I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 989: Old blind man


The little bug kept opening up ripples in space and moving through them at will. It could obviously escape directly, but it seemed to be trapped in this small world, entering from one ripple and coming out from another.

This is not the effect of the Heaven-Suppressing Seal, but there are other laws in this lake, or even in this small world, that restrict it.

Unable to catch the bug, the Wu Ji Pen splashed ink wildly in frustration. Jiang Yuebai withdrew his gaze from the spatial ripples in the Mermaid Kingdom, and when the time was right, he waved his hand and threw out the Condensing Light Mirror.

The little bug had just rushed out from a space ripple when Jiang Yuebai's Condensing Light Mirror collided head-on with it, and the little bug crashed straight into the Condensing Light Mirror.

Jiang Yuebai immediately closed the Condensing Mirror, but the little bug opened a space ripple outside the mirror and escaped.

Ordinary things can't confine this little bug!

Seeing that the ripples in the surrounding space were about to submerge her, she had to retreat if she couldn't capture the little bug.

Jiang Yuebai thought for a moment and suddenly looked at the Zhulong Spear in his hand.

Maybe you can give it a try!

Jiang Yuebai stood where he was, not daring to move. He waited for another opportunity and attacked from the front and back with his Wu Ji Pen.

When the little bug escaped from a nearby space ripple again, Jiang Yuebai's eyes lit up and he raised his gun and stabbed straight ahead.

The moment the tip of the gun hit the little bug, Jiang Yuebai injected all of his chaotic energy into the gun, and the gun head immediately turned into a red dragon head, which swallowed the little bug in one gulp.

The small insect fell into the hole inside the gun. Jiang Yuebai gripped the gun tightly and increased the input of chaotic energy.

The cave inside the gun is where the Candle Dragon sleeps. The little bug is running around inside, constantly trying to open up space ripples to escape, but every time its space power is released, it disappears without a trace.

"Luckily it's me. If it were someone else, they wouldn't be able to catch you."

Some of Zhulong's time laws remain in the place where he is sleeping. Jiang Yuebai can mobilize those time laws by using the power of chaos.

Just like when she attacked Zhulong, no magic or supernatural power could work under the law of time.

The same goes for the spatial force on the little insect, which will be accelerated by the law of time.

Jiang Yuebai currently has no particularly good idea as to how to completely control this little bug. He can only fight with it and see who runs out of strength first.

She can now directly mobilize the vitality of heaven and earth. As long as heaven and earth are immortal, the power will be endless. So now, what she is competing with Xiao Chong is patience and time.

As the little bug disappeared, the space ripples around it also began to dissipate one after another in order. Jiang Yuebai looked at the space ripples in the black tower cell of the Mermaid Kingdom again.

After thinking for a moment, he revealed the merit gauze robe on his body and stepped into it before the ripples in space disappeared.

If the portrait of Xie Jingshan's mother and Xie Jingshan's description were correct, this old blind man was the one who told Xie Jingshan's fortune when he was young and later bewitched Xie Jingshan to kill her in the Mermaid Country.

A cool, damp air hit me in the face, carrying with it a stale smell.

As soon as Jiang Yuebai stepped into the cell, he immediately thrust the Zhulong Spear into the ground, and the Zhulong Field instantly covered the entire cell.

The cell still looks like a cell, but inside the cell, everything is controlled by Jiang Yuebai.

The merit gauze dress on her body could effectively resist all suppression from the Mermaid Kingdom, allowing Jiang Yuebai to use her own power without hindrance.

When she went to the Mermaid Kingdom to save Xie Jingshan, it was because of the Wuweishanren Seal that Master Shen gave her before his reincarnation, which contained the scent of incense, that she was able to rescue Xie Jingshan.

Therefore, in the Mermaid Kingdom, apart from the mermaids, only the power of incense is not suppressed.

Jiang Yuebai's appearance woke the old blind man up from his dream. He sat up and opened his gray eyes to look at Jiang Yuebai.

It's not that he can't see, it's just that it looks like his eyes are damaged, very much like a blind man.

