I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 113: Countdown 6h


Du Yixin gasped.

He underestimated this guy, he was even more perverted than he imagined. Fortunately, Ying Sheng was not allowed to meet this person.

If you open a dungeon to kill An Wenhui now, it will satisfy the other party's wishes.

What else can I do, beat me up

But when I thought that this guy might laugh happily while being beaten, I was disgusted and couldn't do it.

"So that's it, it's this type of cutie."

Liu Hong's voice came from behind. Du Yixin was so shaken by An Wenhui's words that he didn't realize that someone was eavesdropping.

Liu Hong approached and stood beside Du Yixin: "I'm sorry, Xiaoxin, because I felt that your attitude was a bit wrong, so I followed quietly. But don't worry, everyone else stayed in the coffee shop."

"I made you worry." Du Yixin put aside the discomfort in his heart, "I'll deal with this guy right away."

"Wait, give him to me."

Du Yixin said, frowning and looking at Liu Hong: "Are you sure, this guy is super perverted..."

"Who is a pervert!" An Wenhui was dissatisfied.

Liu Hong patted Du Yixin on the shoulder: "To deal with perverted people, you have to be more perverted than him." His eyes changed, and he focused on the boy, "As long as I'm good-looking, I'll never refuse anyone. Little boy Guys, let's get along."

An Wenhui sneered: "Uncle, I'm not interested in you at all."

"I'm very interested." Liu Hong licked the corner of his mouth, and his figure disappeared suddenly.

An Wenhui frowned, and pulled out the dagger with his backhand. But the wrist was immediately grabbed by someone. As soon as he ate the pain, the knife fell to the ground.

"You still have such a dangerous weapon." Liu Hong kicked the knife and kicked it far away. Holding the boy's hands firmly behind his back, he said to Du Yixin, "I'll take him away. Don't worry, he won't bother you again."

Du Yixin nodded in a daze.

An Wenhui wanted to resist, but did not move. This unremarkable uncle was much stronger than he imagined, but he didn't want to be killed by such a guy.

But that's okay.

An Wenhui settled down. With his own ability, even if he is involved in the dungeon, he can find a chance to escape.

Just thinking about it, I felt a heat in my earlobe. The man actually breathed a sigh of relief: "I won't let you escape."


Rao An Wenhui also felt bad. Even if they are both perverts, their natures are completely inconsistent: "Let me go!"

"It's late, who told you to bully Xiaoxin." Liu Hong beckoned An Wenhui to leave with a smile.

Witnessing all this, Du Yixin slapped himself on the face unconsciously.

Not dreaming.

Brother Liu Hong... have you been suppressing yourself

"Xiaoxin." Liu Hong's voice came from the front, Du Yixin looked over, but saw him looking sideways at him, "You should have a good talk with Ying Sheng. There is not much time, don't make yourself regret it thing."

Du Yixin was stunned for a moment: "I..."

However, Liu Hong just waved his hand, pushing and shoving An Wenhui, who couldn't stop struggling, and left him where he was.

The days passed quickly, and they transferred the keys methodically. The numbers in the sky are getting smaller and smaller.

Until now, only the last 6h is left.

And they finally completed the transfer of everyone's keys at the last minute.

Liuli saw off the last person and came to the office on the second floor. This was originally the captain's room, but now most of the time, the captain's younger brother stays in it.

When she heard that the captain passed away unfortunately, she cried for a long time, even like Huang Mao, she subconsciously wanted to blame Du Yixin. After all, the captain is so powerful, if it wasn't for protecting his younger brother, he would never have died.

But when she saw Du Yixin's expression, she couldn't say anything serious.

It was only two years of friendship with the captain, and it was already so sad. But for this person, that grief may be multiplied hundreds of times.

Du Yixin didn't cry, at least not in front of them. However, whenever she saw this big boy who was cheerful and sunny standing there silently, as if hiding all her emotions in her heart, she felt that it would be better to watch him cry happily.

"Why are you in a daze, don't you go in?" Liu Hong also saw off the last person at this time, and was about to rush to report to Du Yixin, but saw the girl standing in front of the door.

Liuli took a look at Liu Hong, knocked on the door twice, pushed the door open and entered.

The afterglow of the setting sun was very warm, and the room was not covered with blinds as usual, but the windows were wide open. The orange light shone in, causing Liuli to squint her eyes.

The man standing in front of the window was tall and straight, originally looking out of the window. When someone comes in, turn around.

Maybe it was because of the backlight, but Liuli had a trance feeling that he saw the captain's face. She has deep facial features, doesn't like to smile, and there is an imperceptible tenderness between her brows. Just being by your side gives you an infinite sense of security.

She almost shed tears: "Team..."

The eyes gradually adapted to the brightness, and only then did they clearly see the person standing by the window, and the voice was withdrawn.

What is she thinking. The funeral has already been held, how can people who have already gone show up.

The lights were not turned on in the house, and the sunset light filled every corner. Du Yixin's shadow was stretched out.

"You are here."

Outside the window, the two lines of characters still floated in the sky, but there were some changes from the beginning.

The number of participants is about to drop below five figures, and the remaining time has also become "6h". There are many more people taking action besides them.

The reduced number of people means that they have lost their qualifications. As for whether they voluntarily transferred the keys or were killed, it is unknown.

In addition, the originally inconspicuous outline of the sky became clearer and clearer, forming a transparent cube—the body was cut by countless ripples, slowly rotating in the air. Looking at it is like looking up at the sky through the water.

The cube is enormous. No matter where you are, you can see this conspicuous existence at a glance.

On the Internet, it is called "transparent Rubik's Cube".

If nothing else, the "final selection" mentioned in the video seven days ago is probably related to that Rubik's Cube.

