I Made the World Mutate

Chapter 9: Take incense


Wang Jing looked at Xiao Mu helplessly.

When Aunt Chen said this, she didn't know how to persuade her.

Xiao Mu smiled, "Aunt Chen, even if your deceased husband is really in this room, it's okay for us to go in and take a look, right?"

"Since we're at the gate, it's only natural for us to burn incense for uncle, right?"

Aunt Chen was moved when she heard the words, what Xiao Mu said made sense.

Anyway, when Xiao Mu and Wang Jing came to her house and offered incense sticks to her husband, it could be regarded as a kind of courtesy.

Wang Jing also persuaded after hearing the words, "Yes, Aunt Chen, Brother Mu is right, since we are here, why don't you let us go in and burn incense sticks for uncle?"

Aunt Chen finally agreed, "Okay, since you said so, come in with Auntie. Remember, after entering, don't speak loudly, so as not to disturb my husband."

Aunt Chen instructed carefully, lest Xiao Mu and Wang Jing's rude behavior would disturb her husband's soul.

In fact, even if she didn't tell her, both Xiao Mu and Wang Jing knew this way.

For the dead, for the living, no matter what the occasion, we should maintain proper respect.

The living can be bullied, but the dead cannot be bullied!

Seeing Xiao Mu and Wang Jing nodding in agreement, Aunt Chen turned around and opened the door lightly.

Immediately, as the door was opened, a gloomy and cold aura came from the room. Except for Xiao Mu who was protected by Xuanmen Zhenggang, Aunt Chen and Wang Jing both shivered at the same time.

It was too cold and gloomy, and the temperature in the room dropped by at least ten degrees.

"It's so cold!"

The thinly dressed Wang Jing shivered on the spot, and couldn't help leaning towards Xiao Mu.

There was an ever-burning lamp in the room, but the light looked extremely dark, as if shrouded by layers of extremely thick black mist.

In this room, even when you are face to face, you can't see the face of the other person clearly.

This is still in broad daylight.

Such a strong Yin Qi can usually only be released by that kind of extremely powerful ghost.

Therefore, Xiao Mu could almost conclude on the spot that the person enshrined in this room was definitely not Aunt Chen's husband.

If the object of worship is really a relative, what relative would release such a strong Yin Qi in their own home? Or is it strong enough to drive away the light

Xiao Mu looked forward again, and there was an altar behind the veil.

In the middle of the altar, there was a pitch-black tablet. In front of the tablet, there was actually an incense burner. Inside the incense burner, three sticks of incense were burning, releasing cigarette smoke.

Seeing this, Xiao Mu couldn't help shaking his head.

Things are getting worse.

It's nothing more than setting up a memorial tablet for Li Gui, but offering incense is definitely an extremely terrifying fact.

Regardless of whether the person being enshrined is a fierce ghost or not, just this practice itself, even if the enshrined is just an ordinary ghost, is very unadvisable.

This means that if you use the incense from your own home to offer sacrifices to outsiders, the enshrined ghosts will directly take the incense from the worshiper's home.

The incense is taken away, and the consequences are extremely dire.

What is incense? What does it mean that the incense is cut off

It means breaking the family, dying, and cutting off children and grandchildren.

People with a little bit of common sense would never dare to do such a thing, just because the consequences are too dire and no one can afford it.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Mu looked at the spiritual position, his face changed slightly, and he couldn't help turning his head to ask Aunt Chen, "Aunt Chen, what is your deceased husband's name?"

Aunt Chen was still in shock, and replied nervously, "My husband? His name is Zhao Sinan."

Xiao Mu immediately asked again, "Does he have a slender face, big eyes, and a mole on the left side of his face?"


Aunt Chen exclaimed, "You... how do you know?"

Her husband has passed away for more than ten years, and there is no portrait hanging in this house, so Xiao Mu shouldn't know about it.

Xiao Mu didn't answer, but stared at the god tablet on the altar with a gloomy expression.

At this time, in his eyes, there were two figures on the god tablet, one big and one small, the big one was a starving ghost, and the small one was Aunt Chen's husband.

The starving ghost was riding on Zhao Sinan's body, suppressing it, constantly absorbing the soul power from Zhao Sinan's body.

As the power of the soul was extracted, Zhao Sinan's body became smaller and smaller, but the figure of the starving ghost became more and more solid, and his strength became stronger and stronger.

The alienated creatures that entered this world are trying every means to evolve.

Take this starving ghost as an example, the means of evolution are not only cannibalism, seizing incense, but also devouring souls belonging to this world.

In this world, there is no soul after death, but since the world mutated, it also exists.

Bowing his head and pondering, Xiao Mu was thinking about how to explain to Aunt Chen, and after a while he said: "Aunt Chen, your husband has actually had an accident. During this time, you are not enshrining your husband."

"How can it be?"

Auntie Chen's first reaction was that she didn't believe Xiao Mu's words, and her expression was a little unsightly because of Xiao Mu's words, "Xiao Mu, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense."

Xiao Mu's face became extremely solemn, staring at Aunt Chen, and said seriously: "Before I said that there are starving ghosts in your house, it is indeed true, and I did not lie to you. And..."

After a pause, Xiao Mu's tone became more serious, "And that starving ghost is not only in your home, but also took your husband's spirit seat."

"During this time, what you have been burning incense and offering incense to is not your husband, but the starving ghost."

"How can it be?"

Aunt Chen screamed when she heard the words.

What Xiao Mu said was too shocking to her, which made her feel completely unacceptable.

The starving ghost in your own home? Not only took away her husband's spiritual position? Also seized his own incense

Just by listening, she also knew how terrible this situation was.

Not to mention seizing the spiritual position, it means that the soul of her husband has been killed, but what is even more terrifying is that the incense is taken away.

The murder of the soul means that the deceased husband has lost the chance to be reincarnated, and the loss of incense means that the family is destroyed and the children and grandchildren are destroyed.

The latter is much more terrifying than the former. The former only hurts one person, while the latter hurts the whole family.

"Xiao Mu, don't lie to Auntie."

Obviously, this Auntie Chen still couldn't believe Xiao Mu's words, mainly because what Xiao Mu said was too shocking and scary.

She was willing to believe it was false.


Xiao Mu sighed and explained patiently, "Aunt Chen, haven't you noticed how dark and cold this room is?"

"It's dark and cold?"

Aunt Chen shuddered when she heard the words, Xiao Mu was right, the room was indeed very dark and cold.

However, what does the dark and cold room have to do with what Xiao Mu said just now

Xiao Mu guessed what Aunt Chen was thinking, and explained, "It's very dark and cold, that's because the house is very dark."

"Yin qi is harmful to the living. If it is contaminated with yin qi, it will cause illness and weakness at the slightest, and death at worst. Aunt Chen, think about it for yourself. As a close relative, your husband's undead will release this ghost in your own home." Is it a kind of evil spirit?"

"this… "

Aunt Chen was speechless, Xiao Mu's words made her faintly aware of some problems.

Perhaps what Xiao Mu said was true.

"But, Xiao Mu..."

Even so, she still had hope in her heart, after all, no one hoped that such a thing would happen to her family.


Xiao Mu sighed, guessing what Aunt Chen was thinking, "Since this is the case, you can see for yourself."

"Hurry up like a law!"

Xiao Mu looked serious, shouted loudly, swung the mahogany sword, and suddenly pointed at the spiritual tablet on the altar.

Immediately, a golden light shot out, hitting the god tablet.

(end of this chapter)