I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 977: The merits will last for thousands of years


Under the clear blue sky, the four people started out standing and talked, and ended up sitting down to talk, talking about the overall situation of the war between humans and demons, and the smaller situation within the demon clan.

It was mainly Lu Nanzhi and Shen Huaixi who were discussing, with Jiang Yuebai occasionally adding a word or two. Xie Jingshan was just a doll who couldn't get a word in. It wasn't that he didn't have any ideas, but he preferred to confront them directly and didn't like these conspiracies and tricks.

Jiang Yuebai's "quietness" made Lu Nanzhi and Shen Huaixi look at him sideways frequently. They always felt that Jiang Yuebai was different from before. He had learned to listen instead of just asking questions.

All the questions that Xie Jingshan raised at the beginning have been discussed today, and Lu Nanzhi also told the truth.

She insisted on taking 30% of the territory. Even though it was an agreement between her and Shen Mingjing, it was just a show for the demons to see. Lu Nanzhi herself knew that 30% of the territory meant the three major star alliances.

Taiwei, Ziwei, and Tianshi.

Lu Nanzhi told Xie Jingshan that the Tianyan Sect was in the Jiuhe Realm of the Tianshi Star Alliance. She no longer cared about the sacrifice of strangers, but she would never help the demons to trample on the Tianyan Sect!

It was for the sake of her teachers, relatives and friends in the Tianyan Sect that she embarked on this path of no return.

Shen Mingjing also knew this, so he deliberately set up these three star alliances to test how sincere she was towards the demons. She could only agree and not hesitate.

So Lu Nanzhi's original plan was actually similar to Shen Huaixi's. After conquering the thirty-four realms of the Taiwei Star Alliance, he would find a way to delay.

"Then what about the death contract between you and Shen Mingjing?" Jiang Yuebai asked worriedly.

Lu Nanzhi smiled bitterly, "Shen Mingjing is very afraid of death, and he is taking advantage of the loopholes in the contract text. You are good at this, Xiaobai, and he is also good at it. I will just pretend that I don't know and go with the flow. This way I can temporarily restrain him."

"The contract states that we should not betray each other in order to fulfill the Saint Ancestor's aspirations. It does not stipulate how much territory we must conquer. The Ice Demon Saint's aspiration is just to stop the war and allow the demon race to develop like the human race."

"What if Shen Mingjing crosses the river and destroys the bridge in the future?" Xie Jingshan asked the question he raised at the beginning.

This time, Shen Huaixi answered for Lu Nanzhi, "Actually, this is not difficult to guard against. As long as the peace talks are concluded, the human race can add a condition that they only recognize Senior Sister Lu. As long as Senior Sister Lu is here, we will not invade each other. If Senior Sister Lu is not here, we will go to war immediately."

"No matter how powerful the human race is, their foundation is deeper than that of the demon race. They would not dare to act rashly when the peace talks were just concluded. Moreover, Shen Mingjing and the Ice Demon Saint chose Senior Sister Lu to fulfill their ambitions because they valued the fact that she is a human."

Xie Jingshan continued to think about something, and it was unclear whether he was thinking sincerely or not.

Jiang Yuebai roughly summarized what they discussed.

Regarding territory, we should find a way to make the human race give up the thirty-four realms of the Taiwei Star Alliance, which are no longer valuable. This way, the human race can get rid of a costly burden, and Lu Nanzhi will also have made a contribution, which will be easier to explain to the demons.

And in the process of pretending to pull the strings, the human race can start building a more solid defense line between the Taiwei Star Alliance and the Ziwei Star Alliance in advance, instead of fighting and repairing at the same time, with only patches everywhere.

The problem here is that the Mahayana Immortal King of the human race and even the entire human race will not give in. Giving in would be cowardly and the human race's integrity cannot accept it. Some people would even rather continue to fight and continue to sacrifice than give in.

Therefore, we need to continue to think of ways to deal with this part and proceed step by step.

Assuming the territory issue is resolved, we can proceed to the second step of the plan and slowly disintegrate the demon clan from within.

Shen Huaixi felt that it was a good idea to try to educate the demons. The more he thought, the more concerns he would have. He would weigh the pros and cons, calculate the gains and losses, and thus be able to suppress his greedy desires.

Shen Huaixi hoped that Shen Mingjing could accomplish this. If the demons stopped relying on brute force and started using their brains, it would be equivalent to dragging the demons into the field where humans excel. It might be easier to control them than to go to war directly.

Also, after the demons take down the Taiwei Star Alliance, if those brutal and unyielding demons become more aggressive and want to continue fighting with humans, then they can continue to fight. Humans have nothing to fear!

On the one hand, it helps Lu Nanzhi and others to continue to eliminate dissidents, and on the other hand, it also lets the demons know that humans are not easy to mess with, and they should not think that they can do whatever they want just because they have taken a little territory.

Beat them to scare them, beat them into submission, force them to listen to the advice of Lu Nanzhi and Shen Mingjing, and try to make peace with the human race.

