I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 924: Branch


This time, Mayfly transformed into Li Jiuchuan and stood in front of Jiang Yuebai.

Suddenly seeing the master whom he hadn't seen for a long time, although he knew it was fake, Jiang Yuebai still couldn't help but feel a lump in his throat.

Those insignificant things suddenly became huge grievances. I wanted to pull my master's sleeve and cry and seek comfort.

"Can't you change your appearance?" Jiang Yuebai muttered.

Jiang Yuebai is still about seventeen or eighteen years old at the moment, and she is more accustomed to herself like this.

Mayfly smiled gently like Li Jiuchuan, pretending to be very serious, which made Jiang Yuebai feel jealous.

"Come with me."

Mayfly led the way in front. Jiang Yuebai gritted his teeth, wiped away the tears that were about to burst out, and followed.

The two walked along the river and came to a fork in the river. Mayfly stopped and pointed to the tributary that branched off from the main river.

"Do you know what this is?" asked Mayfly.

Jiang Yuebai knew that when Qiu asked this, he definitely didn't want her to give a simple answer.

In fact, during this period of time, she would occasionally walk along the long river of time and saw many such tributaries.

It's just that all tributaries, near or far, will eventually dry up.

Only the main channel of the long river of time can last forever.

Jiang Yuebai pondered for a moment and asked tentatively, "Could it be that these tributaries are branches of the life path of living beings?"

Mayfly glanced back at her and smiled exactly like Li Jiuchuan.

"That's right. All living beings in the world, from birth, have a straight line in their initial destiny, from birth to death. However, during this process, living beings will encounter many people and things that will affect their destiny."

"It's like a tree, which generally grows upward and branches out into many branches. However, over the course of time, these branches may be the result of a creature's momentary deviation, a wrong decision, or the influence of others."

"When branches deviate from the mainstream, those with bad luck will go further and further away, and eventually dry up. The lucky ones will branch out again and return to the mainstream. If a person who should have died had his fate changed by an immortal cultivator, do you think her fate would be a tributary or a mainstream?"

Mayfly stared at Jiang Yuebai with smiling eyes, which made her suddenly feel creepy and her scalp tingling.

"It's... a tributary that shouldn't exist." Jiang Yuebai suppressed the chill and gave the answer.

Mayfly smiled, "Smart as always! But I have something to add. Follow me again."

Jiang Yuebai swallowed and quickly followed.

"You must have heard of one thing. In the world of cultivation, whenever a powerful cultivator interferes with the fate of another, a causal bond will arise between the two, and their fates will affect and entangle each other, right?"

Jiang Yuebai nodded hurriedly. Her master Wen Miao had told her that she was saved by Lu Xingyun and that her fate was intertwined with Lu Xingyun's.

The river of time is very long. Jiang Yuebai followed the mayfly for a long way and finally stopped at another tributary.

There are two tributaries in front of us, one large and one small. There are always ditches connecting the two winding rivers. As the terrain undulates, water from the small tributary will converge into the large tributary, and water from the large tributary will also converge into the small tributary.

One big and one small, supporting each other, going further and further.

Mayfly looked up and said, "What would happen if there was a tributary that shouldn't exist and it forced all the other streams to merge into one, eventually becoming larger than the main stream?"

Jiang Yuebai was shocked. The mayfly was talking about Lu Xingyun.

Lu Xingyun came from another world, and her fate should not have appeared in the long river of time, so she is the tributary that should not exist.

And those who were chosen by Lu Xingyun to seize the road were the small tributaries that merged into the big tributary of Lu Xingyun.

When Lu Xingyun's destiny becomes stronger than the way of heaven, this world will change its master.

To put it simply, just like the vine-wrapped trees she saw in the demon clan, the Heavenly Dao and all living things in this world are the big trees, and Lu Xingyun is the vine without roots.

Lu Xingyun's vine is wrapped around the big tree of Tiandao, absorbing the nutrients of the tree to grow. If the tree does not find a way to remove the vine, it will eventually be sucked to death by the vine.

And those who were chosen by Lu Xingyun are the points where the vines take root in the big tree, allowing the vines to absorb nutrients from the big tree through them, or these nutrients can also be called heaven's luck.

"So, what do you want me to do?" Jiang Yuebai asked.

Mayfly turned to face Jiang Yuebai, "You are different from the others. Their fates were only affected and changed direction, intertwined with that tributary. But your fate has already ended in that mountain."

"Just like you said just now, the path you are walking on now is a tributary that should not have existed in the first place. So even if the tributary disappears, it will not have any impact on the river of time or the way of heaven."

Jiang Yuebai's heart trembled and his knuckles tensed.

I understand. She was a broken branch on the big tree. She should have fallen and died, but Lu Xingyun tied her to the tree by force, allowing her to continue growing, which is how she is today.

Once Lu Xingyun's kindness is exhausted, she will lose the tree, lose nutrients, and fall and die once again.

The example isn't quite right, but that's the general idea.

"You want me to disappear?"

Mayfly chuckled, "Yes and no. You passed through Kunpeng's Eye and mistakenly entered the long river of time. You returned to the mountain in the river and saw yourself who was supposed to be dead. It was because of your appearance that you attracted that person and made that person change your life."

