I Managed to Ditch My Single Status in a Survival Game

Chapter 118: Final Selection (3)


His eyes swept over his companions one by one, thinking about who should be the first to perform the operation. Fang Lingling definitely can't do it, as for Lu Xue - although his girlfriend has many shortcomings, she has been dating for half a year.

He was not so irresponsible, looking for a woman to start.

After elimination, there was only one target left, Shen Siming.

He was not familiar with Shen Siming, but they happened to be in the same school, and they were involved in the dungeon together, and then they got in touch with each other more. But he looked down on this man from the bottom of his heart, with a submissive look on his face.

And the most disgusting thing about this guy is that he can secretly take pictures of girls.

Although it was discovered by accident, it was disgusting at the time. Now I would like to thank Shen Siming for giving him a reason to expose.

"I… "

Unexpectedly, as soon as he said a word, he heard his girlfriend speak louder, covering his voice: "I want to expose!"

After the words fell, the three of them looked at the girl in unison.

Zheng Ke swallowed unconsciously, what would this guy say? You must have found out you cheated.

I was nervous when I saw my girlfriend pointing at me.

Because her hands were bound by chains, Lu Xue had no choice but to raise her hands. She pointed at her boyfriend first, and seeing the surprised look on his face, she couldn't help but smile, then changed her fingers, and then pointed at the girl beside her.

"I want to expose Fang Lingling, a typical green tea whore!"

Fang Lingling looked over, her eyes were rosy, as if a little white rabbit had been frightened. She bit her lip: "you, what are you talking about."

But it was Zheng Ke who reacted more than her: "Lu Xue, I warn you, don't spit blood!"

"Why are you so excited." His girlfriend rolled her eyes, "I've seen it many times with my own eyes. It just so happens that there is a victim on the field right now."

Hearing this, Zheng Ke couldn't help holding his breath. Sure enough, he was found.

However, the girlfriend's eyes turned to the boy who had been silent all the time: "I'm right, Shen Siming."

Although he didn't hear his name, Zheng Ke was still struck by a thunderbolt. How could it be possible that Fang Lingling would be with such a nasty boy? !

However, the accused man just hung his head and said nothing.

Fang Lingling's eyes became even redder, and tears rolled down her fair cheeks: "Woo, I can't help it. I was threatened by him..."

"It's none of my business." Lu Xue said ruthlessly, "In short, it's a fact that you are on multiple boats. In this way, I can offset one crime."

Yan Luowang's thick voice sounded: "I agree."

The chain in Lu Xue's hand loosened, and it flew to wrap around Fang Lingling's neck again. The girl's slender neck was suddenly tightened, she couldn't breathe and fell to the ground, with tears in her eyes, she looked pitiful.

"Lu Xue, you are going too far!" Zheng Ke couldn't stand it anymore, and accused him aloud.

"Why did I go too far? People are doing what the sky is watching, just telling the truth."

Seeing that the couple was about to start arguing again, they heard a low laugh from the ground, and looked down, it was Fang Lingling. The girl was lying on her side. Although she described herself as a mess, she still couldn't hide her beautiful face.

Zheng Ke froze in place, and Lu Xue felt nauseated from laughing: "Are you crazy?"

The girl was not angry, she cast her eyes on Lu Xue: "You are really pathetic."


"Don't you know that everyone is putting up with your temper? Even your boyfriend can't stand you anymore." Fang Lingling's red lips parted slightly, and she said, "You're right, I'm really jealous. Step on many boats. Among them, there is your boyfriend."

"You!" Lu Xue gasped, her face pale.

Although she also has some doubts in her heart, Zheng Ke is usually very good at coaxing her, and easily exposes the problem every time. But I didn't expect to hear the truth here.

Fang Lingling said every word: "I exposed Zheng Ke for being unfaithful to my girlfriend."

King Yama: "I agree."

The chain around the girl's neck came loose and flew to bind the man.

She sat up and continued: "I exposed Shen Siming, threatened me with photos, and forced me to sleep with him."

Then, the chains on his hands also loosened, binding another man.

