I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 101: The Black Tower (9)


Du Yixin was dizzy from the blowing and almost lost consciousness. For a moment, he didn't know whether he was dead or alive. Until I heard the explosion of the cloud piercing and cracking stones.

The huge shock wave came down by itself, as if it had made a buffer. The two of them froze in the air for just a second before landing heavily.

Du Yixin felt pain in his back. But after the buffer just now, he didn't suffer any serious injuries.

He opened his eyes wide, staring blankly at the pitch-black void. He fell from such a high place just now, but he still didn't die.

After a while, the heart rate returned to normal. Ying Sheng pressed on his body and didn't move for a long time.

Du Yixin pushed the other party: "Ying Sheng?"


The person on the body seemed to spit out a mouthful of blood. He carefully lifted Ying Sheng up, only to find that the corner of Ying Sheng's mouth was bleeding, and his arms were twisted into strange shapes, hanging powerlessly on his sides.

Du Yixin's breath stagnates: "Ying, Ying Sheng?"

Ying Sheng drooped his head, and it took him a long time before he said in a deep voice, "...he's not dead yet."

Just now he used his blasting ability as a buffer, but the resulting reaction force backfired on himself. Both arms are useless, but that's only superficial. He could clearly feel the bone in his ribcage shattered and pierced into his spleen and lungs.

In this state, I don't know if I can get out alive.

Du Yixin was afraid of getting worse, so he didn't dare to touch anyone casually: "Wait, I'll find an exit."

Now that we have returned to the lowest level, there should be the hole that Ying Sheng blasted before. But when he stood up and looked around, he couldn't help being stunned.

"this… "

Not at all where they came in before.

On top of the ruined walls are transparent insect eggs. They are scattered around, scattered or clustered, and the whole body is full of light.

Inside the eggs, black worms are curled up one by one, waiting to break out of their shells.

Ying Sheng also noticed this weird scene, and couldn't help frowning: he was put together.

Even if he escaped from the high-altitude fall, he could not escape the trap on the ground. And based on his understanding of Dialect Wu, these insect eggs may not be as simple as disgusting people.

At this moment, another piece of gravel fell from mid-air. It fell one meter away with a bang, and just hit those densely packed insect eggs, kicking up an unsightly cloud of dust.

Then, there was a rustling sound.

Feeling bad, Du Yixin leaned over to pick up the bat in Ying Sheng's backpack.

In the next second, thumb-sized black bugs emerged from the ruins one after another, with transparent liquid still attached to their bodies, rushing towards their prey like a tide.

Du Yixin lifted the slate with one foot, and hit hard with the bat. The stone slab hit the Kuroshio in a parabola and landed on it with a "bang".

The black worm couldn't move. After a while, a thick green liquid seeped out from under the stone slab, turned into a trickle and crawled towards the two of them. Where the liquid passed, plumes of black smoke came out.

"Don't get close, it's poisonous." Ying Sheng wanted to get up, but couldn't control his body well.

At the same time, more black worms broke out of their eggs and came one after another.

The secret room with no exit was surrounded by poison, and the consequences were almost predictable.

Either he was bitten by the bugs and died, or he killed the bugs, but was corroded by the flowing liquid.

Ying Sheng looked at the wall behind him, it was the only wall without insect eggs. If he could still use his ability freely at this time, he could have escaped immediately.

Look at Du Yixin, who is using stones as a cover to prevent the black worms from approaching. But this can only delay a little time.

Ying Sheng moved his body and leaned back, almost every time he used a muscle, he could feel the blood boiling in his throat. But he finally stuck to the wall, blood gushing from his mouth.

He looked at the man standing in front of him, his vision was a little blurry.

It seems that since I met this person, I have always been in such a mess. Obviously, it's good to do whatever you want like before, isn't it

He twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly, his arms slumped at his sides.

Although the hands can no longer be used, as long as there is consciousness, the ability can be used.

Now, he's going to blast the wall.

Du Yixin stepped on the top of the bat and crushed the black worms climbing up. No matter how careful he was, his body was stained with venom.

At this time, bumps appeared on his limbs and arms, and he looked extremely terrifying. With every swing of the weapon, the venom was accelerated to flow through the blood, and eventually spread to the whole body.

No matter how much he resisted, it would be useless, but Ying Sheng made himself so miserable in order to keep him alive. He couldn't just lie flat like this and wait for death in vain.

Another pool of black worms jumped up out of thin air, entangled together and attacked his face.

Du Yixin subconsciously wanted to pick up the stones and attack them, but his hands were empty, and he realized that the stones had been used up.

At this moment, only a "bang" was heard!

