I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 103: The Black Tower (11)


The door closed behind him. When he turned around, he saw a girl standing by the door. Her long black hair was tied behind her head, fixed with a hairpin, and a diamond pattern was dotted on her forehead. Wearing a white robe with wide cuffs and a short skirt, she looked a bit like a witch.

Du Yixin didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend, so he put on an attack posture on guard.

The girl put her hands together: "Don't get me wrong, I just want to help you."

"Who are you?"

"I'm a gamer," she said, ripping off her collar, revealing the Roman numerals between her collarbones, which marked "four." Then he closed his clothes and said, "I think our purpose is the same."

Du Yixin retracted his weapon, but he still did not let go of his vigilance.

At this time, the two teams outside the house converged. The fire is close at hand, shaking outside the window. The noise was even louder due to missing suspicious persons.

The girl looked out the window: "I'll talk about the details later, I'll distract them, please don't make any noise."

As soon as the words fell, there was a "bang bang" knock on the door, as if the door was about to be smashed down: "People inside, open the door!"

The girl walked to the door and put her hand on the handle.

Seeing this, Du Yixin stepped back, went up to the second floor and hid at the corner. This angle can not only see the scene on the first floor clearly, but also prevent it from being discovered.

The girl opened the door. The soldier stood in front of the door and asked impatiently, "Why are you so slow!"

The girl leaned over slightly and bowed: "Please forgive me, I was resting in the bedroom just now."

"We're after a murderer. He disappeared here. Did you see anything?"

The girl shook her head: "Not sure. It's been noisy outside, so I didn't pay attention."

The lead soldier gave her a suspicious look: "You don't harbor criminals, do you?"

Hearing this, the girl took a step back and made a "please" gesture.

With permission, the leading soldier waved his arms: "Search for me!"

A large group of people rushed in and went into every room to investigate. The search on the first floor was quickly completed, and no abnormalities were found, so we were about to go up to the second floor.

Seeing this, Du Yixin turned sideways and hid in the next room. It is a study.

What's the matter with that guy, he took the initiative to recruit people? Didn't you say you want to lead them away

His eyes went to the study window.

It is impossible to escape by jumping out of the window.

But looking down, I saw the guards still standing below. The other party seemed to be aware of the line of sight, and looked up.

Du Yixin squatted directly under the window, hiding his figure.

The sound of footsteps outside the door was already very close. Du Yixin looked around and hid under the desk.

The door of the study was kicked open abruptly, and the number of people who came in was four or five at least from the sound.

The size of the room is not big, and a few people glanced at it and found nothing special. Just as they were about to retreat, they heard someone say: "I'll go over there and have a look."

Du Yixin huddled under the narrow desk, unable to stretch his feet, and the soles of his shoes were against the corners of the desk. Cover your mouth with one hand to slow down your breathing, and grab the sharp blade with the other.

The footsteps were indeed approaching the desk. Du Yixin saw a pair of legs in boots standing in front of the table, and then he bent down.


Du Yixin was about to make a move, but felt that the person in front of him looked a little strange. His eyes were out of focus, as if he hadn't seen him, he straightened up again.

"no one."

After a while, the sound of footsteps went away. Those people left.

Du Yixin climbed out of the desk, looked down from the window secretly, and found that the whole group of people had evacuated. The flames and human voices faded away, and they continued to search in other directions.

"They're gone."

The soft female voice recalled herself. When Du Yixin turned his head, it was the black-haired girl who walked into the study.

"Why? I was clearly seen just now."

"This is my ability..." the girl paused, "I'm sorry I can't tell you in too much detail, but I can make them invisible to you."

So, he didn't need to hide at all just now? No wonder the other party told him to "keep quiet" instead of "hide".

"My name is Mengli." She said, "What is your name?"

"Du Yixin."

The two exchanged names. Mengli asked him why he was being followed, and Du Yixin said, "I'm looking for someone." He suddenly thought of something, and left the study to the opposite bedroom.

Looking out from here, the scenery in front of the magic circle can be seen at a glance.

The girl followed and walked in: "What's wrong?"

"Have you seen someone tonight?" Du Yixin described Ying Sheng's appearance, "The hair is short, and he holds a bat in his hand, and he looks fierce. He should have been here before."

Mengli was silent for a while, then said: "I did see a person, but I'm not sure if it's the same as what you said."

Du Yixin didn't want to miss the clue: "Can you tell me?"

Mengli seems to be recalling: "Civilians are not allowed to go out at night here, so I noticed him immediately. He is holding a weapon in his hand, as you said, it is a bat-shaped object. However, he is not the only one present, but also There's someone else."

It should be Ying Sheng and that black robe. Du Yixin felt that there was a high probability that there was no mistake, and asked, "Where did they go?"

"The guy with the bat, followed the other guy, up the stairs. I don't know where they were going."

Du Yixin was startled: "What did you say?"

Mengli just wanted to repeat it, but was interrupted by the young man: "Wait, you said that Ying Sheng left with that black robe? How is this possible? Didn't the two of you fight?"

"When I noticed someone outside, the two were talking, and then they walked up the stairs. As for whether there was a fight," Mengli shook his head, "I didn't see it."

That black robe has the face of my elder brother. Maybe Ying Sheng was really fooled by that guy.

But if this is the case, the other party should come back to find him right away, why would he go with that impostor

Shouldn't it be...