"Wait, but it was clearly because she changed my fate that I came into being. If she hadn't changed my fate first, how could I have gone back to when I was six years old and brought her here again?"

Mayfly raised his eyebrows slightly. "If you can see the Heavenly Dao, you can ask Him about this question. I am just a poor little insect and cannot answer such a profound question."

Jiang Yuebai felt very uncomfortable and wanted to strangle the mayfly in front of him, but considering that it looked like his master now, he endured it!

"That's why I said you are special, different from everyone else."

"This is the mess I caused?"

Mayfly nodded. "A tributary that shouldn't exist is enough to give me a headache. If it's not handled properly, I might even lose my life. Now there's another tributary like you that shouldn't exist. You guys are trying to kill me!"

"Fortunately, I have experienced many ups and downs, so I have ways to correct this situation."

An ominous premonition came to my mind, "What can I do?"

Mayfly bent down and moved closer to Jiang Yuebai, with a shadow on his face and a somewhat sinister smile.

"Give you a chance to get back into the mainstream."

Jiang Yuebai couldn't help but step back, "How do you get back?"

"I'll send you back to the time before you died, and let you carve out a path on your own. That way, you can take root in the mainstream again. Of course, it doesn't matter if you fail, because you shouldn't have existed anyway."

"If you succeed, you will get a lot of benefits, and I will also correct a mistake, which will be a great merit. Do you want to give it a try?"

Jiang Yuebai continued to retreat, and suddenly remembered that in order to help Shi Xiaowu overcome his inner demons, he used the method of floating life and dreams to let Shi Xiaowu live again.

Could it be that Mayfly wanted her to go through this as well

But Shi Xiaowu was just dreaming. Was she really thrown back

Then what about everything she has now? Have these 166 years been wasted

What is this called? Is this karma

Seeing Jiang Yuebai's worry, Mayfly continued in a bewitching tone, "Don't worry, I will temporarily seal up everything you have now, including your body. As long as you can come back, you won't lose anything. What you are about to experience can be understood as being in a... Wait, I can't remember that new word anymore..."

Mayfly stood up and scratched his head. "Ah, yes. The parallel world is a world that is the same as this world but different from it. It is a tributary in the long river of time. Whether you can make the tributary return to the mainstream depends on your own efforts."

"Besides, don't you want to know why you didn't feel anything when the two Chaos Holy Bodies merged? That's because you haven't truly merged successfully. Your destiny is false. If you can pull yourself back to the mainstream..."

"Your destiny will be able to transform from virtual to real, and you will be able to accept the luck of this world and achieve a chaotic body. Then, hehe~"

Mayfly kept the secret.

"Besides, don't you have a lot of regrets and obsessions? This will be a good opportunity for you to let go of your obsessions, make up for your regrets, and see your true nature!"

Jiang Yuebai's head was buzzing, "Wait, let me sort it out first."

In other words, her body and everything she has now will remain here, but her soul will return to the past, back to her original destiny without being affected by anyone.

And then rely on yourself to find a new way to success

Jiang Yuebai watched as the long river of time in front of him split into a tributary, which in turn split into two more tributaries in the distance. One of the tributaries went further and further and eventually dried up, while the other returned to the mainstream and continued to move forward.

What she is about to leave now is a new tributary. If she cannot come back, it will dry up and die.

If she could come back, she would no longer be 'alone and helpless', her life would be in Lu Xingyun's hands, and behind her, she would have the support of the entire heaven!

New buds sprout from broken branches, burn your boats, break and then stand up!

After realizing this, Jiang Yuebai was determined.

She did this job!

The key is that she has to do it. This is the price she pays for saving everyone, and it is something they agreed to in advance.

Jiang Yuebai nodded solemnly to Mayfly and was about to ask some precautions, but Mayfly seemed to have expected it and suddenly raised his hand and waved at Jiang Yuebai.

In an instant, Jiang Yuebai's soul left his body and fell into the long river of time.

"Finally, I'll leave you with one sentence: human power is limited, nothing is perfect, remember who you are!"


Jiang Yuebai fell into the water and turned into a small blue fish in the long river of time. With its tail swaying, it tried to use its head to push away the muddy sand on the shore, creating a new tributary...

Time goes back and things change.

In Jiangjia Village, Lin'an County, Qingzhou, Yun State.

The little girl, dying in her dream, woke up in shock and started cursing.

"Hurry to die, you bug!"

In fact, I hesitated for a long time when writing this paragraph. I was a little worried that everyone would think that Jiang Yuebai’s previous efforts were in vain and would be unhappy and give up writing. In fact, this is not the case. This is a process of tempering the mind, and she is not really reborn. She will go back in the end.

She is reborn with her memories to make up for the regrets in her heart. There will be a lot of joy, but also some helplessness about fate. Overall, I will grasp the degree of details so that this section is not too long. Just imagine that now she meets someone familiar, others don’t know her, but she knows everything about others. Wouldn’t it be very interesting

Moreover, this is also a preparation for facing Lu Xingyun. At present, the only main plot left is to deal with Lu Xingyun...

Okay, see you tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)