I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 973: The so-called determination


After Fu Zhang left, Jiang Yuebai stood alone by the river and thought for a long time. She didn't believe everything others said.

Fu Zhang knows so many things, he is indeed extraordinary, but his last sentence,

[You can even dominate other Dao fruits]

Jiang Yuebai always felt that Fu Zhang was inducing her ambition. If he hadn't said this, her trust in Fu Zhang would have reached 60%.

Now, three points at most!

She practiced Taoism not just to be a lackey of the Heavenly Dao to monitor the three realms. As for dominating other Taoist fruits, dominating the three realms, dominating the heaven and earth, this was not what she wanted at all.

So what does she want

Apart from exploring the ultimate truth of heaven and earth and being free and easy, Jiang Yuebai really doesn't know what she can become.

At this moment, even though Wuwei had not yet told her what "setting one's mind" was, Jiang Yuebai began to understand the meaning of "setting one's mind".

She possesses tremendous powers, so what is the purpose of her using these powers

Of course, self-preservation is an instinct, so this must be an exception.

"What are you thinking about?"

Wuwei appeared silently beside Jiang Yuebai. Jiang Yuebai came back to his senses and glanced at Wuwei.

"What did you set your mind on at the beginning?"

Wuwei did not answer, but asked, "What are your plans next?"

Jiang Yuebai said without hesitation, "I have to go to the front line to find my friends Xie Jingshan and Lu Nanzhi."

"Lu Nanzhi, I understand." Wuwei seemed to be thinking about something. "I'd better accompany you to do the work first. There's no need to rush to make up your mind. You can think about it slowly. On the way there, I will also try my best to answer all your questions."

"Then I will go back to the sect and tell my master."

Jiang Yuebai took a step forward and returned to the gate of Tianyan Sect. The protective formation of Tianyan Sect was set up by Immortal Lord Chongming. She could just rush in directly, but it would definitely scare people.

The welcoming banquet was still going on without her as the protagonist. Jiang Yuebai concealed her own aura and headed towards Tiankui Peak.

On the way, she suddenly saw Tao Nian, whom she hadn't seen for a long time, and stopped involuntarily.

Tao Nian, who looks to be in his early twenties, has made rapid progress in his cultivation and has surpassed Shi Xiaowu to advance to the Nascent Soul stage.

She was in the woods, instructing a boy of about 11 or 12 to practice martial arts.

Jiang Yuebai stopped because of the young man, because at first glance, he looked too much like his grandfather.

A golden light flashed in Jiuyou's pupils, and Jiang Yuebai saw two strong white and red lights in the boy's dantian, indicating that the boy had dual spiritual roots of gold and fire, and the roots were at least above seven.

Could it be that this young man is the reincarnation of my grandfather who returned to the path of Taoism after several reincarnations

Jiang Yuebai watched for a moment but did not go over to disturb or ask. Whether it was true or not, that was their fate and had nothing to do with her and should not be influenced by her anymore.

After finding her master, Jiang Yuebai explained that she would be away for a while and asked Citou to remember her master's scent. This way, if her master wanted to find her, they could meet directly through dreams.

During the three hundred years of sleep, the Thor's abilities have improved a lot, so this little thing is nothing to him.

As soon as Jiang Yuebai left, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became relaxed. Even Canghuo, who had dared not show up, came out and talked to other cultivators about his own disappointing Wangshu Star Lord and what he was like when he was young.

That smug attitude, as if Canghuo was Jiang Yuebai's master, made Li Jiuchuan stare. He secretly called Qi Ming, the chief steward of Tianyan Sect, and prepared to arrange some work for Canghuo. He specifically told him to send him to a distant place, as it made him upset!

He, Li Jiuchuan, also has a temper!


In the dark void, there are endless stars.

Wuwei Shanren took Jiang Yuebai walking in the void. Each step was a distance of ten thousand miles. If they didn't need to answer Jiang Yuebai's question, they could actually reach Taiwei Star Alliance in an instant.

"… The so-called determination is just as you think. You should ask yourself for what purpose you use the power of the law you currently possess. In fact, this process is very simple for most cultivators who have gone from the Void Refining to the Body Integration Stage."

"The intention you set can be as small as protecting one person's safety, or as big as protecting the peace of the three realms. It is entirely up to you. It can be regarded as setting a bottom line and standard for yourself. When you use the power of the law, as long as it is for the goal you set, you can resist most of the erosion of the heavenly way. It's just idealism."

Jiang Yuebai understood something. "So the aspirations of the several Mahayana Immortal Lords now are probably to protect the human race, right? This seems to be similar to the great aspirations made by Buddhist disciples when they practiced. The same method is also used among demonic cultivators."

Wuwei nodded, "That's right, there are three thousand great ways, but they all lead to the same destination. Whether it's Taoism, Buddhism, demons, or monsters, they all have something in common in some aspects."

Jiang Yuebai continued to ask, "If I swear to use my own power to protect one person, and that person dies, what will happen to me?"

"At the least, the Dao Fruit will wither, the power of the law will be lost, and the cultivation will regress. At the worst... death."


Jiang Yuebai took a breath, "It is safer to be cautious and not to be pretentious."

Hearing this, Wuwei laughed, "You really dare to say anything."

"I'm not wrong. When Anan was cultivating magic, he had to make a magic vow. I thought about similar things. Most Buddhists have the aspiration to save all living beings, and most magicians have the aspiration to become king and dominate."

"It's far enough and difficult, but not completely impossible to achieve. The Mahayana Immortals have vowed to protect the safety of the human race, which is understandable. But I wonder, is their determination sincere or is it the result of weighing the pros and cons?"

Wuwei Shanren couldn't help but fall into deep thought, "I have never thought about it this way, but in order to advance to the fusion stage quickly, there is nothing wrong with doing this."

Jiang Yuebai shook his head, "I don't want to do this, because this is not my true heart, nor is it that I don't want to protect the human race, but... I can't say what I want to protect, I just don't want to lie to myself, and I don't want to leave hidden dangers in my heart."

"I am afraid that one day in the future, I will meet someone with sharp words who will question my Dao heart. I will fail at the last minute because of my current 'deception' and harm myself. So what I want to establish must be sincerity and true intention."

Wuwei nodded in appreciation. She had thought so back then, so she was stuck at the peak of the Refining Void realm for a long time, but it was worth it.

You need to think things through clearly before you make up your mind, don't be impatient.

"Take your time to think about it. Before that, I will always be with you. After all, I promised Immortal Lord Fatian that I would guide you to advance to the fusion stage. Let's not waste any more time, let's go!"

Wuwei suddenly grabbed Jiang Yuebai's arm and took a step forward. Time passed and the scenery flashed before their eyes, and they were above a devastated battlefield filled with flames and smoke.

There were roars and flames shooting into the sky on the plain below. Human monks were fighting a bloody battle with demon soldiers.

A Huo Dou covered in golden flames slammed heavily into a powerful Bing Luan.


The gust of wind swept across, shaking the earth. Two figures holding swords went against the wind, and the swords in their hands collided fiercely.

The turbulent airflow blew away the messy hair on the two people's faces, and Jiang Yuebai's pupils shook. Those two people were Xie Jingshan and Lu Nanzhi.

The look in his eyes is fierce, and he will fight to the death!

A side note: The last four chapters involve war, stance, sacrifice and justice, which are quite controversial. Please do not draw analogies with real situations, just look at the settings in the book. It is recommended that you read all four chapters carefully before making comments. Please be gentle when making comments, as the author has a fragile heart.

(End of this chapter)