I Made the World Mutate

Chapter 101: The papermaker who pastes funeral objects (the third one)


Xiao Mu's heart skipped a beat.

In the dream, being escorted by a group of evil spirits to work in Xu's house

This dream matched Xu Qingyuan's dream. In the middle of the night, Xu Qingyuan dreamed of shouting and urging sounds in the yard, as if he was working.

It seems that Xu Qingyuan's so-called someone working in his yard turned out to be a group of ordinary people driven by evil spirits to do it.


The evil spirit drove a group of ordinary people to work, and after the work was done, they let the group of ordinary people go

For the evil spirits, these ordinary people are blood food, so how could they let them go so easily? Why not just devour them after the job is done

Could it be that... there are other secrets in this

With doubts, he couldn't help looking at Enyu.

This is

Xiao Mu quickly discovered something unusual from the other party.

It was an imprint on the face of the other party, very similar to the kind of family imprint of his own family that the slave owners left on the faces of the slaves in ancient times.

It was a strange pattern, like a hexagram with rounded edges.

This hexagram was completely carved out of Yin Qi, and it was deeply imprinted on Enyu's face.

This kind of yin energy cannot be seen by ordinary people, unless Xiao Mu, a Taoist with spiritual eyes, can detect it.

With such a discovery, Xiao Mu couldn't help being puzzled.

Why did the evil spirit leave a pattern on Enyu's face, and what does this pattern mean

Suddenly an idea came up.

Could it be that evil spirits are divided into different forces and families just like human beings? This hexagram-like pattern on Enyu's face represents one side's power

Xiao Mu was secretly startled, it seemed that things were not as complicated as usual.

After hearing what Enyu said, Xu Qingyuan was completely stunned.

In the middle of the night, he was escorted by evil spirits to work in his own home, could it be that

Suddenly thinking of his dream, he became horrified.

That dream of mine turned out to be real

Looking back at Xiao Mu, he was slightly relieved, but he didn't dare to tell Enyu that what the other party dreamed yesterday was true, and asked, "Enyu, you dreamed of working at my house, what did you do?"

Enyu, a middle-aged man, smiled shyly, and turned his gaze away from searching Xu Qingyuan's yard, "I was really scared at first, and I was still worried that it wasn't really a ghost who brought me to work in your house. ? Now it looks like it's just a dream, I was worrying in vain."


Xu Qingyuan's expression remained unchanged, and he asked tentatively, "Why do you say that?"

The middle-aged man Enyu smiled again and said: "Last night, I dreamed that I was escorted by a group of evil spirits to build an altar in your yard. What altar, it seems that I was thinking too much."

Xiao Mu had already guessed that Enyu, a middle-aged man, had built an altar when he was taken to work in Xu's house in his dream, which was the one that Xu Qingyuan dreamed of, so there was no surprise.


Xu Qingyuan's face was cloudy and uncertain.

The altar he dreamed of seemed to be built by evil spirits who held Enyu and the others together.

Enyu obviously didn't know what Xu Qingyuan was thinking, and said again as if she was talking homely: "By the way, you said it was ridiculous. Last night, I not only dreamed that I came to your house to build an altar, but also people from several nearby houses were killed. He came here to build an altar. By the way, there is Li San, Li San, you know, right? It’s the papermaker at the old alley.”

Xu Qingyuan nodded solemnly.

Of course he knew that Li San was the poster general.

That Li San specialized in pasting funeral articles, such as paper men, paper horses, paper carts, paper cows, paper sedan chairs, etc., but these funeral articles were used to burn the ancestors.

But Enyu said: "The strange thing is that Li San was also escorted, but he is different from us. We all built altars in the yard, and he was the only one who seemed to be taken to other places to do something. .”

"You said that he is a paper maker, a person who specializes in pasting paper horses and paper dolls for funeral objects. What can he do if he is brought in by the evil spirit? Could it be that the evil spirit wants something and needs Li San to paste it for them? Haha!"

After speaking, he laughed out loud, thinking that the matter was very ridiculous.


The paper-pasting horse, the paper-maker of the paper figurines

Xiao Mu's heart moved when he heard this.

Could it be that the evil spirits really need Li San to help them paste something

Naturally, he couldn't think the same way as Enyu. Enyu felt that it was funny for the evil spirit to bring paper-paper maker Li San to him, but Xiao Mu felt that the situation was serious.

You know, no matter what kind of evil spirits appeared in the past, it was impossible for them to make such a big splash in Xu's house like today.

Not only did the altar need to be repaired, but a paper maker was also hired.

Could it be that the evil spirits are welcoming someone? No, what the hell

By the way, I saw the gate of the Xu family as a gate of hell at first glance. Could it be that there is some kind of connection between the two

Thinking of this, Xiao Mu's heart was shocked.

If the evil spirits are really going to meet some kind of ghost, then everything makes sense, whether it is repairing the altar, asking the papermaker Li San, or eating the blood of Enyu after finishing the work. Let it go, it all makes sense.

Letting Enyu off, but leaving marks on the other party's face, this is obviously not really letting go. If you really let it go, why leave any traces

Leaving a mark, it is clear that he intends to take the other party back later.

As for what to do when you catch it back

Combining with what important ghosts the evil spirits are welcoming, Xiao Mu feels that the reason why the evil spirits did not eat Enyu and other workers as blood food is probably because they want to sacrifice to the important person they are welcoming. No, ghosts Bar

He glanced at Enyu.

Enyu obviously didn't realize that she was already in danger, and she was still telling Xu Qingyuan a joke about the papermaker Li San complacently.

Shaking his head secretly, Xiao Mu didn't say much.

But Enyu said: "I came here specially to find out if there is an altar in your yard. Since there is no altar, I can rest assured."

"Hey! Strange, why is the temperature in your house so low? It looks very cold, Qingyuan, since you still have guests, I won't bother you, see you later."

While saying goodbye to Xu Qingyuan, he also waved to Xiao Mu, and then left.

"Mr. Mu, what should we do now? Enyu also said to build an altar in my house..."

After Enyu left, Xu Qingyuan looked uncertain and looked at Xiao Mu anxiously.

He began to worry, even though he didn't see any altar in the courtyard of his house, Enyu's words completely dispelled all his luck.

What Mr. Mu said is right, something happened to his family, and something serious happened. The dream he had was not a dream, but a real thing that happened.

Xiao Mu couldn't figure out what happened for a while, there were too many clues and it was too messy, and he couldn't figure it out for a while, so he thought for a while and said: "Mr. Xu, in this case, please take me to check your yard first. Let's see if there is an altar, if there is an altar, where is it?"

"By the way, last night you were escorted to the altar in a dream, do you still remember the location of the altar?"

There are two more chapters in the future, one chapter at 4 pm and the other at 7 pm, maybe not so punctual, in short, it will be around that time

(end of this chapter)