I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 975: Plan


Xie Jingshan expressed his dissatisfaction silently. Jiang Yuebai waved his hand to lift the ban. Xie Jingshan immediately jumped up and questioned Lu Nanzhi.

"Lu Nanzhi, regardless of how many innocent monks will be sacrificed and displaced by your plan, I have asked you some questions before. Now in front of Jiang Yuebai, I will ask you again, are you so confident that you can subdue the entire demon clan by yourself? Will those great demons of the demon clan allow you to plan like this?"

"Also, given the greedy and tyrannical nature of the demons, how can you guarantee that after giving 30% of the territory to the human race, they will not destroy the bridge after crossing the river, kill you after getting the territory, and then become ambitious, thinking that the human race is weak and can be bullied, and continue to attack other human territories?"

Jiang Yuebai nodded and looked at Lu Nanzhi with Xie Jingshan. This was also her concern.

Lu Nanzhi remained calm and said slowly, "I know my current cultivation level is not good enough for the demon clan, but didn't Xiaobai say that? Even if the road is long, you will reach your destination if you keep walking; even if the task is difficult, you can accomplish it if you keep trying."

"If I don't do it, this thing will never have a chance to succeed. Only when I do it can I constantly overcome the problems I encounter and get closer to success. You asked me how to subdue the demons. When the Ice Demon Saint chose me, he made arrangements. Now I have mastered the water and ice divisions of the demons."

"In addition, one day I will advance to the Mahayana stage. By then, I will have the confidence to suppress the entire demon race. Moreover, the demons who are willing to negotiate will understand that humans will not trust the demons, but may trust someone like me. Only I have the qualifications and ability to negotiate with humans. In fact, some of the demons with higher intelligence already do not want to fight anymore."

"Also, I know you want to ask me what to do when my lifespan ends, right? The Mahayana lifespan is 30,000 years. I will choose the most suitable successor like the Ice Demon Saint. This is one situation. In another situation, at that time, if the demons do not become what I imagined and are still stubborn, don't worry, I will take all the demons with me to die!"

Jiang Yuebai and Xie Jingshan were shocked by the determination in Lu Nanzhi's eyes. They didn't expect that she had such a plan.

"But, didn't you say it just now? The turbid energy in heaven and earth cannot be eliminated at all. The demons will make a comeback sooner or later!" Jiang Yuebai said.

Lu Nanzhi smiled calmly, "If my efforts fail, it can be regarded as removing a wrong option for the human race, and at least, I can buy some time for the human race to continue to think of a solution, right?"

"Does Shen Mingjing know about your plan? How could he and those great demons allow you to do this?" Jiang Yuebai asked worriedly, and Xie Jingshan nodded repeatedly.

"The Great Heavenly Demon of the Demon Race doesn't know, but Shen Mingjing knows."

Jiang Yuebai couldn't believe what Lu Nanzhi said.

Xie Jingshan opened his eyes wide in shock, "Isn't Shen Mingjing a demon? Did he also rebel?"

Lu Nanzhi explained, "Shen Mingjing knew that he couldn't reach the Mahayana stage with his abilities, and his lifelong ambition was to fulfill the Saint Ancestor's wish. The Ice Demon Saint Ancestor believed that since she could be educated, enlightened, and learned to suppress her own evil thoughts, other demons could certainly do so, but the prerequisite was that there would be no more wars and no more struggles for survival."

"Shen Mingjing also feels that as long as the demons are no longer under pressure to survive, they will start to think about other things. It's not that the demons don't have intelligence. In addition to being tyrannical and greedy, the demons above the Jindan stage also have thoughts, especially the ice demons and water demons. They are more peaceful than other demons, but they don't have the opportunity to be educated. Shen Mingjing's original words were..."

"If the demons are really stubborn and cannot break away from their barbaric ways, then it would be nice to destroy them all and start over again."

"Shen Mingjing knows that he won't live longer than me. He can't stop me. He can only assist me during his lifetime and help me fulfill the ambitions of the Ice Demon Saint. Even if he dies at that time, he will have no regrets."

"Shen Mingjing is so cunning, will he assist you wholeheartedly?" Xie Jingshan asked worriedly.

Lu Nanzhi raised his hand and rolled up his sleeves, revealing a black ancient magic symbol on his forearm.

"For the sake of the Holy Ancestor's will, I will never betray him. This is the death pact between me and him."

"Lu Nanzhi, you are really crazy!" Xie Jingshan gritted his teeth and cursed, but his eyes were full of concern.

Jiang Yuebai sighed heavily. In the past, she would have reacted more violently than Xie Jingshan, and even rushed out to capture Shen Mingjing, and then find a way to terminate the contract. But now, she has learned to respect other people's choices and destinies, and not to force others to change based on her own selfishness.

