I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 983: Atonement


The person in his arms felt more and more real, and her body was warm, making Jiang Yuebai feel that she was a living person, just...

There was something on Bai Jiuyou's head poking her face, it was very rough!

Jiang Yuebai let go of Bai Jiuyou and took a look. For a moment he suspected that Bai Jiuyou was Ao Juan in disguise, because at this moment, Bai Jiuyou, with disheveled hair, had a pair of small red dragon horns on his head.

Jiang Yuebai hurriedly looked down and saw Ao Juan was still there, his eyes full of resentment, accusing her with his eyes.

That is... Bai Jiuyou turned into a dragon

"Who are you?"

When Jiang Yuebai was wondering, he suddenly heard Bai Jiuyou's voice. He looked closely and saw that Bai Jiuyou's eyes were full of confusion.

Jiang Yuebai's heart trembled. Didn't she remember what happened before

After a little thought, Jiang Yuebai grabbed Bai Jiuyou's shoulders tightly with a serious expression.

"I'm your mother."

Bai Jiuyou's pupils suddenly shrank, and then his eyes rolled back.

"You are so shameless!"


Jiang Yuebai couldn't help laughing out loud, and Bai Jiuyou couldn't help but curl up the corners of his mouth.

"How did you become so old?"

"You've grown horns and become ugly!"

"Jiang Yuebai, thank you for not giving up on me." Bai Jiuyou suddenly became serious.

Jiang Yuebai's nose was sore, "I should thank you for not giving up on me."

The two smiled at each other, silently warm.

Ao Juan was covered in blood and her skin was torn. She waited for a long time, panting heavily, but her little fairy fungus never showed up to feed her.

Ao Juan was sad and angry. If Jiang Yuebai raised another dragon, such as Hongye, she could beat it up to vent her anger, but now she had this one on her head.

Ao Juan took a look, hissed and tilted his head.

That is Zhulong, his aura is close to that of a combined body. Dragons can’t defeat him and are afraid of him!

Ao Juan, who had just survived a heavenly tribulation, should have been having the happiest moment, but he suddenly became depressed.

Jiang Yuebai had a lot of things he wanted to ask Bai Jiuyou, but Tianfeng was still waiting beside him, and Bai Jiuyou seemed to have something to talk to Tianfeng about.

Bai Jiuyou returned Jiang Yuebai's Zhulong Spear to Jiang Yuebai. Now there was no Zhulong inside, only the place where Zhulong was sleeping, which was like a small cave, nurturing a new weapon spirit for Jiang Yuebai.

Bai Jiuyou temporarily left with Tian Feng. Ao Juan ran to heal his wounds and consolidate his cultivation with a wronged look on his face. Lu Ling continued to carry Jiang Yuebai back to Senluo Sea.

Jiang Yuebai waited in Lu Ling's garden for half a month, and Bai Jiuyou finally came back. She got a red dress from somewhere, had black hair and golden eyes, dragon horns on her head, and carried the Axe of Creation that Jiang Yuebai gave her. She looked like a smaller version of Jiang Yuebai.

Two people, one big and one small, sat by the lake in Luling Garden. The little flower fairy brought fresh morning dew in a bamboo tube. Jiang Yuebai looked at Bai Jiuyou carefully.

Jiang Yuebai has figured out what happened in the past half month.

Zhulong's way of saving Bai Jiuyou is to use itself as nourishment for the remaining soul of Bai Jiuyou and give all its strength to Bai Jiuyou.

Therefore, Bai Jiuyou passively took over Zhulong's body and became the new Zhulong.

Because it was a remnant soul, and Zhulong himself was seriously injured, after Bai Jiuyou woke up, his cultivation level was probably at the early stage of fusion, and he needed to practice again.

This process was cruel for Bai Jiuyou who had no choice, so after she woke up, there was always an indelible sadness between her brows, even when she smiled.

"You don't plan to practice with me anymore, right?"

Jiang Yuebai saw through everything and asked directly, so Bai Jiuyou would not be at a loss for words.

Bai Jiuyou nodded, "I want to atone for my sins."

Jiang Yuebai remained silent, waiting for Bai Jiuyou to continue.

"In fact, I can't tell whether I am Zhu Jiuyou or Bai Jiuyou now. I didn't have time to think about it so much in the Great Wilderness at that time, but it's very strange to think about it now. Zhu Jiuyou's soul was exterminated by you and me together a long time ago, but Wei thought I was still Zhu Jiuyou and infused Zhu Jiuyou's memory into me in the Great Wilderness."

"Plus the special nature of Dahuang, under the projection of Wei's memory, I seem to have really become Zhu Jiuyou. Even at the last moment, Zhulong didn't know clearly and saved me. And I am only a remnant soul left. I accepted everything from Zhulong in a daze, so now I feel that I am both Zhu Jiuyou and Bai Jiuyou!"

Jiang Yuebai nodded. In fact, there was no point in worrying about her identity. As long as she was still the person he knew and the person who had fought alongside him, it would be enough.

"You also know that Dragon Father doted on me and allowed me to do whatever I wanted. When I was young and frivolous, I slaughtered and enslaved many dragons in order to practice and unify the witch clan. The fate of the dragon clan today is more or less caused by me."

Bai Jiuyou glanced at Jiang Yuebai, smiled and said, "I know what you are thinking, and you are right. Father Long did not treat me as his own child at the beginning. He just wanted the innate power of chaos in me."

"But I was too weak at that time, not even enough to fill its teeth, so it used the power of the dragon clan to feed me. When I grew big enough for it to be full, it would eat me."