Deafening bangs resounded through the narrow secret room, and the resulting huge wind pressure struck after itself. It messed up Du Yixin's hair, and also blew away the black bug in front of him.

He looked back, but saw Ying Sheng collapsed among the stones, and the wall behind him had collapsed.

"Ying Sheng!"

Du Yixin quickly ran over and picked up the dying young man. The other party opened his mouth, and it took him a long time to utter a syllable: "... escape."

Du Yixin was startled, and looked up, but behind the collapsed wall was another secret room full of insect eggs.

The crystal clear insect eggs are like grapes, emitting a shimmer. Nutritious insect eggs are feeding individual larvae.

The light was suffocating.

A great sense of powerlessness came over my heart. Du Yixin could only hug Ying Sheng tightly, and buried his head in Ying Sheng's neck.

Behind him was the overwhelming black tide.

[The host died, the passive skill has been triggered]

[Archive query...]

[The host has been archived]

[Skill: File reading. Back to the last archive point, the remaining number of uses (recorded in each copy): 0 times]

The pain before dying seems to be still vivid in my mind. The venom surged through his body, eventually corroding all his internal organs.

Returning to reality again, Du Yixin still hadn't recovered, his body froze in place.

Du Heng found that his younger brother did not keep up. Turning around, he saw his pale face: "What's wrong with you?"

"Brother." Du Yixin raised his eyelids, "I can't walk here."

Du Heng noticed something, and frowned: "Have you loaded the file?"

Du Yixin nodded, wanting to explain what happened just now. But when the words came to his lips, he felt a headache again, and finally said briefly: "I can't go up here, the stairs will collapse on the way. After falling down, the bottom is full of poisonous insects."

Although Du Heng still wanted to ask more carefully, but seeing that his younger brother's condition was really bad, he said, "I understand. Let's forget about it today and go back."

He put out the kerosene lamp, turned and walked down the stairs.

Du Yixin looked at Ying Sheng again, wanting to confirm with his own eyes that Ying Sheng was safe and sound. But when he turned his head, he saw Ying Sheng frowning at him.

Du Yixin was taken aback: "What's wrong?"

"Your condition is too bad, isn't it that scary up there?" Ying Sheng frowned. As he spoke, he approached and whispered, "And I'm here, how could I let you die?"

Hearing this, Du Yixin was stunned. He thought of Ying Sheng who was on the verge of death just now, and looked at Ying Sheng who was intact in front of him, and couldn't help touching the back of his neck: "It's because of this that it is more terrifying than before."


Du Yixin stared at Ying Sheng, and stretched out his hand as if to touch his cheek.

Ying Sheng took a step back involuntarily, his body hit the wall, but he didn't dodge any more.

Finally, the hand brushed the tip of the ear and landed on the shoulder. Du Yixin lowered his eyes, hiding his emotions: "...don't die anymore."

Then he turned and left, chasing after Du Heng.

Ying Sheng seemed to be frozen in place, he covered the shoulder that had been patted just now, and frowned.

Why did he feel that guy was about to cry

The three of them successfully avoided the patrolling guards, followed the blueprint and returned the same way, and soon arrived at the previous iron gate.

After judging that there was no one around, he pushed open the iron door and ran out. There is a long and narrow corridor connected outside the door, and after a short run, a bright light appeared in front of it, leading to the outside world.

Du Heng signaled the two to slow down and leaned over quietly.

Near the exit stood two guards, one on the left and one on the right. Unlike the fat guards, who looked terrifying, they were like ordinary people, dressed in armor, and their faces were hidden in the helmets so that they could not be seen clearly.

At this time, he was facing the exit, alerting unrelated persons.

Suddenly, the guard on the left felt a chill on his neck and fell down. The guard on the right noticed something strange and was about to raise his spear, but he missed half a step and fell to the ground.

Ying Sheng put away the knife. Then he and Du Yixin hid each other in the grass outside.

Du Heng: "Take off their clothes."

Du Yixin: "?"

"Civilians are not allowed to go out at night except for the guards, otherwise they will be arrested." Du Heng said, he found another set of armor from the grass and put it on for himself, "Hurry up."

The two did as they said.

Outside the exit, looking down is a vast town, and looking up is a boundless sky. It was still late at night, and the sky was dark, dotted with only a few dim sporadic stars.

Although it is the long-lost sky, I don't know if the scenery inside the black tower is real or not.

The prison is located halfway up the mountain, walking along the plank road hanging in the air, you can reach the white jade stairs.

As seen on the map, the stairs are hundreds of meters long. At the very top is a majestic city, and above the city hangs a huge "Australian Eye", emitting a scarlet light.

