I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 104: The Black Tower (12)


It's Dialect Wu!

How did this guy appear here

Due to the opening of the dungeon, Dialect Wu should not be able to use his ability. Theoretically speaking, they should avoid them like the masked man in the previous copy, instead of standing in front of them.

Suppressing the fear in his heart, Du Yixin picked up the short blade and stabbed it. But it passed through directly as if it was stuck in the air.

He stepped back abruptly and stood up, staring at the man with red eyes.

Fang Yanwu glanced at his feet, smiled, and looked up at Du Yixin: "You still have the energy to resist, I really underestimate you."

"My brother, where did Ying Sheng go?"

"Your brother?" Fang Yanwu pointed to the room just now, "Isn't he in there?"

"Nonsense!" Du Yixin couldn't believe it, and shouted, "How could he die, you must have done something!" He suddenly realized: "The man who was exactly like my brother I saw yesterday must be that guy died!"

Hearing this, Fang Yanwu walked up and down with a smile, completely unafraid of the weapon in the young man's hand.

The moment the distance got closer, Du Yixin was about to stab again. But the other party disappeared from sight in a flash. In the next second, the voice came behind itself.

"If you don't believe me, you can take off his clothes and have a look. Faces can be faked, but key grades can't." Dialect Wu said, "And you ask Ying Sheng? That boy, if you want to see his body, I can also give it to him." You bring it here."

"Shut up!"

Du Yixin attacked, but still missed. The opponent is like smoke, disappearing and gathering in an instant.

Dialect Wu tilted his head and looked at the person who fell on the ground: "Don't you use your ability?"

"..." Du Yixin stared at him, took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly.

Being teased and played over and over again, no matter how much anger gets carried away, it's time to calm down.

He didn't want to think about it, and he didn't want to believe what the guy said. Only when he is sure that the body in the house is not his elder brother, and Ying Sheng is still alive despite his disappearance, can he support himself and continue walking.

Fang Yanwu saw that he seemed to want to escape, so he felt bored and said, "It's not a big deal for you if you don't use your ability at this time."

Du Yixin ignored him, turned around and backed away, and ran down the stairs. Looking back on the way, Fang Yanwu didn't catch up.

He quickly opened the front door, but saw a person standing in front of the door.


He was taken aback for a moment, and then grabbed the opponent's hand: "Run away, Dialect Wu is here—"

However, halfway through the conversation, the girl's pupils changed in color, from pitch black to blood red, and then gradually extended to the surroundings, staining the whites of her eyes red.

He suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen, and when he looked down, he saw a sharp hairpin stabbing in.

"you… "

Du Yixin wanted to get rid of the girl, but he didn't want her to let go of her hand and jumped back. The hairpin was inserted into the stomach, and a familiar feeling of blood boiling came to my heart.


He took a step forward, but he could only take one step before he couldn't support himself and fell to the ground.

The warm blood flowed out by itself, converging into a trickle, spreading in all directions. Mengli closed the door, stepped over his body, and walked in.

Du Yixin followed the girl with his gaze: "You..." Every word you say consumes the remaining strength, "Are you from the dialect team, your subordinate?"

Mengli went as usual together, clasped his hands together, and nodded in agreement.

Then why go to such lengths to kill him. If he was caught by soldiers last night, he wouldn't live long. Is it possible...

Du Yixin forced himself to speak: "The reason you came with me is to, find my brother?"

The answer was another voice: "Yes, and not right."

Du Yixin saw Fang Yanwu's feet approaching in a haze.

"What's the point of just killing them. I want to appreciate the ridiculous appearance of you being played around by illusions."

Fang Yanwu stepped on the bloodstained leather shoes, stepped on Du Yixin's clothes in distaste, and rubbed the soles on them: "Then, I personally sent the body of his dearest brother to him. I admired his desperate expression , and then use the venom to corrode his body inch by inch."

"And you are the appetizer of this delicious meal."

... illusion

Du Yixin was speechless. The venom spread quickly through the bloodstream, reaching his throat quickly, corrupting his vocal cords.

Dialect Wu was not interested in Du Yixin, so he withdrew: "I'll leave it to you, Mengli."

The girl bowed slightly as a response.

