I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 110: Dreams and funerals


There was darkness all around, and the body seemed to be discarded into nothingness. The feet were indeed on the ground, but they couldn't see anything except themselves.

Du Yixin withdrew his gaze and tried to move forward. But without a reference, it's like standing still.

He looked at his hands, fingers closed and opened.

I can really feel the touch of the body, not like dreaming.

But if it is not a dream, where is this.

At this time, the pitch-black space suddenly faded away, and the light gradually shone in. Du Yixin squinted his eyes, and a figure came out from behind the light.

With a height of over one meter, he looked like a five or six-year-old child. She has a cute appearance, short stature, and wears knee-length shorts. On both sides of the temple, there are two long and thin tentacles, which are swaying gently.

"Hello, it's our first time meeting." Although Xiao Zhengtai looked young, she spoke in an extremely mature manner. The legs are slightly spread, and the hands are behind the back, "I am from Nebula J23, one of the representatives of the Star Alliance. Can you tell me your name."

Du Yixin looked at the child who suddenly appeared, but did not speak.

"Are you wary? It's no wonder that every human being reacts the same when they see me." Mrs. Xiaozheng raised her hand and snapped her fingers, "Then in order to remove your wariness, let's turn this place into a scene you are familiar with."

As soon as the voice fell, the outline of this empty space appeared and was further refined.

Sunlight pours in through the windows, passes through the greenery, and casts a shadow on the floor tiles. The LCD TV is embedded in the wall, and there is a beige sofa opposite, and a coffee table in the middle, with a plate of fruit on it.

Here it is... base living room. The details are exactly the same, if it is not transformed by seeing it, I am afraid it will be fake.

It is impossible for such a strange scene to appear in reality. Is he in a dungeon

As if guessing what he was thinking, Xiaozheng shook his head: "No, this is not a dungeon, but your dream."

"... who are you and what is your purpose."

"As I said, I'm from Nebula J23, you can call me 'Al'. I show up in front of you to tell you everything." Xiaozheng repeated, "Can you tell me your name."

"Du Yixin." It seemed that if he didn't do this, the conversation couldn't be advanced, so he answered anyway.

"Very good, exchanging names is the beginning of a good communication." Xiao Zhengtai nodded, and the tentacles trembled accordingly. He sat on the sofa, "Don't be so restrained, please sit down."

After Du Yixin sat down, Xiao Zhengtai began to explain.

"Where to start explaining. In short, let me tell you the origin of the 'key'."

There was originally only one "key", which came from a nebula tens of thousands of light-years away from the earth and possessed huge energy. It was brought to Earth by Al, one of the representatives of the Star Alliance, but it was accidentally broken and possessed by different people.

Depending on the size of the pieces, each person's strength will be stronger or weaker. Of course, this is only the case at the beginning.

Human beings have mastered the usage of "keys", snatched keys from others, fused themselves, and promoted themselves to become stronger.

Although it wasn't Al's intention, he was happy and relaxed when humans spontaneously collected keys.

"But now we have entered the final stage. All the fragments of the 'key' have been possessed, and the final selection is about to start."

"The final selection?"

"Yes. At that time, all the fragments will be integrated into one, and the level will be raised to level seven—this is also the original form of the 'key'. And the final winner of this trial will become the god of the new century." Al's eyes sparkled .

God. Hearing this word, Du Yixin subconsciously felt nauseous.

Al: "Being human has desires. What about you, what do you want? Wealth, power, fame? Or... do you want someone to be resurrected?"

When Du Yixin heard the last sentence, his tone changed: "Can resurrection be done?"

"Of course." Al spread his hands, "You are a god. You can reverse time and space, and there is nothing you can't do with mere resurrection."


Xiaozheng tilted his head: "You don't seem very happy?"

Du Yixin opened his mouth, as if to say something. Al didn't hear clearly: "What?"

"I said, stop kidding."

Before Al could react, the young man appeared behind him, stretched out his hands to hold his thin neck tightly, and lifted him up abruptly. His body hung in the air, struggling to kick his legs.

"What is the purpose of you sending the key? Become a god? What do you think of human life, is it so interesting to play with us!"

The strength in Du Yixin's hand was getting stronger and stronger, but the weight suddenly lightened.

All that was left of the little boy was a piece of human skin, and a dark green creature, the golden cicada, escaped from its shell and ran away in a hurry.

After running to a place where it felt safe, it stopped and turned around: "Killing me is not good for you. Besides, you can't kill me."

It has tentacles on its head and round eyes, occupying half of its triangular face. The limbs are slender and the stomach is bulging.

This appearance is in line with ordinary people's perception of aliens.