Without pausing, she counted the crimes one by one. She has always been cautious and observant. Although she never showed it, she could see everyone's actions.

Especially about men. With just one look from the other person, she could tell what nasty things that person was thinking.

Finally, the chains on the two men became more and more, and almost their whole bodies were tied up. She turned her attention to the flustered girl again: "I want to expose Lu Xue, who bullied her classmates on campus in middle school."

Lu Xue felt that those eyes were familiar, the thin body in front of her eyes coincided with the big fat man in her memory, and she suddenly realized: "You are—"

But before the words came out, his neck was tightened.

"Fang Lingling, all your crimes have been cancelled." Yan Luowang said, "You can choose to release."

Fang Lingling looked a little dazed. Today, she has destroyed one by one the beautiful image that she has built up with good intentions. But it doesn't matter, anyway, after going out from here, she will not meet these people again.

The girl stood up, her legs were still a little weak from kneeling on the ground for too long.

"Where are you going?" Shen Siming's weak voice sounded behind him.

Fang Lingling paused. She had always hated this man. Every time I heard the sound, my body felt like being licked by a toad, which was disgusting.

Shen Siming is like a cicada pupa, tightly wrapped in chains. Only the mouth can talk all over the body.

"Anyway, I have been following you for so long. Your crime is not limited to that one, right?"

Fang Lingling trembled and looked back.

The other party's mouth was exposed, and he smiled, revealing dark yellow teeth.

A new round of confrontation is about to begin.

"Then, let's see here."

Emperor Fengdu was not interested in the entanglement of these four people, and opened the teleportation array again, "After that, the sinners will be escorted to Fengdu City. Because of the Ghost Festival, the city gates are wide open. If you want to escape, this is the second time. Chance."

The man led Du Yixin into the teleportation array, and the two came to Fengdu in a blink of an eye.

The houses in the city are patchwork, and ghosts shuttle around. But the second he saw Emperor Fengdu, he immediately shrank back. In an instant, the originally bustling streets were empty, desolate and withered like a strong wind.

While leading the way, the man said: "Ghosts' Day is the time when ghosts and ghosts are most unbridled. To avoid confusion, sinners will be temporarily imprisoned, and then they will be sent to the eighteenth floor of hell."

"The trial of Hades is just a cover, right?"

Emperor Fengdu stopped and looked back.

Du Yixin: "This is not a real underworld. How can we know what crimes the players have committed. The purpose is just to make them suspicious of each other."

Even if someone did get away with exposing the crime, it would be a minority. Most people are afraid that they will fall into anger and shame, which will lead to more and more chains between themselves and others.

Therefore, the best way to clear the level is not to do what Emperor Fengdu said - to criticize others by yourself.

but silence.

If he remained silent, King Yama would be furious and use more methods to scare the players. But it's just scaring.

After all, Hades' trial was nothing more than psychological warfare. Only by overcoming the temptation of Hades, the longing for life, and the fear of death, and entering Fengdu with a complete attitude, can it be more conducive to escape.

And this has extremely high requirements for the quality of companions. Once someone can't make it through and starts to expose crimes, they will fall into an unsolvable situation.

Just like those four players just now.

The man raised his lips. His face was originally indistinguishable between male and female, and now he smiled, making it even more strange: "Yes, as your lord said. However, it's not all because of that reason."

"You know, according to the seriousness of the crime, you will be thrown into different levels of hell. And this is also the last level." With a wave of his sleeve, Fengdu Ghost City immediately faded away like a phantom.

"The eighteen layers of hell are hidden under Fengdu."

The first stage is tongue pulling hell.

Emperor Fengdu walked over with Du Yixin, and saw several little ghosts surrounding a human being, clamping his tongue with iron tongs and pulling him long.

"Anyone who slanders and harms others, throws himself into this place."

The second heavy, scissors hell.

There are ghosts with long tongues lined up here, as if they have just come down from tongue-pulling hell. A kid at the end of the line held large scissors, which opened and closed repeatedly.

"Anyone who is not chaste, cast here."

The third level, Iron Tree Hell.

