I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 913: Take me home


In a dark space, Jiang Yuebai and Bai Jiuyou knelt on the ground facing each other, with gray mist constantly emanating from their bodies, floating in the darkness and being absorbed by Zhulong.

There is nothing around, but time is passing quickly.

All of Jiang Yuebai's spells began to fail, and she turned back to her seven or eight years old, with a childish face. Her facial features were different from Bai Jiuyou in front of her, but her temperament was like that of a twin sister.

This is inside Zhulong's body. Jiang Yuebai can clearly feel that the law of time is devouring her lifespan and at the same time forcibly absorbing the chaotic energy in their bodies.

Even though her appearance will not change due to the skills she uses, the passage of her lifespan is real.

One breath is one year, and her lifespan in the Spirit Transformation Stage is 2,000 years. She can only last about fifteen minutes here before she dies of old age!

The chaotic energy was swallowed up, and she was quickly becoming limp and powerless.

"Why don't you leave? Do you want to piss me off to death?" Jiang Yuebai opened his gray eyes, angrily scolding Bai Jiuyou, while thinking of a countermeasure.

She took out her lotus platform and found that she could not enter it. Moreover, under the influence of the law of time, the lotus platform was weathering and turning yellow at a speed visible to the naked eye.

She still has a drop of Huiyang Xianlu, which can increase her lifespan by one fifth. Unfortunately, it is only a temporary solution and not a permanent cure. She must get out before her lifespan runs out!

Bai Jiuyou's eyes were full of guilt, like a child afraid of being abandoned, and he tugged at the corner of Jiang Yuebai's clothes.

"I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to involve you. I originally... originally planned to die with Wei, so I dragged him here without caring about anything."

Bai Jiuyou had already thought of the possibility that Wei Hui could control Zhulong, but she didn't want to live at all, so she didn't care.

She has to eliminate her own karma. As long as Wei is not dead, he will chase her forever, and Jiang Yuebai will never have peace.

"Really, I didn't recognize you at all before. I kept Shen Huaixi just because I wanted someone to witness it and help me tell you that I won't go home with you. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

Jiang Yuebai felt a pang in his heart and held Bai Jiuyou's hand instead.

"Okay, okay, there's no point in saying this now, let's just find a way to leave."

Jiang Yuebai tried various things, but under the power of time, she couldn't even gather a fire. She even felt that her feet were slowly turning into chaotic gray mist and being swallowed by the Candle Dragon.

Bai Jiuyou sat there, looking at Jiang Yuebai's gray eyes that no longer had any brightness. Her fingers tightened little by little. Time did not allow her to have any hesitation. She grabbed Jiang Yuebai again with a determined look in her eyes.

"Jiang Yuebai, listen to me now. If we want to escape from here, the only way is for the two of us to merge into one. This way you can break the shackles that prevent you from ascending. I..."

"No!" Jiang Yuebai refused flatly, "What is written on that broken stone tablet may not be true!"

Bai Jiuyou smiled bitterly, tears overflowing from her eyes. Ever since she learned the contents of the Apocalypse Stone, she knew that in the future, only one of her and Jiang Yuebai would survive.

Jiang Yuebai gave her a new life and the opportunity to choose freely. Everyone around her was very kind to her, including Li Jiuchuan, Lu Nanzhi, Shen Huaixi, Zhao Fuyi, Wen Miao... Even the old man Xie Jingshan, who always made her angry, was very kind.

She really couldn't bear to do it, but if even she couldn't bear to do it, how could Jiang Yuebai bear to do it

She was the one who caused the disaster, and she should be the one to end it. If one of them must die, she would do it to help Jiang Yuebai!

So she gave up the chance to escape given by Jiang Yuebai at the last moment and entered the desperate situation with Jiang Yuebai. Only by forcing Jiang Yuebai into a desperate situation would Jiang Yuebai be likely to accept the idea of merging with her.

"Have you forgotten? You first met me just to have an avatar to help you work and fight, and then when your strength allows, you will completely occupy my Chaos Holy Body. This is what you decided from the beginning."

Jiang Yuebai shook off Bai Jiuyou's hand and looked at the blurry Bai Jiuyou in front of him seriously and firmly.

"Is it not okay for me to be capricious? And I'm already a Chaos Saint Body, why would I occupy yours! You are not my clone, you are Bai Jiuyou! There must be another way to leave here."

Jiang Yuebai's body trembled a little, and he turned around to explore the surrounding boundaries.

"Jiang Yuebai, you have no choice. Don't you want to do anything to survive? Are you willing to let the road to heaven that you risked your life to build end here?"

Bai Jiuyou shouted angrily, but Jiang Yuebai remained silent.

"Ao Juan, Shen Huaixi and the others are still outside. Even the people you care about, such as Lu Nanzhi, Xie Jingshan, Zhao Fuyi, Tian Yanzong, and Zhuge family, are all outside."

"You care about my life or death, but don't you care about theirs? If you don't integrate me and kill Wei today, everyone will be buried with you. This is all caused by your indecision!"

Jiang Yuebai suddenly turned around and shouted, "Don't blame me for other people's lives and deaths. I don't want to be a savior, but I said I would take you home, and I must do it!"

