I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 105: The Black Tower (Thirteen)


This time, they ran straight up the stairs.

After a while, there was the sound of messy footsteps behind him.

"Hey, stop!"

Soldiers on patrol noticed something unusual.

But the three of them ignored it, and only accelerated their speed and rushed upwards. There were soldiers entangled on the way, but they just raised their knives and killed those who stood in the way neatly, without entanglement with them.

The only target is Dialect Wu.

Before Dialect Wu realizes that the situation is out of control, he must find out the main body and kill him.

Du Yixin was caught between the two and couldn't help much, so he couldn't help feeling a little annoyed.

Suddenly, a killing intent came from behind. He hurriedly jumped away, dodging the spear/spear that swept past under his feet.

Ying Sheng blocked it, and kicked in a roundabout way, sending the person directly down the stairs.

The little soldier's center of gravity was unstable, and he fell backwards, rolling down the hundreds of meters high stairs along with his companions gathered behind him.

It's over!

Du Heng stepped onto the last floor first, followed by Du Yixin.

After Ying Sheng climbed to the top, he looked back at the remnant soldiers who were chasing after him, took off his ring with one hand and swung it down—a bang that pierced through the sky!

Even the ground trembled, and the pursuers nearby were blown to pieces. The stump was broken, and the blood flowed down the stairs like a waterfall, layer by layer.

The soldiers in the distance were also blasted away by the aftermath, and rolled down one after another, screaming and hanging on the steps.

At this time, when a soldier came up again, he stood hesitantly outside the corpses everywhere, looked at each other, but did not dare to approach.

Du Yixin looked up at the tall city.

White-painted ancient Roman-style columns support the top of the wall and line up all the way. There is a certain distance between the columns and the wall, forming a natural corridor.

At the intersection of the left and right corridors is a crimson door that is half-closed.

Didn't close it, did you want to let them in on purpose

But now, there is no room for retreat.

The three walked in.

Inside and outside the door, there is only a thin line between them. But the moment he crossed this line, the scenery in front of him changed drastically.

Du Yixin came back to his senses, as if he had just woken up from a dream.

I saw a crowd of people all over the body, noisy. And standing in the crowd, his shoulders were bumped from time to time.

Looking around, there are several corridors in the air. Guests walk between the shops on both sides, or take the transparent elevator to the upper floor.

This is... a mall

The busiest commercial center in the city center. He did follow the two brothers to this side, and was pulled into the dungeon.

But what happened now, he came back to reality

Just as he was wondering, someone patted his shoulder. Turning around, I saw my brother's face.

"Xiaoxin." The other party seemed relieved, "Great, you're fine."

"Brother... what's going on?"

Du Heng shook his head: "You suddenly disappeared halfway, we didn't find you, so we had to keep going. Later, we found Fang Yanwu, killed him and came out."

Dialect Wu already killed

In just one sentence, it's like doing several roller coasters. Du Yixin felt unreal: "Really?"

"Of course it's true." Du Heng spread his hands, "That guy can't use his abilities in the dungeon. After finding his real body, it's not that difficult to kill him. But you disappeared halfway, where did you go?"

"I..." Du Yixin felt his head hurt and couldn't help rubbing his forehead.

The time in the dungeon is not equal to reality. Even after several days and nights in the dungeon, compared to reality, it is only a blink of an eye.

So even if he came out first, then the elder brother and Ying Sheng continued to attack, and then came out again, there would be no difference in the time to return to reality.

But, it's weird.

Even though Dialect Wu is level 6, he can control the dungeon freely and let people in and out at any time. He also couldn't think of any reason why the other party suddenly threw himself out of the dungeon.


Du Yixin moved his gaze to his arm. When can he move

"Forget it, no one can figure out what that guy is thinking. Let's go back and sort out the situation first." Du Heng said to pull his brother.

Du Yixin took a step back unconsciously, dodging the hand.

"Xiaoxin?" Du Heng frowned, "What's wrong with you."

"Don't you think I'm weird?"

Hearing this, Du Heng's expression became more serious: "Your attitude is quite strange now, what's the matter?"

"..." Du Yixin asked, "Where is Ying Sheng?"

"There are too many people in the mall, and they got separated." Du Heng frowned, "Xiaoxin, what are you doubting?"