Du Yixin gradually calmed down. He didn't want to kill the other party, after all, there was still a lot of information that he didn't understand.

He's just... so angry. If he can be resurrected, of course he will do his best to fight for the opportunity.

It's just that, the life of the parents, the life of the elder brother, all of them could have spent it peacefully. If it wasn't for the uncontrollable power brought by non-human beings, how could they be forced to participate in this cruel game.

Nor would he, now alone.

Seeing that the young man calmed down, Al asked, "Can you give me back the skin, I'm a bit cold."

Du Yixin threw back the human skin in his hand. The other party caught it and put it on his body neatly like putting on clothes.

The dark green alien turned back into a cute little lady with two tentacles.

"You just asked us what purpose we have. Our purpose stems from a great plan. And the 'key' is a gift I gave to humans on behalf of the Star Alliance."

This plan is the "Human Selection Plan". When the distant nebula detects that there are intelligent creatures tens of thousands of light-years away, they send envoys to visit.

But beyond the expectations of the messengers, the intelligent creatures on this planet are too short-sighted, and over-exploit resources for immediate interests, resulting in the depletion of the beautiful planet.

It hurried back to the Union to report the news. As an organization that maintains the peace of the planets, the Interstellar Alliance naturally cannot watch the young planets be destroyed, so a representative was selected and asked to carry the key to Earth.

"As you have seen, the key can open the virtual world and involve humans without affecting the planet. Our original plan was to open a space that could accommodate all humans."

On the one hand, it can be controlled freely and educate human beings step by step. On the other hand, after losing outside interference, the planet can recover naturally.

It's just that something went wrong on the way, and Al accidentally lost the key.

"Then, as I said just now. In order to compete for the key fragments, you started killing each other without authorization." Albi's blue pupils showed a trace of strangeness, "This was beyond my expectation, and it also made me discover a new Possibility. Instead of us trying to teach, it is better for you humans to choose a strongest person."

"The time for the final selection is approaching." It sighed softly. "At that time, the whole world will know the news. As one of the most likely candidates, I have high hopes for you."

Du Yixin frowned: "Who wins in the end, does it have any influence on you?"

"Just take it as my preference for the strong." Al blinked, "I can give you a little help. Players who can reach level six should get this honor."

I see. So that guy Dialect Wu was able to survive at the last moment because of this guy.

"If you don't want it, you can give it up," Al added.

Du Yixin was silent for a while: "When will the final selection be?"

"Watch TV tonight and you'll find out."

"Final selection... what happens if you don't win?"

"What?" Al was puzzled, "There are so many copies, don't you understand? All the fragments are integrated, and only one person can reach the seventh level. Of course, the person who loses the key will only have one ending."


Of course Du Yixin understood. At the end of this cruel game, there can only be one winner.

"I need an ability." Du Yixin said, "It can be used in reality. Even if you don't kill people, you can still take away the key."

"It seems that you have come to your senses." Al praised, "It's a good idea. If you take the key after the timeout, no one will be able to find out what's wrong. Well, I'll give it to you."

The two tentacles on its head moved slightly, emitting a faint light. Du Yixin's right hand was also shrouded in light, and then gradually faded away.

Al: "The ability can only be used three times, so choose the target carefully. In addition, because the key has the effect of strengthening the body, once it is forcibly taken away, although it will not die, it will have side effects."

Du Yixin looked away from his hands and looked at Al: "Side effects?"

Al nodded: "Yes. The higher the level, the greater the side effects. For example, it seems that the soul is suddenly withdrawn from a healthy body and transferred to a less healthy body, which requires a period of adaptation. Of course, this is only temporary .”

At this time, it suddenly glanced out of the window: "Someone is calling you."

Du Yixin then looked out, and what caught his eyes was the almost still scenery outside the glass window. When he turned around, Al was no longer there.

Then, the surrounding scenery gradually dissipated like a bubble.

"… new"

"Wake up."

A familiar voice came from his ear, Du Yixin slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a strange room.

Plain walls, a small coffee table, sitting on a single black sofa by myself.

It took him a while to realize where he was.

Ying Sheng squatted down and stared at his face: "It's almost time, how are you?"

Ying Sheng's attire was different from before, he was wearing a neat black suit, and the earrings and silver ornaments were also taken off. The atmosphere of the whole person is rare and serious.

Du Yixin: "Sorry, I fell asleep."

Since the day I left the sixth-level dungeon, everything in reality has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Dialect Wu's fanfare still shocked the outside world. Countless people disappeared at the same time, and even ordinary people who had nothing to do with each other were aware of this abnormality.

Discussions raged in the forum posts, playing up the horrors of the coming apocalypse—although more people responded with excitement or ridicule.

