I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 11: Ghost School (End)


Du Yixin took Ai Le with him, and there was no time to dodge him. In order to protect him, he had to block with his body. The moment the bat touched the shoulder, it was as if the steel and concrete were pressed down. The right side of the body was completely paralyzed, and the arm hung down as if useless, and could no longer move.

What kind of strength is this, orangutan

If he got hit on the head, he was sure he would burp right away. But now it seems that this is only a matter of time. Is there any way to escape the catastrophe!

Ying Sheng seemed disgusted: "It's fine if you can't escape by yourself, why are you still protecting him?"

"You have so many questions!"

Ying Sheng was startled, it's a miracle that he can even care about arguing at a time like this.

At this moment, Du Yixin felt the person in his arms move. Although Ai Le was seriously injured, his mind was still clear. Reluctantly getting up, he said to Xiang Sheng: "I know what you want. 'Key', right?" He lost most of his strength and was already a little weak. As the mouth opened, red flowed from the corners of the mouth.

Ying Sheng was noncommittal.

Du Yixin didn't understand. key? what is this about. If it's an exit key, this guy doesn't look interested.

"But I can't give it to you." Aile's mouth curled up, but there was no smile in his eyes, "If I give it, I will die."

"Don't worry. You will die if you give it or not." Ying Sheng narrowed his eyes.

"You're right, I can't beat you." Aile coughed twice, spat out a mouthful of blood, but wiped his mouth nonchalantly, "So, I thought of a better way."

"A way to end the game without giving you the key."

After finishing speaking, before Ying Sheng could reply, Ai Le grabbed Du Yixin and put his hands together.

"Ai Le?" Du Yixin didn't understand what he wanted to do.

"Bastard, stop!" Ying Sheng came to his senses, furious, and swung his stick away.

Ai Le turned a deaf ear to it, and said lightly: "[Ai Le], give it to [Du Yixin]."

After the words fell, a dark red light enveloped the two of them. The bat had obviously touched the two of them, but it seemed to have encountered a phantom, and it went straight through.

Du Yixin looked at Ai Le in surprise. The other party's pale face was covered with red streaks, as if entwined with a red ribbon. Then, the color became darker and darker, more and more, and finally covered the whole body.

Through the clasped palms, Du Yixin felt a heat flow from them.

"Ai Le!" He couldn't understand the current situation, and wanted to catch his junior instead. However, the other party was like a bubble that burst suddenly, and blood rushed down.

Aile's clothes fell off and were soaked in blood. But the person who was alive at the beginning didn't know where he went.

The moment the junior disappeared, the whole building began to shake violently. Like a jigsaw puzzle, piece by piece peeled off, revealing the bottomless gray darkness. And Ying Sheng also seemed to be torn in half, his body was dislocated, and he gradually disappeared.

Du Yixin looked down at himself, but there was nothing left.



Accompanied by the hurried bell for the end of get out of class, a large number of students filed out of the classrooms in the main building. Du Yixin came to his senses, but found that he was still standing in the boulevard. The sun was shining brightly, and the leaves cast silhouettes on the ground.

He was covered in cold sweat, looking around hesitantly as if he was in an upstream. The students were a little surprised to see a boy spinning around in place.

came back. It seemed a long time ago, he and Aile stood here. Ai Le confessed to him, but he refused, and then, the bell rang for the end of get out of class, and they arrived at a strange college.

The ringing continued. Afterwards, the students crossed the path to the next class location. But Du Yixin was still standing there.

The remaining battery of the mobile phone returned to full capacity, and there was no abnormality in the body, and it was unscathed. It seemed that just now he had just lost his mind and had a long and hopeless nightmare.

But, who will tell him where Ai Le has gone

After all, Du Yixin didn't just stand there in a daze. I returned to the dormitory in a daze, but my roommates hadn't returned yet. He went to wash his face, looked at himself in the mirror, his complexion was rosy and shiny, it didn't look like he had just experienced life and death struggle.

"Hey, are you back?" At this time, Lu Yao was passing the bathroom. Seeing a familiar figure, he greeted him.

Du Yixin suddenly turned his head to look at him with a ghostly expression.

"Wow, what's wrong with you."

"Ah Shunhe—" Du Yixin said eagerly.

