I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 970: Qi Ling


Inside the Lotus Cave.

There are towering ancient trees, lush forests and vast seas of grass, and all you can see is green.

After three hundred years of no one taking care of it, the islands are now overgrown with weeds and have returned to their original state, especially the largest main island, which is almost dominated by forests.

The crown of the huge old banyan tree stretches for thousands of miles, and the vines entwine down and take root, forming a magnificent sight of a single tree forming a forest.

It’s just that the forest is silent, without any living creatures, and without the bustling chaos of the past.



The sound of practicing martial arts echoed in the silent forest. Jiang Yuebai walked through the tangled maze of tree roots. Next to her was a bunch of colorful mushrooms that grew taller than her.

The mottled shadows of the trees reflected the dust in the air. Jiang Yuebai followed the sound and found the old banyan tree. From afar, he saw Xuan Ba, dressed in black and white, practicing martial arts with a wooden stick.

The puppet clone, the condensing light mirror, the Yuan magnetic ruler, and the Taihe umbrella were all placed under the tree, entangled by vines, and had been sleeping for a long time.

The Zhentian Seal pressed down on the Wuji Pen, silently and covered with moss.

The flower basket and the little green were hung on the branches respectively. The dragonfly demon was sleeping in the flower basket, breathing steadily. The emerald little green lanterns, with bright red flames flying on both sides, rose and fell like their breathing.

There is also the bottomless Shennong Ding, which was overturned under the tree roots. A handful of green liquid gathered inside. A root of the old banyan tree was immersed in it, absorbing the rich vitality.


The wind blew and the bells rang. Jiang Yuebai looked up and saw the black-clad thorny man with her Jinlan bell around his neck, sleeping soundly on the tree trunk.

Xuanba was still practicing martial arts hard, looking focused and immersed in it.

After practicing a set of stick techniques, Xuanba stuck the wooden stick into the ground, sat cross-legged beside it, and took out a book from his arms to read.

For three hundred years, he studied hard and practiced diligently, without ever being lazy for a single day.

Although the other guys were sleeping, because of her improvement in cultivation, the refining of their Chaos Dao Body also benefited a lot, and the quality of their weapon spirits also improved by leaps and bounds.

But compared to Xuanba, he’s so lazy!

"Xuan Ba!"

Jiang Yuebai called from afar. Xuanba was startled when he heard the voice. He turned his head suddenly and saw Jiang Yuebai, who was wearing red clothes and had white hair, walking towards him. He stood up excitedly.

"Your Majesty!"

Xuanba practiced hard here for three hundred years and finally waited for the master he had been longing for to see.

Xuanba dropped the book and pounced towards Jiang Yuebai, but a green light was faster than it and was the first to crash into Jiang Yuebai's arms.

Jiang Yuebai was knocked back by Xiaolu, and the little green lantern was trembling with excitement, rubbing left and right in her arms.

If it could make any sound, it would definitely be whimpering and whining like a puppy at this moment.

"Okay, Xiaolu, I'm back now, right?"

The breeze blew gently, the leaves rustled, and the whole forest gradually woke up at this moment. The old banyan tree shook its crown, and the fallen leaves were as colorful as rain. All the decayed spiritual treasures broke free from the vines, shook off the moss, and bloomed again.

The puppet clone opened its eyes, and the dragonfly demon rushed out of the flower basket, flying around Jiang Yuebai, leaving behind a string of green lights.

Xuanba bit the bear's claws, his eyes moist.

The Taihe umbrella transformed into a white crane, flapping its wings and flying high, making a clear cry that echoed far away.

The turtle and snake statues on the Zhentian Seal were grinning evilly, and the Wuji Pen was being held down tightly, unable to break free, otherwise it would have to draw a turtle on everyone's face to celebrate.


An inappropriate, mocking voice came from above his head. The prickly-head sat up, shook his fur, scratched his belly with his hind paw, and looked disdainful.

Xiaolu was furious and was about to rush towards the thorn in the side, spewing red lotus fire, but Jiang Yuebai held him tightly and refused to let go.

"Alright, alright, stop making trouble, Xuanba. You've worked hard these years and taken good care of everyone. When I'm free, I'll take a closer look at the results of your training over the years."

Xuanba was moved to tears after seeing his hard work. "It's not hard. This is what I should do."

Xiaolu bumped into Jiang Yuebai's face unhappily. Jiang Yuebai laughed and hugged it in his arms.

Xiaolu looked satisfied and rushed towards Xuanba twice proudly.

Jiang Yuebai called Ci Tou over, took back his Jin Lan Ling and shook it, and asked Ci Tou to try to contact You Meng who was beside Lu Nanzhi.

