I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 100: The Black Tower (8)


As far as the eye can see, it is a closed space.

Cement bricks and stones are built in all directions, and the sun is not visible. Weeds and stagnant water are scattered on the ground, and occasionally water drops seep from the cracks in the bricks, falling drop by drop.

At the corner of the wall, there are even two white bones clinging to each other, without skin and flesh, and it is unknown how long they have been dead.

The two seemed to be sealed in a tomb, and they couldn't hear anything except each other's breathing and water droplets.

Is this the "paradise" that the crazy townspeople are thinking of

Also, staying in such a ghost place can only wait for death. Maybe after death, the soul can really ascend to heaven.

Du Yixin looked around. The place is not big, only seven or eight square meters, and no other exits can be seen. The only breakthrough is the blackened wall.

He tried to tap it with his hand. The sound is dull, seemingly thick, and solid.

I'm afraid it won't work with bare hands.

And when he was checking, he was suddenly dragged behind by Ying Sheng. The opponent covered the wall with his hands, then turned around and said, "Stay closer and hold me tight."

Du Yixin understood what he wanted to do, and leaned down to approach him as he said.

After a while, only a deafening bang was heard, and the thick wall exploded directly. The bricks were broken into rubble, blown far away by the aftermath of the explosion.

The wall was almost crumbling, and was kicked up again, unable to support it anymore, and collapsed one after another.

In front of the two of them, a deep hole appeared.

The explosive ability does not cause damage to the caster himself. But Du Yixin was not so lucky. Even if he hid behind Ying Sheng, he was still hit in the face by the blown gravel.

He shook his head, shook off the dust on his head, his ears were still ringing, and looked out of the cave.

There is a deep and dark passage connected to the entrance of the cave, which looks the same as in the prison. There are no windows, just masonry on masonry, spreading deep into the passage.

Although leaving the closed space, it is only like stepping from one tomb to another more spacious tomb.

The two walked into the endless corridor. The air was cold, and the damp cold seemed to seep into the bone marrow. And every 10 meters, a kerosene lamp is hung on the wall, and the light of the bean-sized fire illuminates this dark space.

But after a few steps, there was a sudden sound of heavy objects being dragged ahead.

They looked at each other, and Ying Sheng drew out his weapon, ready to attack directly.

"Wait." Du Yixin stopped, "Let's see the situation first."

If it's a monster—it's a level-6 dungeon after all, so there's no guarantee that two people can win the battle. He still wanted to avoid unnecessary fighting as much as possible.

Ying Sheng clicked his tongue and put away his weapon.

Du Yixin asked people to retreat into the cave and put out a row of kerosene lamps nearby. The light dimmed suddenly, hiding the big hole in the darkness.

Then he also hid in the original prison. The two were sticking to the entrance of the cave, one on the left and one on the right, and the heavy dragging sound was getting closer.

Soon, a huge figure appeared in the dim light.

It was dressed in a guard uniform, and its fat body almost tore the clothes. His face was full of flesh, and his eyes were almost squeezed out.

The top of the head is close to the ceiling, and the arms are as thick as the torso of ordinary people. The fat palm is holding a metal chain, and the top of the chain is connected to a huge iron ball.

And the dragging sound was exactly the sound made by the iron ball rubbing against the masonry ground.

Then, the sound stopped.

In order to avoid being discovered, Du Yixin did not dare to look out, and covered his mouth with his hand to minimize the sound of breathing.

Why did you stop, did you notice them

Indeed, lights were on everywhere else. The darkness of this section of the road alone is indeed incredible.

The guy doesn't seem to have very good eyesight though. If it is really discovered, you can throw something out to attract attention, and then sneak attack from behind.

While thinking, there was a loud rumbling sound outside.

The iron ball rolled violently, crushing the ground all the way. It didn't stop until the chain connecting it was stretched straight, and then it was pulled back again.

Standing on the edge of the cave, Du Yixin felt the ground tremble under his feet, and he could almost feel the sharp wind blowing when the iron ball rolled past his ears.

If he stood in the corridor at this time, he would definitely be crushed into a puddle of meat.

Then, the fat guard moved again. Step by step, go very slowly.

When passing through the broken hole again, it seemed to notice something and stopped suddenly. Ying Sheng on the side had already grasped the weapon in his hand, piercing the outside with fierce eyes, ready to attack at any time.

The guard stood for a while, perhaps because his eyesight was really bad, he didn't notice anything, and then he started walking again.

The voice gradually faded away, and the two walked out of the prison.

Du Yixin looked at the back of the fat guard leaving, and lowered his voice: "Follow it, maybe we can find the exit."

The guard is in front and the two are behind. Although the iron ball was terrifying, it also covered up the sound of their footsteps very well.

