I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 116: Final selection (1)


The eyes are a piece of nothingness white.

No scenery, no players. It seems that there is only one person left in the whole world.

This is not the first time Du Yixin has encountered this dungeon. Usually, the scene has not been fully loaded, or there are too many players in the instance, causing the game to freeze. Just wait for a while, and the full picture of the copy will be revealed.

He didn't act randomly, but waited in place.

After a while, the white mist dissipated. What came into view was a quaint street.

On both sides are red bricks and blue tiles, it seems that it has just rained. The remaining stagnant water drips along the tiles, merges into a gurgle, and flows into the artificially dug pool along the cracks between the stone bricks. Moss grew around the pool, and it was dark green.

This is like an ancient town that you usually go to when you travel, but it is older and less popular.

"Scholar, we've arrived. Go straight ahead, and the innermost part is Master Zhou's mansion." A voice came from behind.

Du Yixin turned his head and found a carriage parked behind him, and it was a coachman in a yellow coat who spoke to him.

He also changed his attire inexplicably, wearing a robe from the Republic of China period, with a package on his shoulder.

role play

This was somewhat beyond Du Yixin's expectations. He thought that the final selection would be more straightforward, such as launching a battle royale among players. Instead of the current situation, a story plot is also arranged.

Is it possible that it is a single-player copy first and then a multiplayer mode

Coachman: "There are no carts here. If you need it, I will come back tomorrow."

Du Yixin still couldn't figure out the current situation, so he nodded.

"I don't know what you, a literati, are doing here. Hey, it's none of my business. Remember, you only have to wait for half an hour."

The coachman left after leaving those words, Du Yixin watched the man leave, and then opened his package. In addition to a few pieces of clothing, there is also a letter.

[Student Du,

We have been classmates for four years, and we haven't seen each other for a year since we left the teacher. We only communicate by letter.

Thinking about the past, I can't help crying with gratitude.

Recently, I heard that Du is studying here. If it is convenient, I would like to visit my house in my free time, take a rest for a few days, and then continue my friendship with classmates.]

Signed by Zhou Mo.

After reading this letter, Du Yixin probably understood. Playing the role of a scholar, I was invited to visit a classmate's house. The point is, the Zhou family is completely unfamiliar to scholars.

It can be inferred that an unfamiliar environment means exploration and fear of the unknown. Based on his past experience, this dungeon is most likely related to the decryption of ghosts.

And the words left by the coachman before he left are enough to prove that this Zhou's house is not a good place to go to in his opinion.

Judging from the current information, the condition for customs clearance this time is that he must spend the night safely at Zhou's house and escape by car before tomorrow morning.

It's an old-fashioned dungeon mode. Is this the final selection

Du Yixin put away the letter paper.

It can't be that simple, there should be something I haven't seen through. But I don't have a clue yet, let's follow the instructions first.

He walked into the ancient town and followed the road pointed by the coachman. There are no pedestrians along the way, and the deeper you go, the sparser the houses on both sides, until in the end, there are only continuous bushes left.

A drop of ice water hit the face. Du Yixin stopped and looked up, only to see that the sky was covered with dark clouds.

The sky was already dark, but now it was shrouded in black clouds, making the atmosphere even more ominous.

Although it is outdoors, the color of the air is extremely dark, like the glass is covered with water mist, which cannot be wiped clean.

More raindrops fell, and they were about to grow bigger. He quickened his pace and finally reached his destination before being drenched in water.

Outside the bushes, a gloomy old house suddenly appeared. The door was closed and some paint was peeling off. The two-meter-high wall wraps the dark black eaves.

A plaque is hung across the gate, with the word "Zhou's family" mentioned on it.

Du Yixin stood outside the gate, and the torrential rain slanted down, hitting the ground hard.

The metal ring hanging on the door was rusted. He picked it up and tapped it lightly. After a while, someone answered the door.

With a creak, the door was gently pushed open. There was an old man standing inside, with deep furrows on his face, holding an oil-paper umbrella in his hand, and sizing up the person in front of him with his dark yellow eyes.

Before Du Yixin could open his mouth, he said conveniently, "Young Master Zhou's classmate, right? I've been waiting for a long time, please come in."

