I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 932: Jingshan


After two and a half months, Jiang Yuebai finally mastered the "Five Elements Return to Truth" completely. With good eating and sleeping habits, and the help of spiritual stones to assist in his practice, Jiang Yuebai successfully broke through to the fourth level of Qi training.

She asked her master for five mid-grade spirit stones corresponding to the five elements and held them in her hands. She injected her own five elements spiritual energy into the walls deep in the cave, and finally opened the deepest cave.

The inside was still the same as before. Jiang Yuebai immediately took his master to the corner of the cave and found the pile of scrapped lotus platforms.

Li Jiuchuan felt mixed emotions. After his life-saving magic weapon was broken, he had been hiding in the sect for nearly three hundred years, wasting his time and feeling sorry for himself, not knowing that the thing that could save him was not far away.

If he had not given up hope at the beginning, but chose to follow the footsteps of Wuweishanren, would he have found this place earlier

Li Jiuchuan was filled with sorrow.

“Master, after we get the things, let’s go to Kong Fang City in Baishui area and look for Xie Tianbao from Xie Clan. He is now the best weapon refiner in the Earth Spirit Realm and will definitely be able to help you repair your life magic weapon.”

Li Jiuchuan nodded, "Well, we still need to inform the Supreme Elder about this matter. We have to finish these things quickly so that you can catch up with Tianyan Sect's opening of the mountain gate to recruit new disciples next year."

Just like before, Jiang Yuebai took the maze jade slip on the stone table in the cave that could temper his spiritual consciousness and contained the complete text of "The Five Elements Return to Truth". Following the practice in his previous life, he left some low-grade spirit stones and magic tools for future generations to take.

The stone table was sunken inward. Jiang Yuebai took the Eight Formation Plate from Wuwei Shanren and asked his master to seal the cave inside as it was.

The formation on the wall is open normally and will slowly recover later.

Jiang Yuebai held Danggui and went with his master to the nearby Chaotian Domain, where they took the ancient teleportation array and arrived directly outside Kongfang City.

During the inspection to enter the city, Jiang Yuebai did not have an identity token, but Li Jiuchuan could guarantee him. But when asked for his name, Li Jiuchuan remembered to ask Jiang Yuebai.

"What was your name before?"

Jiang Yuebai's eyes moved and he said guiltily, "Wangshu, you gave me this name."

Li Jiuchuan nodded, "Wangshu, Li Wangshu, not bad."

Jiang Yuebai: … …

Forget it, as long as my master is happy.

However, when Jiang Yuebai saw Li Jiuchuan asking the city gate guards to engrave the three words "Li Wangshu" on the token, he hurriedly grabbed Li Jiuchuan's sleeve and spoke in a firm tone.

"My name is Jiang Yuebai, Wangshu is my Taoist name, so I'll write Jiang Yuebai!"

Li Jiuchuan's eyes darkened, thinking that it might be because of his negligence in the previous life that the child had a knot in his heart. Not only did he refuse to call him dad, he didn't even want the name from his previous life.

A wave of guilt surged in his heart, and Li Jiuchuan rubbed Jiang Yuebai's head lovingly, "Okay, I'll do as you say, and call you Jiang Yuebai."

After getting the identity token, Jiang Yuebai let out a long sigh. He almost lost himself. It was a close call.

Kong Fang City was still prosperous, and many alien slaves could be seen. Jiang Yuebai suddenly thought of Shen Huaixi, but he didn't know where he was at this moment.

If possible this time, he would let him escape from Qingnangzi's control as soon as possible and become a good disciple of Tianyan Sect. This has always been Shen Huaixi's regret.

Jiang Yuebai felt particularly happy and had an indescribable sense of satisfaction when he thought that he could help others make up for their regrets.

They walked all the way to the Shanhailou main store in the city center. When they were almost there, Danggui in Jiang Yuebai's arms moved his ears and looked towards a dark alley on the side of the street.

“… Just because you are a stinky seller, you think you can be on equal footing with the disciples of our Xiuxian family? You are dreaming! Beat me!”

Jiang Yuebai paused, and Li Jiuchuan followed her gaze and scanned with his spiritual sense, immediately revealing an anxious look.

"It's the Xie family's children who are being besieged by a group of Fang family's children. Please wait here."

As he had a request to ask of the Xie family, and seeing the Xie family's children being bullied, Li Jiuchuan certainly couldn't sit idly by.

Jiang Yuebai suddenly grabbed the corner of his clothes and said, "Master, if an adult intervenes in a child's matter, the nature of the matter will change. You wait here, or I will go."

After saying that, Jiang Yuebai held Danggui and walked quickly into the dark alley.

As expected, Jiang Yuebai saw Xie Jingshan, who was less than six years old at the time, curled up on the ground with his eyes closed and his head in his hands, being besieged by two children who were seven or eight years old. The two older children had reached the third level of Qi training.

Standing next to him was a young man in gorgeous clothes. He had not yet entered the Taoism and had no cultivation. Despite his young age, he had a mean and sinister look on his face.

All three of them have the Fang family crest on them, making them easy to identify.

That young master is Fang Mingyi, the bastard who is engaged to Lu Nanzhi.

Fang Mingyi liked to bully Xie Jingshan since he was a child. Before Xie Jingshan left Kong Fangcheng at the age of six, he often led people to besiege Xie Jingshan.

Xie Jingshan once mentioned these things to her in a casual manner.

Xie Jingshan knew from a young age that their Xie family did not have a solid foundation in Kongfang City, and he felt sorry for the family business founded by his grandfather. So even when he was bullied by Fang Mingyi, he would hide outside and secretly heal his injuries before returning home happily.

He was afraid that because of him, his grandfather would come into conflict with the Fang family, and eventually the Xie family would be harmed.

