in different plots, with different heights and a lush green color.

The strange wooden puppets were neatly distributed throughout the fields, waving their eight arms to create clouds and rain.

In the drizzle, the fish pond was shining with rainbow light, and groups of colorful pheasants were searching for insects in the spiritual field.

Spider-like puppets moved in and out of the spiritual fields, harvesting mature spiritual vegetables in an orderly manner, picking fruits and vegetables, and piling them up in the fields, covered with crystal rain dew.

Zheng Li leaned forward again and vaguely saw Guo Zhen sitting cross-legged in the shade under a tree, carving bamboo strips with a carving knife in his hand, and taking a sip from the teapot from time to time, looking comfortable and relaxed.

"Is this still possible?!"

Zheng Li's heart was in turmoil and his mouth was filled with bitterness. Guo Zhen noticed something and looked towards him. Zheng Li quickly lowered his head, still furious, and stood up and ran wildly towards Ziyun Valley.

The main courtyard in Ziyun Valley.

Xiao Ankuo's face turned pale. He had just returned from Jia Xiuchun's place. This was only the third time of the fire refining, but he couldn't bear it anymore.

Really... He felt horrified when he thought of Jia Xiuchun's miserable state.

Killing someone is not enough, so the firepower created by the Red Flame Art will penetrate the skin and flesh and seep into the bone marrow little by little. The slow and long burning will promote the growth of the spiritual medicine seeds in the bone marrow.

The torture of slow slicing in the mortal world could not be as painful as this. If Jia Xiuchun did not have a special body and a recovery ability far beyond that of ordinary people, and if Lin Xiangtian was not there to keep her alive, she would not have been able to survive it even once.

Lin Xiangtian is cold-hearted towards Jia Xiuchun, but Jia Xiuchun is willing to suffer such torture for Lin Xiangtian. Both of them are not good people. Their cruelty to others and themselves is appalling.

Xiao Ankuo already regretted getting on this pirate ship. Lin Xiangtian was so cruel to Jia Xiuchun, and he would definitely not be any better to him in the future. Once he got the Foundation Establishment Pill, he had to get off the ship quickly.

"Brother Xiao, something bad has happened in Huaxi Valley... Huaxi Valley has a big incident!"

Zheng Li ran in from outside, lost his balance and fell in front of Xiao Ankuo. He didn't even bother to get up, and hurriedly told Xiao Ankuo what he saw in Huaxi Valley.

"This is complete nonsense!" Xiao Ankuo slammed the table in anger.

"Puppetry is the most expensive thing. Even the lowest-level ninth-grade puppet costs at least a thousand spirit stones. Jiang Yuebai was born into a mortal family and is not from a cultivation family. She also has no spirit mines. How can she make puppets to farm, and hundreds of them? Are you crazy or am I crazy?"

Zheng Li knelt down with a sad face, "Really, I saw it with my own eyes, it's just that I couldn't see clearly because it was too far away, but the strange shapes are definitely puppets. In the spiritual field that I can see, there are eighty-one puppets making clouds and rain, not counting the ones harvesting below..."

Xiao Ankuo was dumbfounded and swallowed hard, "Is Jiang Yuebai really that rich? One puppet costs one thousand, and a hundred puppets are one hundred thousand low-grade spirit stones. And you said there are far more than a hundred puppets... Then why is she still farming? Why is she fighting with poor guys like us? Are you kidding me?"

Zheng Li murmured cautiously, "Maybe... she just likes farming."

Xiao Ankuo felt very uneasy. "Go and send a message to other spiritual cultivators, and go to Huaxi Valley together to see what's going on!"

"You can't get in. The guarding spirit toad of Huaxi Valley won't let anyone enter Huaxi Valley. I've already gone to check it out."

Xiao Ankuo thought for a moment, "Even if we can't get in, we have to find a way to invite other spiritual cultivators to Ziyun Valley to discuss important matters!"

(End of this chapter)