He was ushered in, across the patio, down the long corridor, and into the main house.

The old man made tea, and asked people to sit down again: "Please wait a moment, I will report to the young master." He was a little stooped, and his movements were not very agile, and he walked slowly outside the house.

But when he was about to step out the door, he suddenly remembered something and looked back: "Zhou's house is very big and deep, outsiders can easily get lost when entering. Please stay here and don't walk around at will."

This seems to imply something.

Seeing Du Yixin nod his head, the old man closed the door, blocking the sound of wind and rain from the outside, leaving the house quiet.

The main house was extremely cold, with only the candles burning. Du Yixin opened the lid of the cup and took a look, only to find that the tea was already cold. He put down his teacup and looked around.

The main house is not too big, and there are no other side doors connected. Directly opposite the gate are two grand master chairs, with a square table in between, and a stove for heating is placed on the table. A landscape painting is hung on it.

Du Yixin walked over and lifted the stove cover. There were only a few ashes left inside, and the stove was cold, as if it hadn't been used for a long time.

After a round of investigation, there is nothing more worthy of attention.

Du Yixin went to push open the door. The wind immediately rolled the rain and hit it on the face.

He squinted. Nothing can be seen clearly in the dark night, the corridor stretches to both sides, hidden in the paint.

Even if he went out now, he would probably be wandering around like a headless chicken, and might miss the clues of the plot. So he closes the door again and prepares to sit back.

Just then a stronger wind came in and extinguished the candle. The only light disappeared, and the room immediately fell into darkness.

Footsteps came from deep in the corridor, making the wooden floor creak. But unlike the old man, his steps are more brisk. It's getting closer.

Du Yixin stood by the door, wanting to see who was coming.

In the darkness, a woman came out. Dressed in a cheongsam, with a beautiful face and a shawl wrapped around her shoulders.

The two looked at each other, the woman stopped, her face was a little surprised: "Who are you, why are you here?"

According to the role played by Du Yixin, he introduced himself: "I am a classmate of Master Zhou, and he invited me over."

Hearing this, the woman looked even more surprised. After calming down, he hooked the corners of his mouth, as if smiling.

She approached quickly: "you can't stay here, come with me."

As he spoke, he grabbed Du Yixin's hand, trying to drag him into the rain.

Naturally, Du Yixin couldn't easily go with her, so he grabbed her with his backhand: "Why, who are you?"

The woman was about to speak, but she heard the sound of rain water splashing on the umbrella surface in the rain. Her complexion changed slightly, she quickly pulled her hand from the man's, stepped back, and ran into the darkness.

This person came and went in a hurry, Du Yixin was a little confused. He also found something extra in his hand, it was a string of white beads bracelet. It should have been worn by the girl just now, but she accidentally took it off during the struggle.

"How did you come out?"

The old man's voice came from the ear. Du Yixin followed the prestige, but saw the other party walking into the corridor from the garden. Although it was covered by an umbrella, the rain was too heavy, and the robe was still soaked through.

Du Yixin put away the bracelet and did not tell the girl about it: "It's nothing, I just want to breathe."

The old man did not doubt him: "I have informed the young master. I just made dinner, and the young master ordered the old servant to take the guests there."


The path of the Zhou family was complicated, and the visibility was too low in the night rain. At first, Du Yixin was able to remember the way, but he was dizzy afterward, so he gave up.

Although the place is very large and there are many houses, none of them are lit. It seemed that apart from the two he had seen, there were no other strangers.

Xu Shi noticed that Du Yixin was looking around, and the old man was leading the way in front, and he took the initiative to say: "The Zhou family, there was a big fire not long ago, and there were countless casualties. All the survivors left, and I was the only old servant left. Accompany the young master."

"So," Du Yixin tentatively asked, "There are only two of you here?"


The old man's answer was so decisive that Du Yixin even suspected that he had hallucinations just now. But the bracelet should still be there, so...


Du Yixin reached into his pocket. There was indeed something stuffed inside, but it wasn't the bracelet just now, but a metal disc.

Since the old man was still present, he didn't take it out to look at it, but took out his hand silently.

It seemed that it was almost here, and finally a little light appeared in the front room. A slender figure stood by the door, holding the stove in his hand.