Du Yixin felt his feet being dragged up and walked towards the second floor. There was a trail of blood on the floor.

His consciousness became more and more blurred, and in the end, he could only vaguely hear the girl's ethereal voice.

"This is all your fault, you have to fight against the adults. After all, everything has been under the control of the adults since you entered here."

[Host death]

[The number of times the skill can be used: 0 times]

I don't know how long it took, some words came to my mind vaguely.

[Successfully trigger the hidden skill: Equivalent Exchange]

[Equivalent exchange: When the "usable times" reaches the upper limit, you can use the right to use a certain part as a price to get a chance to read the file.]

[Exchangeable parts: "head", "upper body", "lower/body"]

[Please select the replacement part]

In the end, only the two large characters [head], [upper body], and [lower/body] are left hanging there.

Du Yixin seemed to be soaked in the water, floating gently. He couldn't open his eyes, but he could clearly perceive the messages from his brain.

He subconsciously felt that he should respond immediately, but he was a little tired.

The pictures of his life are gradually dissipating.

The words in my mind changed again.

[Head: Control the five senses, namely shape, sound, smell, taste and touch. After the exchange, the host will lose these five organ functions]

[Upper body: below the neck, above the buttocks. After the exchange, the host will not be able to control the upper body muscles]

[Lower/Body: below the buttocks. After the exchange, the host will not be able to control the lower/body muscles]

[Please select the replacement part]

The descriptive language is cold, without a trace of warmth.


That's what it means. He thought hesitantly.

With this kind of thing as an exchange, even if he starts all over again, it will be difficult for him to fight.

If the body is intact, it can't deal with the dialect Wu. If they are deprived, then they will die in vain.

Sensing the host's pessimistic mood, the text changed again.

[Whether to give up "equivalent exchange"]

give up…

It would be easy to give up now.

But everything that happened before death will come true. He will never see his brother again, and... Ying Sheng.


This kind of thing cannot be allowed to become a reality.

It was decided from the beginning. No matter how many times you do it again, you must defeat Dialect Wu and get out alive with your elder brother and Ying Sheng.

The meaning of his ability is to convey the glimpsed future and then avoid it.

Du Yixin opened his eyes with difficulty. Although in reality his body has long since died, this is just an action in consciousness. But he still saw the light.

And that light is hope.

Use the "upper body" to exchange the "file reading" opportunity.

[Equivalent exchange ability is activated, depriving the host of the "upper body"]

[Archive query...]

[The host has been archived]

[Skill: File reading. Back to the last save point, the remaining equivalent exchangeable parts: head, lower body/body]

Time is running backwards at this moment. The thick blood, the corpses nailed to the wall, and the trailing flames, all the pictures are rewinding like rewinding.

In just a few seconds, he was back in prison again.

Du Heng found that his younger brother hadn't followed, so he turned his head. But seeing his head hanging down, his arms hanging unnaturally at his sides, he couldn't help frowning: "Xiaoxin?"

Du Yixin didn't seem to notice it, he was adapting to the discomfort of losing upper body consciousness.

The appearance didn't seem to have changed, but that half of the body no longer belonged to him, no matter how the brain gave orders, it remained motionless.

Along with it, even breathing became unnatural.

Ying Sheng also sensed something was wrong, and grabbed Du Yixin's shoulder: "Hey, what are you..." But he froze for a moment, the body under his hand was very cold, like a corpse.

"I, I'm fine." Du Yixin tried to calm himself down.

Now is not the time to waste time.

He looked at Ying Sheng and his elder brother, and quickly recounted the experience so far.

Then he said: "I can't go up, and I can't go back to the town. Fang Yanwu has already arranged people to guard there. Apart from Mengli, I'm afraid there are more of his people."

Even if Heipao hadn't been chased at that time, Fang Yanwu's bastard would have figured out other ways to scatter them.

Du Heng's expression changed from surprise at the beginning to solemnity at the end: "It seems that now is not the time to explore leisurely."

Although he was careful all the way and even disabled some of the functions of the "Aushen Eye" since he entered the game, he was still caught.

Whether it is taking the secret road or going back to the town, Dialect Wu is fully prepared. That being the case, there is only one way now.

