I Made the World Mutate

Chapter 8: There are ghosts in your house


"But...how do I find it?"

The girl Wang Jing looked confused, but also worried. She was worried that Xiao Mu would use her as bait to lure the starving ghost out.

If that was the case, she wondered if she had the courage to carry it out.

But fortunately, Xiao Mu didn't have that kind of plan, "Take me around this building, there is something evil hiding, and I will find out."

This is not Xiao Mu's bragging. Having cultivated Xuanmen Zhenggang, with his strong ability to sense evils, he can indeed detect the existence of evils after a certain distance.

"All right."

Wang Jing immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as she is not used as bait to lure the starving ghost out, she will not be too frightened.

In fact, with Xiao Mu here, and knowing that Xiao Mu has the identity of a mage, the girl has been relieved a lot, and she is no longer as scared as before.

Anyway, even if something happened, wouldn't Xiao Mu still be there

This is the advantage of broad horizons. People who have received higher education like girls and are usually influenced by various ghost stories and horror movies are really calmer when encountering things, and their ability to accept things is definitely better than those who usually don’t even read books. People who don't watch movies are much better, at least they won't make a fuss casually.

"Let's go."

Xiao Mu urged.

So the girl took Xiao Mu to walk through the whole building, first to the first floor, starting from the first floor, looking for the upper floors layer by layer.

This building is not too high. The rented apartment part has only five floors, and the sixth floor is a duplex, where the landlord lives.

According to the introduction of the girl Wang Jing, the landlord is an old lady in her sixties, her surname is Chen, her name is unknown, she is widowed and widowed, she can’t be said to be a good person, but she can’t say how bad she is, but she is usually cold and rarely talks to the tenants. That's all.

After searching layer by layer until reaching the fifth floor, Xiao Mu still found nothing.

But when the fifth floor led to the door of the sixth floor, Xiao Mu was suddenly shocked.

The temperature here seems to have dropped by more than two or three degrees.

It stands to reason that the sun is shining brightly today, and the higher the level, the warmer it is. Why is the temperature here so low

has a problem!

The starving ghost must be on the sixth floor, in the landlord's house.


Xiao Mu ordered Wang Jing in a deep voice.


Wang Jing was keenly aware of Xiao Mu's abnormality, and couldn't help becoming nervous.

"Tuk tuk!"

Wang Jing knocked on the security door.


An old lady's voice.

"Aunt Chen, it's me. I have something to do. Can I go in?"

Wang Jing asked very politely.

"Xiao Wang, it's you."

A fat old lady in her sixties wearing loose silk clothes came out of the house and recognized Wang Jing.

"Yes, Aunt Chen, it's me, can you open the door? I have something to ask you."

Wang Jing smiled at the old lady.

Aunt Chen didn't think too much, and opened the door directly.

Xiao Mu and Wang Jing walked in together.

The old lady was stunned, staring at Xiao Mu, "This is?"

"This is Brother Mu, my friend."

Wang Jing introduced.

"Auntie Chen, hello, just call me Xiao Mu."

Xiao Mu had a kind smile on his face, but his eyes were fixed on Aunt Chen.

After practicing Xuanmen Zhenggang, there has been a difference between Xiao Mu and ordinary people. Not only can he feel things that ordinary people can't feel, but he can also see things that ordinary people can't see.

From his point of view, this Auntie Chen obviously had a black energy lingering around her.

Ghost qi, also known as Yin qi, kills one's vitality, and as long as it comes into contact with it, it will reduce a person's lifespan.

"Oh! Xiao Mu."

Aunt Chen reluctantly smiled at Xiao Mu, then looked at Wang Jing, "Xiao Wang, what do you do?"

"Auntie, it's like this."

Wang Jing talked about her experience not long ago, and at the same time mentioned Xiao Mu's judgment, telling Aunt Chen that there is a starving ghost currently entrenched in this building, and Xiao Mu is a mage specially invited by herself. Help get rid of that starving ghost.

When Aunt Chen heard this, a strange expression appeared on her face.

It's not that she doesn't believe Chen Jing's words. The whole world is mutated now, and information about evil spirits is spreading everywhere. She just can't believe that evil spirits will appear in her home.

Immediately declined and said: "Since you met Xiao Wang, you can take this mage Xiao Mu to catch it. Auntie won't mind."

After speaking, he planned to ask Wang Jing and Xiao Mu to go out, and at the same time reached out to grab the protective safety door, intending to close it.

Wang Jing looked at Xiao Mu, she didn't know what to say next.

Xiao Mu said sincerely: "Aunt Chen, just now Wang Jing and I searched all the way from downstairs. I didn't find anything unusual until I was here with you. Now I can clearly confirm that the starving ghost is hiding in your house. Can I go in and have a look?"

Aunt Chen obviously resisted, "Hiding in my house, who the hell... Xiao Mu, don't talk nonsense."

Xiao Mu smiled gently, "I just take one look and leave."

Wang Jing continued to persuade, "Yes, Aunt Chen, is it okay to let Master Mu go in and have a look? It won't cause you any loss anyway, right? What if there is something in your house, after Master Mu leaves, it will What if I come out and hurt you?"

"It's... okay."

Aunt Chen was still a little hesitant, but after hearing what Chen Jing said, she immediately agreed and invited Xiao Mu and Chen Jing to go in.

While walking, this Auntie Chen said, "Auntie, there won't be any starving ghosts here. You must have made a mistake. If there were, would Auntie still be living like this? Besides, if the starving ghosts are here My family, why not be the first to kill me but instead the first to kill Xiao Wang?"

This Aunt Chen still resists the idea that there is a starving ghost in her family, and what she said seems to have some truth.

Xiao Mu did not refute, and followed Aunt Chen into the room.

In the room, the eerie feeling became stronger, and Xiao Mu couldn't help but actively follow this feeling to find it.

At first, it was Aunt Chen who led him and Wang Jing, but later it turned out that Xiao Mu was in front, and Aunt Chen and Wang Jing were chasing after.

Xiao Mu walked directly to one of the rooms, and even though he hadn't entered the room yet, he could already feel the strong yin energy in the room.

There is no doubt that the starving ghost is in this room.

"Who...Xiao Mu, you can't go in, you can't go in."

Panting, Aunt Chen ran after her and stopped Xiao Mu, preventing him from entering the house.

"Auntie, what's in this room?"

Xiao Mu asked with a serious face.

"Yes, Aunt Chen, why don't you let brother Mu go in?"

Wang Jing asked.

Aunt Chen still stopped in front of that house, shook her head and said, "It's nothing, there really aren't any starving ghosts here."

"As for the inside of this room, well, auntie, let's make it clear that what is enshrined in this room is my husband's spiritual tablet, not the starving ghost you mentioned."

"I know what my husband is like. If you really want to find a starving ghost, you should look elsewhere. There is no one in this house."

(end of this chapter)