So at that time Lu Nanzhi always told her that although Xie Jingshan looked careless, he was actually very thoughtful and understood the ways of the world, especially how to take care of other people's emotions and understand other people's difficulties.


Jiang Yuebai cursed in frustration, put down Danggui, and rushed forward quickly. He kicked Fang Mingyi, the little bastard, from behind and threw him against the opposite wall.


The wall cracked, and Fang Mingyi was caught off guard and fell in front of Xie Jingshan. His facial features wrinkled in pain, and everyone present was stunned.

When Fang Mingyi climbed up with a grin on his face, he spat out blood when he saw Jiang Yuebai, and was extremely angry.

"How dare you hit me, you bitch? Kill her, kill her for me!!"

Fang Mingyi roared, and the two older kids who were beating Xie Jingshan immediately reacted, picked up the wooden sticks on the ground and hit Jiang Yuebai.

Jiang Yuebai sneered and went forward in person.

The teeth-grinding sound of breaking bones and screams echoed throughout the alley. Li Jiuchuan, who was standing outside, grinned and thought that his daughter was really ruthless. Every move broke bones but did not hit vital parts. It just hurt.

The third level of Qi training was totally inadequate in front of her, she couldn’t even use her magic.

Noticing that there were monks around who were attracted by the noise in the alley, Li Jiuchuan pretended to cough and quietly set up a soundproofing array at the entrance of the alley.

In the alley, Xie Jingshan, who was holding his head and dared not open his eyes, heard the sound. When he opened his eyes, he saw a little girl in blue clothes. She was agile and fierce in her moves. In no time, she knocked down two tall and strong boys to the ground.

Xie Jingshan squinted his eyes with a bruised face and nose, and felt that the little girl in green was glowing all over, like a god from heaven, which made him stunned.

After knocking down the two older children, Jiang Yuebai approached Fang Mingyi step by step with a dark face, scaring Fang Mingyi so much that he shrank back using his hands and feet, all the way to the corner.

"Don't come over here, I'm a direct disciple of the Fang family. If you dare to touch me, I will wipe out your entire family!"

A delicate foot stepped on Fang Mingyi's shoulder. Fang Mingyi trembled all over and was actually frightened to the point of peeing.


Jiang Yuebai sneered and continued to exert force with his feet. Fang Mingyi's shoulder bones gradually bore the increasing force and made a sound as if he could not bear the heavy burden.

“Let me go!!”

Fang Mingyi screamed in pain. Jiang Yuebai just stepped on him, leaning over with a shadow on his face, like a little king of hell, making Fang Mingyi cry bitterly and tremble like a sieve.



Fang Mingyi's shoulder bone was broken by Jiang Yuebai. She snorted and laughed, "Your bones are so fragile. I haven't even used my strength yet."

Immediately afterwards, Jiang Yuebai punched Fang Mingyi in the face. Fang Mingyi groaned, and blood and broken teeth sprayed in front of Xie Jingshan, scaring Xie Jingshan so much that he trembled.

Fang Mingyi fell unconscious to the ground. Jiang Yuebai stood up, shook his wrist and looked at Xie Jingshan.

Xie Jingshan's clothes were tattered, his hair was covered with grass, his eyes were swollen into slits, his nose was bleeding, and his face was dull. He looked stupid and pitiful.

Jiang Yuebai gave a bitter smile. When she and Xie Jingshan first met in front of the mountain gate, she was covered in blood and looked miserable, while Xie Jingshan was wearing gorgeous clothes, looking clean and noble.

This time, it was the other way around.

Jiang Yuebai said nothing. He walked to the unconscious Fang Mingyi and skillfully performed healing spells and dust-purifying spells to heal the wounds of Fang Mingyi and his two men, and also wiped off the footprints on their bodies.

Xie Jingshan saw her movements, stood up with the help of the wall, wiped the blood from his nose with his sleeve and asked in confusion, "Why do you want to heal them after beating them up?"

Jiang Yuebai stood up and spread his hands, "Who saw me beating them? Is there any evidence?"

Xie Jingshan choked, and then his eyes widened. How could it be like this? !

"I have something to do today, otherwise I will definitely make them wake up, break their bones again, and then heal them. Repeat this three times, and then I will be able to relieve the hatred in my heart!"

Jiang Yuebai's vicious words shocked Xie Jingshan. He didn't think Jiang Yuebai was ruthless at such a young age. He just thought... she was so handsome!

"Come on, I'll take you home."

Jiang Yuebai went to help Xie Jingshan, but Xie Jingshan suddenly took a step back and smiled embarrassedly, "Since you are so good at healing, why don't you help me heal it too? I don't want my father and grandfather to worry."

Jiang Yuebai snorted and laughed, flatly refusing.

"Going to your elders for things you can't solve yourself is not heroic. It's stupid! It's foolish! It's incompetent! Your grandfather worked hard outside to bring honor to the Xie family, but you have disgraced the Xie family here."

"Do you think that if you endure it silently, these bastards won't laugh at you, the Xie family, behind your back? It's because you can't stand up that they have been looking down on the Xie family and your grandfather! Now, you have to go home in this miserable state!"

Xie Jingshan shuddered all over, feeling completely suppressed by Jiang Yuebai. He had no room to resist and was forcibly dragged out of the alley by her.

"Wait, how do you know about my family? Who are you?"

Outside the alley, Li Jiuchuan was buying hairpins and head flowers from a porter passing by. After paying the spirit stones, he turned around and saw his daughter angrily pulling the brat of the Xie family towards Shanhai Tower, with Danggui following behind to protect them, meowing.

Li Jiuchuan narrowed his eyes sharply. What was the relationship between this kid from the Xie family and his daughter's previous life

Today's two chapters are both 3000+ chapters, so I won't update them. See you tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)