I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 952: Self-righteous


"Her name is 'Ci', not because she is kind by nature, on the contrary, this word is used to suppress her fate! When she was young, she was very talented, so she was arrogant and crazy. The reason why she likes Zhao Fuyi so much is completely because she sees her younger self in Zhao Fuyi."

Wen Miao sat up and pointed at herself drunkenly, "Do you know why I am so lazy now? In fact, to a large extent, it is due to her oppression."

"We are actually similar in talent. I fought with her for it when I was a kid, but she was still better than me in every way. She was noticed by everyone wherever she went. I was just a foil. My life was so dark. I couldn't see any hope at all!"

"Then, one day I suddenly realized, I am me, she is her, why should I always compete with her? It will tire me to death. Then I started to take it easy, doing whatever makes me happy every day. Eh? Although I walk slowly, I walk steadily."

"And she, amid all the praise, moved too fast and too hastily, and ended up falling flat on her face. In fact, on the day she made an appointment to fight someone, everyone had advised her against it, and explained to her the pros and cons and risks, but she still chose to go ahead in the end."

"Later, she was defeated miserably! She was rescued with only a breath left, but her Nascent Soul was shattered, her path to immortality was ruined, and she couldn't even maintain her youthful and beautiful appearance. She turned into an old woman, and she was depressed for a long time. If you want to talk about regrets, this is the biggest regret in my life!"

Jiang Yuebai nodded slightly and asked again, "If you had the chance to go back to that moment, would you stop her from going?"

Wen Miao suddenly smiled bitterly, shook the wine gourd, tilted his head back and took a sip, wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, and uttered two words in a decisive tone.


"Why?!" Jiang Yuebai became excited. "If you had persuaded her, her Nascent Soul would not have been broken, and she might have had a chance to cultivate to the Spiritual Transformation stage."

Wen Miao poked Jiang Yuebai's head with a finger, "Idiot, that's your self-righteous opinion!"

"Before she set out that day, didn't anyone try to persuade her? Didn't anyone tell her the pros and cons? Everything that needed to be said was said, everything that needed to be done was done, but she still wanted to go. This is her fate! No matter how many times I do it again, she will still choose to go."

Jiang Yuebai opened her mouth, but Wen Miao interrupted her before she could speak.

"I know. You mean I can just knock her out and lock her up, but can I lock her up forever? If she encounters the same thing again and goes to the same appointment, will I knock her out again and lock her up?"

"How do you know that she won't die immediately if she encounters the same thing again? How do you know that the destruction of her Nascent Soul is not the lightest disaster for her? Little girl, remember, when people teach others, a hundred words are useless, but when things teach people, they are taught by heart once and for all!"

"What if, what if, why are there so many what ifs in life? You will only embarrass yourself with 'what ifs'. No matter how many what ifs there are, they are all fake! Accepting everything that has happened and then moving on is the real thing."

"If we cultivators cannot reach the end of the immortal path, we can die in eight hundred different ways. Do you have eight hundred ways to stop it? Then you will not live? You will just stare at others and work hard to find a solution every day?"

"Besides, everyone has their own path, and they have to walk that path with their own feet. If you pave everything for them and cut away the thorns on the road, then that's not helping them, but harming them."

Jiang Yuebai was stunned, and suddenly realized that Wen Miao was right, she was indeed too self-righteous.

Although she thought about letting Grandpa, Qi Ming, Yun Shang's parents, and Shen Huaixi break the impasse themselves, she still interfered too much.

If Yun Shang had not had that lonely time in her childhood, perhaps she would not have devoted all her energy to cultivating spiritual beasts and insects, and she would not have had the outstanding abilities later on.

If Shen Huaixi had not had the experience in the foreign country, how could he have grown into the famous master of Fufeng Mountain and possessed amazing strategies

Everything they have is a gift from suffering, and is the necessary path for them to become who they are today.

She thought she was helping them, but in a way, she was hurting them.

This is not the right way to let go of regrets. Even if she erases the original regrets, she will definitely encounter new regrets, just like this time, she will blame herself for not telling the Supreme Elder about the Qing Nangzi from the beginning.

It's a pity, I can't explain it clearly.

Even if there are scars left in my heart, I will no longer be afraid and will continue to move forward with scars all over my body.

Wen Miao continued, "Like me, if I hadn't been suppressed by my elder sister when I was a child, I might have become another her. It was because she suppressed me that I slowed down, and it was also because of this slowness that I was able to successfully transform into a spirit."

"During the time I spent with my elder sister in Tianyan Sect, I was drunk all day because I couldn't practice. I dreamed of my childhood many times. In my dreams, I also made many changes. Guess what the final result was?"

Jiang Yuebai came back to his senses and looked at Wen Miao.

Wen Miao smiled and said, "Each time is worse than the last, and none of them are as good as now! So, don't think that your life is bad now. Maybe this is the best life among countless possibilities?"

“Life is like a fleeting moment. If you don’t enjoy yourself now, you will be sad when you are old. Drink today if you have wine, and sleep tomorrow if you don’t have wine!”

"What a lousy poem!"

Jiang Yuebai suddenly smiled, and the depression in her heart gradually disappeared, making her relax and begin to understand what she should do.

"Since your master insists on throwing you here, I can't do anything about it. As long as you don't set fire to the mountain and disturb my sweet dreams, you can do whatever you want. Go and bring me a pot of wine. I don't have any money, so you have to figure it out yourself."

Wen Miao threw the wine gourd to Jiang Yuebai, twisted around on the recliner, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Jiang Yuebai shook his head and went out to find wine with his wine gourd.

In her previous life, at this time, she was forced to go to the Yinshan Mine because of her grandfather's affairs, and stayed there for five years.

Everything has its yin and yang sides. Good fortune comes with misfortune, and misfortune comes with good fortune.

Think about it from another perspective. If she was a person who knew nothing about it, and someone came to change her life, causing her to lose those five years of training...

She can't accept it!

Because only she herself knows that those five years meant a lot to her.

Those five years laid the foundation for her later life. Without those five years of bloody fighting, she would not have been able to shine in the subsequent competitions and soar to fame.

It was hard at first, but it was full of rewards later.

Therefore, she should not be self-righteous and interfere in the fate of others, otherwise, what is the difference between her and Lu Xingyun.

Thinking of Lu Xingyun, Jiang Yuebai suddenly remembered that she did not meet Lu Xingyun in this rebirth. But did she meet Wuwei Shanren and her master

Jiang Yuebai paused. During this period of time, he was so focused on helping the people around him resolve their regrets that he didn't even bother to ask his master a question.

Now, I can only wait for Master to come back and ask again.

I spent five years in the mine in my previous life. In this life, I’m afraid I’ll have to stay on Tianxian Peak for another five years!

See you tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)