6 hours left. Everyone is looking forward to it and fearing it.

Liu Hong approached Du Yixin and glanced at the cube outside the window: "Why did you open all the windows today?"

"I feel a little stuffy, let's bask in the sun for a while."

Liu Hong put his hand on the window sill, feeling the endless sunshine covering his whole body: "Yes, this may be the last time we bask in the sun."

Du Yixin: "Is it all over?"

"It's over. That guy An Wenhui is also done. He didn't cooperate at first, so I put him in my copy. In the end, that guy was scared to death, and agreed to cooperate with me to transfer the key." Liu Hong said, eyebrows a bend.

Can An Wenhui be scared to tears? Du Yixin was a little curious about the contents of Liu Hong's copy.

"You don't want to know." Liuli wiped her eyes and returned to her usual indifferent appearance, "My side has also been completely transferred."

Liu Hong: "Then the only thing missing is Ying Sheng?"

"Ying Sheng finished yesterday." Du Yixin said, "I didn't call him over."

Hearing this, both of them cast their eyes in unison, with inquiries. Du Yixin closed the window and looked at the two of them: "I have something to tell you."

Turn on the light, and the incandescent lamp lights up, illuminating the slightly dim room. The three of them sat on the sofa, and the hands of the clock hanging on the wall moved back inch by inch.

After one turn, start again from the beginning, and turn again.

Du Yixin explained the ability given by Al, and said: "There is not much time left. I will use this ability now to take away your keys."

Liuli and Liu Hong looked at each other, but didn't agree immediately.

Du Yixin: "There will be side effects, but only temporarily."

"Xiaoxin." Liu Hong sighed, "I don't care about the side effects. See what you mean, you want to leave us alone and participate in the final selection?"

Du Yixin nodded.

Liuli lowered her head: "...we can't be trusted."

"No, of course not, you are very reliable." Du Yixin said hurriedly, and then said slowly, "It's just that I can't let you take risks."

Liu Hong touched the girl's head, then looked at Du Yixin: "If we are here, at least we can protect you and fight with you in the early stage. In this way, your chances of winning will be greater. On the contrary, even if you absorb us now The key, the level will not be improved, have you considered it?"


Hearing this word, Du Yixin fell silent and folded his hands together.

How long will he be protected

Because of his own powerlessness, he has put his protectors in danger several times.

And the last time, it was an irreversible situation.

In the end, only one person can survive, and the mistake cannot be repeated.

Even if he failed to win this final battle, he would drag the last person along with him to be buried with him.

Absolutely, no gods will be born.

Du Yixin clenched his five fingers tightly and looked up at the two of them:

"I have realized it a long time ago."

Seeing that his mind had been made up, Liu Hong didn't say any more.

Originally, he was worried that Xiaoxin would lose himself because of the captain's death. He also planned that no matter what happened to Xiaoxin, he would use his last breath to send him to a high place.

But now it seems that he is worrying too much. The opponent's growth rate is far beyond imagination.

Liu Hong stretched out his hand: "Come on."

Du Yixin was about to hold it, but the back of his hand was caressed by Liuli.

The girl's palms are small, white and tender, and her voice is as thin as a mosquito: "I'll come first. My level is relatively low, and even if there are side effects, the impact is not that big."

At worst, you might faint. If something goes wrong, Liu Hong has the ability to heal, and he will be able to deal with it when the time comes.

Liu Hong withdrew his hand, nunuzui signaled that women should come first. Du Yixin's gaze turned to Liuli, and he held her palm with his backhand: "Then, I'm starting."

A layer of faint light covered the bodies of the two, and the flow of energy could be vaguely seen, passing from the girl to the youth.

About three seconds later, Du Yixin's hand was covered by Liuli's other hand. Perhaps due to the increased body contact area, the transfer rate is accelerated.

"Please." Liu Lisu's indifferent tone was filled with pleading, "Please come back alive."

Du Yixin looked into the girl's eyes and nodded slowly.

The white light disappeared. Like a heavy weight, Liuli sank and fell forward uncontrollably. Liu Hong was well prepared to catch the girl in time and put her on the sofa.

"I, I'm fine."

It took Liuli a while to recover, but her face was still pale and her body could not move.

She turned her head to look at Du Yixin, who was half kneeling beside her, and said softly, "It's just that the air has become very heavy, and it hurts a little when it presses on my body. I might... want to sleep for a while."

she said, closing her eyes.

"Liu Li?" Du Yixin called softly, but did not hear a response, and looked at Liu Hong quickly.

After inspecting it, the man said, "Don't worry, I just fell asleep. It's nothing serious."

Du Yixin breathed a sigh of relief. Liu Hong picked up Liuli: "Send her back to the room first, she will catch a cold in a while."

The two sent the girl back to the room. Liu Hong tucked in the quilt for him, and suddenly said, "Have you told Ying Sheng yet?"


"You didn't call him over, did you tell you in advance that you can transfer the key directly?"

Du Yixin was silent for a while, then shook his head: "No."

"So he is still kept in the dark." Liu Hong raised his eyes. Outside the window, the numbers in the sky decreased again, "Or do you want to bring him into the copy?"


"There's not much time left, and it's not a good habit to put off difficult things until the end."


"What are you going to do? Do you want to steal Ying Sheng's key while he's not paying attention?"

There was no response, as if it was a default. Liu Hong couldn't help shaking his head: "Wow, you are really going too far."

Suddenly, there was a noise outside the house. Everyone else in the organization has already been sent away, who else would it be at this time.

The two looked at each other, and Du Yixin walked towards the door. Holding the doorknob with his hand, he backed away gently, just in time to see Ying Sheng standing a few steps away.


Thank you readers for "passing by and eating a melon", irrigation nutrient solution +5