While waiting, Jiang Yuebai checked the conditions of each acquired spiritual treasure.

Except for Xiaolu who already has the aura of a congenital spiritual treasure, the other acquired spiritual treasures themselves have not changed much, except that the spirit of the weapon is more condensed and powerful than before.

The spirit of the Taihe Umbrella is a white crane. The spirit in the Ningguang Mirror has no fixed appearance. It looks a bit like a fairy and is a pool of silver water.

The spirit in the Yuan magnetic ruler is a thunder spirit in the shape of a black and white fish. The puppet clone is her external incarnation. It has no spirit and needs her spirit to act.

The flower basket and the two dragonfly fairies are well integrated, and the dragonfly fairies are the spirits of the flower basket.

Jiang Yuebai couldn't estimate how much power all the weapon spirits could exert at this moment, and he would have to wait until the fight to find out.

Other things were also sealed very well, like the Taiyin Fan, Yelan Knife, Snake Willow Whip, Netherworld Hundred Ghosts Picture, Kuiniu Drum, Bai Ze Horn, all of which were in the storage ring and did not change at all.

The Axe of Creation given to Bai Jiuyou was left at the place where Zhulong was sleeping. The entire place where Zhulong was sleeping was sealed in the Zhulong Spear and could not be placed in any other space. She had to carry it on her back all the time.

Jiang Yuebai waited for half a day, but still received no response, and there was no news from the troublemaker either.

In the following days, Jiang Yuebai rang the bell every day to let Ci Tou contact You Meng, but until her welcoming banquet began, Lu Nanzhi did not respond.

In desperation, Jiang Yuebai decided that after the welcoming banquet was over, she would immediately go to Taiwei Star Alliance to find Lu Nanzhi and Xie Jingshan to find out what had happened.

Before the welcoming banquet began, Jiang Yuebai first met the two Lianxu ancestors of the Tianyan Sect who had a low presence.

They are a man and a woman, one is Yunlai Star Lord in the middle stage of Refining Void, and the other is Chixu Star Lord in the early stage of Refining Void. In order to cut off their own delusions, they do not live in Tianyan Sect, but have their own secluded caves.

When he met the two people, Jiang Yuebai did not put on airs, but greeted them with the etiquette of a junior.

The two were extremely excited to see her, especially when they learned that she had cut off her own delusion and was only half a step away from fusion, they were overjoyed.

Jiang Yuebai certainly understood that they were happy because the banner of Tianyan Sect could be handed over to her for the time being, so they could retreat with peace of mind and no longer let trivial matters interrupt the process of cutting off the delusion.

Jiang Yuebai did not shirk his responsibilities. After all, as long as it was not a catastrophic disaster, high-level cultivators were generally just good luck charms to protect the house. It was enough for them to just exist. There was no need to take any action.

Conflicts among low-level monks must still be resolved by low-level monks, just like a fight between children, it’s fine for children to fight however they want, but if adults intervene, the situation will become serious and even unsolvable.

Yunlai and Chixu praised Jiang Yuebai for her noble character. Before leaving, they bowed to Jiang Yuebai willingly and called her "Senior Sister Wangshu".

From then on, Jiang Yuebai became the cultivator with the highest status and cultivation in the entire Tianyan Sect.

Afterwards, the welcoming banquet was held as scheduled. Shi Xiaowu and Jiang Ziying were even happier than Jiang Yuebai and greeted the guests personally at the door. After all, not everyone can have a senior sister who is in the Lianxu stage when they are in the Jindan stage.

The liveliness of the entire Jiuhe Realm was comparable to the Qingyun Conference back then. Even the geniuses who were in the same period as Jiang Yuebai at the Qingyun Conference did not show up, and they only sent people to deliver gifts.

Jiang Yuebai felt particularly lonely as he held the red envelope he had specially prepared in his sleeve.

Jiang Yuebai doesn't like this kind of occasions where people try to build relationships and get close to others. She is now a mature cultivator and should be indifferent to fame and fortune.

So she only showed up on the first day and met and chatted with the Lianxu Star Lord and Heti Dao Lord who came to give her face.

Afterwards, she pretended that the Mahayana Immortal Lords were looking for her, left Tianyan Sect, and went to the Immortal Palace of Chongming Immortal Lord, waiting for the Mahayana Immortal Lords to arrive.

Within a few days, all nine immortal kings from the upper realm had arrived, even Fu Zhang, who was always unsociable, was present.

For a moment, Jiang Yuebai felt like a monkey, about to be watched by all the curious immortals.

(End of this chapter)