Du Yixin silently watched the guy in front of him, took a few steps back, then turned around suddenly, and ran into the crowd.

"Wait, Xiaoxin!"

The man came after him.

Du Yixin dodged in the crowd, but those passers-by walked towards the middle of the road together as if they wanted to block him.

The distance between him and that person became shorter and shorter, and he almost got caught several times.

Helpless, he ducked into the safe passage and climbed the stairs to the second floor. The man quickly chased in, and the sound of footsteps approached.

Du Yixin opened the door of the safe passage on the second floor, and was about to hide in, but couldn't help but stop.

Going on like this is just a waste of time, this guy must be lured away.

He quickly glanced downstairs, and slammed the door shut with a loud bang. Then he took off his shoes, held them in his hand, and crept up to the third floor.

Sure enough, the man was attracted by the sound, thinking that he had entered the shop on the second floor, and followed him directly.

Du Yixin sat in the stairwell and poked his head out to witness all this. It wasn't until it was confirmed that the guy was successfully lured away that he put on his shoes and walked up to the third floor.

The safe passage is usually connected to the toilet corridor, and you will not go outside until you turn out.

The third floor of the shopping mall sells women's clothing, and customers shuttle between the shops with big bags and small bags. His face was filled with joy, and his expression was lifelike.

Even though, this is just Du Yixin's hallucination.

The moment he realized his body was moving, he knew it wasn't reality.

The guy who hallucinated him obviously didn't know his physical condition, after all, he didn't seem to be seriously ill on the outside.

But even though he knew it was an illusion, how should he get out

The outer corridor connects the shops in the east-west direction. The floor is transparent, and there is a partition in the middle where colorful pebbles can be seen.

Even the details are done exactly like reality.

Du Yi novice covered the railing and looked down. It is located on the third floor of the shopping mall, and it is high enough from the ground.

If you fall, you will either die or be injured.

If the self in the hallucination dies, will the self in reality wake up

He strengthened his fingers a little bit and held the cold railing tightly.

If you make a mistake, you will face another file load. At that time, in order to convey the message as soon as possible, he may choose to lose his "lower body". At that time, the whole body will be unable to move, which is a truly desperate choice.

No, think again.

Du Yixin let go of his hand, and was about to turn around when he happened to meet a person with four eyes. The man was raising his hand, as if to pat him on the shoulder.

Ying Sheng

Du Yixin was about to speak out, but immediately closed his mouth again.

Or is it an illusion dressed in Ying Sheng's skin

Sensing Du Yixin's vigilance, Ying Sheng was upset: "What are you doing?"

"Who are you?"

"You're out of your mind." Ying Sheng clicked his tongue, "I found out just as soon as I came back to my senses. What's going on?"

This guy's rhetoric is different from that of "Du Heng" just now, at least the timeline is consistent with his own.

However, the attitude always makes him feel very strange.

Ying Sheng touched the fence with one hand and looked down: "What were you standing here looking at just now, wanting to jump off?"


"This is an illusion, that's why you can move your hands." Ying Sheng turned his gaze, "Can you get rid of the illusion by jumping off?"

Du Yixin was a little shaken.

The other party knew his physical condition and knew that it was an illusion. Is it really me

"I'm not sure," Du Yixin replied, "but don't try it lightly, and find other ways first."

Ying Sheng frowned: "There's no time to dawdle here."

Du Yixin felt a scorching stare stab at his back. Following his line of sight, he saw "Du Heng" standing in the corridor on the second floor, staring at him expressionlessly.


At this time, someone happened to pass by in the corridor on the second floor. Looking back, the person standing there has disappeared.

Did you come to find him

Du Yixin couldn't help feeling uncomfortable.

How dare you do such a thing with your brother's face. The last time I made a corpse, this time I made a strange guy wearing my brother's skin, which is really annoying.

"Hey, are you listening to me?"

Hearing Ying Sheng's impatient voice, he turned his head to look, only to see that the other party stretched out his hand to him.

Du Yixin didn't know, so: "What to do."

"Let's dance together."


"It's useless to continue standing still, you have to get out of here as soon as possible." Ying Sheng looked at him, "Or, do you have other ways?"

Seeing that Du Yixin hadn't moved, Ying Sheng grabbed his hand and stepped on the railing.


"Let's go, get out of this damn place as soon as possible."