Iron trees grow from the ground, and the branches are extremely hard. Countless human beings are naked/naked, inserted on the branches, like flesh-colored flowers, blooming in full bloom.

The red blood dripped down and dripped on the ground, moistening the roots of the iron tree.

"Anyone who instigates dissension, throws himself into this place."

in reality.

[vomit I want to vomit]

[This is too real, isn't hell really like this?]

[So cruel QAQ]

The two walked by one by one.

It is not so much that they are walking, it is better to say that those grotesque scenes are going back like a lantern.

Thin little ghosts, big muscular ghosts, hungry humans. Laughter, screams, and pain blended together, so lively.

Or a world of ice and snow, or boiling heat, or a forest of swords and swords. Each hell has its own characteristics.

But the only thing that remains unchanged is the bloody smell that penetrates deep into the bone marrow in the air, penetrates from the nostrils, enters the spleen and lungs, and wants to stir up people's stomachs.

[Oops is too real, I want to vomit]

[It's too miserable to enter this copy]

[Life is better than death. . .]

Emperor Fengdu didn't stop until the eighteenth level of hell. Looking back, he found that Du Yixin's face was slightly pale.

He frowned and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

In fact, Du Yixin has long been used to the bloody scenes, but after watching so many in a row, it is not the same, which is really disgusting.

Although it is a copy of himself, as long as it is a copy, the purpose is to drive the players to death. This has nothing to do with the owner's heart, but with the nature of the "key".

It's disgusting.

He shook his head, indicating that he was fine.

"Then, next is the last level of hell—the endless hell." Emperor Fengdu continued to lead the way.

The seventeenth level of hell went away behind him, together with the thick iron smell and inhuman screams, all disappeared. The two of them entered a clean space, without imps or humans.

On the ground in the center of the room, there was a circle, like a mirror, reflecting the figures of the two people.

"The Infernal Hell is very dangerous. Don't go in just in case, just watch it outside."

Du Yixin looked at the round mirror at the bottom of his feet, but he saw nothing but the faces of himself and Emperor Fengdu.

"There's no one inside right now, so it really can't be revealed." The man smiled, "There just happened to be new sinners, why don't we arrest them?"

Du Yixin didn't reply, he raised his foot and took a step forward, standing on the clean mirror. The mirror suddenly turned black, turning into a vortex, trying to engulf people into it.

"Wait, my lord?" The man's face changed slightly.

Du Yixin has actually heard about the Infernal Hell. The deceased will experience the most painful things in his life over and over again, and he will not be able to die.

So for him, what would be the most painful thing.

Will he still see them.

"Please wait a moment, I will stop the teleportation right away." Emperor Fengdu made a seal with both hands.

"Here is my copy." Du Yixin turned to look at him, "I will be fine."

"But, my lord..."

Du Yixin stopped looking at him, turned around, and stared at the turbulent vortex under his feet.

In the next second, several black waves rose up and wrapped around the whole body. He was pulled by this force and slowly sank into the mirror.

At the same time, reality has changed.

The live broadcast was suddenly disconnected, and even the white barrage that almost filled the screen stopped abruptly.

Liu Hong waited for a while, but the live broadcast still did not resume. He simply exited the full screen to refresh the page, and the result displayed was "No such page found".

Liuli also took out her mobile phone and looked through the forum: "It's the same for everyone else, the live broadcast is all disconnected."

"Did something happen in the final selection?" Liu Hong pondered.

Ying Sheng frowned, got up and walked out the door.

"Hey, let me say..." Liu Hong still wanted to stop. But this time the other party didn't even finish listening, and slammed the door and left. Only the crisp ringing of the bell echoed in the coffee shop.

After a while, the sound of an engine came from outside the shop. When Liu Hong walked to the door, he saw Ying Sheng riding a heavy motorcycle away in the dark night.

In the sky, a huge cube is slowly turning. The originally transparent body seemed to be stained red with blood.

Due to the interruption of the live broadcast, many people looked up at the sky at the same time. What catches the eye is the same text.

[Remaining number: 1000 people]

[Final selection time: 2 hours]