I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 978: Demon Realm


A plane broke through the clouds and rushed through the void, heading towards the upper realm of demons that Jiang Yuebai had never been to.

After breaking through the clouds, Jiang Yuebai lay on the window eaves, watching the stars shining silently in the empty sky outside. Wuwei was sitting in front of the low table next to him, picking up the bottles and jars of pills, incense pills and tea leaves on Jiang Yuebai's table and examining them curiously.

"Senior, do you Mahayana Immortal Lords know about Lu Nanzhi's affairs?"

Jiang Yuebai stood up and turned to look at Wuwei.

Wuwei brought the bottle of incense pills to his nose and sniffed it, then said casually, "Of course I know."

"Then you're just going to ignore it?" Jiang Yuebai said anxiously.

Wuwei put down the bottle and smiled, "You have cultivated to this level, don't you still understand the principle of respecting the fate of others?"

Jiang Yuebai frowned, turned around and lay down, looking outside lifelessly.

"Of course I understand, so I didn't do anything. It's just that he is my best friend, so I feel a little... I can't describe this feeling, guilt, self-blame and powerlessness."

Wuwei shook off the black hair on his shoulders, stood up and walked to sit next to Jiang Yuebai.

"Having these emotions shows that you are a good child with flesh and blood, a heart and lungs. You don't have to worry about Lu Nanzhi's affairs. In fact, we, the Mahayana Immortal Lords, have discussed this privately once and can roughly guess what she wants to do, but it is inconvenient for us to intervene directly. Do you understand?"

Jiang Yuebai put his chin on the window sill and nodded slowly, "I understand. The Great Heavenly Demon of the Demon Clan is watching you. If you move, it will harm Anan instead. You are protecting her by letting her be cursed by the human race."

"Well, it's good that you understand. Don't worry, we will naturally give her a push when necessary. After all, the original intention of most Mahayana Immortal Lords is for the human race. But if she really rebels, we will not be soft-hearted in the future."

Jiang Yuebai sighed, "I understand the truth, but I still wonder, is there no other way to stop the war between humans and demons?"

Wuwei thought for a moment and suddenly said, "Yes, if the demon race becomes stronger and threatens the survival of the human and demon races, then the human and demon races may temporarily put aside their hatred and join forces to deal with the demon race."

Jiang Yuebai sat up straight, "What kind of solution is this?"

Wuwei stared into Jiang Yuebai's eyes and said seriously, "War will never end, it will only move from one place to another. The oppressed will rise up one day, and the strong will decline one day. The way of heaven works, with rise and fall, there is a way to balance it."

"From another perspective, if the demons and humans hadn't been fighting for years, would the human race have devoured the demons?"

Jiang Yuebai's heart skipped a beat. You know what, if this is really possible, without talking about morality, aren't the demons just walking elixirs and refining materials for humans

Jiang Yuebai didn't dare to think about this question and pulled his thoughts back.

"Then, everyone, will you be able to understand Anan's painstaking efforts in the future?" Jiang Yuebai asked worriedly.

Wuwei suddenly chuckled and Jiang Yuebai frowned.

"Let me tell you this, do you still remember what happened between Ye Shiming and I at Chunshan Pass?"

Jiang Yuebai nodded.

"At that time, Yun and Cang were at war for years, and both wanted to flatten the other's capital. The battle of Chunshan Pass was because the barbarians outside the pass invaded Cang's territory. For most people in Yun, they could just sit back and watch the fight and reap the benefits."

"But their vision is too short-sighted. They only see the immediate benefits and fail to see the long-term harm. At that time, I also persuaded many people and told them not to let the barbarians enter the pass, but no one understood me. Even His Majesty took my military token."

"So that's why you sneaked to Chunshan Pass alone?"

Wuwei nodded. "What I did at that time was considered treason by the people of Yun State. I was also an accomplice to the evil. Even every Yun State citizen killed by Cang State in the future will be blamed on me. But I still did it. Do you know why?"

Jiang Yuebai thought about it carefully, and his eyes lit up after a moment, "Cang Country has many mountains and rivers, Yun Country has many plains, and the Barbarians have grasslands and strong cavalry. If the Barbarians capture Chunshan Pass, it would be best for them to attack Yun Country, not Cang Country."

"For my own part, I have never regretted helping the enemy country resist the barbarians in the past. I also don't care how others judge me. All I want is to have a clear conscience and be worthy of my country and the people."

Jiang Yuebai nodded slowly, "Perhaps, when Anan chose to do this, he was just like you, and didn't care about anything. I was worrying too much."

"After this incident, have you figured out what to do next?" Wuwei asked.

Jiang Yuebai shook his head and smiled bitterly, "Not only have I not thought it through, I am even more confused. When I saw the war, I was thinking, if I must protect one side, I can ignore the demons, but as a human, I must protect the human race. It just so happens that the demons have also been kind to me, and I have promised the sacred tree that I would protect the demons within my ability."

"Although what you just said is just a hypothesis, what if it happens in my lifetime? The demon race grows stronger and invades the human race, or the human race becomes greedy and eats up the demon race. What will I choose then? Now Anan is in the demon race. If she also has partners and friends she cares about in the demon race, I am afraid I can't let Anan be heartbroken for the sake of the human race."

Although Jiang Yuebai has not made up her mind at the moment, she knows that she must advance to the Mahayana stage quickly. As long as she is strong enough, most problems will not be a problem.

Wuwei raised his hand and tapped Jiang Yuebai on the forehead. "You, you have no love between men and women in your heart, but the love between other comrades is extremely rich."

Jiang Yuebai retorted, "Who said that? I'm selfish. Let me see. I might as well revive the Tianwu clan and let the Tianwu clan, which has the blood of the three clans of humans, demons and monsters, manage the three clans impartially. Whoever is not honest will be beaten!"

Suddenly, Jiang Yuebai understood why Heaven created the Witch Clan to monitor the heaven and earth and prevent chaos and destruction of the world.

Wuwei smiled and shook his head, without judging the matter.

Jiang Yuebai felt relieved, so he asked Wuweishanren for help and broke through the void to go to the demon realm directly.

After she advances to the fusion stage, she can set foot in any realm within a star alliance in an instant. However, to be able to walk freely in the entire upper realm, she needs the cultivation of a great vehicle.

Wuwei brought Jiang Yuebai out of the void, standing in the air, and the scene before them suddenly became clear.

There are towering ancient trees, blue waves like the sea, and it is an endless primeval forest.

At this moment, an invisible force suddenly enveloped the two of them, and the entire forest became restless, with leaves rustling all over the sky.

The Bai Ze horn hanging around Jiang Yuebai's neck flew up by itself, emitting a bright white light, dispelling the invisible force for her.

Wuweishanren smiled and said, "The Demon Realm doesn't welcome me. I will wait for you in a small realm northwest of the Demon Realm."

After saying that, she took a step back and disappeared.

The restless forest gradually calmed down, and in the distance there seemed to be a white light coming from the sky.

When it got closer, Jiang Yuebai could see clearly that it was actually a white deer. On its back sat a little boy holding a big stick and looking aggressive. Its five fox tails were flying in the wind.

Looks familiar, who is it

"Die! Capsize grass!"

The little fox jumped up, with the scorching sun behind him and his face full of shadows. He raised the stick high in both hands and shouted at Jiang Yuebai.

Jiang Yuebai's pupils trembled, and he remembered!

There is Su Xiaoxiao!

(End of this chapter)