I Made the Entire Cultivation World Cry

Chapter 997: Lu Xingyun


Jiang Yuebai felt that she no longer had any choice but to go see Lu Xingyun.

Lu Xingyun could even take away all the Mahayana masters in the Three Realms quietly. As a cultivator in the early stage of fusion, he was simply unable to resist Lu Xingyun's unpredictable power.

Even if I hide now, where can I hide and for how long

What's more, her master and the others are still in Lu Xingyun's hands, so she has to go even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire ahead.

After making up his mind, Jiang Yuebai put the book back on the bookshelf and quickly left the Observatory.

No one knows who built this observatory, and Jiang Yuebai cannot use the laws of space here.

A space ripple opened outside the Observatory, leading directly to the Earth Spirit World. Before stepping in, Jiang Yuebai pressed the storage ring on his hand. He wanted to leave something for future generations, but he felt that doing so was too unlucky.

She is not going to die, the last person to come back must be her!

With firm belief, Jiang Yuebai left nothing behind and stepped into the space ripples.

I don’t know if it was a coincidence or fate, but at this moment in the nine mountains of the Earth Spirit Realm, the same bright moon was hanging high in the sky, and the sea of clouds was vast.

The empty forest is silent and the night wind is cold.

Taking a deep breath and taking heavy steps, Jiang Yuebai walked along the mountain path that was not really a road, step by step towards the top of the mountain.

In the past, no matter what time it was or what she faced, she always had a backup plan and was fully prepared. But this time, she had nothing but nervousness.

But she still came, just like the question Lu Xingyun asked her when they first met as children.

If you know you can’t outrun them, why do you still run

She replied, what if

She now, and her younger self back then, seem to overlap across time and space, holding the same lucky thought and moving forward with determination.

There are nine mountains, one upon another, one higher than the other, all the way to the top of the blue sky, the Tianyan Mountain Gate.

When they reached the top of the first mountain, Jiang Yuebai's heart suddenly tightened. She clearly did not see anyone in her spiritual sense, but there was a figure in green clothes and carrying a sword standing on the edge of the cliff with his back to her, a wine gourd hanging from his waist, his hair flying, and he looked free and unrestrained.

Jiang Yuebai looked again and saw that the person standing there had turned out to be a Wuwei mountain man wearing silver armor and carrying a spear.

The sound of dead leaves being crushed startled Wuweishanren. She turned around and looked over. Her face was still the same, but her expression was completely different from before. It looked more like...

The Lu Xingyun I met that year!

Jiang Yuebai subconsciously wanted to retreat, or even run away. Even though the other party was just standing there and doing nothing, without leaking even a trace of breath, she still felt frightened from the bottom of her heart.

"Girl, I've been waiting for you for a long time. It's not good to leave like this, right?"

The lazy tone of voice suddenly reminded Jiang Yuebai of the Xiuxian panel. The panel made no sound, but it always called her "girl".

Jiang Yuebai couldn't help but tense up, staring at the person in front of him without blinking.

"Are you not used to my appearance? Then... how about this?"

A radiant light spread from the other person's body, and in an instant he turned into the person he was when they first met, Lu Xingyun.

"Who are you?" Jiang Yuebai asked a nonsensical question.

Lu Xingyun looked lazy. He yawned as if he had not woken up yet, and stretched his arms.

"Don't worry, Wuwei is not my clone. I have no choice but to borrow her body for a while. I will return it to you after use. You can even cut a single hair off me."

"You are such a heartless little thing that destroyed the great treasure I left for you. Otherwise, I would have come to you directly. But, I have to praise you, girl, you did a great job!"

Lu Xingyun winked and raised his eyebrows at Jiang Yuebai, a smile appearing at the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Yuebai frowned, and suddenly couldn't understand what Lu Xingyun meant. Wasn't the Xiuxian panel hers? Why did she think it was a good thing for her to destroy the Xiuxian panel

Lu Xingyun waved to Jiang Yuebai, "Come here. You're standing so far away that you have to shout to speak. You must have a lot of things to ask me, and I have a lot to tell you too. The night is long, let's take a break and talk slowly."