It's just that this prison is more intricate than imagined, and it looks the same everywhere, like a giant maze. If they were allowed to find their own way, they would not be able to go out until the year and month.

Ten minutes later, the flames ahead became brighter and brighter.

Du Yixin only felt that his eyes suddenly opened up. They seemed to have finally come out of the long and narrow maze and came to an open room. Several torches were hung here, and the fire was even more intense, illuminating the surrounding area exceptionally brightly.

Going forward is a section of stairs, and above the stairs is an iron gate. The guard didn't realize that he was being followed, walked up the stairs, opened the heavy iron door with one hand, and disappeared outside the door.

Due to the better light here, Du Yixin did not follow as closely as before. Seeing that the guard had gone out, he came out from the dark.

He walked up the stairs and was about to open the door, but Ying Sheng grabbed his shoulder: "There are people outside."

Du Yixin was taken aback, and bent his ears to listen, only to notice the sound of walking outside the iron gate. Unlike a guard, his steps are light. If you didn't think about it intentionally, you might just think it was the sound of the wind blowing the grass.

But now it was too late to go back, so I had to stand on both sides of the door with Ying Sheng on the left and right, ready to strike first.

However, the voice disappeared outside the door, and there was no movement for a long time.

The two looked at each other.

Ying Sheng signaled Du Yixin to stay away, grabbed the metal bat with one hand, opened the door suddenly, and directly hammered it.


With a dull bang, the bat hit the ground.


This is a rare mistake for Ying Sheng. But he was only stunned for a moment, then immediately turned to the figure that was moving away, and kicked it again.

And this attack was also blocked. The figure had already entered the iron gate, and his face became clear in the firelight.

After seeing the face clearly, Du Yixin couldn't help saying: "Wait, brother!"

It wasn't until then that the fighting parties noticed each other's identity and stopped one after another. Du Heng put away the drawn pistol/gun, frowned and looked at his younger brother: "Why are you here?"

"I followed here secretly."

"You again—" Du Heng was dumbfounded.

Du Yixin hurriedly changed the subject: "Brother, why are you here? Isn't the outside the exit?"

Du Heng glanced at the two of them: "It's not easy to talk here, come here."

After speaking, he walked in the direction the two of them had just come from.

Is this going back again

Du Yixin was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask any further questions, and followed behind his brother.

Walking near the intersection, Du Heng motioned for the two to show him the bracelets. The "eye" part in the center of the bracelet went dark at some point.

Du Heng used Nullify and helped take off the bracelet: "When did you get here?"

Du Yixin briefly explained what happened so far.

Hearing this, Du Heng frowned: "It seems that two people cannot pass through the totem cylinder at the same time, otherwise they will be imprisoned here."

Du Yixin: "What do you mean?"

"The town in the Black Tower is a single-player dungeon." Du Heng looked at his younger brother, "but your 'read file' ability may have triggered a bug, which led to mistakenly entering the dungeon Ying Sheng is in. The result is—"

He held up two bracelets: "'The Eye of the Goddess' appeared in the same space at the same time, and the task cannot be issued normally."

Du Yixin understood: "No wonder it didn't talk after that."

Du Heng rolled up his sleeves, revealing his bracelet. The wristband is emitting a faint green light: "In the case of a single-player copy normally, the magic circle will be born outside, and the 'Australian Eye' will continue to operate and issue tasks. But..." he handed With a touch, the ability of the bracelet is invalidated, and it is removed, "It is no longer needed now."

He dropped the three "God's Eyes" on the ground. The bracelet made a crisp sound when it touched the ground.

According to Du Heng, if you follow the instructions of the "Australian Eye" and trigger the totem column in the central square, you will arrive at a new town.

The original town is located on the lower level of the Black Tower, and the new town is located on the upper level. The lower layer is a single-player dungeon, all players will be locked in a closed space alone for strategy.

The upper layer is a regular multiplayer copy. At that time, Du Heng triggered the totem cylinder, and then woke up in the magic circle. Besides him, there are other players present.

It's just that everyone was wary, and even if they met, they didn't communicate with each other and dispersed one after another.

Facts have proved that this is correct. Because not long after that, Du Heng received a new mission, asking him to attack other players. Presumably other players have also received the same task.

"So, this is the upper prison of the Black Tower. Brother, you came in from the outside. But why did you come in?" Du Yixin was puzzled.

Du Heng took out a white cloth. With the faint firelight, a picture could be vaguely seen drawn on the inside of the white cloth.

"This was discovered during the mission—" Du Heng paused, "The map of the black tower."

Du Yixin took the white cloth and observed it carefully. The map was extremely complicated, and the fine print was a little unclear. But it can be roughly recognized that this is a cross-sectional view of the interior of the black tower, which is divided into upper and lower floors.

