I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 988: The Law of Space


Wuweishanren's answer was similar to what her master had told her when she was reborn.

She competed with martial arts masters in the mortal realm, broke through the innate realm in battle, and then embarked on the path of cultivating immortals.

This means that Wuweishanren’s place was also corrected and he did not meet Lu Xingyun again.

Jiang Yuebai didn't dare to mention anything else. She was relieved that Wuwei Shanren didn't have to be taken away by Lu Xingyun anymore, because she really liked Wuwei Shanren and didn't want to see her get into trouble.

Afterwards, the puppet clone was practicing the Mi Chen Seal in the back, and Jiang Yuebai was just "chatting casually" with Wuwei Shanren.

At the beginning, Wuweishanren could still chat enthusiastically with Jiang Yuebai. After all, Jiang Yuebai looked at problems from a different perspective than she did, and he had many creative ideas that inspired her.

But gradually, Wuwei discovered that Jiang Yuebai was like a problem-generating machine, which never stopped. He could come up with all kinds of crooked ways and problems that had nothing to do with the right path.

For example, why can we see the sun and the moon rotating in every realm, but when we go out, there is only darkness and void outside. Where are the sun and the moon

Wuwei really can't answer this question.

Yes, she also wanted to know where the sun and the moon had gone!

Finally, Wuwei simply offered to teach Jiang Yuebai some pointers on his marksmanship, and then the two of them changed from sitting down and asking questions in a literary way to standing up and asking questions in a physical way.

As time goes by, the sun and the moon come and go, the sects in the small world are engaged in endless civil wars, fighting bloody battles for a few resources and techniques for cultivating immortals.

Little did they know that somewhere on a mountain, there were two quasi-immortals who were "deducing the Way of Heaven".

A month later, the puppet clone had finally managed to repair the Mi Dust Seal, and also figured out how to use the Chaos Dao Fruit to transform some of the power of the laws of space.

Wuwei Shanren exhaled tiredly, "Now that your Michen Seal has been repaired and you have successfully advanced, I should go back and report. You can explore this secret realm on your own."

"Hey wait, I'm not a stingy person, whoever sees it gets a share, please come with me~"

This place requires the power of the law of space to open, it is definitely not an ordinary secret realm, and it is safer to be accompanied by multiple Mahayana masters.

"No, no."

Wuwei refused to retreat and didn't give Jiang Yuebai a chance to speak again. He said "goodbye" and disappeared.

She needed to find a place to calm down and digest Jiang Yuebai's problems. Some of them were inspiring to her practice.

After Wuwei left, Jiang Yuebai sighed, "The road is so lonely, so lonely!"

Jiang Yuebai threw the Mi Chen Seal up and grabbed it in his hand. He transformed the power of chaos into the power of space and injected it into the Mi Chen Seal.

Jiang Yuebai closed his eyes, emptied his mind, did not interfere or direct, and carefully felt the changes inside the Mi Chen Seal.

When the injection of spatial force reached saturation, the Mi Chen Seal in Jiang Yuebai's hand trembled slightly, and the whole small world suddenly began to be filled with wind.

A circle of air ripples spread out on the Mi Chen Seal and swept across the entire world with the wind. Wherever it passed, the mountains, rivers, land, houses and towers were all directly passed through.

Until, in a remote lake in the entire small world, the wind encountered an obstruction.

Jiang Yuebai opened his eyes, took a step forward, and instantly arrived at the lake. His golden pupils were shining as he carefully scanned every corner of his surroundings, but he found nothing.

"The Nine Nether Pupils can detect 99% of the strange phenomena in the world. It seems that this place belongs to the remaining one that cannot be detected."

Jiang Yuebai spread out his hand and looked at the dust seal on his palm, especially the little bug on it that looked like a mayfly but was not a mayfly.

Ever since Fu Zhang told her that the Space Dao Fruit originally belonged to the demon clan and was later divided up by the dragon clan and a demon insect, she began to suspect that the small insect on the Mi Chen Seal was that demon insect.

The things here must also be related to the laws of space and even the fruits of space.

"I should have brought Ao Juan with me earlier. The poor fellow might not even be able to sleep if he fell into Jiuyou's hands."

