I Made the World Mutate

Chapter 94: Heavenly God Enchantment


Now that the direction has been chosen, there is no possibility of changing it. Xiao Mu immediately began to prepare for the next practice.

"Xuanmen Zhenggang" is the foundation, and what is cultivated is the aura of Taoism, which is not affected by any Dao. Or it can be said that no matter what kind of cultivation, basic cultivation is essential.

Different cultivation directions produce different methods.

For example, warriors, sword repair, knife repair, palm repair, different directions, choose different weapons.

Choosing Emperor Xiu, what Xiao Mu needs is Emperor Xiu's cultivation method and means.

Go to the small commodity market again to search for old books.

In front of the small book stand, a copy of "The Art of the Son of Heaven" attracted Xiao Mu's attention. He deliberately picked it up and looked at it. The cultivation method compiled in it was extremely peculiar. A king's air, the king came to the world, looked down on the common people, and finally under the envelope of the king's air, he could kill whoever he wanted.

The Taoist school is different from the Confucian school in that they are also emperors. The purpose of Confucianism training is to become an emperor and become a human emperor, while the purpose of Taoist training is to be an emperor and become a heavenly emperor.

There are differences between the emperor and the emperor.

The Emperor of Humanity is in charge of humanity, but the Emperor of Heaven is in charge of the Dao of Heaven.

Confucianism governs the world, Taoism governs the sky.

This "Tianzi Quanshu" is obviously a Confucian classic. After reading it for a while, Xiao Mu couldn't help but feel a little worried. What he needs most is actually a Taoist classic, preferably something like "Tianhuangshu" and "Tiandishu".

After thinking about it, I finally decided to buy it.

"Boss, how much is this book?"

Xiao Mu held "The Power of the Son of Heaven" in his hand.

"You take the three hundred."

The peddler saw the man take a book that no one was interested in, and said a very cheap price.

Yes, this price is already quite cheap.

After all, this kind of book cannot be written casually. It requires the author to rack his brains to compile it, to ensure its rationality and to be logically justified.

The writing of such a book not only requires the author to have a very rich cultural background, but also requires rich imagination.

Although the price is expensive, how many people buy this type of book

Without further ado, Xiao Mu paid the money directly.

Going forward, I searched stall by stall, but in the end I couldn't find books like the so-called "Book of Emperors" and "Book of Heavenly Emperors".

In desperation, he went back with "The Art of the Son of Heaven" and tried to mutate it.

Xiao Mu experimented first, and pointed his finger on "The Art of the Son of Heaven".

Options appear.

1. Surgery.

2. Law.

The law is the foundation, similar to Xuanmen Zhenggang, and the technique is the means, similar to Taoist talismans.

After thinking about it, Xiao Mu chose the technique, but unexpectedly, an option appeared again.


To choose a Taoist gate, you need an additional energy point, plus the four points required for the previous mutation, a total of five points.

Without hesitation, Xiao Mu chose the optional option, Daomen, five energy points were consumed, "The Art of the Son of Heaven" disappeared, and the first part of "The Art of the Emperor of Heaven" appeared in Mortal Realm.

Xiao Mu knew that "mortal realm" refers to the limit that practitioners can reach in this mutated world.

The Mortal Realm is also called the Houtian Realm.

The first part, the first part of Mortal Realm, means that this "Tiandi Fengshen Art" only contains a small part.

A small part of the content consumes four energy points. The level of this "Emperor of Heaven" is amazing.

Pressing the book with his hand, he chose to accept the inheritance of knowledge, and put aside the blank paper "The Art of the God of the Emperor of Heaven", Xiao Mu closed his eyes and meditated on the contents of the book.

The current first part of "The Art of Conferring the Gods by the Emperor of Heaven" is divided into three parts.

First: seal things.

Second: Feng Ling.

Third: Fengshen.

The current part 1 only includes the seal part.

The so-called seal refers to the canonization of objects.

How to canonize an object? What kind of objects are canonized

There are descriptions in the book. At present, when the realm is low, low-level items can be canonized.

Such as official uniforms.

Ancient official uniform.

The official uniform of ordinary people is just an ordinary piece of clothing, even if it is the official uniform of some high officials, it is still just an ordinary piece of clothing.

This dress can be worn by another person. But wearing the official uniform of a high official does not mean that you have the power of this high official.

The power of officials lies only in the officials themselves, and has nothing to do with official uniforms.

However, using the "Heavenly Emperor Conferring God Art", it is possible to canonize official uniforms, so that an official uniform has power.

This is the so-called Fengwu in "The Art of Conferring the Gods by the Emperor of Heaven".

In addition, what Xiao Mu cares most about is another point, which is also the most important and basic point in "The Art of the Emperor of Heaven".

Emperor Seal, also known as Emperor Seal.

To practice the "Heavenly Emperor Conferring God Art", you first need a seal.

There is no evidence to prove it, only a canon with a seal can have power.

Of course, if Xiao Mu reaches the level of an emperor in the future, he may be able to make a constitution with a word. However, at present, he has just taken the first step on the road of cultivation, but he does not have such power. Really play the role of "Tiandi Fengshen Art".


Xiao Mu immediately started to prepare.

First, he needs a good piece of jade.

Very good, very good kind of jade.

Qin Shihuang used Heshibi to make the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

With Xiao Mu's current financial resources, it is better not to think about Heshibi's level of gems for the time being. Even so, he still has to try his best to find a piece of high-quality jade, the higher the quality, the better.

The higher the grade, the stronger the magic energy it can withstand, and the greater the power it can exert.

After checking the bank card balance, Xiao Mu took out his mobile phone.

At present, all his assets (including the energy crystals sold to Wang Tong and Zhao Yan) are more than four million, close to five million.

But in Xiao Mu's view, it's not enough, the money is far from enough.

What he needs is a top-quality gem.

The seal he wants to make is not an ordinary seal, but the seal of the Emperor of Heaven, the seal of the Emperor of Heaven that belongs exclusively to Xiao Mu.

This seal must not only be engraved with the words "in charge of the destiny, and descend to the earth with power", but also his Xiao Mu's name.

This is not only the face, but also determines the power of the seal made.

Open the chat software and join a group.

This group is just established, and there are only three people in the group, Xiao Mu, Wang Tong, and Zhao Yan.

"Borrow money!"

Xiao Mu sent two words.

Not long after, Wang Tong responded, "Boss Mu, how much do you need?"

I didn't even ask the reason, just asked how much I borrowed.

"I have, how much to borrow?"

Zhao Yan also came to reply.

After a battle, the relationship between the three heated up sharply, not to mention Xiao Mu's strength is strong, and he is an excellent investment target.

"At least 30 million, 50 million is best."

Xiao Mu said.

This number scared Wang Tong on the spot, and he scored several points.

He borrowed too much, and with his worth, if he wanted to take out so much money, he would probably go bankrupt.

"Boss Mu, what do you need so much money for?"

Wang Tong asked.

"I have, Mr. Mu, can I ask, what are you going to do?"

Zhao Yan asked.

Before Xiao Mu answered, Wang Tong typed a few more points, and helplessly sent two words, "Tuhao!"

Then sent three more words, "female local tyrant!"

Thanks to the book friend Xiaosheng for the reward of 500 coins, ^_^!

(end of this chapter)