"Master." The old man exclaimed, and hurried over, "Why don't you sit inside, and be careful not to catch cold."

"No problem." The young man's appearance is clear and handsome, but he looks a little haggard. He cast his eyes on Du Yixin who was standing behind the old man, "Student Du, long time no see."

Although it was the first meeting for Du Yixin, he still nodded: "Long time no see."

The three entered the house. The young man invited Du Yixin to sit down, and then sat down, while the old man stood by and waited on him. The food on the table is not rich, it seems that it has been left for a long time and has lost its heat. Just like that cup of cold tea.

Master Zhou exchanged some pleasantries, coughing all the time, but he didn't mean to ask the servant to heat up the meal.

I'm so sick, do I still want to eat something cold

"Student Du, why don't you eat?"

Although Du Yixin raised his long chopsticks, he did not put them down. He has never eaten dungeons, because he doesn't know what bad effects it will bring.

Hearing his question, he put down his chopsticks instead.

Master Zhou frowned slightly, looking a little disappointed: "Isn't it to your liking?"

Du Yixin: "I just heard that there was a big fire in the Zhou family?"

Hearing this, Young Master Zhou glanced at the old servant, then turned back: "Yes, most of the house was burned down. It's relatively late today, so it's hard to see."

"Apart from the two of you, is there anyone else here?"

Master Zhou shook his head, with doubts on his face: "Student Du, what's wrong?"

"No, it's just..." Du Yixin thought for a while, and said, "I was sitting in the main room just now, and saw a girl walking by the window."

After the words fell, both Young Master Zhou and the old man showed surprise and suspicion on their faces.

Du Yixin saw the reactions of the two of them.

If you don't know the girl, you must at most think that an outsider has broken in. But looking at the current appearance, it was like knowing that girl, but never expecting to show up here.

In the end, it was Young Master Zhou who asked, "What... does she look like?"

Du Yixin roughly described the outfit, and watched the two's complexions sink. Especially Young Master Zhou, with a sad look: "She still came out."

"The person you saw should be Young Master Zhou's wife." The old man explained, "However, Young Madam was already dead in that fire."

Du Yixin was taken aback, so he ran into a ghost just now

But looking back at the touch just now, it really doesn't look like a ghost.

"Sorry, Student Du, that's why I called you here." Young Master Zhou said slowly.

Half a year ago, a fire burned the Zhou family's house, killing more than half of the people, and almost all the servants left. Except for Master Zhou who was studying abroad and survived, his parents and wife died in the fire.

Since then, the mansion has been disturbed by the yin qi that has been removed, and since then, Young Master Zhou's health has been deteriorating. Please come to the master to check, saying that there are too many wronged souls under this mansion, and they must be suppressed with yang energy.

Master Zhou scratched his cheek as if he was a little embarrassed: "To tell you the truth, I actually sent letters to many classmates, but you are the only one who came."

"Then why don't you move away?"

Master Zhou shook his head: "Where can we move to? What's more, the Zhou family's mansion was bestowed by the emperor's generation of meritorious grandfathers, and it is also the foundation of my Zhou family for a hundred years. How can it be destroyed by me."

He took Du Yixin's hand: "Please, please help me, please stay."

Perhaps it was because of the weakening of the body, the fingertips were cold, and there was almost no temperature.

"I just need to stay here?" Du Yixin asked, "What's the use of being alone."

"Don't worry, we are also recruiting customers and servants." The old man said, "When the Zhou family gains popularity, the ghosts will be completely suppressed, and the young master's health will also improve."

Ghost? Du Yixin thought, compared to the young master Zhou in front of him, the girl's hand just now was warmer.

Moreover, if the girl is a soul, why can he still take things from the other party.

However, the fact that the bracelet has changed its shape is indeed suspicious.

"I will think about it."

After the meal, the rain outside finally stopped, but the cold wind was still blowing. He still didn't eat that table of food, and Master Zhou didn't force him, and only asked the old servant to lead him back to the guest room.

The room is very simple, without any decoration, and the bed looks hard. The old man left only a kerosene lamp behind and closed the door behind him.

Then, Du Yixin heard the sound of a lock being locked outside the house. He pushed the door immediately, but failed to open it.