The lower level is the scene where the totem column is located, and the positions of the houses and mountains inside are exactly the same as in memory.

The most eye-catching thing on the upper floor is the staircase in the center, which is several hundred meters high and extends upwards. And there are even a few villains drawn on the steps to pay homage.

At the end of the stairs - the highest point of the Black Tower is an ancient Roman style city.

Du Heng clicked there: "Dialect Wu may be in this place. And this prison," he swiped his hand down, pointing to the bottom, "is under this city."

The prison is also clearly drawn. If you are careful enough, you can find a schematic diagram of a "staircase" in the center, connecting the bottom of the city.

Du Yixin understood: "So brother, do you think this can lead to the highest point?"

"This is just a guess." Du Heng put away the map, "So come here today to explore the way."

"Okay, then let's go together too." Du Yixin clenched his fists, "Maybe we can handle the dialect team today."

The two left behind the exit that was close at hand, and stepped into the endless maze again. Ying Sheng followed in silence.

Du Heng took out a pen and paper, drew a sketch every time he passed a fork, and marked it with stones on the wall bricks. The first fork encountered is marked as "1", the second fork is marked as "2", and so on.

Soon, the kerosene lamp not far away was extinguished, and the road ahead was shrouded in darkness.

walked back.

This is the prison where Du Yixin and the two broke through the wall just now.

They passed through and continued to move deeper.

On the way, you will occasionally encounter fat guards patrolling. I don't know if it's the one just now, almost every guard looks the same.

And they also quickly discovered the characteristics of the "guards". Sensitive hearing, poor eyesight, great movement.

Therefore, once you notice the sound of the iron ball being dragged, stop your steps immediately, and you will be able to escape the inspection.

Gradually, the blueprints in Du Heng's hands gradually improved, and the whole picture of the prison appeared on the paper. Although it is still relatively rough, the orientation can already be roughly identified.

Du Heng made a cross in the center of the map: "The secret path may be here."

They returned along the original route marked just now, and soon reached their destination. It's just that this place is the same as other passages, and there is really no secret passage.

The three investigated separately. Du Yixin was the first to discover that a certain wall seemed to be thinner than other places, and the knocking sound was completely different.

He asked Ying Sheng to come over and destroy the wall. Behind the brick wall, a long staircase suddenly appeared, spiraling up, with no end in sight.

It's just that there is no light inside, and it is even darker than outside.

"Well done." Du Heng praised the two, took off the kerosene lamp and walked in.

Du Yixin took down a kerosene lamp and followed closely behind. After walking a few steps, he realized that Ying Sheng hadn't followed, so he couldn't help turning his head: "What's wrong?"

Ying Sheng frowned: "It's kind of weird."

Du Yixin looked at his feet, and then at his brother. The other party also stopped, as if waiting for them.

Du Yixin asked, "Do you think it's too easy?"

Ying Sheng couldn't tell. It's just that based on his understanding of Dialect Wu, it's impossible for people to find the mastermind so easily.

If it is really Dialect Wu himself on the stairs, it only means that there is still greater danger waiting for them.

"Either go up from here, or attack from the front." Du Heng said, "Either way is risky. Ying Sheng, when did you become so timid?"

Ying Sheng half-closed his eyes: "What did you say?"

"If you're afraid, take Xiaoxin out. Originally, I planned to come here alone."

Seeing that the two seemed about to quarrel, Du Yixin quickly stood in the middle to block the sight of both sides: "Calm down!"

Seeing him, Ying Sheng seemed to calm down his anger, turned his head and didn't speak.

Du Yixin also understood. After all, for Sheng, Dialect Wu can be said to be a psychological shadow. But what my brother said is right, to defeat Dialect Wu, there are only two choices in front of him. Either go through the back door, or face it head-on.

There is no way out for them.

He comforted Ying Sheng: "It's okay. Even if you are really in danger, with my ability, you can start over."

Ying Sheng was startled, and then said in a low voice: "Idiot, I'm not afraid."

Seeing the way the two got along, Du Heng couldn't help sighing, turned around and walked upstairs.

"Wait, brother?" Du Yixin saved his gear and hurriedly followed, "It's too dangerous for you to be alone."

The faint fire light illuminated the road under their feet, and the three of them walked up the stairs, and their figures disappeared into the long spiral staircase.

I don't know how long I walked.

Looking down, you can no longer see the entrance when you came here, only long ladders spiraling upwards. Looking up, but still can't see the end, the endless stairs disappeared in the darkness.

There is not even any reference around. They can't judge which floor they have reached and how far they are from the end.

After climbing the stairs for so long, Du Yixin also felt sore legs even after this period of super-intensive training.

The elder brother led the way, and Ying Sheng followed behind, without saying a word.

He stopped. The other two also stopped and looked at him.