The roundabout method does not work, so we simply attack the old nest.

Du Yixin had the same idea. Although you may encounter more dangers if you walk through the main entrance, you can't always be timid after being fooled so many times.

"And that girl named Mengli." Du Yixin recalled, "I doubt her ability..."

Although I don't want to recall the scene I saw before, I may still meet her later. No matter how disgusted he was, he had to rely on the existing clues to deduce that guy's ability.

At first, she helped him avoid the soldiers, who seemed to be unable to see him. Then he returned to his brother's room and found his body again. When I met Fang Yanwu again, the opponent was like smoke, and he couldn't be defeated no matter what.

Finally going out, he happened to bump into Mengli.

Those strange eyes seemed to be using abilities.

At that time, although he guessed that the body nailed to the wall was not the old brother himself, he still felt that someone died.

But what if everything is an illusion.

When Fang Yanwu stepped on him, a sentence woke him up.

"The ridiculous appearance of being played around by illusions."

That guy Mengli, her ability is...

Du Yixin: "Maybe it can make people hallucinate." His eyes fell on the ground, where there was a kerosene lamp. The fire reflected in the eyes, as if it had merged with the once bright red.

"If you see something weird, never believe it, kill that girl immediately."

Everything that needs to be explained has been explained, and the only thing left to do is to avoid the tragic fate of the past and effectively defeat Dialect Wu.

The words fell, but there was no response for a long time. Looking up, but seeing the other two people staring at him, he couldn't help being stunned: "What's wrong?"

"What else did you not say?" Ying Sheng frowned, "What's wrong with your body?"

Du Yixin: "I..."

Sure enough, I can't hide it.

He didn't want to make the two of them worry about him because of this kind of thing, but if he didn't make it clear, it might affect their judgment on the battle later.

After thinking for a while, he said, "Because of the side effects, I can't move my upper body. But everything else is fine, and it won't affect my movements."

Hearing this, Ying Sheng slowly took his hand in silence, his eyes fell on the palm. Those five fingers could not be curled up, and the sense of touch was as stiff as a puppet.

Ying Sheng frowned, and unconsciously increased the strength of his hands.

Du Yixin watched the other party hold his hand, which should be very strong, but he couldn't feel anything.

Du Heng: "I'm afraid this side effect can only be resolved by upgrading the key. We will kill Fang Yanwu and give you his key." He paused, "You will hide behind and don't participate in the battle."

Du Yixin opened his mouth, wanting to refute. Although the combat power is not as good as before, at least the lower body can still move.

At this time, Du Heng patted his head, and what he wanted to say was blocked in his throat.

The old man has always looked calm, but now it is a little different. That complex emotion came from the wide palm. He couldn't help looking over, but found that there were many emotions in his brother's eyes.

There is sullenness and self-blame.

Du Yixin was speechless.

Can no longer read files. Next time, either the whole body will be paralyzed and unable to move, or the five senses will be lost and unable to communicate.

Either one would turn him into a complete cripple.

He said, "I will... protect myself."

Du Heng didn't say any more, and asked, "Can I go by myself?"

"No problem, the lower body can move."

"Let's go." Du Heng turned around.

Du Yixin was about to follow, but Ying Sheng hadn't let go. He wanted to remind him aloud, but the other party looked up at him.

The two looked at each other.

But Ying Sheng finally walked out without saying anything.

Du Yixin shook his head. The three walked out of the bombed-out cave and ran towards the exit.

Du Heng leads the way, Du Yixin is in the middle, and Ying Sheng cuts off. From time to time, the sound of the iron ball dragging can be heard.

Along the way, they dodge fat patrolling guards, pass through iron gates, and kill the guards as before.

Only this time, the three of them didn't put on the camouflage armor, but walked directly along the plank road and came to the white jade staircase.

Looking around, under the sky is the "God's Eye" stained red with blood. It floats above the city and is located at the top of the black tower, turning slightly like a satellite.

In a daze, Du Yixin felt that this was a bit like the RPG game he had played. After going through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, the group of brave men finally arrived at the city of the Demon King to meet the final battle.


Thank you reader for "fixed bug", irrigation nutrient solution +19