But no matter what kind of speech it was, it was all deleted after tens of minutes.

"White Bird" shattered. Although there were winners and losers in this grand and tragic battle, the leaders and even high-level cadres of the other party were defeated, and there was no longer any disturbance.

And this is also true for them.

Today is a funeral. The funeral of many companions headed by Du Heng.

Of course, this is just a privately organized memorial service. After all, in the legal sense, people who died in the copy can only be counted as missing.

Their death, what they died for. No one will know except those close to them.

Du Yixin didn't sleep for many days. Even when I fall asleep, I wake up after an hour or two.

In his sleep, he repeated that nightmare countless times.

Die, read file, die. Several times of file reading still can't solve the dialect Wu. Then the elder brother appeared, and without saying a word, it just turned into blood in front of his eyes.

His body seemed to be entangled in spider webs, and his neck was imprisoned by chains. Can't move, can't breathe.

Time and time again, experiencing that real dream.

Ying Sheng thought that Du Yixin had another nightmare, so he raised his hand hesitantly. Before touching it, I heard a question: "Do you know the final selection?"

"The final selection?" Ying Sheng put down his hands, thought about it, and said, "That guy... Dialect Wu mentioned it a few times, but I don't know what it is."

Du Yixin was thoughtful. Ying Sheng didn't know that he was promoted to level five, but it seems that only level six would have that dream.

He was about to explain when the door opened.

It was Liuli who came in, wearing a black dress, with red and swollen eyes: "It's time."

Hearing this, the two stood up together. Several people walked through the corridor to the main hall.

A coffin was placed at the front of the main hall, and the coffin door was wide open. Naturally, there would be no corpses inside, but the relics of everyone. A white wreath stands against the wall, and the center is full of people, about dozens of them, all survivors of the organization.

Seeing Du Yixin and the others coming out of the side hall, they all looked over.

In that line of sight, there is both curiosity and sympathy, as well as dissatisfaction and hatred.

Du Yixin didn't care, and looked at the red hair who was walking towards him. Perhaps it is not appropriate to call it red hair now, the man has dyed his hair back to black.

"Xiaoxin." Liu Hong handed over a bamboo basket, which contained chrysanthemums and white chrysanthemums.

The three picked up a bouquet respectively, and the flower presentation ceremony officially began.

The mourning hall was quiet and solemn, and everyone put the flowers in their hands on the coffin in order.

It was Du Yixin's turn. He walked to the coffin and looked at the row of relics inside. My brother's belongings are placed in the center, a simple wallet.

Du Yixin remembered that he gave it to his elder brother on his birthday, but he did not expect it to take so many years. In the wallet, there was an old photo.

Their family portrait. At that time, my parents were still alive, and I was only a few years old. My brother looked immature and was still in high school.

The family of four looked at the camera with smiles on their faces. Who would have thought that after more than ten years, only one person in this photo would be alive.

Du Yixin's arms were extremely heavy. It seems that after presenting this bouquet of flowers, I will say goodbye to my brother completely.

He thought he had already made up his mind.


Raising his hand slowly, he put the yellow and white bouquet in.

After ten minutes, everyone finished offering flowers. Since it was really not suitable to find an outsider in this situation, Liu Hong acted as the master of ceremonies.

After three minutes of silence, Liu Hong asked Du Yixin to give a speech. If Du Heng is still alive, this should be the job of the boss.

Du Yixin stood up, but before he could speak, he heard doubts from the crowd.

"Get off!"

"Why let an outsider give a speech, just because he is the brother of the captain?"

"He and the captain entered a dungeon. Why is the captain dead, but he is not dead!?"

These few words came from a small group, who looked like some bad gangsters. Although he was wearing a suit, he couldn't hide his idle demeanor.

The rest of the people looked over together.

Liu Hong stopped and said, "What's the matter with you guys, this is a funeral, don't make any noise."

"I can't agree." The leader of the small group spoke. He originally dyed his hair yellow, but after a quick spray of hair dye, it temporarily turned back to black. But the technique is too rough, and there are still many fish that slip through the net, which looks a little funny.

"Brother Liu Hong, it's okay if you replace the captain. Why is this outsider? We can't believe it."

"That's it!"

Ying Sheng frowned, and just as he took a step forward, his wrist was grabbed.

Du Yixin passed Ying Sheng and turned towards the crowd.

Although it is only the small group who are speaking at present, there must be more people who have the same idea in their hearts.

Why is he alive.

The elder brother's strength is obviously stronger, so why did he survive in the end.

He also wanted to ask.

"You misunderstood." Du Yixin said. As soon as he spoke, the audience fell silent. Everyone looked over with inquiring eyes.

The author has something to say: Thank you yanzeeee for mine