"I'm sorry, the old servant did this without authorization. I was worried that you would sneak away at night." The old man's voice came from the opposite side of the door, "Please help the young master and stay here until the ghost suppression is successful. Three meals a day will be served. Provide it to you, you can take a long vacation."

After speaking, the footsteps went away.

There are windows in the house, but they can only be opened halfway, and a head can be poked out. Du Yixin looked out, but saw a heavy padlock hanging in front of the door.

It's just that even if it is locked, this kind of wooden door can be destroyed immediately.

Du Yixin wasn't too worried about being locked. He sat back on the bed and took out the bracelet in his pocket—it had turned into a metal disc.

Looking through the light, the disc looks like a badge, silver in color, with a blue "B" written on the front, covering the entire screen.


Du Yixin was taken aback when he saw this letter. Because its painting style obviously doesn't match this dungeon.


At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the house.

"Boom boom."

Two more beeps, stronger than before.

Not knowing who it was, Du Yixin didn't answer the door, but walked to the window and peeked out, and the girl he saw just now came into view.

It's just that compared to before, the other party described it as a mess, with the bun scattered around, and the face hidden in the hair. She hammered the door harder, oblivious to the fact that it was locked from the outside.

If it's a ghost, it's time to go straight through the door.

Du Yixin didn't fully believe Young Master Zhou's words, and wanted to get some information from him, so he took the initiative to talk: "What are you doing?"

The woman rushed to the window again when she heard the voice of people. Behind her messy hair was a pair of bruised eyes. She stared at the badge in Du Yixin's hand, and murmured: "Give it back to me."

What is this important prop

"I can return it to you, but tell me who you are first."

But at this time, the woman seemed to be unable to understand human words, and began to knock on the window vigorously, shouting mournfully: "Give me back, give me back the bracelet!"

If it wasn't for the separation of a wall, it would be like tearing people into pieces.

Du Yixin took a step back unconsciously.

The woman stretched her hand into the window, her five fingers bent like chicken feet, but she couldn't reach anyone.

At this moment, there was a sudden gunshot, and the woman was hit hard on the head, blood was splashed everywhere, and she fell straight down.

Wait, gunshots

Du Yixin was a little confused, and approached the window again. But strangely, the corridor was empty and the woman's body was nowhere to be seen.

Looking up, he saw a faint figure in the garden, with a ghostly figure and a silver light all over his body.

He squinted. After seeing what the other person was wearing, I immediately understood where the silver light came from—it was the glitter on the clothes.

That man is coming this way. The closer they got, the more Du Yixin could feel the strong disobedience.

How could there be a strange guy wearing earphones and tights in this copy of the story with a modern background

And every time that person took a step closer, the surrounding scenery would be distorted. Like a program broadcast on an old TV, snowflakes flashed from time to time.

Leotard stood in front of the window, facing Du Yixin. The pupil color is inorganic, and the hair is like metal, reflecting light. And in his left hand was holding a gun with a strange shape, which was emitting white smoke.

Could it be that this guy killed that girl

The opponent stretched out his hand, and it actually penetrated the wall. Immediately afterwards, the wall of the ancient house also distorted, and then disappeared.

"Hello, human." The tights spoke, and the voice was mechanical.

Du Yixin:? ?

Did he travel from the copy of the Republic of China to the future technology

At the same time, Du Yixin noticed that the earphones worn by the other party were also marked with the letter "B", which was exactly the same as the badge.

He looked at the other person's hand stretched out towards him, and before he could shake it, he saw the person's head turned sideways, exactly 90 degrees.

Du Yixin followed his line of sight, but saw that it was Young Master Zhou, still with a clear face, hugging the stove.

In the next second, the beautiful facial features melted like ice and snow. The eyes, nose, and mouth have fallen to places that don't belong to him, but the skin is still attached.

Several white shadows floated from Young Master Zhou's body, attacking the tights. Before the tights had time to resist, they were swallowed by the white shadow, disappearing like the woman just now.

Those white shadows have the appearance of human beings, but they are all distorted, and they seem to be suffering endless pain.

The blurred and distorted scenery due to the appearance of the tights gradually returned to its original state. Bare trees, soggy soil, and cool, bleak winds.