"But feelings will always develop after a long time. At that time, I treated it as a father with all my heart. It watched me grow up little by little, acted spoiled and spoiled to it, and gave it the best things I thought. Gradually, it started to treat me like its own child and couldn't let go."

"If I hadn't taken over its body this time, I wouldn't have known it had such a plan. But I have no right to blame it. Without it, if I fell into the hands of another being, I might not even have the chance to grow up and would be swallowed up directly. What's more, it was Dragon Father who gave me this new life."

"So, I want to atone for my father's sins and for myself. I want to strengthen the dragon clan again and become the Dragon King for my father!"

Jiang Yuebai stretched out his hand to smooth the "川" shape on Bai Jiuyou's brow, "If you want to atone for your sins, you can do it happily. Why do you have to make such a bitter and resentful expression? If you need me to help you with something, just tell me. I still like the way you jump up and down and scold me."

Bai Jiuyou couldn't help laughing, but he pretended to be mature and held back his laughter, "How dare you! I am the leader of the Dragon Clan now, how can I speak rudely and profanely?"

"Then I have a book called 'Collection of Witty Sayings', which can be used to curse people without using foul language. Do you want it?"

“… … ”

"You are such a piece of shit! Bring it here!"

Bai Jiuyou stretched out her hand and Jiang Yuebai slapped her hand.

"I don't have it here. If you go back and pass by the Dou Mu Realm under the Northern Star Alliance, go buy a copy yourself. That book is very popular in the Dou Mu Realm. Now, if cultivators outside meet cultivators from the Dou Mu Realm, they dare not quarrel with them, as they will be pissed off to death."

Bai Jiuyou raised his eyebrows, "So amazing? Then I have to popularize it among the dragon clan."

Jiang Yuebai was stunned and couldn't help thinking that in the future, when the dragons go out, they will curse people without using any dirty words. It will be such a beautiful scene!

"You really don't need me to help you with anything?" Jiang Yuebai asked again.

Bai Jiuyou shook his head, "No, I don't want you to get involved in this matter. After all, I am going to go to war with all the sects and clans in the Azure Dragon Realm. It will be difficult for you to be caught in the middle."

After hearing this, Jiang Yuebai also became worried. Why did she encounter war wherever she went recently

Anan is caught up in the war between humans and demons, and Bai Jiuyou is about to start a war between humans and dragons. Is it really appropriate for her to just watch and do nothing

Jiang Yuebai felt that some things still depended on the circumstances. She really was powerless as far as Anan was concerned, and intervening would not change the overall situation.

But as for Bai Jiuyou, she can!

Thinking of this, Jiang Yuebai directly asked Bai Jiuyou, "Are you planning to conquer the Azure Dragon Realm as the residence of the dragon clan, or are you planning to bring the dragon clan back to the demon realm?"

Bai Jiuyou did not hide it and said, "The Azure Dragon Realm is not suitable for the dragon race to live in. The dragon race is also a part of the demon race, so it is better to return to the demon realm, or expand the territory around the demon realm."

"But I must rescue the enslaved dragons in the Azure Dragon Realm. I won't leave behind even a single dragon egg. I will bring back all the dragon corpses and dragon souls. And Ao Juan also swore that those who oppressed the dragons would pay the price. I must help her accomplish this."

"Xie Jingshan's master and friends are all in the Qinglong Realm." Jiang Yuebai said softly.

A trace of pity flashed across Bai Jiuyou's eyes as she thought of Xie Jingshan, the old man who always went against her. In fact, she didn't hate Xie Jingshan at all. She actually liked sincere people like Xie Jingshan.

"Jiuyou, your goal is to rescue the dragon clan. Rescue comes first, and revenge comes second. Can you let me talk to Xie Jingshan and ask him to talk to the various sects in the Azure Dragon Realm first? If they are willing to release all the dragons and make compensation, you can take a step back for the time being, how about that?"

"This will also avoid the sacrifice of the dragon clan, save all dragons to the greatest extent, and allow you to obtain the materials for the subsequent resettlement of the dragon clan. If they are still stubborn, I will let Shen Huaixi persuade Xie Jingshan. As long as the Zhenwu Immortal Sect stays out of it, then you can take Ao Juan back to the Qinglong Realm at will!"

Bai Jiuyou thought for a moment and nodded, "Okay, I'll listen to you and give that old guy some face."

Jiang Yuebai breathed a sigh of relief. After having a future goal, Bai Jiuyou became much more mature and stable, and also had the responsibility of the Dragon King. Jiang Yuebai was really happy for her and for the dragon clan.

Originally, she was worried that Ao Juan’s brain was not enough and that the dragon clan would be led into a ditch by her. Now with Bai Jiuyou, she has no such concerns at all.

She could even foresee the power of the dragon clan. Perhaps one day in the future, Bai Jiuyou would become the king of the entire demon clan.

The two raised their glasses, using morning dew as wine, to celebrate Jiuyou's return.

After drinking it all, Jiang Yuebai suddenly realized a question and moved closer to Bai Jiuyou, "Well, you called Zhulong your father, so Zhulong should be a male. So are you a man or a woman now?"

Hearing this, Bai Jiuyou's face flushed, and he angrily slapped Jiang Yuebai, "Can you think of something normal? There is no difference between male and female Candle Dragons. I just used to call you Dragon Father!"

Jiang Yuebai leaned over and raised his hands, resisting Bai Jiuyou's beating while saying, "Okay, okay, I get it. You are now hermaphrodite, you can be male or female, neither male nor female."

Bai Jiuyou was stunned for a moment, "Jiang Yuebai, I will fight you!!!"

In the woods, the Dragon King pinned the human female cultivator to the ground and beat her up like a thug.

Maturity? It doesn't exist!

See you tomorrow~

(End of this chapter)