Not quite right.

Ying Sheng was about to jump, but Du Yixin stretched out his hand and dragged him back, directly falling to the ground.

"Hey, you are courting death!"

Du Yixin shook off the man's hand and looked at the guy on the ground: "You will die if you jump down."

He remembered that when he was killed by Mengli before, he should have hallucinations. When he died in the hallucination, he really died.

And this person in front of him is creepy.

The appearance is very similar, but the imitation is only superficial.

Definitely not Ying Sheng.

"Du Heng" is probably coming over soon, and he has to leave here immediately.

Du Yixin turned around and ran away. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw "Ying Sheng" stand up and glared at him with a gloomy expression.

He quickly ran back to the first floor, his figure blending into the crowd.

The people who went back and forth obviously didn't know him, but they had the same eyesight as those two guys, and they looked over without emotion.

Du Yixin seemed to be surrounded by countless cameras, like a light on his back.

He stopped slowly and met everyone's attention. On the contrary, at this time, those people stopped looking at him, as if nothing had happened, and continued shopping happily.

He made up his mind and walked forward.

Mengli must be found.

The mall looked huge, but he didn't go far before he encountered an air wall. There was nothing in front of him, but he couldn't move forward.

Outside the air wall, there are still pedestrians walking back and forth, chatting and laughing happily.

Here is the border

The hand touched the wall, as if touching a hard wall.

If you break this wall, can you get out

He tried to clench his fist and strike, but with just such a movement, those passers-by glared at him again.

Ah, that's it.

He gets it.

Du Yixin walked into a nearby shop, which was a dessert shop. He looked around, picked up a chair, turned around and dragged it out.

"Customer, what are you doing!" The clerk wanted to stop him, but he dodged it.

Then he raised his chair and slammed it hard against the air wall in front of him.

Suddenly, the entire space fluctuated. Like a boulder thrown into a deep pool, it caused a circle of ripples and spread outward.

one time.

"Xiaoxin, stop!" A familiar voice sounded from behind, "Don't destroy violently, you will die!"


"Idiot! This is an illusion in your heart, do you want to lose your sanity!?"

Three times!

Cracks finally appeared in the wall, revealing the darkness hidden behind. Du Yixin threw away the nearly rotten chair, put his hands into the crack, and tore it open.

During this period, someone grabbed his arms and legs, intending to stop him. But he didn't care, and put all his energy on his hands.

These hallucinations are all irony. Since he is not allowed to destroy the air wall, it proves that this is really the way to get out.

He trusts his own judgment.

The darkness unfolded before the eyes, and instantly blackened the entire space like splashed ink.

All fantasies were swallowed by black, and Du Yixin couldn't hear any sound or see any picture for a while.

Immediately, he opened his eyes.

The eyes gradually focus, and the illusory scene gradually becomes real.

He found himself lying on the cold floor, not far away, Ying Sheng and his elder brother were chasing a figure.

There was plenty of light here, and he could see the face of the man he was chasing at once.

Her long jet-black hair was tied behind her head, and there was a diamond-shaped red mole on her forehead. Wearing a short white skirt with wide sleeves.

All the signs were exactly the same as the person in memory.

The girl was about to dodge and hide in the door.

Du Yixin shouted: "Mengli!"

Hearing his name, the other party obviously hesitated for a moment, his foot speed slowed down a bit, and Ying Sheng grabbed his wrist.

"Oh!" She struggled to dodge in, but was caught out and fell to the ground hard.

Ying Sheng didn't care about the beauty, and stepped on the girl's soft belly: "You bastard, how dare you make me hallucinate."

Mengli grabbed Ying Sheng's ankle with both hands, the color of her pupils changed, scarlet centered around the pupils, spreading to the whites of the eyes.

Du Heng reached out in time and used "invalidation". The red spread stopped abruptly, and the girl's eyes returned to normal black again.

Du Heng squatted beside the girl: "Is Dialect Wu in there?" His tone was calm, but he couldn't hide the chilling coldness.

Mengli still wanted to activate the ability, but it was in vain.

It was as if the outlet of the faucet was firmly blocked, and it was a waste of effort.

Du Heng got up: "Grab it and let her lead the way."


Reader "Mo Watermelon", irrigation nutrient solution +5

Reader "Jessica", irrigation nutrient solution +5