The moment he saw Jiang Yuebai clearly, the old blind man shuddered all over, then after a moment he smiled resignedly and relaxed.

"Don't have the intention to harm others, otherwise sooner or later someone will come after you, it's fate!"

"Since you recognized me, you should know why I came here. Shouldn't you explain it?"

"What do you want to know?" The old blind man supported himself on the ground, moved his body back, and sat against the wall of the cell, with his hands in his tattered and dirty sleeves, looking at Jiang Yuebai.

"Hey! You really managed to cultivate into a Chaos Dao Body. What a pity..."

Jiang Yuebai's eyes narrowed sharply, hiding a bit of murderous intent. He could see that he was a Chaos Tao Body, which the other Immortal Lords could not see.

She had to be cautious. If something went wrong, she would release the bug and escape through the space ripples created by the bug.

"Who are you? What is your relationship with Xie Jingshan? Why do you insist that he kill me? If you don't want me to live, why don't you do it yourself?"

The old blind man scratched his messy beard and sighed heavily.

"At this point, I can only tell the truth. I can't change this fate~"

Jiang Yuebai frowned, remained alert, and waited for the old blind man to continue speaking.

The old blind man thought for a moment before he said quietly, "Let's talk about Xie Jingshan first. I can't remember clearly how many people he was born with the will of the Wind Chaser. Oh, and Zhuo Qingfeng, I don't know how many people he was born with the will of the Wind Chaser."

Jiang Yuebai sighed inwardly. As expected, the old blind man was related to Zhufeng.

The old blind man looked up at Jiang Yuebai and said, "You can cultivate a chaotic body, so you must know that innate and acquired can be..."

The old blind man put his palms together and squeezed inward twice.

Jiang Yuebai opened his eyes slightly, "You mean Xie Jingshan and Zhuo Qingfeng can be like..."

Like her and Bai Jiuyou, merging with each other and becoming Zhufeng

The old blind man continued, "Many times before, the timing was always wrong and it always ended in failure. This time, both of us are from the same era, with similar cultivation and age."

"If it succeeds, the world of cultivation will once again welcome a stunning swordsman like Zhufeng, and there will be a chance to stop that crazy woman and save this world. What a pity!"

The old blind man glanced at Jiang Yuebai, and it was obvious that everything was ruined by Jiang Yuebai.

The old blind man scratched his face and recalled, "Back then, I sensed Zhu Feng's will, and risked my life to find Xie Jingshan, read his horoscope, and guide him to the path of swordsmanship."

"Zhu Feng was bad because he was too sentimental. So this time, I must make Xie Jingshan cut off his sentimental ties and cultivate a ruthless way like that crazy woman. Only then can he have the strength to fight against her."

Jiang Yuebai suddenly felt something was wrong. The old blind man's goal was to create a swordsman like Zhufeng for the cultivation world to deal with Lu Xingyun, which meant that he had a great relationship with Zhufeng and wanted to help Zhufeng.

But his approach is very different from Zhufeng's.

Back then in the Heavenly Spear Realm, she was trapped in a dream array and finally saw Zhufeng who intended to marry her. At that time, she didn't understand what Zhufeng meant when he asked her to remember him.

After going through many things, she realized that Zhufeng wanted to use love to break cruelty.

Let her fall in love with Zhuo Qingfeng or Xie Jingshan, and then use this love to influence Lu Xingyun when he takes over her in the future.

Zhuo Qingfeng was influenced by the notes left by Zhufeng, and Xie Jingshan also had many strange dreams about her when he was a teenager.

She had always known that Xie Jingshan loved her, but she could not respond, so she could only pretend not to know and treated Xie Jingshan like a younger brother.

Xie Jingshan and Zhuo Qingfeng were both pawns used by Zhufeng to influence her, but this old blind woman wanted Xie Jingshan to kill her directly. Wouldn't that destroy Zhufeng's plan

"What is your relationship with Zhufeng?" Jiang Yuebai asked directly.

(End of this chapter)