Jiang Yuebai appeared concerned on the surface, but in her heart she was gloating. Bai Jiuyou had learned all her skills from her and would definitely train Ao Juan to be the best general under the Dragon King!

Before looking for the entrance to enter, Jiang Yuebai gathered the power of incense and attached a layer of merit gauze all over his body.

The progress is very slow and there is no need to rush. It requires steady work. Currently, only the right arm has been trained.

There is no time now. In order to ensure safety, I can only attach the scent of incense to my body, which can also resist some strange dangers.

Pressing the Bai Ze horn hanging around his neck, Jiang Yuebai began to communicate with the Chaos Dao Fruit and transform the power of the law of space.

At this moment, she still felt a sense of communication with the world, but compared to before she made up her mind, the feeling of fear and power deprivation was greatly weakened, allowing her to still control her own strength and her body.

Jiang Yuebai didn't pretend to be righteous and think in her heart that she opened this place for some noble reason. She only had one thing in her mind.

There is a treasure here, I want it!

This is her original intention, and she uses the power of the law in accordance with her original intention and does not break the rules!

Looking at it this way, Jiang Yuebai suddenly felt that her determination was simply invincible and unsolvable. It turned out that it had to be her. There was no loophole in the world that she could not exploit.

As the power of the law of space emanated from Jiang Yuebai, the area a hundred feet around her suddenly shattered like a mirror, and then everything came to a standstill.

Countless broken "lenses" were hanging around, with the original scene of the place still visible on them, like a painting of a lake scene that had been torn into pieces.

It’s just that the scenes in those fragments are different in the four seasons. Some are in the green spring, while others are in the snowy winter.

Jiang Yuebai even saw the long-dead Master Iron Palm on one of the fragments by the lake.

But everything in the fragments is frozen, and the Iron Palm Master cannot come back to life.

"Is the law of space related to the law of time? Can the shattering of space here also restrict time?"

After Jiang Yuebai obtained the Chaos Dao Fruit, he vaguely felt that the power between the five innate Dao fruits was not single, but influenced each other to some extent.

Just like her chaos can evolve into other laws, merit and reincarnation are inherently related in the Buddhist view, and it is normal for space and time to be related.

Jiang Yuebai took off the Zhulong Spear from his back and tried to touch the fragment of the man with the Iron Palm with the tip of the spear. The moment the tip of the spear touched the piece of space fragment, the fragment turned into dust, leaving a black gap.

Jiang Yuebai poked other space fragments again, and they all shattered with one poke.

At this moment, in one of the fragments that retained the scene of roadside flowers and plants, a small insect flew up with a whoosh when the fragment shattered, and rushed into the other fragments at lightning speed.

Jiang Yuebai's eyes lit up, and he raised his hand and threw out the Heaven-Suppressing Seal and the Unrestrained Pen.


The Heaven-Suppressing Seal fell to the ground, and the Black Turtle Formation instantly rose.

The unrestrained pen, which never missed its target, turned into a long rainbow and chased after the little bug. Wherever it passed, space fragments were exploded into powder one after another.

In just a blink of an eye, almost all the fragments within a hundred feet radius shattered. Jiang Yuebai stood in the darkness, fully alert, holding the Zhulong Spear and staring at the insect being chased by the Wuji Pen.

Smoke and dust filled her surroundings, and as the little bug dodged left and right, ripples were created. Jiang Yuebai quickly let the power of the law of chaos surround her body and push away the ripples that were coming towards her.

Those are all the forces of the laws of space. If she is not careful, she might be dragged into an unknown space.

More and more ripples surrounded it, and in the center of the ripples, various images flickered faintly, just like the entrance and exit of a secret realm. Those were the scenes beyond the space that appeared.

The Unrestrained Pen couldn't catch the little bug, and Jiang Yuebai was almost submerged in countless space ripples. Just when she was about to retreat and make other plans, she suddenly stared at one of the space ripples.

That was in the black tower where the Mermaid Kingdom held prisoners. There was an old blind man with scars on both eyes, a full beard and white hair, snoring in a corner of the cell.

I have something to do tomorrow, so I have to take a day off. It's just right that I can use the remaining time to sort out the outline after finishing my work, so...

See you the day after tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)