Before the walls of the house were closed, Du Yixin stepped out and stood outside. The badge in his hand kept deforming, sometimes it was a bracelet, and sometimes it was a badge, as if he was not sure of his own existence.

Bai Ying returned to Master Zhou's body, and his youthful appearance returned to normal. As if losing memory of everything just now, he asked, "Why did you come out?"

Du Yixin didn't reply because it was unnecessary.

He finally understood why this dungeon was so weird. The so-called final selection really does not allow them to decipher and pass the customs step by step as before.

A strong wind blew overhead, and the dazzling light shot into the Zhou family's ancient house. Du Yixin looked up, but saw a huge ship flying from the sky, with the letter "B" hanging on the bow. Every time he passed by a place, Zhou Zhai twisted a little.

Countless white shadows appeared on Young Master Zhou's body again, facing the approaching ship. A huge turret protruded from the bottom of the ship, and several shells blasted out, not only scattered Shirai, but also shattered the mansion on the ground.

Du Yixin's clothes were rattling. At some point, the robe on his body returned to normal clothes, and the copy of "Zhou Family's Ancient House" was gradually collapsing.

Another shell came overhead, but he didn't dodge it.

From the very beginning, he was wrong.

He took it for granted that he had entered the dungeon, and mistakenly thought that this ancient house was the content of the "final selection". But no, because, from the very beginning, he was in reality, and his real body was sucked into the huge cube in the sky.

Whether it is this ancient house or the huge ship in the sky, they are all dungeons launched by different players. That's why they get confused and erode each other.

Now it seems that the ships with future technology have a slight upper hand.


Du Yixin knelt down on one knee, with five fingers extended to the ground.

Now that he is in reality, he can of course start the dungeon. Although he didn't realize this fact at the first time, it was not too late.

Let him see how aggressive the sixth-level copy will be.

The dark light seeped out from the palm, and then went upwards, forming a ball, enveloping Du Yixin. The moment the cannonball touched the ball, it was wiped out.

Using this as a starting point, the volume of the sphere exploded and expanded outwards. Whether it is a gloomy mansion or an ultra-high-tech ship, they are all swallowed up in an instant.

And the erosion has not stopped, and continues to spread.

At this moment, in the coffee shop.

Liuli also woke up, and the three gathered around the tablet to watch the live broadcast.

"Oh, is this camera fixed?" Seeing another person being killed, Liu Hong poked the screen, "When will the camera be on Xiaoxin's side?"

Since the live broadcast started, the people on the screen were all unknown people. When one person dies, it immediately moves on to the next person.

The bullet chatting was crazy. It was the first time for the audience to see this kind of scene. Although it was bloody and cruel, they couldn't look away.

Ying Sheng looked a little impatient and stood up.

Seeing this, Liu Hong asked, "Are you still going to Jingshui Lake? You won't be able to see it there, right?"

"Tsk, leave me alone."

"Ah." Liu Li said, "He came out."

"Wow! It's Xiaoxin finally."

Ying Sheng paused, then walked back.

Liu Hong raised his head: "Hey, aren't you going?"

"It's so noisy!" Ying Sheng looked at the tablet, and there was a figure reflected on it. Since it is a bird's-eye view, the face cannot be seen.

The man stood in the darkness, his lacquer-colored hair fluttering in the wind, and looked ahead.

The camera zoomed out further, and the figure became smaller, replacing it with a vast scene.

"Wow, this is..." Liu Hong's eyes widened, "It's too exaggerated."

[Look at the sky, the number of survivors suddenly dropped so fast! ! !]

Along with a bullet screen, many echoes also came out.

[I was observing just now, is this live broadcast just to show whoever kills the most people?]

[It makes sense wwww]

[This guy is a big boss]

[So what? I forgot how many people this is, if you want me to say it, I should give it a shot, haven't you heard of shooting the first bird?]

[55555 can't stand it anymore]

In the sky, the numbers are falling rapidly without stopping.

[wait wait wait! Still falling, this is too exaggerated]

[Does the key have a level? How old is this guy?]

Inside the cube.

With that scene reflected in Du Yixin's eyes, he stood up slowly.

Level 6 dungeon, complete the expansion.


Big fat chapter, it can be regarded as making up for yesterday (tired)