Du Yixin looked up at Mengli's face. The girl's expression was calm and she didn't look like she was lying.

He frowned thoughtfully. There is absolutely no benefit in telling such a lie, not to mention that the other party helped him get rid of the pursuers.

Seeming to see the entanglement on his face, Mengli took the initiative to say: "Are you wondering why I would help you?"

"Huh?" Du Yixin was startled. I was thinking about Ying Sheng just now, but I forgot to ask this. However, since the other party mentioned it himself, he asked, "Why?"

Mengli put her hands together and closed her eyes: "I just hope to get out alive. For this, I need a companion." She asked, "After that, can I walk with you."

Get out alive

But their purpose is not only to survive, but also to defeat Dialect Wu. So it would be even more dangerous for this girl to follow him.

Du Yixin refused, and said, "However, if you encounter danger in the future, I will definitely help you."

Mengli showed a slightly disappointed expression, but immediately restrained herself and regained her composure: "I understand. Then you can stay here temporarily today, and go out in the daytime tomorrow."


Although Du Yixin wanted to find Ying Sheng immediately and return to his brother. But it is really dangerous to go out rashly now, and the pursuers are still searching for them, and it will inevitably be a chasing battle.

During the day, when other people come out to move about normally, they might be able to slip back into the crowd quietly.

I have to tell my brother about the current situation first, and then make plans later.

Du Yixin went to another room and went to bed early.

The next day, he was awakened. As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw several faces floating in front of him. He only felt that his headache was about to split, and he didn't come back to his senses for a while, so he heard the man say:

"You should leave."

"You..." Du Yixin covered his head and squinted. The phantom merged into one, and finally turned into a familiar face. As if he just remembered, he paused word by word, "Meng, Li?"

Mengli folded her hands in her long sleeves and bowed slightly: "Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"... I've been asleep for a long time?"

Mengli: "The time is just right. Although the soldiers are still on alert, they have suspended their tracking. The residents have all come out for activities, and they should be able to go back now." She paused, "Or, do you want to stay?"

Du Yixin shook his head, just as he got out of bed, he saw Mengli handing over a piece of clothing.

"Please change."

Wearing yesterday's clothes again is indeed easy to be spotted. Du Yixin put on his clothes as he said, went down to the first floor, and gently opened the door.

Someone walked by the door. He subconsciously hid inside, and found that the person didn't pay attention to this side, and realized that these people were just ordinary residents.

The chase last night seemed like a dream, and now everything has returned to calm.

Going out, I saw the sky stretching as far as the eye can see, blue as washing. There is no sun, only the huge "Australian Eye" on the top is emitting red light.

Du Yixin saw that Mengli also followed. The girl bowed: "I'll take you back."

"It's okay, I can go back alone."

"I'm here. If you are found, I can help you cover. Don't worry, I will follow you from afar."

Having said so much, Du Yixin couldn't stop him any longer, and walked onto the street. Looking back, the girl really pulled some distance away, pretending not to know each other.

Du Yixin turned around.

What a strange girl, why did she do this, did she know him before? But with such a strangely dressed person, it is impossible not to remember him if you have seen him.

There were not many pedestrians on the street, and everyone hung their heads and hurried their way. There are almost no people who walk together, and they don't communicate with each other.

Among these people, I don't know which ones are NPCs and which ones are players.

Turning the corner, I saw soldiers approaching in front of me. Du Yixin imitated those passers-by, keeping his eyes on his toes, and passed the soldiers.

Fortunately, it was not found.

He breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the distance, and soon arrived at my brother's residence. Standing in front of the door, Du Yixin took a deep breath, pushed the door open and entered.

The furnishings on the first floor have not changed from the previous visit, the plain white curtains were blown up by the wind and then deflated again.

My brother is not here.

He turned around on the first floor, found nothing, then went up to the second floor, and came to the room where the black robe hid before. The inside was still in chaos, with fragments of the vase scattered on the ground.

Not in this room either.

Du Yixin backed out silently. Could it be that he and Ying Sheng didn't come back yesterday, and my brother has gone out to look for them

While thinking, he pushed open the door of the next room.

Then, I couldn't help holding my breath, and my heart seemed to stop suddenly at that moment.

Blood came into view, a bright red that stained the entire room—curtains, walls, carpet, mattress. His eyes were filled with a shocking bright red.

Du Heng was nailed to the wall, and iron nails the size of a log were pierced into his chest to hang him firmly. The corpse's eyes were wide open, and his cheeks and clothes were stained with blood. The head hangs weakly to the side, unable to lift it up again.


This scene was so shocking that Du Yixin almost couldn't react.

I have a splitting headache, is he still dreaming

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out. He put his hands on his forehead, trembling uncontrollably.

This is him, is he still dreaming

Du Yixin took a few steps back, his feet softened, and he fell to the ground. I can't believe everything in front of me.

I was still talking yesterday, but I ran out by myself, and this earth-shaking change will happen.

And my brother is so powerful, how could he die in such a miserable way? Something must be wrong.

He evaded, and his body moved back involuntarily, but bumped into a pair of feet.

He raised his head in a daze, and happened to meet a man's eyes.

His eyes are as deep as a falcon, and just standing there makes one feel terrified. The man was smiling at the moment, with crow's feet at the corners of his eyes.

"What’s wrong with you?"