"Here..." How long will it take

But the words didn't come out, Du Yixin held back again. It was probably a waste of time to ask, so he shook his head to indicate that he was fine.

"It's been too long." Du Heng took the initiative to say, "From the height seen from the outside, the dungeon should not be so far from the city."

Ying Sheng sneered: "Are you trying to say that you went the wrong way?"

"This possibility is not ruled out."

"Then shall we go back now?" Du Yixin asked.

"I've been walking for so long, so of course I'm going up." Ying Sheng raised his finger, "Going back without seeing what's there is too unreasonable."

Du Heng raised his head and glanced up: "I just don't know if I can walk to the end."

Du Yixin: "Is it something similar to 'Infinite Corridor'?"

Du Heng nodded.

But if it is such an institution, there must be a way to crack it. If he can find the trigger agent, he can use his neutralization ability to deal with it. It's just that the surroundings are too dark now, even if there is something, it's hard to notice.

Ying Sheng: "If it's really that thing, I probably won't be able to go back if I want to go back now."

"Keep going up." Du Heng said, "Go slowly, pay attention to your surroundings, and let me know if you find anything."

Du Yixin was about to nod, but felt that his feet were not stable, like an earthquake, and the whole staircase was shaking.

The kerosene lamp fell from his hand and fell down the stairs. He reached out to grab it, but barely touched the lampshade. Grasping the escalator, I watched the kerosene lamp fall.

The flames were quickly extinguished in the fall. And just as the flames flashed past, Du Yixin noticed something, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"The stairs are falling!"

The stairs they had climbed cracked and began to crumble from the bottom up. A large piece of rubble crashed down, and it was about to affect the position where the three of them were standing.


Someone yelled. Taking this as an order, the three quickly climbed up. But no matter how fast the speed is, it cannot be faster than the speed at which the stairs collapse.

Du Yixin's foot slipped and he felt his foot was empty. But before he could stabilize his body, the place where the other foot stepped was also destroyed.

The stairs under him fell apart in an instant, he only felt his heart suddenly suspend, and his body vacated.

"Xiaoxin!" Seeing this, Du Heng immediately went back to save others.

But someone moved faster than him, kicked his feet, and appeared in front of Du Yixin in an instant, leaned out to reach.

Du Yixin's whole body fell, only his arms were caught. The weight of a hundred catties was added to the arm, and when it was pulled suddenly, it felt like the arm was dislocated.

But now I don't care about the pain at all. Although Ying Sheng managed to catch him, the stairs beneath him were also in danger. Soon the two of them will fall together.

"let go!"

Ying Sheng frowned tightly and didn't reply. As soon as he turned around, he threw Du Yixin up with one hand. But what replaced it was the collapse of the ground below him.

Du Yixin fell heavily to the ground. He turned his head, but Ying Sheng was nowhere to be seen. He climbed to the edge of the stairs and looked down, only to see that the other party had already fallen.

Without thinking about it, he jumped up and reached out to grab Ying Sheng.

"Idiot!" Ying Sheng was startled, "What are you doing jumping off!"

The free fall made Du Yixin's legs a little weak, but he still stretched out his hand: "Grab me!"

The fingertips of the two brushed against each other in mid-air, and they couldn't align several times. Finally got hold of it. Du Yixin took advantage of this to climb onto Ying Sheng's shoulder and hugged him tightly.

"Little new!"

The old man's call came from above his head. With a strong wind blowing across his cheeks, Du Yixin abruptly turned around in mid-air, and moved the person onto himself. But just happened to see a black shadow appearing behind the elder brother.

"Brother, back!" he yelled.

He didn't know if the elder brother heard his voice, but the other party seemed to be entangled by a black shadow, and the figure disappeared from the field of vision.

But he and Ying Sheng are still falling. The heart seemed to jump out of the throat, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

They hug each other tightly, as if that is the only support.

For a moment, the two seemed to only be able to hear each other's heartbeat and feel each other's breathing.

"Damn it." Ying Sheng's voice rang in his ears, "I didn't expect to die in this kind of place."

Du Yixin's adaptability is not as strong as Ying Sheng's. Under the high-speed fall—and the speed was getting faster and faster, he could hardly speak, and he could only hold on to the other person's clothes tightly to express comfort.

"If I read the file, I will forget all this."


Ying Sheng's tone carried a trace of unwillingness: "You bastard."

His eyes reflected the broken staircase. After they collapsed, they fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

The end is coming soon, and the consequences of this wrong choice will also come to an end.

His eyes darkened, he let go of Du Yixin, and stretched his arms forward.

The author has something to say: Two-in-one big fat chapter, it can be regarded as making up for yesterday's (rubbing hands) thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who voted [Landmine]: Qian Juefeng and He Bingyao;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

Passing by eat a bottle of melon;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!