Hot tears rolled down Bai Jiuyou's eyes and her shoulders shook uncontrollably.

"But we really have no other choice. You have committed such a serious sin. If you die, you will definitely be reborn as an animal in the next life. You will never have the chance to become an immortal again."

Jiang Yuebai raised his hand and wiped away the tears from Bai Jiuyou's face.

"Okay, stop crying. Stay here quietly and don't bother me. Don't waste my life trying to coax you. There's still some time. Let me think of a solution, okay?"

Although Jiang Yuebai has a childish face, his temperament is incredibly mature.

Bai Jiuyou nodded unable to refuse and held back her sobs, but the determination in her eyes did not change at all.

Zhu Jiuyou should have died a hundred thousand years ago. All these years as Bai Jiuyou were stolen days, and they must be returned.

Jiang Yuebai turned around and continued her previous investigation. She was obviously very scared, but she didn't dare to show it at all.

Bai Jiuyou was right, this was a dead end and she had no other options.

Jiang Yuebai pressed the Bai Ze corner in her lapel, and suddenly thought of the cultivation panel that she had sealed in the deserted island of the lotus platform small world.

Since she was the chess piece chosen by Lu Xingyun, Lu Xingyun would definitely not let her die here, right

She can’t enter the lotus world, but her spiritual sense can still take things from it. Would she like to try the immortal cultivation panel

But what if she is just an ordinary chess piece of Lu Xingyun and Lu Xingyun doesn't care about her life or death at all

What if I am entangled by the Immortal Cultivation Panel again and it is difficult to get rid of it, and there will be endless troubles. What should I do

No matter what, she is going to die soon. As long as there is a life-saving straw, even if it is a poisonous snake that bites her, she will hold on to it tightly.

Survive first!

Just when Jiang Yuebai was about to bring the cultivation panel left by Lu Xingyun back to her sea of consciousness, she felt a sinking sensation on her back, and Bai Jiuyou pounced on her and hugged her waist tightly from behind.

Waves of chaotic energy carrying Bai Jiuyou's body temperature rushed into Jiang Yuebai's body from behind irresistibly.

Jiang Yuebai trembled all over and tried to pry Bai Jiuyou's hand apart, "Bai Jiuyou, are you crazy? Let me go, don't force me to break your hand!"

Bai Jiuyou stubbornly tightened his arms and refused to let go, "You are not as strong as me, but I won't let go! Jiang Yuebai, please listen to me this time, okay? Only when I am with you, I feel myself, and I feel real respect and freedom."

"Thank you for giving me a new life. I can't give you much in return, so I'll leave my eyes to you. Can you take care of the beauty of this world for me in the future? When you overturn the laws of this world, it will be easy for you to create another me."

"That's lies to deceive Wei, don't use it to fool me, let go!" Jiang Yuebai tried to activate the fire ring to shock Bai Jiuyou away, but here, she could do nothing!

Bai Jiuyou's arms were getting tighter and tighter. She used all her strength to communicate with Yuchen, the Ice Beetle King who had been sleeping for a long time in the depths of her sea of consciousness. She had always known that Yuchen was special and was not just an ice beetle.

Please help Yu Chen and Jiang Yuebai!


The ice shell on the Ice Beetle King cracked, and an ice-blue light bloomed again. The light was like an aurora. As the Ice Beetle King flapped its wings and flew high, it slowly left Bai Jiuyou's sea of consciousness and permeated the dark sky and earth.

"Bai Jiuyou, please let me go. I have another way. Really, you don't have to do this. I really have another way. Please believe me. Please let me go. Please let me go..."

Jiang Yuebai pried Bai Jiuyou's arm with all her strength, her eyes reddened, but her strength had never been as good as Bai Jiuyou's, and now Zhulong had sucked too much of her strength away, and she was already exhausted.

Seeing the flickering ice-blue insect flying towards him, Jiang Yuebai suddenly stopped struggling and could no longer hold back his tears.

The body temperature from behind made Jiang Yuebai tremble in his heart. The wrist that she grabbed seemed to suddenly become like glass, which would break if he exerted a little force and he could never grab it back.

Bai Jiuyou, whose body was almost transparent, stuck to Jiang Yuebai's back, used his last bit of strength to slowly raise the corners of his mouth and closed his golden eyes.

Now, take me home, Jiang Yuebai, and take me to see the top of the avenue, the scenery that I was born without the chance to see.

When you see that guy called 'Tian Dao', remember to punch him for me.

"Go... home..."

Bai Jiuyou's murmurs reached Jiang Yuebai's ears, and his wrist finally grasped nothing, and the ice-blue insect crashed into Jiang Yuebai's forehead.

Jiang Yuebai closed her eyes in pain. The power belonging to Bai Jiuyou invaded her bone marrow bit by bit and spread to every part of her body, making her feel heartbroken.

The endless chaotic energy was like boiling water, tumbling in Jiang Yuebai's body, pushing her up wave after wave. Her cultivation level also rose steadily, and the chaotic energy in her body gradually became turbulent and unstoppable.

Jiang Yuebai slowly opened his eyes, and a sharp golden light burst out!

Uh... I know it's not ethical to stop here, but there's really no other way. Today I've actually updated 6,000 words, three chapters. I've tried my best. See you tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)