I Made the World Mutate

Chapter 75: Keep your family safe


"Mr. Mu, what should we do now?"

Li Guangyou looked at Xiao Mu nervously.

He also saw the corpse in the coffin, and knew that it was definitely not his grandmother.

In fact, from the moment the portrait was damaged, the tomb was dug up, and the coffin disappeared, Li Guangyou had already guessed that something must happen to his grandmother, but he was already mentally prepared.

"Hush! Whisper!"

Facing the second-grade evil corpse, Xiao Mu couldn't help feeling nervous.

The strength of zombies is slightly stronger than that of evil spirits, and the strength of second-grade evil corpses is even stronger than that of blue vampires.

"Let's go, leave first and then talk."

Xiao Mu greeted Li Guangyou in a low voice.

"Mr. Mu, don't you kill him?"

Li Guangyou asked puzzledly.

Xiao Mu's face was serious, "This is a second-grade evil corpse. It's too strong. I have to go back and make some preparations to kill it and take back your grandmother's coffin."

You have to go back and make preparations. With Xiao Mu's current strength, if you don't make some preparations, you really won't be the opponent of the second-grade evil corpse.

After all, the strength of the second rank evil corpse is higher than that of the blue vampire.

Hearing this, Li Guangyou's face also became serious. He had seen Xiao Mu kill ghosts and iron corpses with his own eyes, and knew Xiao Mu's strength very well.

Now, hearing that even Xiao Mu had to go back to make preparations before he could come back and kill the zombies in his grandmother's coffin, he immediately realized the seriousness of the problem.

"Mr. Mu, are you sure?"

Li Guangyou's expression was full of worry, if he didn't kill the second-grade evil corpse, his whole family would be in trouble.

Xiao Mu nodded, "Don't worry, as long as I'm prepared, I'm still capable of killing this second-grade evil corpse."

The second-grade evil corpse, if you make sufficient preparations, it is still possible to kill it.

"Mr. Mu, do you need my help?"

Li Guangyou was relieved a lot.

"No need..."

Xiao Mu originally planned to say no need, but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly thought of something, so he changed his words and said solemnly: "Yes! During this period, keep your whole family from dying."

Xiao Mu is not talking nonsense, but really needs this.

Otherwise, if during this period, all the people in Li Guangyou's family who are blood related to Li Guangyou's grandmother, including Old Man Li, Li Guangyou himself, and Li Guangyou's only son, as long as any of the three die, their blood will be immediately killed by the second-rank corpse in the coffin. plunder.

If the bloodline is plundered, it will speed up the speed at which the second-rank evil corpse advances to the third-rank evil corpse.

Under normal circumstances, it would take at least two or three days for the second-grade corpse in the coffin to evolve into a third-grade corpse, but if Li Guangyou's family died now, the second-grade corpse that successfully seized the bloodline could immediately evolve into a third-grade corpse Sha corpse.

"Keep my whole family from dying?"

Li Guangyou was frightened by Xiao Mu's words on the spot, his face was livid.

What Xiao Mu said was too serious. From the tone of his voice, it seemed that if his family died during this period, it would cause an extremely serious situation.

Li Guangyou was so dumbfounded after hearing this that he didn't even dare to ask Xiao Mu why.

He was really scared.

Xiao Mu nodded solemnly.

"This... this... what should I do?"

Li Guangyou's six gods have no master.

"Don't worry, with me here, don't worry, I still have a way to kill this second-grade evil corpse. Now go back to your home and talk about it."

Xiao Mu patted Li Guangyou on the shoulder to encourage him.

Li Guangyou's heart was heavy, he didn't dare to ask any more questions, and followed Xiao Mu and retreated slowly from the river.

The two left Xiaohe, returned to the woods, and returned to Li Guangyou's home.

"Guangyou, what did you find?"

Seeing Li Guangyou and Xiao Mu coming back, old man Li hurried up to inquire.

When Li Guangyou told Xiao Mu what he found by the river, the old man immediately burst into tears.

I thought it was my father who had a problem, but it turned out to be my mother. Regardless of whether it was the father or the mother who had the problem, it was the same grief for Old Man Li.

This is because Li Guangyou deliberately concealed part of the truth for fear of his father's worry.

If old man Li was told the fact that the corpse would not be removed and the whole family would die, Li Guangyou would be very worried whether his father's old body could bear the bad news.

Xiao Mu took the opportunity to comfort a few words, and said: "Mr. Li, old man, sorry, I have to go back first. The sha corpse is powerful, I must go back immediately and make some preparations before I can come back and kill the second-grade sha corpse."

"Xiao Mu, you... you want to go? Go now?"

Old man Li looked at Xiao Mu in surprise.

Why did you leave as soon as you came back

"Mu...Mr. Mu, take a step to speak."

Li Guangyou couldn't help but call Xiao Mu aside. There were some things that he didn't want to and didn't dare to let his father know.


Xiao Mu walked aside according to her words.

Li Guangyou's face was full of worry, "Mr. Mu, you said before that if my family members die, there will be extremely serious consequences. What serious consequences?"

Xiao Mu asked in a low voice, "Do you still remember that evil corpse, the one in your grandmother's coffin?"

Li Guangyou nodded.

Xiao Mu explained: "That is a rank-two evil corpse, occupying your grandmother's coffin, intending to evolve into a third-rank evil corpse by seizing your family's blood."

Even though he had been prepared for a long time, Li Guangyou couldn't help being startled when he heard the words, "So, Mr. Mu, isn't my family in danger?"

Seeing Xiao Mu nodding, Li Guangyou said worriedly: "Mr. Li, tell me, will that evil corpse come to our house to do evil tonight while you are away? After all, you said that as long as my family dies Then, that evil corpse will evolve rapidly."

"If you're not here, wouldn't our family be in danger?"

Xiao Mu frowned when she heard the words, what Li Guangyou said made sense, but things were somewhat different from Li Guangyou's conjecture.

Xiao Mu didn't know whether Shashi's subordinates would tell him, and whether he would send his subordinates to his house to do evil like Li Guangyou said, Xiao Mu didn't know either.

Xiao Mu knew another point.

This has something to do with the evil spirits that appeared in the other courtyard of Li Guangyou's house.

The reason why the evil spirits appeared in the other courtyard was because the Feng Shui of the Li family was damaged and the fortune was broken, which led to the evil spirits coming to the house.

Now, the coffin of Li Guangyou's grandmother has been taken away by the evil corpse, and the damage to the fortune is even more serious. I am afraid that there will be evil spirits appearing in Li Guangyou's house tonight.

And once the evil spirit appeared in Li Guangyou's house, how could Li Guangyou, father and son and other ordinary people be the opponent of the evil spirit

If the evil spirits were allowed to kill Lee Kwang Woo or anyone in Lee Kwang Woo's family who was related to his grandmother, the situation would become very serious.

Xiao Mu didn't want to go back to prepare, and when he came back after getting ready, he found that the second-rank evil corpse had already advanced to third-rank, and all the preparations were in vain.

However, it was not enough to let him stay at Li Guangyou's house. The situation was urgent, and Xiao Mu had to go back and make some preparations, otherwise he would not be able to kill the second-rank evil corpse.

What if Li Guangyou's family has no one in charge? What if the evil spirits really come

Xiao Mu frowned and thought about it. After a while, he suddenly thought of something, his eyes lit up, "I have a solution, and I will definitely keep your family safe. Mr. Li, please take me to your ancestral hall again."

(end of this chapter)