I Made the World Mutate

Chapter 102: Yin horse and dark car (to)


"It should be going in this direction."

Xu Qingyuan led Xiao Mu to walk in the yard, and finally came to the wall, pointing to the wall, "Here is a bloody road leading to the altar."

Speaking of this, even he himself was stunned.

The bloody road to the altar

Where he stands now is against the wall.

"Mr. Xu, are you sure you are not mistaken? That bloody road leads into the wall?"

Xiao Mu asked.

Xu Qingyuan smiled wryly, "Last night, the scene I dreamed about was indeed like this. As for why it happened like this, sorry, Mr. Mu, I can't explain the reason."

Xiao Mu patted Xu Qingyuan's shoulder to show comfort.

It's not that what Xu Qingyuan said was wrong, there was something strange, and there might be other reasons. As for why Xu Qingyuan walked in the direction of a wall, it might be because of the bloody road.

The bloody road ignored the existence of this wall, passed through this wall, and went to another place.

He walked closer and stood by the wall for a closer look.

This is

Xiao Mu bent down and picked up something.

It was a small jet-black speck of soil, stained with blood.

An extremely strong yin energy was released from the small soil particle, because Xiao Mu had cultivated Taoist aura, so when he picked up this small soil particle, he couldn't help shivering.

That strong Yin Qi actually passed through his fingers, trying to enter his body and erode his body.

Xiao Mu hurriedly used Taoist aura to force out the Yin Qi.

This small piece of soil is extraordinary, probably not ordinary soil, Xiao Mu suspects it is some kind of bad soil, dark soil.

If ordinary people are contaminated with this kind of Netherland, even if they don't die on the spot, they will definitely suffer a serious illness.


What surprised Xiao Mu even more was the blood stained on the Netherland.

"This is?"

Xiao Mu sensed that it was the blood of ordinary people, and couldn't help but turned to look at Xu Qingyuan.

The blood stained on this piece of Netherland is of the same origin as Xu Qingyuan's in terms of aura. From this point of view, even if the blood on it is not Xu Qingyuan's, it is also Xu Qingyuan's relatives, and it must be a direct bloodline.

Xiao Mu remained calm and collected the small soil particles.

This kind of Netherland, which is tainted with strong yin energy, cannot stay here, otherwise it will be troublesome if it is touched by ordinary people.

"Mr. Mu, what did you find?"

Xu Qingyuan hurried over to take a look.

"Hehe! Nothing."

Xiao Mu didn't tell Xu Qingyuan about Netherland and the blood stained on Netherland, lest the other party be more flustered after hearing about it.

"Take me to look elsewhere, hey!"

Just as Xiao Mu said a word, he suddenly realized other problems.

Near this courtyard wall, in the direction of the blood-stained road Xu Qingyuan mentioned, he smelled a fragrance.

It is aroma.

It is the smell of burning incense used in worship.

It smells so good!

This fragrance is not an ordinary fragrance, Xiao Mu smelled it immediately.

Ordinary incense, after burning in respect to the heavens and ancestors, although it also has an effect, the effect is not very great.

What Xiao Mu smelled was the smell released by the burning of the mutated incense. There was a faint image of blessing and blessing, a spiritual energy in the smell of this incense.

This kind of incense is used to burn, and the effect is much better than ordinary incense.

"Mr. Xu, do you burn incense in your house?"

Xiao Mu couldn't help but look back at Xu Qingyuan.

"Burning incense?"

Xu Qingyuan was taken aback for a moment, obviously he didn't understand why Xiao Mu asked himself such a question, but he quickly said, "Yes."

"Is it the fragrance after the mutation?"

Xiao Mu asked again.


Xu Qingyuan said: "My house and the ancestral hall are burned."

"Are you only burning incense in the house and in the ancestral hall? Not in the yard?"

Xiao Mu asked again.

Xu Qingyuan smiled wryly, apparently unable to figure out why Xiao Mu asked such a question, and explained: "Mr. Mu, the incense after the mutation is too expensive, and it is enough to burn it in the main house or in the ancestral hall. Burn, how can it be burned?"

Xiao Mu nodded and didn't continue talking.

Xu's family burns incense, so I can be sure, but the smell of incense I smelled just now probably wasn't made by Xu Qingyuan.

Whether it is the main house or the ancestral hall that Xu Qingyuan mentioned, it is absolutely impossible for the smell released by burning incense to reach the courtyard wall.

Since Xu Qingyuan didn't burn it, then who did it

Could it be that evil ghosts stole the Xu family's incense and lit it on the bloody road that Xu Qingyuan said

Xiao Mu's heart shuddered again.

Evil ghosts burn incense, is it also to enshrine someone? No, what the hell? So that even the road covered with blood was burned with incense

So Xiao Mu once again confirmed his previous guess that the evil spirit built an altar to welcome an important ghost, not only leaving blood food for the important ghost (Enyu and other workers), He even stole the incense from Xu's house and lit it on the road that the important ghost passed by.

The identity of this important ghost is probably not low.

Thinking of this, Xiao Mu couldn't help feeling awe-inspiring.

Generally speaking, the higher the status, the stronger the strength. Even if it is not in absolute proportion, this rule is usually followed.

It seems that the ghost that appeared in the Xu family may not be so easy to deal with.

Xiao Mu couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"By the way, Mr. Xu, do you have any incense in your house?"

Xiao Mu asked again.

He deeply suspected that the incense burnt by the evil spirit was stolen from Xu Qingyuan's house.

"Less? It shouldn't be so. I checked it again this morning, and I didn't find it missing."

Xu Qingyuan responded.


Xiao Mu let out an 'oh', guessing in her heart:

Could it be that the incense used by the evil spirits was stolen from other places

These situations are obviously not what Xiao Mu cares about. In fact, in his opinion, it doesn't matter where the evil spirit got the mutant incense.

Then I asked again: "Mr. Xu, by the way, what else did you find out last night? Continue to talk about it."

"Mr. Mu, I almost forgot if you didn't tell me."

When Xu Qingyuan heard it, he remembered something again, and said solemnly: "In addition to the nightmare I just mentioned, after waking up, I also heard the sound of horses neighing and the sound of carriages moving in the yard of my house. .”

"The sound of a horse neighing? The sound of a carriage moving?"

Xiao Mu was lost in thought.

Is the carriage a preparation made by the evil spirit to meet that important ghost

But Xu Qingyuan continued: "At that time, I thought a carriage had come to my house, so I went to the yard to look around, but in the end I didn't see anything. There was nothing in the yard. I suspected that I had heard wrong, so I went back Go back to sleep."

Xiao Mu shook his head, Xu Qingyuan didn't see anything, it was a normal thing.

This horse and this chariot are probably not ordinary horses and ordinary chariots, but Yin horses and ghost chariots.

Suddenly, Xiao Mu understood why the evil spirit broke through the threshold of Xu's house, not to steal something from Xu's house, but to facilitate the entry and exit of Yinma and Mingche.

There is one more chapter, thank you book friends for another reward, ^_^!

(end of this chapter)