"Why do you care about him so much?" Lu Yao was surprised, but still replied, "It's only been a long time. I'm going to go shopping with his sister at his usual place, but my phone is almost out of battery, so I came back to get a power bank. What's the matter?" ,Together?"


"Why don't you speak, pretend to be deep."

"I, I won't go."

"Okay. I won't talk to you anymore. They are still waiting for me downstairs." Although Lu Yao felt that his friend's attitude was a bit strange, he left in a hurry without thinking too much.

Du Yixin watched him go, and his confused mind gradually became clear.

The cause of the incident was the disappearance. Ah Shun actually died in that high school and will never come back. Not to mention that even the murderer himself is uncertain at this moment.

But in the end, he didn't understand how that ghostly place was created, and what Ying Sheng really wanted.


Du Yixin glanced at his palm. Ai Le "gifted" himself something, and then it turned into blood, and then the college was wiped out. Could it be that this so-called "key" is the opportunity to create that kind of place

However, he didn't feel that he had any ability at all.

Going back to the room and sitting at the table, he took out a piece of paper and drew the current guesses and events.

First of all, Aile created a high school through the "key" and pulled himself and other innocent people into it. However, Aile doesn't have 100% control over the high school, and he can't even end the game on his own. In the end, he desperately wants to leave through the rolling door, which means that for him, this is also the only way to end the game.

Then, Aile's motivation

Here, Du Yixin drew a question mark on the paper. At least from Ah Shun's point of view, if one dies in that world, it is a real death, and even the corpse cannot be returned. Aile wants to kill himself? Or in other words, Aile himself can't control when to open the room

If so, this so-called "key" is completely a time bomb. Not just to other people, but to the owner.

Then, Ying Sheng. This guy has amazing abilities and knows the incident well. He killed innocent people everywhere, just to find out the culprit and snatch the "key". At least, he understands the usefulness of such things. However, in the end, Ai Le handed over the "key" to himself, and the next step...

Du Yixin paused the tip of his pen and typed a series of ellipsis.

Will Ying Sheng come to him in order to snatch it again


When this terrible thought came to him, he shook his head desperately.

No, no, but knowing the name and face, how could it be so easy to find it.

In the next few days, Du Yixin went to guard the lower grade classrooms, trying to find Aile. However, nothing came of it other than a rumor that a certain sophomore was a stalker during the junior year.

Until one day, I saw Aile's name again, but it was on the news.

Not only Ai Le, but also Ah Shun, Ye Wen and Su Xin. Ye Wen and Su Xin are students of the vocational school next door. Photos and information of the four were posted on the official account, hoping that students who know the news can help.

Du Yixin had just finished class and was having lunch in the cafeteria. While stuffing rice into his mouth, he swiped his phone. When he saw the news, his fingers stopped.

The last trace of luck in my heart was shattered, and it seemed that Ai Le was really dead.

A meal tastes like chewing wax. Although he knew about the four of them, even if he told the police, he would never believe him.

After all, he is an ordinary college student, what else can he do now.

There are students sitting on the opposite seat. Du Yixin had almost finished his meal, so he wanted to leave with his plate. Unexpectedly, before he had time to stand up, the person across from him stretched out his hand and pressed his rice plate tightly, preventing him from moving.

Du Yixin looked up and glared. It was a male student wearing a peaked cap, carrying a shoulder bag, and wearing a unilateral earphone. At this time, he was lowering his head, as if aware of his gaze, he raised his head slightly and smiled.

"..." Du Yixin's expression froze.

It's Ying Sheng.

That guy actually came to the door!

"Long time no see." Ying Sheng was very strong, pressing down on the plate, "Let's talk, Du Yixin."

"chat… "

Talk shit!

Du Yixin made a decisive decision and ran away. As a result, within a few steps, he was grabbed by the back collar. The man raised his arm, and put his shoulders directly towards Du Yixin's ear, looking like a good brother: "You are surrounded by students, you don't want to cause a commotion here, do you?"

"You, what do you want to do." This guy, he probably wants to kill in this kind of place.

"What do you think."

After the words fell, Du Yixin felt that the other party grabbed his shoulder. When the strength came, recalling the fear of being blown off his arms, he had no choice but to say: "I understand, don't mess around."

Even so, he was unwilling to compromise in his heart. It seemed that the other party didn't want to make a fuss. So if you want to escape, you have to take advantage of passers-by, otherwise, if you are caught elsewhere, your life will be even more difficult to save.

How to do