Lu Xingyun took off the wine gourd from his waist and shook it. It seemed that he was not here to take Jiang Yuebai's life, but to reunite with old friends and drink and chat happily.

Jiang Yuebai's impression of Lu Xingyun has always been limited to her deeds that are circulated in the world of cultivation.

I always thought she was an extremely domineering and arrogant person, the kind of person who spoke little but was ruthless, and could make her enemies tremble with just a glance.

At the very least, he is born with the aura of a superior, giving people a sense of being unattainable and distant.

But the Lu Xingyun standing in front of Jiang Yuebai at this moment was kind and casual, without any airs at all, and even more friendly than Wuweishanren.

Jiang Yuebai forced herself to calm down and tried to relax her body. She had already come this far and her life was completely in the hands of the other party. What was the point of resisting

Even if I have to die in the end, I want to die knowingly.

After figuring it out, Jiang Yuebai strode towards Lu Xingyun, bravely snatched the wine gourd from Lu Xingyun's hand, sat on the rock next to him, pulled out the cork of the wine and took a big gulp.

"Is this wine from the fairyland? It tastes so bad!"

Lu Xingyun raised his brows slightly, and he admired and appreciated Jiang Yuebai's courage to "throw down a broken jar".

"I bought it from the market at the foot of Tianyan Sect Mountain. It's been so many years, but it still has the same sour smell. I sold a lot of winemaking recipes to their ancestors back then. If you want real good wine, it has to be produced in our area."

Lu Xingyun sat on the rocks nearby, took the wine gourd from Jiang Yuebai's hand, tilted his head back and poured the wine into his mouth.

Jiang Yuebai frowned. Lu Xingyun actually disliked her for touching him!

Jiang Yuebai curled her lips. At this moment, she had thousands of questions in her mind, but she didn't know where to start.

When Lu Xingyun put down the wine gourd and wiped the wine from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve, Jiang Yuebai followed up Lu Xingyun's words and asked, "What kind of place is your hometown?"

Lu Xingyun looked at the bright moon in the distance, "You want to ask, what kind of place is it that makes me want to go back at all costs, right?"

Jiang Yuebai nodded.

Lu Xingyun turned around and looked at her, "Why don't you ask your master where they went first?"

"If I ask you now, will you tell me?" Jiang Yuebai asked back.

Lu Xingyun shook his head, "No, because I don't know either."

Jiang Yuebai's eyes widened, and she almost jumped up and cursed. She asked in a trembling voice, "You don't know? Didn't you kidnap those people? Could it be that Tiandao kidnapped them? Or..."

Jiang Yuebai's mind suddenly flashed with energy and he thought of another possibility.

"Is this the thing that brought you into this world? Even you can't stop it?"

"It was possible before, but not now."


Lu Xingyun was silent. As their eyes met, Jiang Yuebai saw a hint of helplessness in Lu Xingyun's eyes.

Jiang Yuebai suddenly thought, maybe it was because of her previous "rebirth" that God's will cut off Lu Xingyun's firewood, forcing him into a desperate situation, which led to everything happening now.

At first, she always thought that Lu Xingyun was confronting Tiandao, but now she suddenly realized that there was a third party involved.

"What exactly is that thing?" Jiang Yuebai asked.

"Want to know? I'll show you, starting from where I came from. Do you dare?"

Lu Xingyun looked into Jiang Yuebai's eyes with a hint of inexplicable expectation.

Jiang Yuebai bit her lip, raised her chin slightly, and nodded hard again.

Lu Xingyun smiled, and waved his wide sleeves across Jiang Yue's white face. Everything changed, and the world underwent drastic changes.


Jiang Yuebai heard a strange and noisy noise. When she came to her senses, she found herself and Lu Xingyun standing in a completely unfamiliar world that she could not even understand.

Square tall buildings rise from the ground in an orderly manner. Everywhere is brightly lit and full of traffic. Are those iron boxes with four wheels cars

A bustling crowd walked past, some wearing strange clothes and in a hurry, and some were holding palm-sized cubes to their ears and talking to themselves.

Jiang Yuebai looked at Lu Xingyun in panic and surprise, and Lu Xingyun smiled.

"This is where I come from!"

(End of this chapter)