"Anan, please continue."

"Shen Mingjing has already started trying to educate the demons within the demon tribe. He chose the weak demons and educated them from the moment they were born. The way of heaven has its own way of balance. Shen Mingjing himself learned the strategies of the human race in order to save his life because he was weak."

"He believes that other weaker demons must have advantages, rather than existing as food for the demons. Whether this will work or not is still unclear, and it will take more time to prove. In addition, we are also using the current war to eliminate dissidents."

"Eliminate dissidents?"

Xie Jingshan's pupils trembled, and he suddenly realized something.

"Wait a minute. So I've been beating you like grandsons all this time. Did you do it on purpose?"

Lu Nanzhi glanced at Xie Jingshan, and the look in her eyes spoke for itself. Jiang Yuebai shook his head and sighed, unable to speak.

Xie Jingshan was overwhelmed by a sense of defeat. He thought that he was possessed by the god of war during this period and was victorious in every battle. It turned out that Lu Nanzhi not only defeated him in single combat, but also in war

Bah, it’s not giving in, it’s despicable and shameless exploitation without any bottom line!

"Wait a moment!" Xie Jingshan stared at Lu Nanzhi fiercely, "Does Shen Huaixi know that you are playing like this?"

But in recent years, Shen Huaixi didn't even go to the central military tent.

He came to him personally and said that the demons were going to attack. Shen Huaixi leaned back in his chair and read a book, and casually said, "Then go ahead and fight. You are already a mature coach. You can win without me. You have to believe in yourself."

Xie Jingshan now felt ashamed and angry when he thought about how he had won the fight and how he was so proud of himself, standing on the podium and bragging to the people below.

"You, you are all going too far!"

Xie Jingshan gritted his teeth in anger, turned around and said, "Call Shen Huaixi over here, I want to confront him face to face!"

If he doesn't face him, and faces that guy alone after returning, he will definitely be fooled again. There is no trust between people at all, so what kind of brothers are they!


Jiang Yuebai and Lu Nanzhi sighed at the same time, with exactly the same expression.

"Anan, wait a moment. I'll go get Shen Huaixi."

Jiang Yuebai disappeared on the spot, and Xie Jingshan sat on the ground with his back to Lu Nanzhi, refusing to talk.

A moment later, a bookish man was thrown onto an isolated island, holding a book in his hand. He staggered two steps before he stood firm, and Jiang Yuebai followed closely behind him.

After seeing everyone clearly, Shen Huaixi was stunned for a moment, then laughed awkwardly, "Ha~ What a coincidence, everyone is here!"

"Shen Huaixi! I'm going to kill you!"

Xie Jingshan jumped up like a hungry tiger, grabbed Shen Huaixi's neck, and shook him hard with gnashing teeth, in a rage that could not be contained.

"Ahem! If you have something to say, we can talk it over right away! Ahem!"

"Tell me, are you in the same group as Lu Nanzhi? Tell me! Tell me!"

"I... I'm not..."

"I don't trust you!"

Jiang Yuebai and Lu Nanzhi looked at each other, shook their heads and sighed. Not wanting to waste time, Jiang Yuebai waved his hand and swung out the ring-like snake willow whip, tied up Xie Jingshan and forcibly pulled him away, saving Shen Huaixi's life.

Xie Jingshan's eyes were wide open with anger. Shen Huaixi was pressing on his neck, and his face turned red from being pinched.

Shen Huaixi was captured suddenly. Only then did he see Jiang Yuebai next to him. He couldn't help but be startled and shocked by Jiang Yuebai's current level of cultivation.

He looked at the book still in his hand and couldn't help laughing. This time he really couldn't catch up even if he tried his best.

Shen Huaixi quickly adjusted his mood, put away the book, and bowed.

"Master Jiang, uh... Lord Wangshu, congratulations on your good fortune. It looks like you are not far from merging with the other party."

Jiang Yuebai nodded and raised his hand to support Shen Huaixi.

"Don't be so formal. We are of the same generation. Just call me Senior Sister. Doesn't Xie Jingshan always call me by my first name?"

If she hadn't seen Xie Jingshan and Lu Nanzhi fighting as soon as she arrived, she would have pressed Xie Jingshan's head and called her "Uncle Master".

"Let's get down to business. How much do you know about Anan and Shen Mingjing's plan?" Jiang Yuebai asked directly.

Shen Huaixi touched his nose guiltily, "I guessed a little, so I just went with the flow. After all, the human race won't suffer any loss for the time being."

Hearing this, Xie Jingshan's eyes spit fire. With his upper body tied up, he raised his leg and kicked towards Shen Huaixi.

(End of this chapter)