As soon as Du Yixin came out of the plank road, he was attracted by this "eye". Then, his eyes moved to the castle below: "Where is Dialect Wu?"

Du Heng: "It's very possible. However, since we can't go from the prison, we can only think of other ways."

"Brother, have you ever been to the top?"

Du Heng nodded: "But you can't get too close, or you will be driven off."

That scarlet eye seemed to have spotted a few people, and the eyeball rolled down.

Du Yixin felt as if he was being targeted, and his heart twitched violently.

This is really not a good place to talk. They quickened their pace and rushed down.

Not long after walking, a line of soldiers came up the stairs, about seven or eight people. The leader saw the three of them and shouted, "Stop!"

The three stopped and turned to look at him.

"Which team do you belong to, report your name."

Du Heng: "Pikemen/Pikemen Third Division, I am the captain, Leo."

Maybe it really has such a name. The leader nodded and saluted the three of them: "Thanks for your hard work!" He then led his subordinates to continue walking up.

After being fooled, Du Yixin was about to continue walking, but he heard his brother say: "Wait a minute."

He paused. But it wasn't him that the elder brother called, but the group of patrolling guards.

Du Heng: "Please state your name."

The leader was stunned, but still replied: "The captain of the first unit of the Guards, Ai Li."

"Thank you." Du Heng saluted him.

The two teams passed each other in peace, and when they left behind, Du Heng said: "The clothes on me were taken off from that person named Leo. If there is an accident with the name of Ai Li , you can use it too."

Du Yixin nodded. Really worthy of being an old man, he has a really good mental quality.

Along the way, I occasionally met patrolling officers and soldiers, and they all passed the customs smoothly.

When he finally walked down the white jade stairs, he saw a huge magic circle covering the ground in front of him. The pattern of the array is complex, dark green in color, and the center converges to form a giant eye. At this time the giant eyes are closed.

Du Yixin remembered something: "This is..."

"If you clear the lower level normally, you will be born here." Du Heng hurriedly explained, "Let's go, we're almost there."

Compared with the lower floors, the houses on the upper floors are taller and more beautiful. Each is an independent house with few connected houses.

These houses are centered on the white jade steps in the center, and are located around them, forming a circle of arcs.

Du Heng took the two of them through the houses until they stopped in front of a house, took out the key and opened it.

But the door was only halfway open, and he seemed to have noticed something, and his movements stopped. Then he turned around and made a silent gesture to the two of them.

The door continued to be pushed open, he stepped in and lit the oil lamp on the table. Red-yellow light immediately filled the entire room.

Du Yixin walked in, beware of the surroundings.

The three of them took off their armor because it hindered their movement.

The white curtains were blown by the breeze, and the ground was spotlessly clean. Next to the living room is a staircase leading to the second floor.


At this time, there was a sudden sound of walking upstairs.

Du Heng immediately ran upstairs, followed by Du Yixin. As soon as he went up, he saw a black shadow flash into the bedroom, and closed the door smoothly.

The doors on the upper floors of the Black Tower are much stronger than those on the upper floors. Du Heng broke the lock with his gun and kicked the door open, only to see that the man was about to escape by climbing the window.


Du Heng fired a shot, hitting Soi Ying's calf. The man still didn't give up, and insisted on climbing out.

Ying Sheng rushed over, grabbed the man's calf and pulled it in, but he was dragged back abruptly.

The black shadow fell to the ground, rolled on the spot and wanted to stand up, but was stepped on his back and pressed down again.

The sound of eating pain came from the bottom of the foot. The man was wearing a thick black robe and a hood, and his face could not be seen clearly.

Du Heng put away his gun: "Tie him up first, and ask him what he's here for."

"Tsk, don't order me."

Ying Sheng leaned over, trying to lift the man up, but noticed that the man made a groping movement.

He immediately smashed the metal bat down, hitting Heipao's elbow directly: "Damn, do you still want to make trouble?"

Unexpectedly, the man chuckled and pulled out his left hand: "Idiot, it's this way!"

This man has a gun too!

Ying Sheng jumped back, the bullet grazed his cheek and just hit the vase behind him. The man stood up dragging his injured leg, pointed his hand/gun at Ying Sheng, and staggered close to the window.

As soon as his hand touched the window sill, he was thrown down by someone.

Du Yixin held the man tightly under him, imprisoned his hands behind his back, and directly took off the man's hat. But when he saw the face clearly, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, unknowingly relieved a little of his strength.

The author has something to say: Thank you for the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angel who cast [Mine]: Qianjuefeng, Yuanjinhunniu 1;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

66 bottles of yanzeeee; 10 bottles of yanzeeee; 2 bottles of eating a melon passing by;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!