There are still many difficulties in this regard, and it will certainly be difficult for the human race to reach unity. At that time, Lu Nanzhi will have to stand up and prove that she can suppress the demons.

Later on, if we can really cease fire and take advantage of the demons' relaxation, we can slowly suppress their reproduction through various strategies.

Shen Huaixi even thought of some means such as cultural invasion and mutual trade to try to assimilate the demons and soften their willpower.

Intelligent creatures, once they have met their food, clothing and security needs, will pursue spiritual enjoyment. Once they become addicted to it and can be easily satisfied, they will gradually lose their fighting power.

The premise of all this is a truce. Only when the demons are free from the pressure of survival can they slow down their reproduction and start thinking about other things.

Finally, there is one more important issue. Shen Huaixi said that the war cannot be stopped. The demons must change from fighting external wars to fighting internal wars, and only then can the human race be truly stable.

Therefore, Shen Huaixi suggested that Lu Nanzhi always keep a strong enemy for Shen Mingjing within the demon clan. Whether before or after the peace talks, Shen Mingjing's attention must be distracted so that he has something to do instead of always staring at the meat in the human clan's bowl.

After the peace talks, we must rely on the power of the human race to support some demons and suppress other demons.

If the civil war continues, the demons will be unable to fight external wars. Only by weakening the demons bit by bit can the human race truly achieve the goal of "keeping" the demons in captivity.

“Tsk tsk tsk~”

After hearing the end, Xie Jingshan couldn't help but sigh, "I really feel sorry for Shen Mingjing. He worked so hard for the demon clan, but in the end he was schemed by you 'despicable' guys and was left with nothing but his underwear. It's so miserable!"

Shen Huaixi chuckled, "We are just talking about it now. If we really want to do it, it is impossible for us to do it. We still need to discuss it with the Mahayana Immortal Lords. Besides, Shen Mingjing is not someone who can be easily deceived. There will definitely be unexpected events at that time. It is easier said than done."

Lu Nanzhi remained firm, "I am not afraid of any difficulty. I prefer the fulfillment of walking on this road to relying on others and doing nothing."

At this moment, I am afraid that the Mahayana Immortal Lords such as Immortal Lord Fatian, who had initially proposed the plan of going undercover in the demon clan, had not expected that the four people they had chosen at the beginning would be able to continue doing this and see it through to the end.

Shen Huaixi stood up from the ground. "I will find a way for the human race. As for the demon race, Senior Sister Lu, you have a long way to go and many dangers ahead. I'm afraid we can't help you much."

Lu Nanzhi stood up and pulled Jiang Yuebai with him.

"I know what I am doing. When I took this step, I was ready to bear all the consequences. This is also an experience for me."

Jiang Yuebai looked at the two of them and said, "You guys have taken care of everything. What should I do?"

Shen Huaixi and Lu Nanzhi looked at Jiang Yuebai at the same time, with the same expectation in their eyes.

Lu Nanzhi helped Jiang Yuebai put the hair behind her ears. "You don't have to do anything this time. Just practice hard and find your peak. This way, when I am alone and helpless in the future, I can think of you and feel more confident."

Shen Huaixi continued, "Yes, Senior Sister Jiang is extremely talented. You are the one among all of us who is most likely to reach the top of the avenue. Just move forward step by step and don't worry about what will happen behind you. In the future, we will still rely on you."

Jiang Yuebai's heart suddenly tightened, his nose felt sore, and his eyes became uncontrollably hot and wet.

She hasn't decided yet what to protect, but she has already become the one being protected by everyone.

"Wait a minute!"

Xie Jingshan suddenly scratched his head.

"Don't you care about the sacrifice of the human race? I know, Shen Huaixi, you are a fool, Jiang Yuebai, you are no longer a human being, and Lu Nanzhi has 'betrayed' again. I am the only human being. Are you three going to team up to kill me in the future?"

The passionate and ambitious atmosphere was suddenly destroyed, and Jiang Yuebai kicked him angrily.

"If you can't speak, just shut up. I really want to seal your memory again!"

"Again?" Xie Jingshan looked confused.

"Ahem~" Shen Huaixi clenched his fist and coughed, "War brings sacrifices. In the long run, this is worth it."

The crime is committed in the present, but the merit will be passed down through the ages. Bear the infamy of this life, but build achievements that will last for eternity!

The raging fire cannot quench the coldness of iron bones, but the passion in my blood never cools down.

Under the clear blue sky, the four men smiled at each other and were about to rush to their respective battlefields to fight for their respective ambitions.

His crimes were committed in this era, but his merits will last for generations to come. Respect Mr. Ai!

(This sentence was said by our Ai Gong. If you are interested, you can check it out. Of course, my situation is completely opposite to the situation when Ai Gong said this. Please don’t make analogies or complain about me. I just admire his ambition to plan ahead.)


In addition, without spoiling anything, it is pointed out directly in the end that in the whole thing, Xiaobai is the one who will be able to suppress all existence in the future, but Xiaobai is determined not to have any tacky wishes like peace in the three realms, so just keep reading.

Okay, this part is over. I will go find Ao Juan tomorrow and continue the fun~

See you tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)